scholarly journals Multi-Scale Extension in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Model for Cognitive Map Building

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Jiru Wang ◽  
Rui Yan ◽  
Huajin Tang

Neuroscience research shows that, by relying on internal spatial representations provided by the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, mammals are able to build topological maps of environments and navigate. Taking inspiration from mammals' spatial cognition mechanism, entorhinal-hippocampal cognitive systems have been proposed for robots to build cognitive maps. However, path integration and vision processing are time-consuming, and the existing model of grid cells is hard to achieve in terms of adaptive multi-scale extension for different environments, resulting in the lack of viability for real environments. In this work, an optimized dynamical model of grid cells is built for path integration in which recurrent weight connections between grid cells are parameterized in a more optimized way and the non-linearity of sigmoidal neural transfer function is utilized to enhance grid cell activity packets. Grid firing patterns with specific spatial scales can thus be accurately achieved for the multi-scale extension of grid cells. In addition, a hierarchical vision processing mechanism is proposed for speeding up loop closure detection. Experiment results on the robotic platform demonstrate that our proposed entorhinal-hippocampal model can successfully build cognitive maps, reflecting the robot's spatial experience and environmental topological structures.

2018 ◽  
Jacob L. S. Bellmund ◽  
William de Cothi ◽  
Tom A. Ruiter ◽  
Matthias Nau ◽  
Caswell Barry ◽  

AbstractEnvironmental boundaries anchor cognitive maps that support memory. However, trapezoidal boundary geometry distorts the regular firing patterns of entorhinal grid cells proposedly providing a metric for cognitive maps. Here, we test the impact of trapezoidal boundary geometry on human spatial memory using immersive virtual reality. Consistent with reduced regularity of grid patterns in rodents and a grid-cell model based on the eigenvectors of the successor representation, human positional memory was degraded in a trapezoid compared to a square environment; an effect particularly pronounced in the trapezoid’s narrow part. Congruent with spatial frequency changes of eigenvector grid patterns, distance estimates between remembered positions were persistently biased; revealing distorted memory maps that explained behavior better than the objective maps. Our findings demonstrate that environmental geometry affects human spatial memory similarly to rodent grid cell activity — thus strengthening the putative link between grid cells and behavior along with their cognitive functions beyond navigation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. e1500816 ◽  
Martin Stemmler ◽  
Alexander Mathis ◽  
Andreas V. M. Herz

Mammalian grid cells fire when an animal crosses the points of an imaginary hexagonal grid tessellating the environment. We show how animals can navigate by reading out a simple population vector of grid cell activity across multiple spatial scales, even though neural activity is intrinsically stochastic. This theory of dead reckoning explains why grid cells are organized into discrete modules within which all cells have the same lattice scale and orientation. The lattice scale changes from module to module and should form a geometric progression with a scale ratio of around 3/2 to minimize the risk of making large-scale errors in spatial localization. Such errors should also occur if intermediate-scale modules are silenced, whereas knocking out the module at the smallest scale will only affect spatial precision. For goal-directed navigation, the allocentric grid cell representation can be readily transformed into the egocentric goal coordinates needed for planning movements. The goal location is set by nonlinear gain fields that act on goal vector cells. This theory predicts neural and behavioral correlates of grid cell readout that transcend the known link between grid cells of the medial entorhinal cortex and place cells of the hippocampus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 115 (7) ◽  
pp. E1637-E1646 ◽  
Tale L. Bjerknes ◽  
Nenitha C. Dagslott ◽  
Edvard I. Moser ◽  
May-Britt Moser

Place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex rely on self-motion information and path integration for spatially confined firing. Place cells can be observed in young rats as soon as they leave their nest at around 2.5 wk of postnatal life. In contrast, the regularly spaced firing of grid cells develops only after weaning, during the fourth week. In the present study, we sought to determine whether place cells are able to integrate self-motion information before maturation of the grid-cell system. Place cells were recorded on a 200-cm linear track while preweaning, postweaning, and adult rats ran on successive trials from a start wall to a box at the end of a linear track. The position of the start wall was altered in the middle of the trial sequence. When recordings were made in complete darkness, place cells maintained fields at a fixed distance from the start wall regardless of the age of the animal. When lights were on, place fields were determined primarily by external landmarks, except at the very beginning of the track. This shift was observed in both young and adult animals. The results suggest that preweaning rats are able to calculate distances based on information from self-motion before the grid-cell system has matured to its full extent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 123 (4) ◽  
pp. 1392-1406 ◽  
Juan Ignacio Sanguinetti-Scheck ◽  
Michael Brecht

