scholarly journals Test Case Design using Black Box Testing Techniques for Data Mart

2015 ◽  
Vol 109 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-22 ◽  
Payal Pahwa ◽  
Renu Miglani
Jafar Shadiq ◽  
Ahmad Safei ◽  
Rayhan Wahyudin Ratu Loly

Abstrak:  Pengujian black-box begitu penting karena teknik tersebut mampu mengidentifikasi kesalahan dalam fungsi, antar muka, model data, dan akses kesumber data eksternal. Dalam pelaksanaan sering timbul masalah penguji tidak pernah yakin apakah perangkat lunak yang diuji telah benar-benar lolos dalam pengujian. Hal ini terjadi karena kemungkinan masih ada beberapa jalur eksekusi yang belum pernah teruji. Penguji seharusnya membuat setiap kemungkinan kombinasi data masukan untuk pengujian. Pemilihan data masukan untuk menemukan kesalahan menjadi masalah bagi penguji karena memiliki probabilitas yang tinggi, sehingga desain test case secara otomatis dapat menjadi solusi. Pada implementasi ini aplikasi yang akan di uji menggunakan black-box testing adalah sebuah Sistem Informasi peminjaman kedaraan operasional. Aplikasi peminjaman kendaran operasional tersebut akan diuji menggunakan black-box testing di mana pengujian ini hanya bertujuan untuk melihat program tersebut apakah sesuai dengan fungsi yang diinginkan program tersebut tanpa mengetahui kode program yang dipakai. Untuk menghasilkan desain test case secara otomatis dalam pengujian perangkat lunak metode black-box dengan teknik equivalence partitioning. Teknik Equivalence Partitions adalah pengujian didasarkan masukkan data pada setiap form yang ada pada sistem informasi pengelolaan masjid, setiap menu akan dilakukan pengujian dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsinya baik itu bernilai valid ataupun tidak valid.   Kata kunci: Equivalence Partitions, black-box, Aplikasi, Peminjaman Kendaraan Operasional, test case   Abstract: Black-box testing is very important because the technique is able to identify errors in functions, interfaces, data models, and access to external data sources. In implementation, the problem often arises that the tester is never sure whether the software being tested has actually passed the test. This happens because there may still be some untested execution paths. The tester must make every possible combination of input data for testing. The selection of input data to find errors is a problem for the examiner because it has a high probability, so that the test case design can automatically be a solution. In this implementation, the application that will be tested using black-box testing is an operational vehicle loan information system. The operational vehicle loan application will be tested using black-box testing where this test only aims to see whether the program is in accordance with the desired function of the program without knowing the program code used. To generate test case designs automatically in software testing the black-box method with equivalence partitioning techniques. The Equivalence Partitions technique is a test based on data on every form in the management information system, each menu will be tested and assessed for mosques based on usefulness, whether it is feasible or not valid..   Keywords: Equivalence Partitions, black-box, Aplplication, Operational Vehicle Loan, test case

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Deny Setiawan ◽  
Muhammad Ardiansyah Fadhillah ◽  
Anggun Wibawa ◽  
Irwan Sugiarto ◽  
Agus Mulyana ◽  

In determining the level of quality of a software it is necessary to test the software. Tests tested can include specifications, design, and coding of the software. This test is conducted to test web-based library software. This test uses the Black Box Testing method using the Equivalence Partitioning technique. Black Box Testing is applied in order to find errors in software related to erroneous functions, errors in interface display, data structure errors or access rights in external databases, sub-optimal performance in a process, and errors in initialization or termination. The Equivalence Partitioning technique defines the cases to be tested by finding some errors and minimizing the number of cases that must be made. The Equivalence Partitioning test case design is based on the premise of the input and output of a component which is partitioned into classes according to the specifications of that component, which are treated equally (equivalence). It can also be assumed that the results of an input produce the same response. The expected result of testing this software is to ensure that this software is free from errors so that in its use there will be no obstacles that prevent the user from doing his work. And inform that the software is in accordance with predetermined specifications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Vadlan Febrian ◽  
Muhamad Rizki Ramadhan ◽  
Muhammad Faisal ◽  
Aries Saifudin

