Mathematical reconstruction of the rise of the Alexander Column

2021 ◽  
pp. 66-76
A. Yu. Dyatlov ◽  
E. V. Oshovskaya ◽  
V. A. Sidorov

The history of the engineering profession includes many events and achievements that raise doubts about their reality in modern people. These are the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt, megalithic structures in Peru, the Baalbek temple, etc. Aqueducts and viaducts, highways and bridges, fortifications and ships, the Greek fire and the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople — all this gives an idea of the capabilities and skills of ancient engineers. The questions of who and how built these objects and why modern technologies cannot repeat it will always excite the inquisitive mind of the researcher. The admiration of many architectural structures of the 18th-19th centuries raises the question of how this was possible to be done at that time, in the absence of knowledge about the power of steam and electricity. The objects built after the middle of the 19th century do not cause such questions — there were already many lifting mechanisms, photography documented the construction process, and the dug Suez Canal testified to the increased capabilities of mankind and strengthened engineering skills. No one doubts that the Eiffel Tower was built without the use of helicopters and the achievements of an antediluvian civilization. However, in relation to the unique creation of O. Montferrand — the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg, there is a clear distrust in the reality of the achieved result: the column that is more than 27 meters high, more than 3 meters in diameter and weighs more than 600 tons stands vertically on the end surface without additional supporting structures. This article, presented in three reports, is devoted to the attempt to mathematically justify the possibility of what was achieved at the level of knowledge, skills, mechanisms and technologies of the beginning of the 19th century. The first report is devoted to the formulation of the initial data for each stage of production, transportation and installation of the Alexander Column from the standpoint of the possibility of performing rigging work. The basis for the answers is an album of illustrations of the rise of the Alexander Column, made by the great architect O. Montferrand, who is also reproached for the lack of engineering training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 44-61
A. Yu. Dyatlov ◽  
E. V., Oshovskaya ◽  
V. A. Sidorov

The article is devoted to the issues of mining and pretreatment of the column and the pedestal in the Piterlak quarry, loading the column on a barge and delivery to St. Petersburg. The basis for the article is an album of illustrations of the rise of the Alexander Column, made by A. Montferrand and a literary review. The admiration of many architectural structures of the 18th-19th centuries is caused by the question of how this could be done at that time, without the power of steam and electricity. There are no such questions about the constructions built after the middle of the 19th century -there were already many lifting mechanisms, photography documented the construction process, and the dug Suez Canal testified to the increased capabilities of humanity and strengthened engineering skills. No one doubts that the Eiffel Tower was built without the use of helicopters and the achievements of an antediluvian civilization, but in relation to the unique creation of A. Montferrand, i. e. the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg, there is a clear distrust in the reality of the achieved result — the column of more than 27 meters high, more than 3 meters in diameter and weighing more than 600 tons stands vertically on the end surface without additional supporting structures. This article, presented in three reports, is devoted to the attempt to mathematically justify the possibility of what was achieved at the level of knowledge, skills, mechanisms and technologies of the beginning of the 19th century.

2020 ◽  
pp. 096853322097617
Sarah Fox ◽  
Margaret Brazier

Throughout the 19th century, midwives were depicted as incompetent slatterns in both popular imagery and medical literature. We examine how, between 1500 and 1800, midwifery was regulated by a combination of formal licensing by the Church and informal oversight within the community. We argue that episcopal licensing demanded that midwives demonstrate knowledge and competence in midwifery, not only that they were spiritually fit to baptise dying infants. Although episcopal licensing lacked statutory authority, the symbiosis of formal and informal systems of regulation ensured good midwifery practice and midwives were regarded as experts in all matters relating to childbirth. The Midwives Act 1902 introduced statutory regulation of midwives, restoring their ‘professional status’ if in a subordinate role. We show that the history of the regulation of midwives across four centuries casts light on the interplay between formal and informal regulation and matters of gender and professional status.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-114
Krisztina Fehér ◽  
Balázs Halmos

Since the 19th century, the church of Zsámbék was continuously a focus of scholars' interest. The present paper intends to research the church ruins with a new aspect. Using an accurate terrestrial laser scan survey, the geometry of the plan is analysed in order to find proportions among the dimensions. The main goal of the study is to gather information about the design logic of the first masters of the 13th-century Premonstratensian abbey. In addition, our goal was to detect contributions to the 13th-century construction history of the church, that cannot be found in archives of graphic sources. The latest archaeological excavation achieved excellent results concerning several crucial historical points; however, the periodization of the church is still not entirely clarified. From the 19th century, different scholars have proposed various hypotheses about this topic, without consensus.

