scholarly journals Features of adaptation of school graduates to the educational activities of the university

А.З. Минахметова ◽  
А.Ю. Погодина

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью воздействия на адаптационный процесс в период обучения в вузе. Цель статьи заключается в выявлении особенностей адаптации выпускников школ к учебной деятельности вуза. Ведущим методом к исследованию данной проблемы является метод тестирования. В исследовании приняли участие студенты первых курсов в количестве 75 человек. В статье проводится анализ результатов тестирования студентов-первокурсников в начале учебного года и во втором семестре (в конце учебного года). Доказана эффективность психолого-педагогического сопровождения студентов-первокурсников, направленная на решение проблем с адаптацией. Исследование показало, что адаптация к учебной деятельности вуза выпускников школ строится через приспособление индивида к новой социальной группе и формируется благодаря внешним и внутренним индикаторам (отношение к себе, отношение к другим, психическая устойчивость, доминирование). Статья будет полезна работникам системы образования, кураторам академических групп, педагогам-психологам. The relevance of the article is due to the need to influence the adaptation process during the period of study at the university. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the adaptation of school graduates to the educational activities of the university. The leading method to investigate this problem is the testing method. The study involved first-year students in the number of 75 people. The article analyzes the results of testing of first-year students at the beginning of the academic year and in the second semester (at the end of the academic year). The effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical support of first-year students aimed at solving problems with adaptation is proved. The study showed that the adaptation of school graduates to the educational activities of the university is built through the adaptation of an individual to a new social group and is formed due to external and internal indicators (attitude to oneself, attitude to others, mental stability, dominance). The article will be useful to employees of the education system, curators of academic groups, teachers-psychologists.

Evgeniya N. Popova

The issue of adaptation of modern first-year students to the educational process at the university is one of the current pedagogical tasks. Successful adaptation significantly affects the quality of received education, the degree of formation of personal and professional qualities, contributes to the development of motivation, self-education, and self-development. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the criteria, indicators, and levels of adaptation of first-year students to the learning process at the university. The material for the study was the domestic scientific sources of studying the peculiarities of the adaptation process of students to educational activities in higher education. Research methods: analysis and generalization of psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical literature on the research topic. We determine as the main criteria for the adaptation of first-year students to the university, the adaptive potential and professionally important qualities of students, consider these concepts, their structure, and their basic properties. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of the existing indicators of the implementation of the adaptive potential, we formulate the author's indicators for determining the level of its development. The degree of formation of professionally important qualities of students are low, medium, and high levels of development of emotional intelligence, negative communicative attitude, intellectual lability, and stress tolerance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
Kim Jesper Herrmann ◽  
Rie Troelsen ◽  
Anna Bager-Elsborg

De senere års uddannelsespolitiske initiativer har belønnet studerende, der er hurtige til at vælge en videregående uddannelse, og som holder fast i den uddannelse, de nu engang har valgt. At vælge uddannelse er imidlertid ledsaget af tvivl, og nyere dansk forskning har vist, at studerende vedvarende forhandler deres position på uddannelsen. I dette studie undersøgte vi, hvor stor en andel af aktive universitetsstuderende, der stadig var i tvivl om deres valg af studie, og vi undersøgte baggrunden for denne tvivl. På baggrund af en kvantitativ analyse af svar fra 4.339 studerende på Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus Universitet, fandt vi, at en tredjedel af de studerende, selv efter optagelse på deres uddannelse, stadig var i tvivl om, hvorvidt de havde valgt det rigtige studie, og at dette gjaldt for førsteårsstuderende såvel som for studerende på femte år. Analysen viste yderligere, at studietvivl var mere udbredt blandt studerende, som havde (i) svært ved at se det interessante og relevante i fagene; (ii) lav tiltro til egne akademisk evner; (iii) opnået lave karakterer ved forudgående eksamener på universitetet. I artiklens perspektivering diskuterer vi, hvorvidt studietvivl må betragtes som et almindeligt og uproblematisk studie- og livsvilkår eller, om studietvivl må antages at være problematisk. Recent reforms of the Danish education system tend to favour those students who are quick to decide what higher education course they want to study and then stick to their decision. However, research has shown that the process of course selection and completion is not always linear and that students continuously negotiate their position in their study programme. In this study we examined how current university students experienced doubt about their choice of programme, and we examined the context surrounding this doubt. Based on a quantitative analysis of answers from 4339 students at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, we found that one third of students, even after enrolment in the university, had doubts about their choice of study programme. This was true for first-year students as well as students in their fifth year. Furthermore, the analysis showed that those students who (i) had difficulties finding interest and relevance in their study programme, (ii) had low confidence in their own academic abilities or (iii) had achieved low marks in previous exams at the university, were the most likely to be uncertain about their choice of course. We discuss whether having doubts about a chosen area of study once the programme has started can be considered a normal and unproblematic process in student development, or whether it should be considered problematic.