In this employee payroll application, if there is an error program there will be a loss for employees and the company. Losses for employees, if this application program error occurs then the salary reduction will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating employee salaries and employees will be late in receiving salaries. Losses for the company, if there is an error program in this application, the company will suffer losses if the employee wants a salary reduction quickly but the company cannot calculate quickly and accurately. In solving this problem, the authors use the black box testing method. Black box testing method is a test that sees the results of execution through test data and ensures the function of the software. Black box testing method has several testing techniques, namely Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions and others. From the testing techniques that have been mentioned, we use the Equivalence Partitions testing technique. Equivalence Partitions are tests that refer to data entry on the employee payroll application form, input will be tested and then put together based on the test function, both valid and invalid values. The expected results of this test are a payroll system for employees who are computerized, have standard rules in the process of developing the program so that it is easy to develop and maintain, and can minimize errors in processing salary calculations for employees.


Abstract data types (ADTs) represent the fundamental building blocks of object-oriented software development. There have been a variety of techniques in the literature for testing ADT modules. Virtually all of the proposed techniques have involved testing sequences of ADT operations (e.g., for a stack ADT, test the sequence PUSH; PUSH; POP) to discover defects in their interactions. However, the operations inside an ADT module are really nothing more than conventional procedures and functions. Consequently, it is conceivable that conventional subprogram unit testing techniques can be adapted to test ADT operations. To support such testing techniques, test cases are best designed and expressed in terms of data values. When test cases are integers, for example, expressing a test case is trivial (e.g., ‘253’). However, when test cases are data abstractions (such as stacks), this problem is much more difficult due to the variety of different formats in which a single data abstraction can be legitimately viewed. In this paper, we provide a conceptual framework for applying classical white-box and black-box unit testing techniques to ADT operations. We then use this framework to develop a collection of guidelines for determining the best format for test case design, given different module characteristics and testing techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Andri Ricat Sinulingga ◽  
Muhammad Zuhri ◽  
Rizky Budi Mukti ◽  
Zia Syifa ◽  
Aries Saifudin

Software that contains defects (errors) can cause harm. Losses caused can affect all stakeholders. Losses can take the form of financial, time, and others. So before the software is implemented it needs to be tested. Testing on an application aims to check whether a program is running properly or not. In testing this software will use Blackbox Testing. Black Box Testing Method consists of several techniques, including Equivalence Partitions, Boundary Value Analysis, Sample Testing, and so on. Among the many testing techniques, in this study the testing technique was chosen using Equivalence Partitions. Equivalence Partitions technique is a test based on data input on each form in the performance data information application system, each menu input will be tested and grouped according to function whether it is valid or invalid. Testing is done on 4 forms that will be filled with data form added jobdesk, form added work targets, form edit work targets, form approve work targets, and employee performance while in the company. The test results show that there are still many shortcomings when validating data to be entered, so that it can cause data stored in the database to be incompatible with the expected data. The results of this test can be used as input to improve the application of performance data for the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Fahmi Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Gunawan Eka Putra ◽  
Supriyanto Supriyanto ◽  
Nurul Asia Saputra ◽  
Teti Desyani

Testing is a process in implementing a program for the purpose of finding / looking for an error. A test case is said to be good is if the test to be performed has the possibility of finding an error that cannot be revealed. While testing is said to be successful if the test to be carried out successfully found an error that originally could not be found. This research was tested by applying the Black Boxt Testing method. There are several ways in the Black Box Testing method, namely Boundary Value Analysis, Comparison Testing, Sample Testing, Robustness Testing, Equivalence Partitioning and others. In this study using testing by Equivalence Partitioning. Equivalence Partitioning Analysis is a case / problem that will be tested by finding several errors and reducing / minimizing the number of cases that must be made. This test is performed on the Parking Management Application function to facilitate managing parking. The test results indicate the application is in accordance with needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Rinny Asasunnaja ◽  
Khairan AR AR ◽  
Rahmat Musfikar

This research is motivated by the number of drug cases in Indonesia, so that the number of users in 2017 reached 3,376,115 users in the 10-59 years age group. This is a very serious problem, and to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem it is recommended that parents, neighbors and relatives need to take the first step by identifying drug users through their characteristics. This study aims to build an expert system to diagnose the characteristics of drug users using the forward chaining method. The research method used is Research & Development and for system testing using black box testing techniques. Then the user acceptance of the system is tested and the results obtained are positive responses with a percentage rate of 86%, which means that the expert system that is designed is very feasible so that it can provide convenience.

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