scholarly journals Pemidanaan Sebagai Ultimum Remidium Dalam Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak-Hak Konsumen Pada Suatu Transaksi Elektronik

Esensi Hukum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-50
Ronny Indrawan

This paper discusses the issue concerning the legal protection of consumer rights in transaction activity which at present its development has started to use technology based on computer and telecommunication in cyberspace. This paper argues that in today's era there are often problems related to electronic transactions, especially with regard to consumer rights. Therefore, in providing legal protection against the fulfillment of consumer rights, the study from the perspective of criminal law becomes very important. Furthermore, this paper explains, among other things, the rights of consumers to be protected by criminal law, criminal forms in electronic transactions, the modus operandi of criminals, and applicable criminal sanctions for the perpetrators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-180
Ria Putriliana Waskita ◽  
A.A Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

A bike gang refers to a group of youths (teenagers) having the same school background in an area who are members of a two-wheeled motor vehicle user community. The criminal act of maltreatment committed by a group of biker gang in Bali has violated the provisions of the applicable criminal law. With regard to the fact, the urgency of the modus operandi of the criminal act of maltreatment committed by biker gang and the legal protection for young biker gang who commit crimes of maltreatment are examined in the present study. The method used in this research is the empirical method. The modus operandi appeared as the mode applied by criminals to commit criminal acts and the implementation of legal protection against bikers who committing the criminal act of maltreatment in the Badung District Police jurisdiction is through not overriding the children’s rights as child defendants, such as the right to legal assistance at every level of examination in line with procedures determined by law. It would be better if, in implementing criminal sanctions, law enforcers take the condition of the community, the perpetrators of crimes, into account in order to foster legal awareness within them.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-338
Rahmat Fadli ◽  
Mohd. Din ◽  
Mujibussalim Mujibussalim

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perlindungan hukum terhadap korban pencemaran nama baik melalui media online dan menjelaskan pemenuhan restitusi yang seharusnya diterima korban pencemaran nama baik melalui media online. Pencemaran nama baik merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum, dikarenakan telah menyerang kehormatan atau nama baik seseorang. Rumusan tindak pidana pencemaran nama baik melalui media online diatur dalam Pasal 27 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Infomasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Sanksi pidananya diatur dalam Pasal 45 ayat (3) Undang-Undang ini. Dalam Undang-Undang ini belum diatur sanksi pidana yang berbentuk restitusi, sehingga kurang melindungi korban pencemaran nama baik melalui media online. Metode penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier, Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa ancaman pidana pada Pasal 45 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Infomasi dan Transaksi Elektronik belum memenuhi rasa keadilan dan memberi manfaat kepada korban. Karena pada pasal ini belum mengatur sanksi pidana yang bersifat ganti rugi terhadap korban. Reformulation of  Criminal Sanctions on Defamation Through Online Media This study aims to examine the legal protection of victims of defamation through online media and explain the fulfillment of restitution that should be received by victims. Defamation is an act against the law, because it has attacked someone's honor or reputation. The formulation of criminal defamation through online media is regulated in Article 27 paragraph (3) of the Information and Electronic Transactions Law. The criminal sanctions are regulated in Article 45 paragraph (3). This law has not yet regulated criminal sanctions in the form of restitution, so it does not protect victims of defamation through online media. The research method is a normative juridical by using primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results found that the criminal threat in Article 45 paragraph (3) of the Law on Information and Electronic Transaction had not fulfilled a sense of justice and benefited for victims. It is because this article does not yet regulate criminal sanctions that are compensation for the victim.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Dewi Setyowati ◽  
Candra Pratama Putra ◽  
Ramdhan Dwi Saputro

