specific growth
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2023 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
S. Abbas ◽  
Asia Iqbal ◽  
K. M. Anjum ◽  
S. Sherzada ◽  
U. Atique ◽  

Abstract We have evaluated the effects of different fish feeds on the body composition, growth, and enzyme activities of Labeo rohita (Rohu). In total, 240 fishes between the average weights of 24.77±2.15g were studied. The treatments were applied in a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments of 60 fishes each. Treatments consisted of four different fish feeds [Oryza (T1), AMG (T2), Aqua (T3), and Supreme (T4)]. Body composition, growth performance, and enzyme activities were evaluated. There was a significant variation in performance of fishes fed with different type of feed; as fishes having Oryza feed showed the highest weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), and best feed conversion ratio (FCR) as compared to other groups that were considered to be significant (P ≤ 0.05). High net weight gain was obtained in T4 when compared with T2 and T3. FCR value of T4 was less than T1 but higher than T2, T3 and T2, which showed the lowest values. The specific growth rate was recorded as average in T4, but T2 led a high SGR than T3. Similarly, crude protein level and digestive enzymes activity was recorded significantly highest in fed with Oryza (T1) as compared to AMG (T2), Aqua (T3), and Supreme (T4). Water quality parameters were recorded significant in all treatments except pH and DO of treatment (T1), significantly different from other treatments. It was concluded that Rohu (Labeo rohita) could show a promising growth rate and protease enzyme activity when fed with the Oryza feed of 25% protein.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 812
Lina Kolloch ◽  
Teresa Kreinest ◽  
Michael Meisterernst ◽  
Andrea Oeckinghaus

Inhibition of the dual function cell cycle and transcription kinase CDK7 is known to affect the viability of cancer cells, but the mechanisms underlying cell line-specific growth control remain poorly understood. Here, we employed a previously developed, highly specific small molecule inhibitor that non-covalently blocks ATP binding to CDK7 (LDC4297) to study the mechanisms underlying cell line-specific growth using a panel of genetically heterogeneous human pancreatic tumor lines as model system. Although LDC4297 diminished both transcription rates and CDK T-loop phosphorylation in a comparable manner, some PDAC lines displayed significantly higher sensitivity than others. We focused our analyses on two well-responsive lines (Mia-Paca2 and Panc89) that, however, showed significant differences in their viability upon extended exposure to limiting LDC4297 concentrations. Biochemical and RNAseq analysis revealed striking differences in gene expression and cell cycle control. Especially the downregulation of a group of cell cycle control genes, among them CDK1/2 and CDC25A/C, correlated well to the observed viability differences in Panc89 versus Mia-Paca2 cells. A parallel downregulation of regulatory pathways supported the hypothesis of a feedforward programmatic effect of CDK7 inhibitors, eventually causing hypersensitivity of PDAC lines.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Luis Silva ◽  
Maria Ll. Calleja ◽  
Tamara M. Huete-Stauffer ◽  
Snjezana Ivetic ◽  
Mohd I. Ansari ◽  

Despite the key role of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the biogeochemistry of tropical coastal waters, their dynamics have been poorly investigated in relation to the different dissolved organic matter (DOM) pools usually available. In this study we conducted four seasonal incubations of unfiltered and predator-free seawater (Community and Filtered treatment, respectively) at three Red Sea coastal sites characterized by different dominant DOM sources: Seagrass, Mangrove, and Phytoplankton. Bacterial abundance, growth and physiological status were assessed by flow cytometry and community composition by 16S rRNA gene amplicons. The Seagrass site showed the highest initial abundances (6.93 ± 0.30 × 105 cells mL–1), coincident with maximum DOC concentrations (>100 μmol C L–1), while growth rates peaked at the Mangrove site (1.11 ± 0.09 d–1) and were consistently higher in the Filtered treatment. The ratio between the Filtered and Community maximum bacterial abundance (a proxy for top-down control by protistan grazers) showed minimum values at the Seagrass site (1.05 ± 0.05) and maximum at the Phytoplankton site (1.24 ± 0.30), suggesting protistan grazing was higher in open waters, especially in the first half of the year. Since the Mangrove and Seagrass sites shared a similar bacterial diversity, the unexpected lack of bacterial response to predators removal at the latter site should be explained by differences in DOM characteristics. Nitrogen-rich DOM and fluorescent protein-like components were significantly associated with enhanced specific growth rates along the inshore-offshore gradient. Our study confirms the hypotheses that top–down factors control bacterial standing stocks while specific growth rates are bottom-up controlled in representative Red Sea shallow, oligotrophic ecosystems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
A P A Samad ◽  
M F Isma ◽  
E Ayuzar ◽  
Ilhamdi ◽  
R Humairani ◽  

