Validation of the 13C-bicarbonate tracer technique for estimation of CO2 production and energy expenditure in mink (Neovison vison)

C. Larsson ◽  
A.-H. Tauson
2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (09) ◽  
pp. 918-923
Sourabh Verma ◽  
Sean M. Bailey ◽  
Pradeep V. Mally ◽  
Heather B. Howell

Objective To determine longitudinal measurements of resting energy expenditure (REE) by indirect calorimetry (IC) in healthy term infants during the first 2 months of life. Study Design An outpatient prospective pilot study was performed in healthy term infants to estimate REE by measuring expired gas fractions of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with IC in a respiratory and metabolic steady state. Results A total of 30 measurements were performed. Fourteen subjects completed measurements at both 1 and 2 months of life, and two subjects had only measurements made at 1 month of life. Mean REE values were 64.1 ± 12.7 and 58.4 ± 14.3 kcal/kg/d at 1 and 2 months of age, respectively. Mean O2 consumption and CO2 production measurements were 9.3 ± 2.0 and 7.7 ± 1.2 mL/kg/min and 8.1 ± 2.2 and 6.4 ± 1.1 mL/kg/min at 1 and 2 months of age, respectively. Conclusion This pilot study demonstrates longitudinal measurements of REE by IC in healthy term infants during the first 2 months of life. We also demonstrate that, overall, there is consistency in REE values in this population, with a likely decrease in individual longitudinal measurements over the first 2 months of life.

Rangifer ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 20 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 211 ◽  
Geir Gotaas ◽  
Eric Milne ◽  
Paul Haggarty ◽  
Nicholas J.C. Tyler

The doubly labelled water (DLW) method was used to measure total energy expenditure (TEE) in three male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) aged 22 months in winter (February) while the animals were living unrestricted at natural mountain pasture in northern Norway (69°20'N). The concentrations of 2H and l8O were measured in water extracted from samples of faeces collecred from the animals 0.4 and 11.2 days after injection of the isotopes. Calculated rates of water flux and CO2-production were adjusted to compensate for estimated losses of 2H in faecal solids and in methane produced by microbial fermentation of forage in the rumen. The mean specific TEE in the three animals was 3.057 (range 2.436 - 3.728 W.kg1). This value is 64% higher than TEE measured by the DLW method in four captive, non-pregnant adult female reindeer in winter and probably mainly reflects higher levels of locomotor activity in the free-living animals. Previous estimates of TEE in free-living Rangifer in winter based on factorial models range from 3.038 in female woodland caribou (R. t. caribou) to 1.813 in female Svalbard reindeer (R. t. platyrhynchus). Thus, it seems that existing factorial models are unlikely to overestimate TEE in reindeer/caribou: they may, instead, be unduly conservative. While the present study serves as a general validation of the factorial approach, we suggest that the route to progress in the understanding of field energetics in wild ungulates is via application of the DLW method.

1992 ◽  
Vol 263 (3) ◽  
pp. R685-R692 ◽  
C. L. Jensen ◽  
N. F. Butte ◽  
W. W. Wong ◽  
J. K. Moon

The doubly labeled water (2H(2)18O) method used to estimate total energy expenditure (EETotal) is particularly sensitive to analytic error in preterm infants, because of their high percentage of body water and the high ratio of water flux to CO2 production. To evaluate further use of this method, the EE of 12 preterm infants was measured by indirect calorimetry and 2H(2)18O simultaneously and continuously for 5 days. Initial infant weight, age, and postconceptional age were (means +/- SD) 1,674 +/- 173 g, 4.4 +/- 2.6 wk, and 34.6 +/- 1.6 wk, respectively. The indirect calorimeter system included an air-temperature-controlled chamber and heart rate monitor. EE was measured by indirect calorimetry for 85.6 +/- 4.7% of study time and estimated from the linear regression of heart rate on EE for 14.4 +/- 4.7% of study time. The 2H(2)18O method entailed an initial dose of 100 mg 2H2O and 250 mg 18O/kg and a final dose of 75 mg 18O/kg; urine was collected twice daily. 2H and 18O enrichments were measured by gas-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. EE was calculated from measured 2H and 18O dilution spaces (NH, NO), turnover rates (kH, kO), and measured respiratory quotient. The ratio of 2H to 18O dilution spaces was 1.01 +/- 0.01 and the ratio of kO to kH was 1.16 +/- 0.04. Estimation of EE from 2H(2)18O and indirect calorimetry agreed within 1%, although individual variability in methods was large.

1997 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
C. A. Horswill ◽  
D. G. Curby ◽  
W. P. Bartoli ◽  
R. Murray

1990 ◽  
Vol 259 (4) ◽  
pp. E576-E585 ◽  
M. I. Goran ◽  
E. J. Peters ◽  
D. N. Herndon ◽  
R. R. Wolfe

Total energy expenditure (TEE) was measured in 15 burned children with the doubly labeled water technique. Application of the technique in burned children required evaluation of potential errors resulting from nutritional intake altering background enrichments during studies and from the high rate of water turnover relative to CO2 production. Five studies were discarded because of these potential problems. TEE was 1.33 +/- 0.27 times predicted basal energy expenditure (BEE), and in studies where resting energy expenditure (REE) was simultaneously measured, TEE was 1.18 +/- 0.17 times REE, which in turn was 1.16 +/- 0.10 times predicted BEE. TEE was significantly correlated with measured REE (r2 = 0.92) but not with predicted BEE. These studies substantiate the advantage of measuring REE to predict TEE in severely burned patients as opposed to relying on standardized equations. Therefore we recommend that optimal nutritional support will be achieved in convalescent burned children by multiplying REE by an activity factor of 1.2.

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