adaptive potential
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Е.О. Чернова ◽  
А.Н. Грязнов

Современное общество обладает высокими рисками негативного воздействия на различные социальные группы. Подростки с девиантным поведением относятся к одной из наиболее уязвимых социальных групп, т.к. подростковый возраст является наиболее уязвимым для оказания влияния со стороны общества и неформальных организаций. Применение профилактических действий – ключ к успешному решению проблемы через создание системы макро- и микроиндикаторов, отражающих комплексность изучаемого феномена. Авторами исследуются социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках. Применяются методики М. Рогова - А. Грязнова, А.В. Карпова, А. Мехрабиана, К. Леонгарда - К. Шмишека, позволяющие раскрыть рефлексивные особенности, мотивационные факторы, социально-адаптационный потенциал. Обоснована гипотеза развития у подростков личностно-адаптационного потенциала как фактора их адаптации к условиям социума. На основании комплексной методики выявлены социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках, такие как: агрессивность как форма привычного поведения; стремление к вседозволенности; невысокий уровень их субъектности как качества личностной активности и преобразовательной деятельности; четкая идентификация «мы-они»; более высокая значимость контактов внутри группы по сравнению с любыми другими контактами вне группировки. Авторами предложена траектория профилактической работы по повышению уровня адаптации подростков и сглаживанию воздействия рискогенных факторов. Статья предназначена для психологов, социологов, юристов, социальных педагогов. Modern society has high risks of negative impact on various social groups. Adolescents with deviant behavior belong to one of the most vulnerable social groups, because adolescence is the most vulnerable to influence from society and informal organizations. The use of preventive actions is the key to a successful solution of the problem through the creation of a system of macro- and micro-indicators reflecting the complexity of the phenomenon under study. The authors investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are members of street criminal groups. The methods of M.Rogova - A.Gryaznova, A.V. Karpova, A. Mehrabian, K. Leonhard - K. Shmishek, allowing to reveal reflexive features, motivational factors, socio-adaptive potential. The hypothesis of the development of personal adaptive potential in adolescents as a factor of their adaptation to the conditions of society is substantiated. Based on a comprehensive methodology, the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are in street criminal groups are revealed, such as: aggressiveness as a form of habitual behavior; the desire for permissiveness; a low level of their subjectivity as a quality of personal activity and transformative activity; clear identification of "we-they"; higher importance of contacts within the group compared to any other contacts outside the group. The authors propose a trajectory of preventive work to increase the level of adaptation of adolescents and to smooth out the impact of risk factors. The article is intended for psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, social educators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 223-228
B.F. Shevchenko ◽  
N.V. Prolom ◽  
E.V. Zyhalo ◽  
A.I. Rudenko ◽  
L.V. Demeshkina ◽  

Background. An imbalance of interaction between the sympathetic and parasympathetic links of the autonomic nervous system leads to autonomic dysregulation of the heart rate resulting in insufficient stress resistance, impaired adaptation and depletion of the protective mechanisms of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study adaptive potential of the body depending on the aggressive and protective factors of the gastric juice. Materials and methods. Seventy-one patients with esophagogastroduodenal pathology were examined using the method of PRECISE-diagnostics. The level of pH, pepsin, glycoproteins, fucose and sialic acids in the gastric contents was determined. The patients were divided into 3 representative groups: I — 30 individuals with hiatal hernia; II — 20 patients with achalasia cardia; III — 21 people with duodenal ulcer disease complicated by stenosis. Results. An imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic links of autonomic system was detected in 85.2 % of patients. The sympathetic mechanisms dominated in 71.3 % of cases. At the same time, most patients with achalasia cardia had vagotonia. The adaptive and compensatory mechanisms were identified after studying the relationship between the aggressive and protective factors of the gastric mucosa. When analyzing the correlation of aggressive and protective factors of gastric juice, the following adaptive and compensatory options were revealed: 1) hyperreactive, with simultaneous increase in the factors of both aggression and protection; 2) compensatory (an increase in the level of aggressive factors against the background of normal protective indicators); 3) decompensatory (an increase in the level of aggressive factors simultaneously with a decrease in protective factors). Conclusions. The adaptive potential of the body in 85.2 % of surgical patients, mostly those with hiatal hernia and achalasia cardia, according to PRECISE-diagnostics was defined as reduced, in the form of impaired adaptation in decompensatory type of the relationship between aggressive and protective factors of gastric juice.