Abstract Lobster is among freshwater crustaceans which is potentially cultivated in aquaculture system. This present study was conducted to determine the growth and survival rate of freshwater lobster Cherax quadricarinatus fed different forage feed. The experimental methode used a completely randomized design consisted of 4 treatments in triplicate: commercial diet (PL), commercial diet and carrots (PW), commercial diet and potatoes (PK) and commercial diet and sweet potatoes (PU). The experimental lobsters were 5-7 cm in size and 6-8 g in weight. Results indicated that forage feeding can affect the total weight and length, weight gain, specific growth rate and survival rate of lobster. Data showed the best weight gain and specific growth rate were found in PW (34.37±0.30%) and (1.05±0.03%), respectively. The lowest survival rate was seen in PU at 86.67%. However, the best feed conversion ratio gained by PL at 1.74±0.09. This study suggested that the combination of commercial diet with carrots provided the best growth performances in freshwater lobster Cherax quadricarinatus.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
J. C. Carvalho ◽  
R. A. C. Corrêa Filho ◽  
C. A. L. Oliveira ◽  
R. P. Ribeiro ◽  
G. N. Seraphim ◽  

Abstract Selection can affect growth, changing performance and asymptotic values. However, there is little information about the growth of families in fish breeding programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and growth of families of Nile tilapia AquaAmérica. Twenty AquaAmérica families cultivated in a net cage (13.5 m3) for 181 days were evaluated. The nonlinear Gompertz regression model was fitted to the data by the weighted least squares method, taking the inverse of the variance of weight in different families and at different ages as the weighting variable. The model was adjusted to describe the growth in weight and morphometric characteristics. Two families showed highest (P<0.05) weights at both 133 days (family AA10: 743.2 g; family AA16: 741.2 g) and 181 days (family AA10: 1,422.1 g; family AA16: 1,393.4 g) of the experiment. In both experimental periods, the males showed a heavier weight, with the greatest contrast between the sexes occurring at 181 days. The analysis of the three most contrasting families (AA1, AA9 and AA14) showed that the asymptotic value for weight was higher (P<0.05) in family AA9 (3,926.3 g) than in family AA14 (3,251.6 g), but specific growth rate and age at the inflection point did not differ significantly between families. In conclusion, two of the 20 families were superior; males exhibited a greater growth, mainly in the period of 181 days; and the growth curve differed between the families, especially for asymptotic weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-27
Elmi Patma Insani ◽  
Salnida yuniarti Lumbessy ◽  
Dewi Putri Lestari

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the addition of pumpkin flour (C. moschata D.) and papaya flour (C.  papaya) to feed to increase the brightness of the  gold fish (C. auratus) color. The method used is an experimental method with a completely randomized design, consisting of four treatments and three replications of P0 0% (Control), P1 10% , P2 20%, P3 30%. Research parameters include carotenoid analysis, hunter’s color test, absolute weight growth, absolute specific growth, absolute length growth , FCR, EPP, survival rate and water quality. The results showed that the addition of a mixture of pumpkin flour and papaya flour in the goldfish can affect the value of feed conversion, feed afficiency, survival rate, carotenoid content and the brightness of the goldfish color on the value of a* (redness), b* (yellowness) and Huebut it does not affect the value of L* (lightness) and the growth of the goldfish

