scholarly journals Comparison Study between the Field Performance of a Movable Boards and Conventional Ditch Openers in Cultivated and Uncultivated Soils, Part 3: The Specific Resistance

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Shaker H. Aday ◽  
Yarub Al-muthafar

The field performance of movable boards ditch opener (MB) and conventional ditch opener (CD) was contrasted by using a specific resistance to determine  the  optimum  performance  of  either   one   of   them.   The   comparison was conducted using three operating  depths  (30,  40  and  50cm),  three  angles  between  the  boards  of  MB  (45,  60  and  750),  one  angle  for  CD  (650)  because  its boards were fixed, three wings width  of  the  foot  of  MB  whereas,  for  CD,  one  share width  (35cm)  and  two  soil  types  (cultivated  and  uncultivated).  CD  could  not penetrate the  uncultivated  soil  more  than  25cm  so  that  there  was  one  operating  depth.  The  results  of  the  experiments  showed  that  SR  for  MB  decreased as the operating depth,  the  angle  between  the  boards  and  the  width  of the wings of the foot  in  both  soil  types  were  increased.  Specific  resistance  (SR)  for  CD  also  decreased  as  the  operating  depth  increased  in  the  cultivated  soil,    but  in  the  uncultivated  soil,  CD  could  not  penetrate  the  soil  more  than  25cm.  SR for MB was  lower  than  that  for  CD  for  all  operating  depths,  the  angle  between the boards,  the width of the wings of the foot in both soil types. SR for         MB and CD  in  the  cultivated  soil  was  low  compared  to  uncultivated  soil.  The  soil  type  decreased  SR  for  MB  more  than  the  operating  depth,  the  angle   between its boards and the width of  its  wings.  On  the  other  hand,  the  angle  between its boards reduced  SR  more  than  the  width  of  the  wings  and  the  operating depth. MB surpassed CD in giving lower SR and that means the field performance of MB was higher than that for CD.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 204-213 ◽  
Cezary Kabała ◽  
Elżbieta Musztyfaga

AbstractSoil with a clay-illuvial subsurface horizon are the most widespread soil type in Poland and significantly differ in morphology and properties developed under variable environmental conditions. Despite the long history of investigations, the rules of classification and cartography of clay-illuvial soils have been permanently discussed and modified. The distinction of clay-illuvial soils into three soil types, introduced to the Polish soil classification in 2011, has been criticized as excessively extended, non-coherent with the other parts and rules of the classification, hard to introduce in soil cartography and poorly correlated with the international soil classifications. One type of clay-illuvial soils (“gleby płowe”) was justified and recommended to reintroduce in soil classification in Poland, as well as 10 soil subtypes listed in a hierarchical order. The subtypes may be combined if the soil has diagnostic features of more than one soil subtypes. Clear rules of soil name generalization (reduction of subtype number for one soil) were suggested for soil cartography on various scales. One of the most important among the distinguished soil sub-types are the “eroded” or “truncated” clay-illuvial soils.

1988 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
BB Zahran ◽  
AM Holm ◽  
WR Stern ◽  
WA Loneragan

The cage method of sampling vegetation was used to estimate herbage mass and herbage consumed by sheep, grazing a pasture dominated by annual species, near Camawon, Western Australia. Using paired quadrats (2m x lm), one caged and the other open, herbage mass and herbage consumed were measured at five stocking rates on two soil types, on eight occasions between December 1983 and January 1985. The data were highly variable; nevertheless, some effects of season, soil type and stocking rate could be observed. The results showed clear seasonal trends. Some soil type x stocking rate interactions were detected during the dry periods of the year when herbage mass was low. Generally, the cage method tended to over-estimate herbage consuped. Sheep consumed approximately 119 to 116 of the available herbage at low and high stocking rates respectively when feed was plentiful; when feed was in short supply the corresponding figures were approximately 113 and 1/2. The limitations of the method are discussed and some suggestions made concerning its applicability in rangeland studies.