Е.А. Трабурова ◽  
Т.А. Рожмина

В статье представлены результаты оценки 16 сортов льна-долгунца отечественной и зарубежной селекции по урожайности волокна и основным параметрам адаптивности в условиях Центрального региона России. Погодные условия в годы проведения испытаний были различными, наиболее благоприятные условия сложились в 2018 году, гидротермический коэффициент за период вегетации составил 1,3, урожайность в среднем по опыту составила 2,02 т/га. Стрессовые условия, связанные с переувлажнением в критический период роста и развития растений льна-долгунца (ГТК в июне и июле 1,7 и 1,8 соответственно), имели место в 2017 году, урожайность в среднем по опыту – 1,03 т/га. Наиболее высокую урожайность льноволокна (1,78-1,97 т/га) в среднем за три года (2017 - 2019 гг.) показали сорта Цезарь, Синель, Добрыня (Россия), Marylin (Голландия), Белита (Республика Беларусь), Andrea и Altea (Франция). При стрессовых условиях (индекса условий среды -0,51) высокой адаптивностью обладали Цезарь (157,7%), Синель (152,9) и Добрыня (137,4). The article presents the results of evaluating 16 varieties of fiber flax of domestic and foreign selection in terms of fiber yield and the main parameters of adaptability in the conditions of the Central region of Russia. The weather conditions in the years of testing were different, the most favorable conditions developed in 2018, the hydrothermal coefficient for the growing season was 1.3, the average yield in the experiment was 2.02 c/ha. Stress conditions associated with waterlogging during the critical period of growth and development of fiber flax plants (GTC in June and July 1.7 and 1.8, respectively) took place in 2017, the average yield in experience was 1.03 c/ha. The highest yield of flax fiber (1.78-1.97 t/ha) on average over three years (2017 - 2019) was shown by the varieties Caesar, Sinel, Dobrynya (Russia), Marylin (Holland), Belita (Republic of Belarus), Andrea and Altea (France). Under stressful conditions (index of environmental conditions -0.51), Caesar (157.7%), Chenille (152.9) and Dobrynya (137.4) have high adaptability.

2021 ◽  
pp. 62-66
A. F. Sukhorukov ◽  
А. А. Sukhorukov ◽  
N. E. Bugakova

The current study was carried out on the experimental plots of the Samarsky Research Institute of Agriculture in 2014–2020 in order to estimate the adaptive potential of the approved winter wheat varieties of the Samarsky RIA according to grain quality under varying weather conditions. Mass fraction of protein and gluten in grain, gluten quality, falling number were established according to GOST. The adaptive potential for all grain quality traits was evaluated according to A.A. Rossiell, J. Hamblin (1981), the factor of phenotypic stability of traits was determined according to D. Lewis (1954), the coefficient of traits’ variability was estimated according to B.A. Dospekhov (1979) in Microsoft Office Excel. Over the years the average mass fraction of protein in grain of the studied varieties was 15.7% (the variety ‘Malakhit’), 15.6% (‘Svetoch’,) 15.3% (‘Bezenchukskaya 380’), 14.1% (‘Biryuza’), 14.4% (‘Bazis’), 15,5% (‘Viyuga’) with 5.9; 5.4; 11.6; 6.7; 14.5; 10.9% of variability respectively. There have been identified the winter bread wheat varieties ‘Malakhit’, ‘Svetoch’, ‘Biryuza’ and ‘Viyuga’ with high phenotypic stability of the trait ‘mass fraction of protein in grain’ (SF = 1.2). The average (in 2014-2020) mass fraction of crude gluten in grain was 33.6% (‘Malakhit’), 33.2% (‘Svetoch’), 32.8% (‘Bezenchukskaya 380’), 30.5% (‘Biryuza’), 30.6% (‘Bazis’), 34.2% (‘Viyuga’) with 7.8; 8.6; 17.4; 15.2; 17.1; 15.0% of variability respectively. The phenotypic stability of the trait ‘mass fraction of crude gluten in grain’ of the varieties ‘Malakhit’ and ‘Svetoch’ was high (SF = 1.2 and 1.3, respectively). There have been identified the varieties ‘Malakhit’, ‘Svetoch’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 380’, ‘Biryuza’, ‘Bazis’, ‘Viyuga’ with high phenotypic stability of the trait ‘gluten quality’ (SF = 1.2; 1.3; 1.2; 1.1; 1.2; 1.2 respectively). The average (in 2014-2020) value of the trait ‘falling number’ of the varieties was 232c (‘Malakhit’), 240c (‘Svetoch’), 258c (‘Bezenchukskaya 380’), 349c (‘Biryuza’), 223c (‘Bazis’), 347c (‘Viyuga’) with 34.7; 42.6; 11.2; 21.6; 43.3, 24.8% of variability respectively. There have been identified phenotypically stable varieties according to the trait ‘falling number’, namely ‘Bezenchukskaya 380’ (SF = 1.3), ‘Viyuga’ (SF = 1.9). According to the maximum expressivity and phenotypic stability of the traits ‘grain quality’, ‘mass fraction of protein and gluten in grain’, ‘falling number’ there have been identified the winter bread wheat varieties ‘Bezenchukskaya 380’, ‘Biryuza’ and ‘Viyuga’.