I.M. Abu Zeid ◽  
M.F. Rahman ◽  
Mohd Yunus Shukor

More and more people are looking at bioremediation as a cheaper option to physhiochemical techniques for cleaning up pollution from farming, mines, and other chemical industries. Toxic effects of molybdenum on spermatogenesis harm not only humans but also livestock and aquatic life. As a result, efforts are being made to remove it from the ecosystem. A microorganism that can convert soluble molybdenum into colloidal molybdenum blue has been discovered. Phosphate concentrations were optimum between 2.5 and 5, molybdate concentrations between 15 and 20, pH between 6, and temperature between 25 and 34 degrees Celsius for the bacteria to thrive. Absorption spectrum of Mo-blue shows a peak at 865 nm and a shoulder at 700 nm, which indicates that it is in fact reduced phosphomolybdate. Copper, mercury, silver, copper, and chromium are all hazardous heavy metals that hinder the synthesis of Mo-blue. Bacillus sp. strain Zeid 15 is the most likely candidate for the bacterium's identity. As part of our screening, we look for the bacterium's capacity to employ different nitriles and amides as potential electron donors for molybdenum reduction or as substrates for growth. A microplate format was used for the screening. The bacterium was able to use the amides acrylamide and propionamide as sources of electron donor for reduction. Mo-blue production was best supported by acrylamide between 750 and 1250 mg/L, and propionamide between 750 and 1000 mg/L. In addition, these amides including acetamide could support the growth of the bacterium. The modified Gompertz model was utilized to model the growth of this bacterium on amides. The model’s growth parameters obtained were lag periods of 1.372, 1.562 and 1.639 d and maximum specific growth rates of 1.38, 0.95 and 0.734 d-1, for acrylamide, acetamide and propionamide, respectively. The capacity of this bacterium to decontaminate simultaneously amides and molybdenum is a novel characteristic that will be very beneficial in bioremediation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Zulkifly Aidil Ramadhan ◽  
Sri Mulyani ◽  
Amal Aqmal

Pakan alami merupakan pakan yang paling sesuai digunakan sebagai pakan benih ikan yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemberian pakan alami (Dapnia sp, Tubifex sp, Cacing Darah) terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila Sultana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acap lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan : Daphnia sp. Tubifex  sp. dan Cacing Darah. Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Benih ikan nila selama 35 hari pemeliharaan menunjukkan peningkatan berat tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan Tubifex sp, dari 8,6 menjadi 16,0 gr, selanjutnya diikuti pada perlakuan Cacing Darah dari 8,47 menjadi 9,36 gr, dan berat terendah terdapat pada perlakuan Daphnia sp dari 7,97 menjadi 8,7 gr. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup Benih tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan Tubifex sp sebesar 83%, kemudian Cacing Darah 68%, dan terendah pada perlakuan Daphnia sp 65%. Pengaruh pemberian pakan alami tidak berpegaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan spesifik, sedangkan kelangsungan hidup Ikan Nila Sultana berpengaruh nyata. Natural feed is the most suitable feed used as fish seed feed that supports the growth and survival rate of fish fry. This study aims to determine the provision of natural food (Dapnia sp, Tubifex sp, Blood Worm) on the growth and survival rate of Sultana tilapia fry. The method used in this study was a randomized complete design (CRD) with three treatments and three replications: Daphnia sp. Tubifex sp. and Blood Worms. The increase in the growth of tilapia seeds during 35 days of rearing showed the highest increase in weight was found in the Tubifex sp treatment, from 8.6 to 16.0 g, followed by the Bloodworm treatment from 8.47 to 9.36 g, and the lowest weight was found in Daphnia sp treatment from 7.97 to 8.7 gr. The highest seed survival rate was found in the treatment of Tubifex sp by 83%, then Bloodworms 68%, and the lowest in the treatment of Daphnia sp 65%. The effect of natural feeding had no significant effect on specific growth, while the survival of Tilapia Sultana had a significant effect.

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