Effects of fungicide sprays on foliar diseases, yield, and quality of spring wheat in Finland

1992 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 955-963 ◽  
Jari Peltonen ◽  
Reijo Karjalainen

The fungicide Tilt (propiconazole) applied to spring wheat between Zadoks growth stages 47 and 55 significantly decreased the severity of foliar diseases caused by Septoria nodorum and Erysiphe graminis and prolonged duration of green leaf area. There were, however, genotypic differences in response to fungicide applications. With some cultivars, application of Tilt increased grain yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and protein quality, but with other cultivars there was no benefit from spraying. Also, in a good growing season (1986) Tilt significantly increased grain nitrogen uptake, grain yield, grain weight, and protein quality, but in a cold and wet year (1987) Tilt did not increase yield or quality of the cultivars tested.Key words: Triticum aestivum, Septoria nodorum, Erysiphe graminis, fungicide application, yield components, protein quality

1985 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-66
Reijo Karjalainen

Host-pathogen interaction between spring wheat and Septoria nodorum Berk. with applications for wheat breeding were studied. Ultrastructure of interactions was studied using electron microscopic techniques. Following inoculation, conidia of S. nodorum germinate, form appressoria anda penetration peg which directly penetrates through the cell walls. It is suggested that most penetration attempts fail because of cellular defence reactions, formation of papillae and cell wall alterations. Inoculation with low spore concentration reduced grain yield of Hankkija’s Taava cultivar by 10 % and 1000-grain weight by 14 %. Inoculation with high spore concentration on large plots of Tähti cultivar reduced grain yield by 32 % and 1000-grain weight by 18 %. Inoculation with high spore concentration on normal breeding plots of Tähti cultivar reduced grain yield by 35 % and 1000-grain weight by 21 % and the grain yield of Kadett cultivar by 27 % and 1000-grain weight by 20 %. Inheritance studies on F2 progenies of spring wheat crosses involving susceptible and moderately or highly resistant parents suggest that heredity component of symptom expression is moderate level and breeding success depends mainly on efficient screening techniques. Resistance was associated with tallness in crosses, and cultivar trials suggest that resistance is positively associated with late maturation time. Field screening techniques based on small plots and artificial inoculation showed that the most resistant entries were wild Triticum species and late and tall cultivars. Seedling plant tests based on attached seedling leaves and detached leaves revealed easily the most resistant and most susceptible cultivars. The overall correlation between seedling tests and field tests was quite high. The results are discussed in relation to wheat breeding strategies for resistance to S. nodorum.

1992 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19 ◽  
B. J. Zebarth ◽  
R. W. Sheard

Several previous studies have reported that grain yield of cereal crops was greater from multiple than from single nitrogen (N) applications. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of the time and rate of N application on the yield and quality of hard red winter wheat grown in Ontario. One experiment was conducted in each of 2 yr using a factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors were rate of N application (40, 80, 120, 160, 200 or 240 kg N ha−1), and timing of N application (100/0/0, 75/25/0, 50/50/0 or 25/50/25 percent of the N applied at Zadok’s growth stages 22/32/45). Early N application reduced grain yield in a year of below-average precipitation, increased grain yield in a year of average precipitation, and increased straw yield in both years. Late N application increased grain crude protein concentration and harvest index in both years. Given the lack of a consistent yield increase and the added cost of application, it is unlikely that multiple N applications will be economical for hard red winter wheat production in Ontario.Key words: Triticum aestivum, intensive cereal management, yield components, wheat

2001 ◽  
Vol 136 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-167 ◽  
M. J. CONRY ◽  

Eighteen experiments were carried out over a 6-year period (1989–94) on three different soil types to compare the effects of a broad-spectrum fungicide, applied as 1-, 2- or 3-spray programmes at different growth stages, to control foliar diseases on early and later-sown Blenheim malting barley. Powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe graminis (Blumeria graminis) f. sp. hordei, was the dominant disease in all 6 years. Sowing date had a major effect on grain yield and ex-farm quality of the malting barley. The earlier-sown treatments gave significantly greater yield than the later-sown in 13 of the experiments, and significantly lower grain N concentrations and screenings (small grains <2·2mm) in 14 and 16 of them, respectively.Early and more frequent fungicide applications improved grain yield and reduced grain screenings but had no significant effect on grain N. Early-applied fungicide (i.e. before GS 33) was generally the most effective in controlling disease, increasing yield and reducing screenings. The magnitude of the response depended on disease severity. In those years when disease was low on the early-sown crops (1989,1991 and 1994), the early-applied 1-spray programme and 2-spray programmes increased grain yields by relatively small amounts in both early and late-sown crops. In the other 3 years (1990,1992 and 1993), when disease severity was greater, the early-applied 1-spray programme and 2-spray programmes gave much greater grain yield increments on both early and late sowings. The 3-spray fungicide programme gave the greatest yields in most of the experiments but they were not significantly greater than the best of all the other treatments. Grain screenings were reduced by fungicide applications in both early and late-sown crops, but the early-applied 1-spray programme and 2-spray programmes were generally the most effective in reducing screenings.