1990 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-160
Leon B. Litvack

This article forms the sequel to "The Balliol that Might Have Been: Pugin's Crushing Oxford Defeat" (JSAH, XLV, 1986, 358-373). That study showed that Augustus W. N. Pugin (1812-1852) was prevented from carrying out his plans for renovating Balliol College, Oxford, because of his somewhat singular views and oppressive nature, combined with the prevailing sentiments against Roman Catholics in the University. The present study surveys the history of the two small commissions that Pugin was granted: the Magdalen College gateway and the Church of St. Lawrence, Tubney (the only Anglican church Pugin ever built). In both cases Pugin was appointed as architect through the benevolence of Dr. John Rouse Bloxam, in appeasement for the failures at Balliol. Pugin executed the designs in secrecy and with extraordinary speed, thereby hoping to avoid criticism or scandal, in an effort to erect a small monument to himself in Oxford, his "city of spires," which he hoped could serve as the model for the 19th-century Gothic revival in England.

Nataliya D. Antropova

The study analyzes the historical and philosophical origins of the renewal in church monumental art in French culture at the turn of the 20th century. The crisis that broke out in the second half of the 19th century within the philosophical knowledge and classical religion and an attempt to rethink the evolution of Christianity entailed significant changes in artistic creativity devoted to the sacred theme. The author explores the topic based on the church mural paintings of the French painter Maurice Denis, who stood at the origins of the transformation of the language of religious painting and whose role is significant for the further history of European art. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that all previous studies on this topic were primarily art criticisms. They paid special attention to the analysis of the artistic language and pictorial and expressive means. At the same time, questions of historical and philosophical nature and their role in the formation of new European religious painting were analyzed to a much lesser extent.

Paweł Sygowski

<p>W czasach Rusi Halicko-Włodzimierskiej osadnictwo ruskie na terenie dzisiejszej Lubelszczyzny posuwało się systematycznie na zachód. W XV i XVI w. dotarło do doliny Wieprza. W jego środkowym biegu powstało wówczas kilka parafii prawosławnych – Łęczna, Puchaczów, a także Milejów. Parafie te po przystąpieniu diecezji chełmskiej do unii brzeskiej stały się unickimi. Usytuowanie ich na terenie ze wzrastającą przewagą osadnictwa polskiego spowodowało przechodzenie wiernych na rzymsko katolicyzm. Proces ten szczególnie widoczny jest w 2 połowie XVIII w. i 1 połowie XIX w. Parafia w Milejowie należąca do najstarszych na tym terenie, pod koniec XVIII w. liczyła zaledwie kilku parafian, a na początku XIX w. rezydował tu jedynie proboszcz unicki, ks. Bazyli Hrabanowicz. W 2 dekadzie XIX w. ówczesny właściciel dóbr milejowskich – Adam Suffczyński – rozpoczął starania o przekształcenie parafii unickiej w parafię rzymskokatolicką, a cerkwi unickiej w kościół. Okazało się to dosyć skomplikowane. Najpierw parafię unicką należało zamknąć, a dopiero potem utworzyć parafię rzymskokatolicką. Proces ten kontynuowała siostra Adama – Helena Chrapowicka, która wkrótce przekazała to zadanie kuzynowi Antoniemu Melitonowi Rostworowskiemu, a po jego śmierci założeniem parafii i budową kościoła zajęła wdowa po nim – Maria z Jansenów, a następnie ich syn Antoni Rostworowski. Parafia unicka została zamknięta w 1852 r., cerkiew rozebrana, a murowany kościół został wzniesiony w latach 1855-1856. Po śmierci wspomnianego proboszcza unickiego w 1832 r. (ostatniego tutejszego parocha), cerkwią opiekował się proboszcz Dratowa. Część wyposażenia cerkwi milejowskiej została przeniesiona do świątyni dratowskiej, gdzie spłonęło ono w roku 1886 r., w pożarze tamtejszej świątyni. Część wyposażenia zabezpieczona została we dworze milejowskim i po wybudowaniu kościoła przeniesiona do niego. Wśród tego wyposażenia wyróżnia się pochodząca z 2 połowy XVII w. ikona Matki Boskiej z Dzieciątkiem (w typie Eleusy), odnowiona w latach 2012-2013 staraniem ówczesnego proboszcza – ks. Andrzeja Juźko. Po akcji rozbiórkowej cerkwi w 1938 r. to jedna z wyjątkowo nielicznych, ocalałych ikon dawnej diecezji Kościoła wschodniego na Lubelszczyźnie.</p><p><strong>On the Religious Borderland. A Defunct Uniate Church under the Invocation of St. Praxedes the Martyr in Milejów and its Equipment</strong></p>SUMMARY<p>The parish in Milejów was one of the early Orthodox parishes in the Wieprz valley, recorded in the 1470s. The presence of the Orthodox priest in Milejów is documented in tax registers in the 16th century. More information on the Uniate parish and its Orthodox church can be found in the documents of the 18th-19th centuries. The author presents the history of the Milejów Uniate church and the parish with particular reference to the equipment of the church. First, the old Uniate church is described (the last quarter of the 17th and the fi rst half of the 18th century). The church had the high altar and three side altars; in addition, there were inter alia, liturgical vessels, altar bells, the bells on the belfry, liturgical books, an perhaps an iconostasis. The new Uniate church (the second half of the 18th and the fi rst half of the 19th century) – erected in the second half of the 18th century in place of the old one (which burnt down in ca. 1760) contained the high altar with the picture of Our Lady (painted on canvas) and two side altars. The equipment also included, inter alia, a silver and gilded pro Venerabili vessel, a chalice with a paten and a spoon, a can “for sick people”, an altar tin cross, a brass thurible, a metal swag lamp, three altar bells, a bell at the sacristy, four reliquaries, two small brass candlesticks, a processional cross, pictures, liturgical books. The next described stage is the end of the Uniate parish and the beginnings of the creation of the Roman-Catholic parish in the 19th century, founded in 1858. The new church – erected a few hundred meters from the place of the Uniate church – was consecrated in 1859. The equipment of the Uniate church before its demolition (the second quarter of the 19th century) included in 1828, inter alia, the above mentioned three altars, a new choir, a crucifi x, a confessional, a pulpit, candlesticks, pictures, and a new umbraculum. The inventory of 1847 also mentioned, inter alia, four icons situated near the high altar, a stoup, four benches, twenty candlesticks, and a porcelain chandelier. In the next part of the text the author describes the icons preserved in the Milejów church: „Matka Boska z dzieciątkiem” [Madonna and Child] and „Przemienienie Pańskie” [the Transfi guration of the Lord]. In the next parts of the article the author describes the history of the owners of Milejów, patrons and parish priests. At the end of the article he synthetically presents the history of the Milejów parish.</p>