2010 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-255
N Lanoïe ◽  
A Vanasse ◽  
J Collin ◽  
J Frégeau-Reid ◽  
D Pageau ◽  

Naked oat (Avena sativa L.) harvested in the province of Quebec, Canada, develops on average 10% covered grains and sometimes more. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil type, herbicides and their application stages on the proportion of covered grains in naked oat genotypes. Three genotypes were evaluated over 2 yr at two experimental sites. At each site, trials were seeded on two different soil types and each entry was treated with one of three types of herbicides: bromoxynil/MCPA, dicamba/MCPA and thifensulfuron methyl/tribenuron methyl, and compared with a weed-free check. The herbicides were applied at Zadoks 12-13 and 22-23. Results showed that dicamba/MCPA herbicide, applied at Zadoks 12-13, increased covered grains compared with the weed-free check and more covered grains were produced with the application made at Zadoks 22-23. However, differences in genotype reactions were observed. Few differences were found among the other weed control treatments. The application of dicamba/MCPA at Zadoks 22-23 decreased yield and test weight, but increased kernel weight. The other weed control treatments had no effect on agronomic characteristics.Key words: Avena sativa, herbicide, dicamba/MCPA, soil type, covered grains

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Shaker H. Aday ◽  
Yarub W. Al-Muthafar

The draft force of the movable boards ditch opener (MB) was compared with that of the conventional ditch opener (CD). The parameters of the experiments were three operating depths (30, 40 and 50 cm), three angles between the boards of MB (45, 60 and 75º), the angle of the boards of CD was constant (65º), three wings widths  of the foot of MB whereas, one share width (35cm) for CD and two soil types (cultivated and uncultivated soils). The texture of soils was silty clay. The  results showed that MB can penetrate the soil to the required depth easily and its draft force requirements were lower than that for CD for all operating depths, angle between the boards and in the cultivated and in uncultivated soils. Whereas, CD could not penetrate the soil more than 25cm in the uncultivated soil that its draft force higher than that for MB for operating depth of 30 and 40 cm and for all angles between the boards but the contrary occurred with operating depth of 50cm. The draft force requirement of MB increased slightly with the angle between the boards but it MB increased considerably with increasing wings width of the foot. However, the wings of MB required less draft force than the share of CD which its width was 35 cm (constant width). MB surpassed CD in the field performance, it required less draft force and it could penetrate the soils easily.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

RESUMO – O tratamento de sementes (TS) é a principal técnica empregada para o controle de Dichelops melacanthus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) em milho. Entretanto, acredita-se que a eficiência desta estratégia pode ser influenciada pelo tipo de solo no qual a lavoura é cultivada. Desse modo, este trabalho comparou a eficiência do TS dos inseticidas [tiametoxam e imidacloprido + tiodicarbe] em relação a duas testemunhas (com infestação e sem infestação) em quatro tipos de solo: Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf); Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo arenoso (LVA arenoso); Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo argiloso (LVA argiloso) e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd). De forma geral, ambos os TS reduziram os danos da praga em todos os tipos de solo, quando comparados às plantas infestadas com D. melacanthus e sem TS. Por outro lado, o pior desempenho de ambos os TS foi observado no LVA arenoso, em que as plantas apresentaram menor comprimento de espiga e menor produtividade. Este estudo demonstrou que a eficiência do TS com tiametoxam, assim como imidacloprido + tiodicarbe, é afetada pelo tipo de solo. Desse modo, maiores cuidados devem ser tomados no cultivo de lavouras de milho em regiões com solos arenosos, e a adoção de estratégia complementar pode ser necessária.Palavras-chave: percevejo-barriga-verde, pragas do milho, pragas iniciais, neonicotinoides, adsorção de inseticidas.SEED CORN TREATMENT FOR Dichelops melacanthus CONTROL IN DIFFERENT SOIL TYPESABSTRACT - The seed treatment (ST) is the main tool used to control Dichelops melacanthus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in maize fields. However, the soil type in which the plants are developed probably influences the efficiency of this strategy. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of two insecticides (ST) [thiamethoxam (52.5 g.i.a); imidacloprid + thiodicarb (45 + 135) g.i.a] in relation to control (infested and non-infested plants) for D. melacanthus control in four types of soil: Dystroferric Red Latosol (DRL), sandy Red-Yellow Latosol (sandy RYL); clay Red-Yellow Latosol (clay RYL); and dystrophic Red Latosol (dystrophic RL). In general, ST reduced the pest damage in all soil types. In the other hand, the development plants in sandy RYL were hampered, showing a shorter length of ear and lower yield in both ST. This study showed that the ST performance with thiamethoxam and imidacloprid + thiodicarb is affected by the soil type. In this sense, maize fields cultivated in sand soils requires a careful management, and complementary strategies can be necessary.Keywords: green-belly stinkbug, maize pests, initial pests, neonicotinoides, insecticide adorsoption.