<p class="Normal1"><em>In executing a transaction to buy goods or services online, are required to be clear that the information will not cause consumers to lose. In terms of protecting the consumer, in Act No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, hereinafter called the Consumer Protection Act are one of the rights that are consumers, namely the right to correct information, clear and honest about the condition and guarantee of the goods and / or services , Then the rights for compensation, restitution and / or compensation, if the goods and / or services received are not in accordance with the agreement or not as it should be. This paper raises issues about how the legal protection of fraud in electronic commerce(e-commerce).The author will describe the victim in electronic commerce according to the study of victimology, the obligation of businesses on the products that will be offered electronically, protection of consumer rights in the conduct of electronic transactions and witnesses of crime that can catch the perpetrators of fraud in electronic transactions. Be consumers must be careful in making transactions although there has been a real UU ITE greatly assist consumers in electronic transactions and utilization activities in the field of information technology and telecommunications (ICT). Previously this sector has no legal basis, but is now increasingly clear that other forms of electronic transactions can now be used as a legitimate electronic evidence.</em></p><em><br /></em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

Criminal sanctions which are imposed on corporations committing employment crimes as provided inArticle 185 paragraph (1) of the Manpower Act are sufficiently burdensome, both for corporations andcorporate administrators, as the cumulative and alternative system of criminal imposition of criminalpenalties. It means that the corporate executives who commit crimes may be subject to imprisonmentor criminal penalties and both imprisonment and fine. But in practice law enforcement officers do notdirectly impose criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment to corporate executives who commitcrimes in the field of employment in the city of Palembang. This is due to the tendency of lawenforcement officers to use the principle of subsidiarity, namely the criminal law placed in the ultimumremendium position, on the grounds of economic considerations, so that sanctions are imposed onlyadministrative sanctions and criminal penalties and close the normative rights of labor only. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i2.7087

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Agus Priono ◽  
Widodo T. Novianto ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani

<p>Abstract<br />This articles aimed at to analyze the application of the Theory of Legal Interpretation by judges as an attempt of legal protection against the notary, are study of the judge’s Verdict against the crime of falsification of the authentic deed. The kind of research in this article is doctrinal, while seen from its shape including research evaluative sense and perspective. The analysis used logic deduction. Legal basis in the provision of criminal sanctions against notary can be taken but in addition to must meet formulation offense which is in law office notary and the book the act of criminal law. Judge in applying criminal sanctions against of criminal falsification an authentic deed rules must payment the following : (1) the what may be punishable and meet elements formulated in an act; (2) work of violates the laws or against the law; (3) a mistake, in the form of both were (dolus) and neglect (culpa). Recommendations are : 1) examination the allegation act punishable in forgery an authentic deed by a judge to do a holistic integral by look aspect outwardly, formal, material notarial deed associated with a task, authority the notary. 2) need to be made criteria and guidelines can be used the juridical for judges referred to forgery certificate in duty and position of a notary. 3) although there are freedom the judge in run/carry out of his rulings so the judges are not have to legalistik but prosecute at law in the country broadly including actual knowledge already established so that his ruling to reflect a sense of justice in society.</p><p>Keywords: The Application of; Interpreting; a Criminal Offense; an Authentic Deed.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan Teori Penafsiran Hukum oleh hakim sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap Notaris, yaitu studi atas Putusan Hakim terhadap tindak pidana pemalsuan akta otentik. Jenis penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah doktrinal, sedangkan dilihat dari bentuknya termasuk penelitian evaluatif dan perspektif. Analisis yang digunakan logikadeduksi.Dasar hukum dalam penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap Notaris dapat saja dilakukan namun di samping harus memenuhi rumusan pelanggaran yang tersebut dalam UUJN dan KUHP. Hakim dalam menerapkan sanksi pidana terhadap tindak pidana pemalsuan akta otentik harus dipenuhinya syarat-syarat antara lain sebagai berikut : (1) adanya perbuatan yang dapat dihukum dan memenuhi unsur-unsur yang dirumuskan dalam undang-undang; (2) perbuatan tersebut bertentangan dengan hukum/melawan hukum; (3) adanya kesalahan, baik berupa kesengajaan (dolus) dan kelalaian (culpa). Rekomendasinya adalah : 1) Pemeriksaan adanya dugaan perbuatan pidana dalam pemalsuan akta otentik oleh Hakim  harus dilakukan pemeriksaan yang holistik integral dengan melihat aspek lahiriah, formal, material Akta Notaris dikaitkan dengan tugas, wewenang, jabatan Notaris. 2) Perlu dibuat kriteria dan pedoman yang dapat dipakai landasan yuridis bagi hakim yang dimaksud pemalsuan akta dalam tugas dan jabatan notaris. 3) Meskipun ada kebebasan hakim dalam menjalankan/melaksanakan putusannya maka hakim tidak harus legalistik tetapi mengadili menurut hukum dalam arti yang luas termasuk aktualisasi pengertian-pengertian yang sudah mapan, sehingga putusannya dapat mencerminkan rasa keadilan (dalam) masyarakat.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Penerapan; Penafsiran; Tindak Pidana; Akta Otentik.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 784
Calvin . ◽  
Dian Andriawan Daeng Tawang

