1995 ◽  
Vol 127 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-421 ◽  
Jens Roland ◽  
Keith E. Denford ◽  
Luis Jimenez

AbstractVolatile compounds were isolated and identified from a crude extract of garry oak, Quercus garryana, foliage which was known to be attractive to the tachinid fly Cyzenis albicans. Candidate compounds were identified by the combined use of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and infra-red spectroscopy. Specific oak-leaf volatiles were field-tested in 2 different years in an apple orchard. Compounds were applied singly or in combination to individual apple trees; the number of C. albicans entering the canopy of each tree was observed and the number of eggs they oviposited on foliage was estimated. Borneol was the only compound that attracted flies when compared with the other treatments, but this did not result in more fly eggs being oviposited on borneol-treated trees. None of the compounds tested resulted in a greater number of Cyzenis eggs being oviposited. A greater abundance of borneol in oak foliage than in apple foliage, and its attractiveness to C. albicans, may explain the aggregation of flies in response to feeding-damage among oak trees and the absence of this pattern among apple trees.

И.А. Уткина ◽  
В.В. Рубцов

Дубовая широкоминирующая моль Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) давно известный и массово размножающийся в дубравах европейской части России, Украины, странах Западной Европы вид филлофаговминёров. В последние два десятилетия появились свидетельства увеличения её численности в ряде регионов. Вместе с тем до сих пор остаются пробелы в знаниях об особенностях развития этого вида. По мнению одних ученых, моль производит одно поколение в год, других два. Такое расхождение может быть связано с разной погодной ситуацией в разных местообитаниях или изменяющимися условиями одного и того же местообитания. При одновременном массовом размножении дубовой широкоминирующей моли и зимней пяденицы Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) дефолиация крон обеих феноформ дуба происходит поразному, что связано с тем, что первичную листву ранней формы дуба, повреждённую зимней пяденицей, моль не заселяет и начинает минировать листья дуба поздней и промежуточных форм, не повреждённых зимней пяденицей, что увеличивает уровень их дефолиации. После окукливания зимней пяденицы, при появлении на раннем дубе нежной вторичной листвы, дубовая широкоминирующая моль успешно её осваивает. Деревья дуба при этом испытывают более продолжительное и интенсивное повреждение листвы разных генераций, что сказывается на их текущем состоянии и дальнейшем развитии. Таким образом, при высокой плотности популяции зимней пяденицы она оказывает определенное давление на популяцию дубовой широкоминирующей моли, лишая её возможности питаться весенней листвой дуба ранней формы. Лёт бабочек дубовой широкоминирующей моли ежегодно продолжительный в течение всего летнего периода он проходит очень неравномерно в разных типах дубрав и существенно зависит от погодных условий. Ее высокая вредоносность сохраняется. Вспышка зимней пяденицы прекратилась после сильных морозов в январе феврале 2012 г. The brown oak slender Acrocercops brongniardella (F., 1798) (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) is a wellknown species of leaf miners that has been widely reproducing in oak forests of the European part of Russia, Ukraine, and Western European countries. In the past two decades, evidence of an increase in its abundance and population density in some regions has appeared. However, there are still gaps in knowledge on the development features of this species. According to some authors, the moth produces one generation per year, while other authors indicate two. This discrepancy may be due to different weather conditions in different habitats, or the change in conditions of the same habitat. With simultaneous mass reproduction of the brown oak slender and the winter moth Operophtera brumata (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), the defoliation of the crowns of both phenological forms of the oak occurs differently, due to the fact that the primary foliage of the early form of the oak damaged by the winter moth, the brown oak slender does not colonize and begins to mine the leaves of the oak of the late and intermediate forms not damaged by the winter moth. This increases the level of defoliation. After pupation of the winter moth, when delicate secondary foliage appears on early oak, the brown oak slender successfully utilizes it. At this point, oak trees experience a more prolonged and intensive damage to the foliage of different generations, which affects their current state and further development. Thus, at a high density of the winter moth population, it exerts a certain pressure on the population of the brown oak slender, depriving it of the opportunity to feed on the spring foliage of the earlyshaped oak. The flight of the brown oak slender is annually long, during the whole summer, but it occurs very unevenly in different types of oak forests and significantly depends on the weather conditions. The damage caused by the brown oak slender is still high. The outbreak of the winter moth stopped after a severe frost in January February of 2012.