1970 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-479 ◽  

Altai wild ryegrass (Elymus angustus Trin.), bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.), tall wheatgrass [Agropyron elongatum (Host.) P.B.], and Russian wild ryegrass (Elymus junceus Fisch.) were seeded at depths of 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm in clay, clay loam, loam and loamy sand. Basically, the species reacted similarly within or between soil types, although top growth of all species was slower in the saline clay. Emergence of Altai wild ryegrass compared with that of other species when shallow-seeded, but exceeded that of all other species when deep-seeded. Emergence of Altai wild ryegrass from 9 cm was half that from the shallow depths, while the other species did not emerge at all from this depth. Its most important establishment attribute was its tolerance to deep seeding in a range of soil types.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
E. M. Samogim ◽  
T. C. Oliveira ◽  
Z. N. Figueiredo ◽  
J. M. B. Vanini

The combine harvest for soybean crops market are currently available two types of combine with header or platform, one of conventional with revolving reel with metal or plastic teeth to cause the cut crop to fall into the auger header and the other called "draper" headers that use a fabric or rubber apron instead of a cross auger, there are few test about performance of this combine header for soybean in Mato Grosso State. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soybean harvesting quantitative losses and performance using two types combine header in four travel speed. The experiment was conducted during soybean crops season 2014/15, the farm Tamboril in the municipality of Pontes e Lacerda, State of Mato Grosso. The was used the experimental design of randomized blocks, evaluating four forward harvesting speeds (4 km h-1, 5 km h-1, 6 km h-1 and 7 km h-1), the natural crops losses were analyzed, loss caused by the combine harvester (combine header, internal mechanisms and total losses) and was also estimated the  field performance of each combine. Data were submitted to analysis of variance by F test and compared of the average by Tukey test at 5% probability. The results show the draper header presents a smaller amount of total loss and in most crop yield when compared with the conventional cross auger.

Magdalena Banach-Szott ◽  
Bozena Debska ◽  
Erika Tobiasova

AbstractMany studies report organic carbon stabilization by clay minerals, but the effects of land use and soil type on the properties of humic acids (HAs) are missing. The aim of the paper is to determine the effects of land use and soil types on the characteristics of HAs, which have a considerable influence on organic matter quality. It was hypothesised that the effect of the land use on HAs properties depends on the particular size distribution. The research was performed in three ecosystems: agricultural, forest, and meadow, located in Slovakia. From each of them, the samples of 4 soil types were taken: Chernozem, Luvisol, Planosol, and Cambisol. The soil samples were assayed for the content of total organic carbon (TOC) and the particle size distribution. HAs were extracted with the Schnitzer method and analysed for the elemental composition, spectrometric parameters in the UV-VIS range, and hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, and the infrared spectra were produced. The research results have shown that the properties of HAs can be modified by the land use and the scope and that the direction of changes depends on the soil type. The HAs of Chernozem and Luvisol in the agri-ecosystem were identified with a higher “degree of maturity”, as reflected by atomic ratios (H/C, O/C, O/H), absorbance coefficients, and the FT-IR spectra, as compared with the HAs of the meadow and forest ecosystem. However, as for the HAs of Cambisol, a higher “degree of maturity” was demonstrated for the meadow ecosystem, as compared with the HAs of the agri- and forest ecosystem. The present research has clearly identified that the content of clay is the factor determining the HAs properties. Soils with a higher content of the clay fraction contain HAs with a higher “degree of maturity”.

1996 ◽  
Vol 34 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 443-448 ◽  
G. W. Chen ◽  
W. W. Lin ◽  
D. J. Lee

The feasibility of employment of capillary suction time (CST) for characterizing the dewaterability of excess activated sludges was examined. The CST was shown as a good index for sludge filterability, if only the product of solid concentration and average specific resistance is of interest. On the other hand, the bound water content cannot be directly evaluated from the CST data.

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