Cybercrime is a crime involving online media means as an object to carry out the crime. Cybercrime itself also has many forms that one of them is cybersex, cybersex is a crime that violates the offense of decency in which the crime involves the medium of online media. For example the case in this case is a crime in the form of selling the services of online prostitution whose perpetrator is a pimp, pimps in this case means the person who acts as a caregiver and / or owner of commercial sex workers. Most cases of online prostitution crime are in the bali area of Denpasar. Online prostitution crime itself has violated Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 on Information and electronic transactions. But the panel of judges in its decision only decided in the form of articles contained in the Criminal Code so that the imposition of criminal sanctions on the defendant became very light and made the perpetrators became not afraid of the relatively light criminal sanctions. So that the law in Indonesia becomes very weak and from the light criminal law sanction makes the perpetrators continue to do the crime action. When viewed from the lex specialist derogate legi generalie principle stating the special provisions to override general provisions, meaning that the Act should be used is Law No. 19 of 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-289
Ni Luh Putu Sri Laksemi Dharmapadmi ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
L Made Minggu Widyantara

Indonesia is a Legal State whose all aspects of citizens' lives are always rules and norms, be it sanctions or legal responsibilities that participate in growing in society. Responsibilitycan not only be imposedon the wrong-maker but the victim can shoulder this. From the statement, there are problems, namely the legal protection of victims of fetal abortion rape reviewed from a human rights perspective and criminal sanctions againstfetal abortion perpetrators based on human rights. This study aims to determine how the law of covering rape victims who perform fetal abortion. This writing uses the normative legal writing method where the writing is about principles, norms, and rules. In this writing the rape victim who decided to abort her fetus, this certainly makes the responsibility carried also by the victim who abortions her fetus caused by rape and makes the pregnancy that is not stopped that leads to abortion. Surely this is very contrary to the criminal law as well as the human rights of thefetus. Thispaper describesthat the responsibility of rape victims to the fetus abortion can be seen in terms of the human rights of a fetus and the victim himself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Gede Amatya Ananta ◽  
I Made Arjaya ◽  
Anak Agung Istri Agung

Notary is an official authorized to make an authentic deed in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Position of Notary (UUJNP). In carrying out his duties, the notary must uphold the moral values ​​and professional ethics and must obey the applicable law so as not to make mistakes which will carry risks for the notary himself and cause harm to the community. Risks arising from negligence for the notary public in their duties are in the form of enforcement of sanctions both civil sanctions, criminal sanctions and administrative sanctions. This study analyzes criminal enforcement of notaries, as well as norm conflicts that arise between criminal decisions by judges against notaries and the applicable laws. The aims of this study is to find out the enforcement and sanctions against notaries in the realm of criminal law and notary office law based on case study of decision number 196 / pid.b / 2019 / pn Denpasar), and to determine the form of legal protection against notaries. This study uses the normative juridical method. The results of this study revealed that there are two elements in law enforcement and protection of notaries, namely preventive and repressive. Preventive in the form of supervision of notary practices and repressively is the imposition of sanctions. The form of legal protection for notaries is carried out by the Notary Supervisory Board and the Notary Honorary Council.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Rizka Rizka