1991 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-30 ◽  
Teresa Dowling

Because of differences between and within second-level schools in the length of the curriculum offered to pupils, and because of the differing usage of extra tutoring outside of schools by pupils themselves, entrants to universities show considerable diversity in the quantity of second-level schooling they have received. This paper analyses first-year students in University College, Cork, in 1989 to examine this diversity and its links with social class and with patterns of faculty enrolment within the university. It concludes that inequalities in the quantity of second-level schooling received parallel other inequalities in the Irish education system and so intensify the inegalitarian nature of that system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 82-99
T. N. Korneenko ◽  
I. A. Shcheglova

This article draws attention to students’ educational experience at a Russian regional university. Such experience is based on two aspects: on the one hand, it is a result of abilities integration, and on the other, it is an ability to act in a context of uncertainty. The latter aspect in understanding students’ experience is the most important for the personality formation in today’s complex world. Within the context of the higher education transformation, experience as an ability to act plays a significant role in individual development. That is why this study is aimed at analyzing the educational experience of first-year students and university graduates. Their educational experience is assessed based on their involvement in educational practices in class, in research activities at the university, and in self-educational activities. The results show that the first-year students’ experience and the graduates’ one at the university have functional differences. The first-year students’ academic engagement is higher as compared to the graduate students’. The research experience of both is expressed in a low degree. The self-educational experience at the university is not strategically formed. Comparing the first-year students’ and the graduates’ educational experiences, one can conclude that the structure of the latter is more functional due to the graduates’ limited involvement in educational activities. This means that the educational experience varies during the period of studies mainly in individual competencies, which are not connected with each other. The low level of the students’ involvement in educational practice reflects the weak development of their experience as an ability to act. It is the structure of a student’s motives that can be one of the main factors of his/her involvement in the learning process. Our findings contribute to the design of educational practices at the university and suggest the strong demand for a more responsible approach to designing the educational environment and educational practices at all university levels.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 18-30
Claus Michelsen ◽  
Nadia Rahbek Dyrberg

Ved Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet, blev trefasemodellen anvendt som et didaktisk redskab til at understøtte progression i de studerendes læring lokalt i de enkelte faglige forløb på første studieår 2012/13. Artiklen beskriver baggrunden for og udviklingen af trefasemodellen og præsenterer med udgangspunkt i de studerendes evalueringer de første erfaringer med modellen.  In the academic year 2012/13 the Faculty of Science at the University of Southern Denmark, implemented a didactical tool called the three phase model. The model was used to track the progress of first year students on the university’s academic courses. The paper describes both the incentive for and the development of the three phases model and presents preliminary results based on the evaluations of the first cohort of students.

Mostafa Abdul-Fattah ◽  
Rita Hafizi ◽  
Hiba Abdul-Fattah ◽  
Sonia Gulati ◽  
Raywat Deonandan

<p>In the 2011-2012 academic year, the HSS Buddy Program pilot project was implemented in the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. Intended to address rising student anxiety levels, the program teamed freshmen (first year) students with groups of older students to promote more instances of casual social interaction. Participants’ perceptions of the program were universally positive in terms of how enjoyable it was, its usefulness, and its relevance to student needs. Suggested improvements include recruiting of more male participants, liaising with school administrators to help avoid scheduling conflicts, starting the program earlier in the academic year, and forming social groups with fewer students. Overall, the approach undertaken by the Buddy Program was seen to be a valuable one worthy of continuation and growth.</p>

David Read ◽  
Joanne Boniface ◽  
Andrea E Russell

The sharing of explicit learning objectives and/or learning outcomes is considered to be good practice in schools, with OFSTED observation criteria indicating that this is a pre-requisite to a good or outstanding lesson1. Such practice does not appear to be widespread in chemistry teaching at HE level. Whilst a statement of aims/objectives/outcomes can normally be found in the documentation accompanying any given unit of teaching, these are typically in a less student-friendly format than those used in school, or are too vague to be useful. At the same time, many lecturers do communicate aims at the start of a lecture, but there may be scope for doing this in a more effective way. The extent to which students are exposed to „learning outcomes‟ varies greatly from institution to institution, discipline to discipline and from teacher to teacher, and as such it is difficult to discern the best approach.This article presents some background on developments at pre-university level that have influenced practice in this area, and outlines the findings of a research project carried out in the School of Chemistry at the University of Southampton. The project probed the views of staff and students regarding the usefulness of learning outcomes. Several different approaches to sharing learning outcomes with first year students were trialled and evaluated during the course of the 2010-11 academic year. This work is part of an on-going initiative which aims to identify effective methods to support students in becoming independent learners when making the transition to university, and to improve retention rates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
Bridget Grogan

This article reports on and discusses the experience of a contrapuntal approach to teaching poetry, explored during 2016 and 2017 in a series of introductory poetry lectures in the English 1 course at the University of Johannesburg. Drawing together two poems—Warsan Shire’s “Home” and W.H. Auden’s “Refugee Blues”—in a week of teaching in each year provided an opportunity for a comparison that encouraged students’ observations on poetic voice, racial identity, transhistorical and transcultural human experience, trauma and empathy. It also provided an opportunity to reflect on teaching practice within the context of decoloniality and to acknowledge the need for ongoing change and review in relation to it. In describing the contrapuntal teaching and study of these poems, and the different methods employed in the respective years of teaching them, I tentatively suggest that canonical Western and contemporary postcolonial poems may reflect on each other in unique and transformative ways. I further posit that poets and poems that engage students may open the way into initially “less relevant” yet ultimately rewarding poems, while remaining important objects of study in themselves.

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