1988 ◽  
Vol 120 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-83 ◽  
A. MacPhee ◽  
A. Newton ◽  
K.B. McRae

AbstractThe winter moth Operophtera brumata (L.) is a serious introduced pest of apple trees in Nova Scotia. It spread westward through orchards of the Annapolis Valley in the 1950’s and to other deciduous trees throughout Nova Scotia later. The parasites Cyzenis albicans (Fall.) and Agrypon flaveolatum (Grav.) were liberated during 1961 in Nova Scotia and gradually spread throughout the winter moth population. Population dynamics studies were conducted in insecticide-free orchards and corroborated with observations in neglected unsprayed apple trees over a wide area. The winter moth population reached a balanced level in unsprayed orchards at varying densities below the limits of its food supply, but well above an acceptable level for commercial apple production. In young orchards, where trees cover a small percentage of the ground, natural dispersal of larvae appeared to be a suppressing factor. In mature orchards mortality was density dependent during the prepupal to adult stage; mortality was partly due to parasitism and predation but also to other factors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 160361 ◽  
Anne l-M-Arnold ◽  
Maren Grüning ◽  
Judy Simon ◽  
Annett-Barbara Reinhardt ◽  
Norbert Lamersdorf ◽  

Climate change may foster pest epidemics in forests, and thereby the fluxes of elements that are indicators of ecosystem functioning. We examined compounds of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in insect faeces, leaf litter, throughfall and analysed the soils of deciduous oak forests ( Quercus petraea  L.) that were heavily infested by the leaf herbivores winter moth ( Operophtera brumata  L.) and mottled umber ( Erannis defoliaria  L.). In infested forests, total net canopy-to-soil fluxes of C and N deriving from insect faeces, leaf litter and throughfall were 30- and 18-fold higher compared with uninfested oak forests, with 4333 kg C ha −1 and 319 kg N ha −1 , respectively, during a pest outbreak over 3 years. In infested forests, C and N levels in soil solutions were enhanced and C/N ratios in humus layers were reduced indicating an extended canopy-to-soil element pathway compared with the non-infested forests. In a microcosm incubation experiment, soil treatments with insect faeces showed 16-fold higher fluxes of carbon dioxide and 10-fold higher fluxes of dissolved organic carbon compared with soil treatments without added insect faeces (control). Thus, the deposition of high rates of nitrogen and rapidly decomposable carbon compounds in the course of forest pest epidemics appears to stimulate soil microbial activity (i.e. heterotrophic respiration), and therefore, may represent an important mechanism by which climate change can initiate a carbon cycle feedback.

1958 ◽  
Vol 90 (9) ◽  
pp. 538-540 ◽  
C. C. Smith

The fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria (Harr.), and the winter moth, Operophtera brumata (Linn.), both feed to a great extent on the same tree species and prefer apple, Malus spp., red oak, Quercus rubra L., basswood, Tilia spp., white elm, Ulmus americana L., and Norway maple, Acer platanoides L. They also have similar life-histories and habits (Smith 1950 and 1953). Both lay their eggs on the trees in the fall and overwinter in this stage. The eggs hatch about the same time and the larvae of (both species mature about the third week in June. They drop to the ground and form cocoons at a depth of about an inch. The adults emerge about the same time, commencing usually during the last week in October and continuing until early December or until the ground freezes.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 159 ◽  
Vilina PETROVA ◽  

The presented study aimed to determine apples trunk and branch diseases and pests in three growing systems conventional, integrated and biological (organic). The investigations were made on an experimental apple orchard (1 ha) of the Institute of Agriculture at Kyustendil, Southwest Bulgaria in four consecutive years from 2007 to 2010. Three scab resistant cultivars Prima, Florina and Erwin Baur grafted on rootstocks MM106 were planted in 1996. The orchard was divided into four plots. One plot was treated conventionally with a normal pesticide programme, two plots were treated integrated according to the general principles, rules and standards of integrated apple production and one plot for biological (organic). The monitoring of pests and diseases and assessment of their density were done every two weeks. It was established that during the experimental period important disease and pests on apple trees in different growing systems were black rot Botryosphaeria obtusa, apple clearwig moth Synanthedon myopaeformis and shorthole borer Scolytus rugulosus. The damages by trunk and branch diseases and pests on apple were considerable higher in biological growing system. The mean rate of attack of cultivar Erwin Baur by Botryosphaeria obtusa in biological and conventional growing systems was 52.35% and 4.65%, respectively. The percentage of damaged by Scolytus rugulosus trunk and branch area per tree reach to 58.74 in biological and 0.23 in conventional system. Reduced vitality of apple trees growing with out pesticides and mineral fertilizers in biological growing system was the reason for strong infection of Botryosphaeria obtusa and attack of Synanthedon myopaeformis and Scolytus rugulosus.

1988 ◽  
Vol 120 (7) ◽  
pp. 697-698 ◽  
Kenneth A. Pivnick

In a recently completed study involving pheromone trapping of the winter moth, Operophtera brumata (L.), and the Bruce spanworm, O. bruceata (Hulst), on Vancouver Island (Pivnick et al. 1988), I noticed that O. bruceata had wing colouration different from sympatric O. brumata. The west coast O. bruceata has a pale yellow-orange costal margin on the underside of the forewings and this is faint to absent in O. brumata (Fig. 1). It is also absent from O. bruceata in Saskatoon, which is interesting because some authors consider the west coast population of O. bruceata to be a separate species: the western winter moth, O. occidentalis (see Ferguson 1978; Pivnick et al. 1988). Descriptions of O. bruceata (Brown 1962) and O. brumata (Cuming 1961), and a taxonomic key to these two species (Eidt et al. 1966), do not mention any distinctive wing markings that could be used to separate the two species.