The home is a unique location in the life of humans and animals. In rats, home presents itself as a multicompartmental space that involves integrating navigation through subspaces. Here we embedded the laboratory rat’s home cage in the arena, while recording neurons in the animal’s parasubiculum and medial entorhinal cortex, two brain areas encoding the animal’s location and head direction. We found that head direction signals were unaffected by home cage presence or translocation. Head direction cells remain globally stable and have similar properties inside and outside the embedded home. We did not observe egocentric bearing encoding of the home cage. However, grid cells were distorted in the presence of the home cage. While they did not globally remap, single firing fields were translocated toward the home. These effects appeared to be geometrical in nature rather than a home-specific distortion and were not dependent on explicit behavioral use of the home cage during a hoarding task. Our work suggests that medial entorhinal cortex and parasubiculum do not remap after embedding the home, but local changes in grid cell activity overrepresent the embedded space location and might contribute to navigation in complex environments. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Neural findings in the field of spatial navigation come mostly from an abstract approach that separates the animal from even a minimally biological context. In this article we embed the home cage of the rat in the environment to address some of the complexities of natural navigation. We find no explicit home cage representation. While both head direction cells and grid cells remain globally stable, we find that embedded spaces locally distort grid cells.

2014 ◽  
Vol 369 (1635) ◽  
pp. 20130290 ◽  
Benjamin W. Towse ◽  
Caswell Barry ◽  
Daniel Bush ◽  
Neil Burgess

We examined the accuracy with which the location of an agent moving within an environment could be decoded from the simulated firing of systems of grid cells. Grid cells were modelled with Poisson spiking dynamics and organized into multiple ‘modules’ of cells, with firing patterns of similar spatial scale within modules and a wide range of spatial scales across modules. The number of grid cells per module, the spatial scaling factor between modules and the size of the environment were varied. Errors in decoded location can take two forms: small errors of precision and larger errors resulting from ambiguity in decoding periodic firing patterns. With enough cells per module (e.g. eight modules of 100 cells each) grid systems are highly robust to ambiguity errors, even over ranges much larger than the largest grid scale (e.g. over a 500 m range when the maximum grid scale is 264 cm). Results did not depend strongly on the precise organization of scales across modules (geometric, co-prime or random). However, independent spatial noise across modules, which would occur if modules receive independent spatial inputs and might increase with spatial uncertainty, dramatically degrades the performance of the grid system. This effect of spatial uncertainty can be mitigated by uniform expansion of grid scales. Thus, in the realistic regimes simulated here, the optimal overall scale for a grid system represents a trade-off between minimizing spatial uncertainty (requiring large scales) and maximizing precision (requiring small scales). Within this view, the temporary expansion of grid scales observed in novel environments may be an optimal response to increased spatial uncertainty induced by the unfamiliarity of the available spatial cues.

eLife ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Niklas Wilming ◽  
Peter König ◽  
Seth König ◽  
Elizabeth A Buffalo

Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex allow for the precise decoding of position in space. Along with potentially playing an important role in navigation, grid cells have recently been hypothesized to make a general contribution to mental operations. A prerequisite for this hypothesis is that grid cell activity does not critically depend on physical movement. Here, we show that movement of covert attention, without any physical movement, also elicits spatial receptive fields with a triangular tiling of space. In monkeys trained to maintain central fixation while covertly attending to a stimulus moving in the periphery we identified a significant population (20/141, 14% neurons at a FDR <5%) of entorhinal cells with spatially structured receptive fields. This contrasts with recordings obtained in the hippocampus, where grid-like representations were not observed. Our results provide evidence that neurons in macaque entorhinal cortex do not rely on physical movement.

