core curriculum
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Yajuan Liu

The “1+X” system has a great impact on the development of vocational education. Based on this system, it is imperative to carry out the reform and practice of the core curriculum of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Several vocational colleges have made attempts in the reform and practice of the curriculum, but the effect is not ideal. Under the influence of various factors, such as the lack of experience, there are also several problems in the reform and practice of the curriculum. Among them, the most apparent problems are as follows: the curriculum reform is not synchronized with the development of teaching materials, the pertinence of practical teaching is lacking, and the guidance provided for professional certificate examinations is not well-established. This paper specifically analyzes the problems existing in the reform and practice of the core curriculum of Civil Engineering and Architecture under the “1+X” system, and then puts forward effective strategies for these problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-69
Eero Salmenkivi ◽  
Tuija Kasa ◽  
Niina Putkonen ◽  
Arto Kallioniemi

In this article we examine the profiling of human rights and children’s rights in religious education (RE) and its secular alternative in Finland. We use the term ‘worldview education’ to describe the combination of these subjects. We analyse what kinds of human rights and ethical issues are raised in Finnish worldview education. One specific focus is the explicit mention of human rights and children’s rights in the worldview education section of the Finnish national core curriculum (2014). We conclude that the curriculum gives plenty of space to human rights and children’s rights, and that this enables one to conceive of human rights as being an overarching ethical perspective in worldview education. Nevertheless, we indicate that the organisation of worldview education in Finland has some problems when it comes to the realisation of children’s freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

2022 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Takuji Igarashi ◽  
Sachiko Igarashi ◽  

This article discusses the obstacles and potential solutions for the incorporation and increased awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF) into teacher education programs for secondary school Japanese teachers of English (JTEs). While a nationally standardized “Core Curriculum” (CC) for secondary school JTEs’ learning guidelines and models in teacher education reflects relatively positive attitudes towards ELF, the integration of an ELF perspective into teacher education programs is considered a low priority. Recent literature explores the barriers to ELF-aware curriculum design and suggests that teachers carry out ELF-based action research, both to promote teachers’ critical awareness of ELF and to gain insights that will encourage a wider transformative approach to their beliefs. The authors here conclude that for a more effective and innovative ELF-aware curriculum implementation, it is important to consider the broader context of the current landscape of English use and language teaching. この論文は、中等教育に携わる日本人英語教師のための教師教育プログラムに、国際共通語としての英語(ELF)の理念を取り入れ認識を深めてもらうことへの障壁と、それに対する解決策を論じる。中等教育に携わる日本人英語教師の教師教育における学習ガイドラインおよびモデルである全国共通「コア・カリキュラム」では、ELFに対して比較的前向きな見解を示している。一方で、ELFの観点を教師教育プログラムに取り入れることは優先順位が低いと考えられている。最近の文献では、ELFを意識したカリキュラム考案の障壁が調査されており、教師がELFに基づいたアクション・リサーチを行うことを提案している。それにより、教師が批判的な視点でELFを捉えることを促し、また、教師の信念をより大きく変革するアプローチを促進するための洞察が得られるであろう。結論として、ELFを意識した教師教育プログラムをより効果的かつ革新的に実施するためには、現在の英語の使用状況や言語教育に関して幅広く見ていくことが重要である。

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Sinikka Pöllänen ◽  
Marja-Leena Rönkkö ◽  
Anssi Salonen ◽  
Tellervo Härkki ◽  
Eila Lindfors