1981 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 407-411 ◽  
H. B. HEENEY ◽  

Annual yields of mature Kinkead Red Spy apple trees were higher when growth under trees was controlled by a rotation of three herbicides, namely, simazine (2-chloro-4, 6 bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine), terbacil (3-tert-butyl-5-chloro-6-methyluracil) and dichlobenil (2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile) compared to yields of trees in which sod was regularly mowed to control growth of weeds. While weed control with herbicide rotations was not as effective as with continuous usage of a single herbicide, it was commercially acceptable, and the problem of common vetch (Vicia cracca L.) as on escape weed, particularly with continuous simazine was largely avoided. Over the 6-yr period there was little effect on nutrient levels of the foliage. Use of a rotation of herbicides prevented the accumulation of residues in the soil and levels of all herbicides noted in year 1 of the rotation were reduced to negligible amounts 2 yr after a particular herbicide had been applied.

2010 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-97 ◽  
R.S. Mann ◽  
R.L. Rouseff ◽  
J.M. Smoot ◽  
W.S. Castle ◽  
L.L. Stelinski

AbstractThe Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, vectors Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las) and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus (Lam), the presumed causal agents of huanglongbing. D. citri generally rely on olfaction and vision for detection of host cues. Plant volatiles from Allium spp. (Alliaceae) are known to repel several arthropod species. We examined the effect of garlic chive (A. tuberosum Rottl.) and wild onion (A. canadense L.) volatiles on D. citri behaviour in a two-port divided T-olfactometer. Citrus leaf volatiles attracted significantly more D. citri adults than clean air. Volatiles from crushed garlic chive leaves, garlic chive essential oil, garlic chive plants, wild onion plants and crushed wild onion leaves all repelled D. citri adults when compared with clean air, with the first two being significantly more repellent than the others. However, when tested with citrus volatiles, only crushed garlic chive leaves and garlic chive essential oil were repellent, and crushed wild onions leaves were not.Analysis of the headspace components of crushed garlic chive leaves and garlic chive essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that monosulfides, disulfides and trisulfides were the primary sulfur volatiles present. In general, trisulfides (dimethyl trisulfide) inhibited the response of D. citri to citrus volatiles more than disulfides (dimethyl disulfide, allyl methyl disulfide, allyl disulfide). Monosulfides did not affect the behaviour of D. citri adults. A blend of dimethyl trisulfide and dimethyl disulfide in 1:1 ratio showed an additive effect on inhibition of D. citri response to citrus volatiles. The plant volatiles from Allium spp. did not affect the behaviour of the D. citri ecto-parasitoid Tamarixia radiata (Waterston). Thus, Allium spp. or the tri- and di-sulphides could be integrated into management programmes for D. citri without affecting natural enemies.

2003 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 335-342 ◽  
D. Natale ◽  
L. Mattiacci ◽  
A. Hern ◽  
E. Pasqualini ◽  
S. Dorn

AbstractPeach shoot volatiles were attractive to mated female oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta (Busck), in a dual choice arena. No preference was observed between leaf odours from the principle host plant, peach, and the secondary host plant, apple. Twenty-two compounds were identified in headspace volatiles of peach shoots using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Green leaf volatiles accounted for more than 50% of the total emitted volatiles. A bioassay-assisted fractionation using different sorbent polymers indicated an attractant effect of compounds with a chain length of 6–8 carbon atoms. The major compounds of this fraction were tested either singly or in combinations for behavioural response of females. Significant bioactivity was found for a three-component mixture of (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and benzaldehyde in a 4:1:1 ratio. This synthetic mixture elicited a similar attractant effect as the full natural blend from peach shoots as well as the bioactive fraction.

1960 ◽  
Vol 92 (11) ◽  
pp. 862-864 ◽  
D. G. Embree

Cyzenis albicans (Fall.) has been introduced into Nova Scotia as a control measure against the winter moth, Operophtera brumata (L.). The parasite attacks the late larval stages of the winter moth, pupates within the host in the ground, and emerges in the spring. The first liberations were made at Oak Hill near Bridgewater and the dates of releases as well as the numbers released were reported by Graham (1958) as follows: 1954, 31; 1955, 1008; 1956, 1005; 1957, 250. Graham made recoveries of C. albicans from rearings of larvae collected at Oak Hill in 1956 and 1957 and found that parasitism was less than two per cent both years. While liberations have been made at other locations in the Province since 1957, no further releases have been made at or near Oak Hill.

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