2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 274-285
Nina Nurhalimah ◽  
Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah ◽  
Oyon Haki Pranata

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa lembar kerja siswa menggunakan model Contextual Teaching and Learning dengan strategi REACT pada materi pembagian. lembar kerja siswa membantu untuk menambah informasi mengenai materi dan konsep yang sedang dipelajari, Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil studi pendahuluan melalui wawancara yang telah dilakukan yang menunjukkan bahwa guru menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa untuk membantu dalam pembelajaran. Dengan Lembar Kerja SIswa yang dibuat secara menarik dan sistematis dapat membantu siswa untuk belajar lebih aktif baik secara mandiri maupun berkelompok, Hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ke aktifan dan motivasi pembelajaran. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Educational Design Research (EDR) menurut McKenney & Reaves Penelitian ini melibatkan dosen,guru, dan siswa Sekolah Dasar. Lembar kerja siswa yang dikembangkan memuat konsep operasi hitung pembagian untuk siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar serta isi dari lembar kerja siswa menghubungkan dengan model Contextual Teaching and Learning dengan strategi REACT yang terdapat pada kompetenasi dasar yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013.

Gary L. Ackerman

Anyone is free to use open source software without the need to purchase the right to install it. Despite its appeal to school and technology leaders in rural communities, they are less likely to install it than others. In this chapter, three cases in which open source technology was installed to support teaching and learning in three rural communities are described. In each, the systems were deployed and refined using decision-making grounded in educational design research. The projects are detailed, and the method of technology planning is assessed. Unanswered questions are also addressed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-168 ◽  
Berit Bungum ◽  
Ellen K. Henriksen ◽  
Carl Angell ◽  
Cathrine W. Tellefsen ◽  
Maria Vetleseter Bøe

Quantum physics and relativity are demanding for teachers and students, but have the potential for students to experience physics as fascinating and meaningful. Project ReleQuant engaged in educational design research to improve teaching and learning in these topics in Norwegian upper secondary schools. The paper focuses on the first cycle of development of a teaching module on quantum physics and how design principles were developed. We construct the design principles by reviewing relevant research literature and conducting three pilot studies. The process resulted in the following principles for designing the quantum physics teaching module: 1) clarify how quantum physics breaks with classical physics; 2) use simulations of phenomena that cannot be experienced directly; 3) provide students to use written and oral language; 4) address and discuss wave-particle duality and the uncertainty

Thomas C. Reeves ◽  
Susan McKenney ◽  
Jan Herrington

<span>The outcomes of educational systems continue to lag far behind expectations at all levels, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Meanwhile, the sheer amount of educational research published in refereed journals has expanded enormously. There is an obvious disconnect between the educational research papers published in professional journals or presented at academic conferences and any form of beneficial impact on the students, teachers, and other stakeholders in educational systems. This problem can be traced back to those professors and research supervisors engaged in the preparation of educational researchers who fail to convey to novice researchers important distinctions between the goals and methods of educational research. Educational design research provides a potentially viable alternative to the kind of educational research that is commonly conducted in the field of educational technology. Educational design research has the twin objectives of developing creative approaches to solving human teaching, learning, and performance problems while at the same time constructing a body of design principles that can guide future development efforts. This paper argues that a reconsideration of educational research approaches is crucial and that the time for greater uptake of educational design research is now.</span>

Gary L. Ackerman

Anyone is free to use open source software without the need to purchase the right to install it. Despite its appeal to school and technology leaders in rural communities, they are less likely to install it than others. In this chapter, three cases in which open source technology was installed to support teaching and learning in three rural communities are described. In each, the systems were deployed and refined using decision-making grounded in educational design research. The projects are detailed, and the method of technology planning is assessed. Unanswered questions are also addressed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-30
Rachel Macdiarmid ◽  
Rhona Winnington ◽  
Eamon Merrick

The Master of Nursing Science (MNSc) has been developed as a Graduate Entry to Nursing (GEN) programme. It is an accelerated, intensive two-year degree involving the completion of 1100 clinical practice hours to meet New Zealand Nursing Council registration requirements, together with achieving a level of critical thinking that will support excellence in clinical practice. GEN programmes are well known to attract diverse, motivated graduates often with successful careers that want a change of direction (Stacey, Pollock & Crawford, 2016; Pellico, Terrill, White & Rico, 2012). In 2019 the MNSc was in its first iteration, therefore the three lecturers involved had scope to consider the design and delivery of the learning to best support student understanding and engagement. Together with institutional teaching and learning development mentors we brainstormed different approaches to teaching and learning. There is dearth of evidence regarding the development of clinical reasoning and critical thinking for post-graduate nursing students in Australasia. The aim was to develop teaching approaches that encouraged students to engage with the content and foster the development of critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Meyers and Nulty’s (2009) adoption of Biggs (2003) 3P Model of learning and teaching influenced the development of content across multiple discrete units of study. An evolving case study approach supported with podcasts was developed. The first evolving case study focused on a client with a rural New Zealand address and health status common to his age group and life experience. The podcasts aligned with the weekly development of the case. International content experts participated in topics as varied the management of analgesia, history of consent, and assisted dying and others. To iteratively explore and understand the effectiveness of this teaching approach the authors concurrently undertook research. Informed by educational design research (EDR) methodology we explore the process of constructing an authentic learning experience for students. Educational design research (EDR) evolved from design-based research and is recognised as being practical and eminently suitable to explore a small teaching and learning project (Jetinikoff, 2015; McKenney & Reeves, 2018). The aims of this research were to 1) explore and describe the process of constructing an authentic learning experience enabled by technology; and 2) understand and reflect on student learning using an evolving case-study with podcasted content. The research team is currently undertaking the reflection, adaption, and evaluation stage of the EDR methodology. The results of this and the theory stage will be resented at SoTEL. In this presentation, the analysis of the teaching teams’ reflections will be explored. Key to our discussion with the audience will be sharing our reflections and in turn seeking their advice to explore how to engage students in technology enhanced delivery in a fast-paced course. References: Biggs, J.B. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university. (2nd ed.). Maidenhead: Open University Press. Jetnikoff, A. (2015). Design based research methodology for teaching with technology in English. English in Australia, 50(3), 56-60. McKenney, S., & Reeves, T. (2018). Conducting Educational Design Research (2nd ed.). Routledge: Meyers, N. M., & Nulty, D. D. (2009). How to use (five) curriculum design principles to align authentic learning environments, assessment, students approaches to thinking and learning outcomes. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34, (5), 565–577. Pellico, L.H., Terrill, E., White, P., & Rico, J. (2012). Integrative review of graduate entry programs. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(1), 29-37. http://dx.doi:10.3928/01484834-20111130-01. Stacey, G. Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2016). The rules of the game in graduate entry nursing: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 36, 184-189.