Renata Lesiakowska ◽  

The formation of the Polish Protestant community in the 19th-century Kingdom of Poland is a very interesting and relatively unknown phenomenon. Among Lutherans, coming mainly from German countries, a milieu was born that consistently strove to promote Polishness among Protestants and Protestantism among Poles. It is all the more interesting as its representatives operated under the Russian partition, and the assimilation processes intensified after the fall of the January Uprising. The article presents the profiles of Polish Evangelical leaders (Leopold Otto and Juliusz Bursche) and outlines the history of the Church. It also includes a short overview of the sources of genealogical information – record books, church press, cemeteries, and publications. Although the Evangelical- Augsburg Church in Poland is currently sparse, more and more people, both Protestants and Catholics, Poles and foreigners, are interested in learning about the biographies of their Evangelical ancestors.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 224
Jennifer Snow

Examining the denominational history of The Episcopal Church from the point of view of mission shifts the view of the church’s nature and its most important figures. These become those people who struggled to overcome boundaries of race, culture, and geography in extending the church’s reach and incorporating new people into it, and puts issues of racial relationships at the forefront of the church’s story, rather than as an aside. White Episcopalians from the 1830s forward were focused heavily on the meaning of “catholicity” in terms of liturgical and sacramental practice, clerical privilege, and the centrality of the figure of the Bishop to the validity of the church, in increasingly tense and conflicted debates that have been traced by multiple scholars. However, the development of catholicity as a strategic marker of missional thinking, particularly in the context of a racially diverse church, has not been examined. The paper investigates the ways in which Black Episcopalians and their white allies used the theological ideal of catholicity creatively and strategically in the nineteenth century, both responding to a particular missional history and contending that missional success depended upon true catholicity.

Varvara V. Kashirina

The article describes the history of the library of St. Theophan the Recluse, also known as “Theophan Zatvornik” (1815-1894), the famous theologian and spiritual writer of the 19th century, the owner of one of the largest private libraries. Despite the large number of studies on the theological heritage of St. Theophan the Recluse, the history and composition of his library is still not revealed, what determines the relevance of the article. The main objectives of the article are to identify and analyze all the surviving inventories of the library, to explore the possibility of determining the composition and history of the library. The main sources for this task are the memoirs of his contemporaries, published in the periodicals of the 19th century, as well as two inventories of the library, made after the death of St. Theophan the Recluse, by the librarian of the Moscow Theological Seminary N.A. Kolosov and by the unknown author. There was revealed that after the death of St. Theophan the Recluse, his library got into the library of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, and after the revolution - to the Russian State Library. All the books had Losevs library stamp. Research work on revealing all the editions with Losevs library stamp in the holdings of the Russian state library will allow to determine the composition of the book collection of St. Theophan.

Ikonotheka ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 41-65
Jan Nowicki

The present article discusses the architectural contest for the design of the Praga parish church in Warsaw, announced in 1886. The author aims to establish whether this event had any significant impact on the development of Polish architecture and its theoretical principles. He reviews the reasons for its importance and attempts to establish whether it constitutes suitable material for more thorough studies, the results of which would merit a prominent place in the historiography of 19th century architecture in Poland. The critical interpretation presented in this article is based primarily on texts published in Przegląd Techniczny, which discuss the successive stages of the contest, as well as selected press articles and essays written in direct connection to this enterprise. The author analyses texts by Karol Matuszewski, Franciszek Ksawery Martynowski, Władysław Łuszczkiewicz and Józef Pius Dziekoński, which are crucial for understanding the complex nature of the issue of the contest. The analysis leads to the conclusion that it was not the ultimate form of the church, but rather the combination of emotions, hopes, interests and controversies provoked by the announcement of the contest and the phrasing of its requirements that determined the crucial role of this event in the history of Polish architecture in the latter part of the 19th century.

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