Neuroforum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Linda C. Weiss

Abstract Phenotypic plasticity describes the ability of an organism with a given genotype to respond to changing environmental conditions through the adaptation of the phenotype. Phenotypic plasticity is a widespread means of adaptation, allowing organisms to optimize fitness levels in changing environments. A core prerequisite for adaptive predictive plasticity is the existence of reliable cues, i.e. accurate environmental information about future selection on the expressed plastic phenotype. Furthermore, organisms need the capacity to detect and interpret such cues, relying on specific sensory signalling and neuronal cascades. Subsequent neurohormonal changes lead to the transformation of phenotype A into phenotype B. Each of these activities is critical for survival. Consequently, anything that could impair an animal’s ability to perceive important chemical information could have significant ecological ramifications. Climate change and other human stressors can act on individual or all of the components of this signalling cascade. In consequence, organisms could lose their adaptive potential, or in the worst case, even become maladapted. Therefore, it is key to understand the sensory systems, the neurobiology and the physiological adaptations that mediate organisms’ interactions with their environment. It is, thus, pivotal to predict the ecosystem-wide effects of global human forcing. This review summarizes current insights on how climate change affects phenotypic plasticity, focussing on how associated stressors change the signalling agents, the sensory systems, receptor responses and neuronal signalling cascades, thereby, impairing phenotypic adaptations.

2021 ◽  
Natalia Paola Petit-Marty ◽  
Liu Min ◽  
Iris Ziying Tan ◽  
Arthur Chung ◽  
Barbara Terrasa ◽  

Exploited fish species may have or are experiencing declines in population sizes coupled with a decrease in genetic diversity. This can lead to the loss of adaptive potential to face current and future environmental changes. However, little is known about this subject while research on it is urgently needed. Thus, this study aims to answer a simple, even naive question, given the complexity of the subject: Could we use a simple method to obtain information on the loss of genetic diversity in exploited fish species? We investigated the use of the levels of genetic diversity in the widely used genetic marker Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene. Estimates of genetic diversity in COI were obtained for populations of seven fish species with different commercial importance from the East China Sea. These estimates were contrasted against a large dataset of fish species distributed worldwide (N=1426), a dataset of East-Asian fish species (N=118), two farmed species with expected low genetic diversity, and four long-term managed species from the Mediterranean Sea. We found that estimates of genetic diversity in COI match the expectations from theoretical predictions, known population declines, and fishing pressures. Thus, the answer to our question is affirmative and we conclude that estimates of genetic diversity in COI provide an effective first diagnostic of the conservation status of exploited fish species. This simple and cost-effective tool can help prioritize research, management, and conservation on species with suspected loss of genetic diversity potentially eroding their adaptive potential to global change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. e202101207
Julien Prunier ◽  
Alexandra Carrier ◽  
Isabelle Gilbert ◽  
William Poisson ◽  
Vicky Albert ◽  

Rangifer tarandus has experienced recent drastic population size reductions throughout its circumpolar distribution and preserving the species implies genetic diversity conservation. To facilitate genomic studies of the species populations, we improved the genome assembly by combining long read and linked read and obtained a new highly accurate and contiguous genome assembly made of 13,994 scaffolds (L90 = 131 scaffolds). Using de novo transcriptome assembly of RNA-sequencing reads and similarity with annotated human gene sequences, 17,394 robust gene models were identified. As copy number variations (CNVs) likely play a role in adaptation, we additionally investigated these variations among 20 genomes representing three caribou ecotypes (migratory, boreal and mountain). A total of 1,698 large CNVs (length > 1 kb) showing a genome distribution including hotspots were identified. 43 large CNVs were particularly distinctive of the migratory and sedentary ecotypes and included genes annotated for functions likely related to the expected adaptations. This work includes the first publicly available annotation of the caribou genome and the first assembly allowing genome architecture analyses, including the likely adaptive CNVs reported here.