2014 ◽  
Vol 60 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 141-145 ◽  
A. Woźniak ◽  
M. Gos

The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization on the grain yield and quality of spring wheat and on selected chemical and biological properties of soil. The first order factor was the tillage system: (1) conventional (CT) &ndash; shallow ploughing and harrowing after harvest of the previous crop, and pre-winter ploughing; (2) reduced (RT) &ndash; only a cultivator after harvest of the previous crop, and (3) no-tillage (NT) &ndash; only Roundup 360 SL herbicide (a.s. glyphosate) after harvest of the previous crop. The second order factor was nitrogen dose: (1) 90 kg N/ha and (2) 150 kg N/ha. Higher yields were demonstrated for spring wheat sown in CT and RT systems, compared to the NT system. In addition, grain yield was increased by a nitrogen dose of&nbsp;150 kg/ha, compared to 90 kg/ha. Contents of protein and wet gluten in the grain were also increased by the higher nitrogen dose. The RT and NT systems were observed to increase the content of organic C, total N and available phosphorus in the soil, compared to the CT system. They also increased the number and mass of earthworms in the soil, compared to the CT system.

Plants ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 144 ◽  
Seth Tolley ◽  
Mohsen Mohammadi

Recently, root traits have been suggested to play an important role in developing greater nitrogen uptake and grain yield. However, relatively few breeding programs utilize these root traits. Over a series of experiments at different growth stages with destructive plant biomass measurements, we analyzed above-ground and below-ground traits in seven geographically diverse lines of wheat. Root and shoot biomass allocation in 14-day-old seedlings were analyzed using paper roll-supported hydroponic culture in two Hoagland solutions containing 0.5 (low) and 4 (high) mM of nitrogen (N). For biomass analysis of plants at maturity, plants were grown in 7.5 L pots filled with soil mix under two nitrogen treatments. Traits were measured as plants reached maturity. High correlations were observed among duration of vegetative growth, tiller number, shoot dry matter, and root dry matter. Functionality of large roots in nitrogen uptake was dependent on the availability of N. Under high N, lines with larger roots had a greater yield response to the increase in N input. Under low N, yields were independent of root size and dry matter, meaning that there was not a negative tradeoff to the allocation of more resources to roots, though small rooted lines were more competitive with regards to grain yield and grain N concentration in the low-N treatment. In the high-N treatment, the large-rooted lines were correlated to an increase in grain N concentration (r = 0.54) and grain yield (r = 0.43). In low N, the correlation between root dry matter to yield (r = 0.20) and grain N concentration (r = −0.38) decreased. A 15-fold change was observed between lines for root dry matter; however, only a ~5-fold change was observed in shoot dry matter. Additionally, root dry matter measured at the seedling stage did not correlate to the corresponding trait at maturity. As such, in a third assay, below-ground and above-ground traits were measured at key growth stages including the four-leaf stage, stem elongation, heading, post-anthesis, and maturity. We found that root growth appears to be stagnant from stem elongation to maturity.

1995 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-411 ◽  
J. O. Owuoche ◽  
K. G. Briggs ◽  
G. J. Taylor ◽  
D. C. Penney