Peruskoulun käsityö on monimateriaalinen oppiaine, jonka sisältöjä ja toimintaa tukevat sekä teknisen työn että tekstiilityön työtavat. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden mukaan käsityön tehtävänä on ohjata oppilaita kokonaisen käsityöprosessin hallintaan. Kokonaista käsityöprosessia ja monimateriaalisuutta toteuttava käsityö on kuitenkin koettu epäselväksi ja vaikeaksi toteuttaa. Ongelmalliseksi on koettu resurssien rajallisuus sekä se, että teknisen työn ja tekstiilityön työtapojen oppimisympäristöt sijaitsevat usein erillään toisistaan. Lisäksi käsityötä opettavien koulutustausta ja perehtyneisyys eri käsityön työtapoihin on vaihteleva riippuen opintojen sisällöistä ja harrastuneisuudesta. Tämän kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on konkretisoida esimerkein pedagogisia lähtökohtia käsityön monimateriaalisuuteen. Näiden lähtökohtien taustoittamiseksi kuvataan myös käsityöoppiaineen opetuksen organisoinnissa tapahtuneita muutoksia ja avataan monimateriaalisuuden käsitettä sekä siihen liittyviä reunaehtoja. Monimateriaalisuutta kuvaavissa pedagogisissa esimerkeissä on nostettu esiin, miten monimateriaalisuus näyttäytyy opiskeltavana sisältönä ja miten se välittyy oppilaille yksin tai yhdessä työskenneltäessä.     Multi-materiality in Basic education Craft education Abstract Craft education is a multi-material-based school subject in basic education, the contents, and activities of which are supported by the working methods of both technical work and textiles. According to the National Core Curriculum, the role of craft teaching is to guide students in mastering the entire holistic craft process. However, the concept of multi-material-based holistic craft has been found to be unclear and difficult to implement. Furthermore, the different learning environments for teaching technical work and textiles have caused problems. Craft has generally been taught by two different teachers, who have studied either technical work or textiles. The aim of this literature review is to describe different pedagogical solutions that can be utilized in the implementation of multi-material handicraft. To illustrate these examples, changes in the teaching of craft subject are also described and the concept of multi-materiality and the related boundary conditions are opened. The description of each pedagogical orientation illustrates how multi-materiality is seen as a learning content and how it is conveyed to pupils when working alone or together. Keywords: Multi-material, holistic craft process, craft education, basic education 

Gro-Anita Myklevold ◽  
Heike Speitz

The present study investigates the dichotomous relationship between the official language policies celebrating multilingualism in education on the one hand, and the practice field facing practical challenges concerning their students’ multilingualism on the other hand (Cummins & Persad, 2014; Lundberg, 2019). Document analysis of LK20 and focus groups of teachers were used to investigate two research questions; 1) Which aspects of multilingualism are represented in the core curriculum and in the subject curricula of English, Foreign languages and Norwegian in LK20? and 2) How are aspects of multilingualism in LK20 perceived by teachers of English, Foreign languages and Norwegian? The findings indicate that there is a gap between the intentions of the ideological curriculum and the perceived and experiential curricula of teachers and students (Goodlad, 1979). When LK20 states that “All pupils shall experience that being proficient in a number of languages is a resource, both in school and society at large”, the teachers report that this normative assumption may place too much responsibility on different stakeholders such as students, as some are reluctant to display their multilingual repertoires in class. Furthermore, although the intentions at the ideological level of LK20 seem clear, the operational level remains unclear, since how this claim is to be applied in the classroom is not specified. This, in addition to the fact that multilingualism is conceptualized in a different way in the three language subject curricula of English, Foreign Languages and Norwegian, may explain why teachers report that, despite being positive towards linguistic diversity, they are insecure concerning the operationalization of multilingualism in their classrooms. Keywords: Multilingualism, Plurilingualism, Operationalizations of multilingualism, Language policies

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2 (20)) ◽  
pp. 153-170
Arleta Suwalska

The article addresses a key issue in curriculum policy, ethical education in Grades 1 and 2. The article uses the Finnish 2014 basic curriculum as the basis for a case study rooted in the humanities, philosophy, and the cultural sciences. The article explores what is embodied in this policy, especially the objectives of the subject of ethics in the curriculum. The article draws attention to the development of values through the curriculum in primary education in Finland and presents an overview of recent developments in values education in schools, taking curriculum research into account. The key part of the study is an analysis of the Finnish National Core Curriculum, principally those parts which involve secular ethics, as formulated by the Ministry of Education, and which emphasize the right of children to a good education and “to understand themselves, other people, the society, the environment, and different cultures” (National Core Curriculum, 2016, p. 15).

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 47-60
Helena Balcerek

The aim of the article is to point out the deeper problem of language teaching — teaching school grammar (on the example of syntax), which is associated more with teaching about the language than the language itself. In the current core curriculum, language teaching is not connected to communicative competence — the ability to create oral and written statements. It has caused the regression in Polish language didactics and the return to the discussion of teaching language or/and teaching about the language in modern primary school. Subjective, functional, and communicative approach in teaching language is really important when teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and that is why the current system-normative approach in school discourse should be reflected upon. If the subjectiveness and individualisation of teaching as well as special educational needs and abilities of students with ASD are considered in this reflection, the conclusion emerges — the need to remodel the method of organising the language teaching process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Gerrit Glas