Ross Cunning

Some reef-building corals form symbioses with multiple algal partners that differ in ecologically important traits like heat tolerance. Coral bleaching and recovery can drive symbiont community turnover toward more heat-tolerant partners, and this ‘adaptive bleaching’ response can increase future bleaching thresholds by 1–2°C, aiding survival in warming oceans. However, this mechanism of rapid acclimatization only occurs in corals that are compatible with multiple symbionts, and only when the disturbance regime and competitive dynamics among symbionts are sufficient to bring about community turnover. The full scope of coral taxa and ecological scenarios in which symbiont shuffling occurs remains poorly understood, though its prevalence is likely to increase as warming oceans boost the competitive advantage of heat-tolerant symbionts, increase the frequency of bleaching events, and strengthen metacommunity feedbacks. Still, the constraints, limitations, and potential tradeoffs of symbiont shuffling suggest it will not save coral reef ecosystems; however, it may significantly improve the survival trajectories of some, or perhaps many, coral species. Interventions to manipulate coral symbionts and symbiont communities may expand the scope of their adaptive potential, which may boost coral survival until climate change is addressed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
Anna Ivashchenko ◽  
Ayagoz Tolenova ◽  
Dayana Abidkulova ◽  
Karime Abidkulova

Abstract We assessed the adaptive potential of two rare decorative species listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan : Tulipa tarda Stapf (Liliaceae) and Gymnospermium altaicum (Pall.) Spach (Berberidaceae) by studying the morphological variability of generative individuals of the species. Our studies were carried out in natural populations in the Northern Tien Shan and introduced populations of the botanical garden and urban green areas of Almaty. These species showed a high degree of adaptation under the conditions of the introduction. Moreover, Gymnospermium altaicum , accidentally introduced into the urban green area of Bukhar Zhyrau Boulevard (Almaty), had formed a naturalized population that persisted for more than 8 years. The naturalized population of Tulipa tarda in the botanical garden (Almaty), introduced more than 20 years ago by one of the authors of this article, has been in existence even longer. In the latter case, individuals of seed origin showed higher adaptive capabilities than those transferred by the bulbs of generative plants.

Tat’yana A. Fisher ◽  
Svetlana S. Kolyvanova

The aim of this paper was to study changes in the haemodynamic and psychophysiological parameters of working age men as a result of repeated exposure to contrasting temperatures, depending on the type of autonomic regulation. Materials and methods. The research involved 14 men (aged 34.77 ± 5.66 years; office workers) divided into two groups according to Kérdö index: those with the sympathetic (n = 8) and parasympathetic (n = 6) types of self-regulation. Cold conditioning followed a certain plan of exposure to contrasting temperatures. The haemodynamic and psychophysiological parameters as well as adaptive potential were assessed 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after the exposure (alternating temperature cycles). We examined the following parameters: heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse and mean arterial pressure, stroke volume, cardiac output, vascular resistance, and adaptive potential according to Baevsky. Integral psychophysiological parameters were determined using the Lüscher express method. Results. Subjects with predominance of sympathetic regulation both before and after the exposure to contrasting temperatures had higher values of heart rate and cardiac output and lower vascular resistance than the parasympathicotonic group. Individuals with predominance of parasympathetic regulation showed decreased cardiac output and a significant increase in vascular resistance after the exposure compared with the initial data. We found statistically significant differences in the integral parameters “heteronomy/autonomy” and “balance of personal traits” between the groups under study before the conditioning procedures. The research indicates that repeated exposure to contrasting temperatures not only affects the haemodynamic parameters, but also changes the psychophysiological parameters, motivated behaviour in particular. For citation: Fisher T.A., Kolyvanova S.S. Effect of Repeated Exposure to Contrasting Temperatures on the Body of Working Age Men with Different Types of Autonomic Regulation. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 394–404. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z077

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