2018 ◽  
Simon N. Weber ◽  
Henning Sprekeler

ABSTRACTGrid cells have attracted broad attention because of their highly symmetric hexagonal firing patterns. Recently, research has shifted its focus from the global symmetry of grid cell activity to local distortions both in space and time, such as drifts in orientation, local defects of the hexagonal symmetry, and the decay and reappearance of grid patterns after changes in lighting condition. Here, we introduce a method that allows to visualize and quantify such local distortions, by assigning both a local grid score and a local orientation to each individual spike of a neuronal recording. The score is inspired by a standard measure from crystallography, which has been introduced to quantify local order in crystals. By averaging over spikes recorded within arbitrary regions or time periods, we can quantify local variations in symmetry and orientation of firing patterns in both space and time.

2017 ◽  
Samyukta Jayakumar ◽  
Rukhmani Narayanamurthy ◽  
Reshma Ramesh ◽  
Karthik Soman ◽  
Vignesh Muralidharan ◽  

AbstractGrid cells are a special class of spatial cells found in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) characterized by their strikingly regular hexagonal firing fields. This spatially periodic firing pattern was originally considered to be invariant to the geometric properties of the environment. However, this notion was contested by examining the grid cell periodicity in environments with different polarity (Krupic et al 2015) and in connected environments (Carpenter et al 2015). Aforementioned experimental results demonstrated the dependence of grid cell activity on environmental geometry. Analysis of grid cell periodicity on practically infinite variations of environmental geometry imposes a limitation on the experimental study. Hence we analyze the grid cell periodicity from a computational point of view using a model that was successful in generating a wide range of spatial cells, including grid cells, place cells, head direction cells and border cells. We simulated the model in four types of environmental geometries such as: 1) connected environments, 2) convex shapes, 3) concave shapes and 4) regular polygons with varying number of sides. Simulation results point to a greater function for grid cells than what was believed hitherto. Grid cells in the model code not just for local position but also for more global information like the shape of the environment. The proposed model is interesting not only because it was able to capture the aforementioned experimental results but, more importantly, it was able to make many important predictions on the effect of the environmental geometry on the grid cell periodicity.

Stephen Grossberg

This chapter explains how humans and other animals learn to learn to navigate in space. Both reaching and route-based navigation use difference vector computations. Route navigation learns a labeled graph of angles and distances moved. Spatial navigation requires neurons to learn navigable spaces that can be many meters in size. This is again accomplished by a spectrum of cells. Such spectral spacing supports learning of medial entorhinal grid cells and hippocampal place cells. The model responds to realistic rat navigational trajectories by learning grid cells with hexagonal grid firing fields of multiple spatial scales, and place cells with one or more firing fields, that match neurophysiological data about their development in juvenile rats. Both grid and place cells develop in a hierarchy of self-organizing maps by detecting, learning and remembering the most frequent and energetic co-occurrences of their inputs. Model parsimonious properties include: similar ring attractor mechanisms process linear and angular path integration inputs that drive map learning; the same self-organizing map mechanisms can learn both grid cell and place cell receptive fields; and the learning of the dorsoventral organization of multiple grid cell modules through medial entorhinal cortex to hippocampus uses a gradient of rates that is homologous to a rate gradient that drives adaptively timed learning at multiple rates through lateral entorhinal cortex to hippocampus (‘neural relativity’). The model clarifies how top-down hippocampal-to-entorhinal ART attentional mechanisms stabilize map learning, simulates how hippocampal, septal, or acetylcholine inactivation disrupts grid cells, and explains data about theta, beta and gamma oscillations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 548-560 ◽  
Jeff Orchard

Navigation and path integration in rodents seems to involve place cells, grid cells, and theta oscillations (4–12 Hz) in the local field potential. Two main theories have been proposed to explain the neurological underpinnings of how these phenomena relate to navigation and to each other. Attractor network (AN) models revolve around the idea that local excitation and long-range inhibition connectivity can spontaneously generate grid-cell-like activity patterns. Oscillator interference (OI) models propose that spatial patterns of activity are caused by the interference patterns between neural oscillators. In rats, these oscillators have a frequency close to the theta frequency. Recent studies have shown that bats do not exhibit a theta cycle when they crawl, and yet they still have grid cells. This has been interpreted as a criticism of OI models. However, OI models do not require theta oscillations. We explain why the absence of theta oscillations does not contradict OI models and discuss how the two families of models might be distinguished experimentally.

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