Concentrations of copper (Cu) in the youngest fully emerged leaves (YFEL) and grain of eight widely grown Canadian spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Biggar, Columbus, Conway, Katepwa, Laura, Oslo, Park and Roblin, were determined. Leaves were sampled at five growth stages from field plots grown in 1990 and 1991 on Cu-deficient soil or soil treated with 12.2 kg Cu ha−1 as Cu sulphate. Symptoms of Cu deficiency, mainly rolling and wilting of young leaves and twisting and terminal dieback, were noted on Katepwa, Park and Roblin at Zadok growth stage 24. Significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects on Cu concentration in the YFEL were found due to cultivar, copper treatment, year and growth stage. The Cu concentrations in Katepwa, Park and Roblin not treated with Cu ranged between 4.6 and 5.7 μg g−1 in 1990 and between 2.8 and 3.5 μg g−1 in 1991 at Zadok growth stage 22. Cultivars Biggar, Columbus, Conway, Laura and Oslo did not show symptoms of Cu deficiency and had Cu concentrations in the range of 4.6–5.4 μg g−1 in 1990 and 2.3–3.1 μg g−1 in 1991. Deficiency symptoms were observed on Katepwa and Park supplied with Cu, although concentrations of Cu in the YFEL were relatively high. Grains sampled from the tillers generally had lower Cu concentrations than those from main stems, but the magnitude of this difference varied with the year. Significant correlations were found between Cu concentrations in the YFEL and grain yield (r = 0.90* in 1990 and 0.89* in 1991) and with floret fertility (r = 0.74* in 1990 and 0.94** in 1991). These large and significant correlations confirm the important role of Cu nutritional status in influencing floret fertility and grain yield. Critical levels of Cu in the leaves needed for unlimited growth could not be defined because of year-to-year variability. In this study, Cu concentration in the YFEL was not a useful indicator of potential Cu use efficiency in different wheat cultivars. However, for individual plants under Cu-deficiency stress, Cu concentration in the YFEL was a good indicator of the grain yield potential of different cultivars. Key words:Triticum aestivum, copper, youngest fully emerged leaves, tissue analysis

1975 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 166-180
Paavo Elonen ◽  
Sirkka-Liisa Rinne ◽  
Hilkka Suomela

In the years 1967—70 twelve irrigation experiments of spring wheat were carried out in southern Finland (60-62° N, 22-26° E). Sprinkler irrigation (2 X 30 mm) increased the grain yields on an average by 1240±470kg/ha (from 2740 to 3980 kg) or 45±17 %. The increases in yield were significant on clay soils (9 trials) and loam (1 trial) but insignificant on fines and (1 trial) and mould (1 trial). Additional nitrogen fertilization (from 76 to 143kg/ha N) increased the grain yields on an average by 350± 200 kg/ha or 11±6 %. The ripening of wheat was significantly promoted by irrigation in one year but slightly retarded in three years. Nitrogen fertilization slightly retarded ripening every year The falling number of grains tended to be slightly improved by irrigation (from 285 to 321, on an average), but in most trials irrigation and nitrogen fertilization had no significant influence on the falling number. Irrigation decreased the crude protein content of grains in all trials, on an average by 2.2 ± 0.7 %-units (from 16.3 to 14.1%). This unfavourable effect was, however, avoided with additional nitrogen which increased the protein content by 1.9±0.4%-units (from 14,3 to 16.2 %). The effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on those characteristics of wheat that are correlated with protein, were similar to the effects on the protein content. Thus, irrigation decreased the zeleny value (from 64 to 53 ml), cold viscosity (from 214 to 114 seconds), water absorption (from 66.5 to 64.9 %) and the valorimeter value (from 68 to 60), while these characteristics were improved by nitrogen fertilization. Irrigation did not decrease the Pelshenke value but increased significantly the ratio of the Pelshenke value/protein content (from 5,1 to 6.1). This indicates that the quality of protein was improved by irrigation, while the effect of nitrogen fertilization was the reverse. In fact, irrigation and additional nitrogen fertilization affected the quantity and quality of protein and the baking quality characteristics of wheat in opposite directions but the quantity of grain yield in the same direction. With these two methods combined it was possible to produce 60 % higher grain yields without any noteworthy changes in the baking quality characteristics of spring wheat.

1983 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 333-344
Reijo Karjalainen ◽  
Aino Laitinen ◽  
Tapio Juuti

Data from two experiments was analysed in order to determine the effects of Septoria nodorum Berk. on the yield of spring wheat. In the first experiment the cultivar Hankkija’s Taava was artificially inoculated with low spore concentration suspensions of S. nodorum. The resulting disease reduced grain yield by 10%, 1000-grain weight by 14%, and hectorlitre weight by 5.7 %. An examination of the ears from the main stems revealed that the pathogen induced a reduction in all yield components but especially in grain number/ear and grain weight. In the second experiment a total of 28 cultivars or lines were studied and the correlation between grain yield/ear and disease severity was found to be negative but low. No consistent trend among the correlations was seen and some susceptible cultivars suffered only slightly from the disease while other fairly resistant cultivars showed great losses. The results are discussed in relation to compensatory mechanisms and potential disease tolerance in wheat.

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