2020 ◽  
Yumiko Murai ◽  
Ryohei Ikejiri ◽  
Yuhei Yamauchi ◽  
Ai Tanaka ◽  
Seiko Nakano

Cultivating children’s creativity and imagination is fundamental to preparing them for an increasingly complex and uncertain future. Engaging in creative learning enables children to think independently and critically, work cooperatively, and take risks while actively engaging in problem solving. While current trends in education, such as maker movements and computer science education, are dramatically expanding children’s opportunities for engagement in creative learning, comparatively few empirical studies explore how creative learning can be integrated into the school curriculum. The educational design research described in this paper focuses on a curriculum unit that enables students to engage with creative learning through computer programming activities while meeting curriculum goals. The data provided in this paper were drawn from three classroom tryouts, the results of which were used to drive an iterative design process. This paper also shares several insights on the impact of creative learning in curriculum teaching.

Hanna Teräs ◽  
Jan Herrington

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB">Teaching in higher education in the 21st century can be a demanding and complex role and academic educators around the globe are dealing with questions related to change. This paper describes a new type of a professional development program for teaching faculty, using a pedagogical model based on the principles of authentic e-learning. The program was developed with the help of an iterative educational design research process and rapid prototyping based on on-going research and redesign. This paper describes how the findings of the evaluations guided the design process and how the impact of the measures taken was in turn researched, in order to eventually identify and refine design principles for an authentic e-learning program for international teaching faculty professional development.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Dwi Purbaningrum

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa kompor tenaga matahari berbasis STEM materi sains sekolah dasar untuk mendukung Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini sebagai solusi dari permasalahan pendidik mengenai pembelajaran menggunakan media pada Kurikulum 2013 dalam menghadapi tuntutan pendidikan abad 21. Diharapkan peserta didik memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan STEM secara terpadu yang dapat diterapkan mulai dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mendeskripsikan dasar kebutuhan pembelajaran menggunakan alat peraga berbasis STEM; 2) mengembangkan rancangan alat peraga sederhana berbasis STEM; 3) mendeskripsikan alat peraga sederhana bebasis STEM. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Educational Design Research (EDR) menurut McKenney & Reaves, yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu: 1) Analysis and Exploration; 2) Design and Construction; 3) Evaluation and Reflection. Penelitian ini dilakukan sampai tahap kedua yaitu Design dan Construction. Alat peraga yang digunakan adalah kompor tenaga matahari yang dapat digunakan pada materi sumber energi. Pengembangan hasil rancangan alat peraga sederhana berbasis STEM dilakukan dengan menyusun RPP yang berpotensi, menganalisis KD berbasis STEM, dan menyiapkan alat maupun bahan yang digunakan dalam percobaan. Alat peraga sederhana berbasis STEM berbentuk kubus yang berasal dari kardus bekas, kemudian empat bagian atas tutup kardus dilapisi kertas silver yang berguna untuk memantulkan cahaya sebagai sumber panas.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Ahmadi Ahmadi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk dan kelayakan bahan ajar Contextual Teaching Learning  (CTL) berbantuan media komputasi hyperchem pada materi hidrokarbon untuk SMA kelas X yang telah dikembangkan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan 4-D yang terbatas pada tahap define, design, dan develop, dan tidak sampai tahap disseminate dengan beberapa penyesuaian. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah produk yaitu modul yang mengacu pada silabus kurikulum 2006. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil validasi ahli oleh dosen kimia terhadap modul hidrokarbon menunjukkan persentase 74,99% yang berarti  layak, hasil penilaian guru diperoleh persentase sebesar 90%, dan pada uji coba kelompok terbatas terhadap 10 orang siswa SMAN 1 Sikur diperoleh rata-rata persentase kelayakan sebesar 81,24% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk pengembangan bahan ajar telah berhasil dikembangkan dan produk yang dikembangkan layak untuk dipakai di SMA khususnya di SMAN 1 Sikur.

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