The digitalization of the economy sector in the industrial revolution 4.0 needs to be approached with a smart attitude so as to not bring loss to both the consumers and the business holders, by transforming the instrument of consumer rights in an updated and a better way. The development of technology has spoiled human beings in all aspects, including in muamalah. like transaction. The society’s rapid consumptive behavior becomes a business opportunity for the investors to invest their capital in the field of trade, which is also rapidly developing. The increasing demand of consumptive products pushes the popularity of online transaction. There exist hundreds of online shops, either official shops or those undergoing transaction through social media. Anyone can be owners of online shops, and the consumers can be adults, teenagers, and even children. This condition causes some problems, such as the misuse of online transaction for deception, offering products which are not the same as the real items, or worse, not sending the products after the consumer has transferred the money. The results show that in online transactions, there are many dishonest sellers who legalize all methods to practice deception, so there needs to be a connection between online transaction and religion with the hope to minimize the chance of harm for both the consumers and the sellers.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1592
Hanafi Amrani

AbstrakArtikel ini membahas dua permasalahan pokok: pertama, kriteria yang digunakan oleh pembentuk undang-undang di bidang politik dalam menetapkan suatu perbuatan sebagai perbuatan pidana (kriminalisasi); dan kedua, fungsi sanksi pidana dalam undang-undang di bidang politik. Terkait dengan kriminalisasi, undang-undang di bidang politik yang termasuk ke dalam hukum administrasi, maka pertimbangan dari pembuat undang-undang tentu saja tidak sekedar kriminalisasi sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan hukum pidana dalam arti sebenarnya. Hal tersebut disebabkan adanya pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu. Pertama, perbuatan yang dilarang dalam hukum pidana administrasi lebih berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala prohibita, sedangkan dalam ketentuan hukum pidana yang sesungguhnya berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala in se. Kedua, sebagai konsekuensi dari adanya penggolongan dua kategori kejahatan tersebut, maka pertimbangan yang dijadikan acuan juga akan berbeda. Untuk yang pertama (mala prohibita), sanksi pidana itu dibutuhkan untuk menjamin ditegakkannya hukum administrasi tersebut. Dalam hal ini sanksi pidana berfungsi sebagai pengendali dan pengontrol tingkah laku individu untuk mencapai suatu keadaan yang diinginkan. Sedangkan untuk yang kedua (mala in se), fungsi hukum pidana dan sanksi pidana lebih berorientasi pada melindungi dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai moral yang tertanam di masyarakat tempat di mana hukum itu diberlakukan atau ditegakkan. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Kriminalisasi, Undang-Undang PolitikThis article discusses two main problems: firstly, the criteria used by the legislators in the field of politics in determining an act as a criminal act (criminalization); secondly, the function of criminal sanctions in legislation in the field of politics. Associated with criminalization, legislation in the field of politics that is included in administrative law, the consideration of the legislators of course not just criminalization as stipulated in the provisions of criminal law in the true sense. This is due to certain considerations. Firstly, the act which is forbidden in the administration of criminal law is more oriented to act is malum prohibitum offences, whereas in actual criminal law provisions in the act are mala in se offences. Secondly, as a consequence of the existence of two categories of classification of the crime, then consideration will also vary as a reference. For the first (mala prohibita), criminal sanctions are needed to ensure the enforcement of the administrative law. In this case the criminal sanction serves as controller and controlling the behavior of individuals to achieve a desired state. As for the second (mala in se), the function of criminal law and criminal sanctions is more oriented to protect and maintain the moral values that are embedded in a society where the law was enacted or enforced.

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