SUMMARY After many years of mental healthcare reform there is still a lot of unease among patients about healthcare workers’ lack of attention to their daily needs and to the tensions and ambiguities that accompany their attempts to integrate their condition into their lives. Person-centred care is often presented as a solution, but the term refers to many differing approaches and needs further specification depending on the problem it aims to resolve. This article presents and discusses a clinical and philosophically informed approach that flexibly focuses on the person- and context-bound aspects of the patient's condition and on the co-regulatory role of the clinician in the patient's attempt to regulate their condition. This approach is a way of thinking, rather than yet another model. It will be shown how this approach can be integrated in the core curriculum of specialty (residency) training in psychiatry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-39
Mirja Karjalainen-Väkevä ◽  
Sara Sintonen

Nuorten elämään liittyy vahvasti audiovisuaalinen media eri muodoissa. Omien teosten tekeminen ja niiden jakaminen ovat helpottuneet digitalisaation ja sosiaalisen median myötä, mutta millaisia audiovisuaalisen kerronnan keinoja nykypäivän yläkoululaisilla on käytössään? Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa monilukutaito määritellään eri muodoissa olevien viestien tuottamisen, tulkitsemisen ja kriittisen arvioinnin taidoksi.Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme, millaisia audiovisuaalisia kerronnan keinoja seitsemäsluokkalaiset käyttävät koulun musiikin tunneilla tehdyissä lyhytelokuvissa, ja pohdimme, miten lyhytelokuvien tekeminen voidaan nähdä osana monilukutaidon tukemista. Yleisesti ottaen oppilailla on kykyjä käyttää erilaisia kerronnan keinoja, joskin oppilaiden itse tekemistä lyhytelokuvista osa sisältää paljon erilaisia audiovisuaalisen kerronnan keinoja, kun taas osassa keinovalikoima on suppea kaikilla kerronnan osa-alueilla.Monilukutaidon pedagogiikan mukaan monilukutaidon prosessissa edetään omien kokemusten jakamisen, teoretisoinnin ja ohjauksen kautta kohti uusintavaa käytäntöä. Omien kokemusten ja merkitysten jakaminen yhteisöllisesti ja toisaalta niiden asettaminen laajempaan viitekehykseen mahdollistavat sen, että oppilaat voivat kukin kehittyä omista lähtökohdistaan. Lyhytelokuvien tekemisen ja audiovisuaalisten kerronnan keinojen erittelemisen kautta voidaan tarjota oppilaille tilaisuus kehittyä audiovisuaalisen kerronnan keinojen käyttämisessä, ymmärtämisessä ja niiden kriittisessä arvioinnissa.Avainsanat: monilukutaito, audiovisuaalinen viestintä, peruskoulu, musiikkikasvatus, mediakasvatus, elokuvakasvatusCase study on audiovisual storytelling of 7th grade students’ short films made during music lessonsDigitalization and social media have increased and made it easier to make and share one’s own audiovisual products, but what exactly do we know about young people’s audiovisual storytelling? In the Finnish National Core Curriculum, multiliteracy is defined as an ability to produce, interpret, and critically evaluate texts in various forms.The purpose of this article is to explore what modes and forms of audiovisual storytelling the 7th graders use in their self-made digital short films and how the making of short movies can be seen as a way of promoting students’ multiliteracies. The students have the capacity for audiovisual storytelling although storytelling varies a lot between self-made short films. Some of them include various forms of storytelling while the storytelling is limited in others.According to the pedagogy of multiliteracies, learning is a process in which learners proceed from experience to conceptualization, analysis, and to finally applying new practices. Students proceed from their own standpoints while they share their own experiences in collaborative making processes and learn to analyze and conceptualize their works. By making short films and conceptualizing audiovisual storytelling students can be promoted in multiliteracies.Keywords: multiliteracies, audiovisual storytelling, comprehensive school, secondary school, music education, media education, film education

Verbum Vitae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 1295-1309
Marian Zając

The article concerns the issue of religious instruction in Polish state schools, especially its inspiration from the Bible as the primary source of the transmission of faith. When religious education classes were introduced in schools, a confessional model of their performance was adopted, thus leading to establishing closer ties with churches and religious associations as well as developing personal faith. The methodology of my research was based on analysing the current anchoring of the teaching of religion in the Polish state law and the guidelines of the Catholic Church. Next, the 2018 Core Curriculum for the Catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland, related to the reform of the Polish education system and the completely new situation resulting from the liquidation of the junior high school stage of education, was used to show biblical guidelines for religious instruction and a set of methodological tools that guarantee its effectiveness. Confessional religion classes are currently organized in all government-run schools in Poland, and according to recent statistical data they significantly contribute to their better functioning. Consequently, there is a need to appeal for the continuation of religious education in schools and its modification based on multimedia technology, and there is a necessity to overcome the tendency to remove classes of religion from Polish public schools.

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