scholarly journals Revisiting internal gravity waves analysis using GPS RO density profiles: comparison with temperature profiles and application for wave field stability study

2017 ◽  
Petr Pisoft ◽  
Petr Sacha ◽  
Jiri Miksovsky ◽  
Peter Huszar ◽  
Barbara Scherllin-Pirscher ◽  

Abstract. We revise selected findings regarding the utilization of Global Positioning System radio occultation (GPS RO) density profiles for the analysis of internal gravity waves (IGW), introduced by Sacha et al. (2014). Using various GPS RO datasets, we show that the previously detected differences in the IGW spectra between dry temperature and density profiles are found only in the one specific data version that was used for the original study mentioned above. The differences between temperature and density perturbations do not have any physical origin and there is no information loss of IGW activity due to the GPS RO retrieval. We investigate the previously discussed question of the temperature perturbations character when utilizing GPS RO dry temperature profiles, derived by integration of the hydrostatic balance. Using radiosonde profiles as proxy for GPS RO, we provide strong evidence that the differences in IGW perturbations between the real and retrieved temperature profiles (which are based on the assumption of hydrostatic balance) include a significant nonhydrostatic component that is present sporadically and might be either positive or negative. The detected differences in related spectra of IGW temperature perturbations are found to be mostly about ±10 %. The paper also presents a detailed study on the utilization of GPS RO density profiles for the characterization of the wave field stability. We have analyzed selected stability parameters derived from the density profiles together with a study of the vertical rotation of the wind direction. Regarding the Northern Hemisphere the results point to the western border of the Aleutian High where potential IGW breaking is detected. These findings are also supported by an analysis of temperature and wind velocity profiles. Our results confirm advantages of the utilization of the density profiles for IGW analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 515-527 ◽  
Petr Pisoft ◽  
Petr Sacha ◽  
Jiri Miksovsky ◽  
Peter Huszar ◽  
Barbara Scherllin-Pirscher ◽  

Abstract. We revise selected findings regarding the utilization of Global Positioning System radio occultation (GPS RO) density profiles for the analysis of internal gravity waves (IGW), introduced by Sacha et al. (2014). Using various GPS RO datasets, we show that the differences in the IGW spectra between the dry-temperature and dry-density profiles that were described in the previous study as a general issue are in fact present in one specific data version only. The differences between perturbations in the temperature and density GPS RO profiles do not have any physical origin, and there is not the information loss of IGW activity that was suggested in Sacha et al. (2014). We investigate the previously discussed question of the temperature perturbations character when utilizing GPS RO dry-temperature profiles, derived by integration of the hydrostatic balance. Using radiosonde profiles as a proxy for GPS RO, we provide strong evidence that the differences in IGW perturbations between the real and retrieved temperature profiles (which are based on the assumption of hydrostatic balance) include a significant nonhydrostatic component that is present sporadically and might be either positive or negative. The detected differences in related spectra of IGW temperature perturbations are found to be mostly about ±10 %. The paper also presents a detailed study on the utilization of GPS RO density profiles for the characterization of the wave field stability. We have analyzed selected stability parameters derived from the density profiles together with a study of the vertical rotation of the wind direction. Regarding the Northern Hemisphere the results point to the western border of the Aleutian high, where potential IGW breaking is detected. These findings are also supported by an analysis of temperature and wind velocity profiles. Our results confirm advantages of the utilization of the density profiles for IGW analysis.

В.И. Сивцева ◽  
П.П. Аммосов ◽  
Г.А. Гаврильева ◽  
И.И. Колтовской ◽  
А.М. Аммосова

Исследованы данные температуры области мезопаузы, полученные за период 2013-2018 гг. на станции Маймага (63.04N, 129.51E) и за период 2015-2018 гг. на станции Тикси (71.58 N, 128.77 E). В зимний период сезона наблюдений 2014-2015 характеристика активности внутренних гравитационных волн (ВГВ) gwимеет более низкие значения, чем в другие сезоны, а средненочная температура, наоборот, превышает аналогичные значения в другие сезоны. Для сопоставления рассматривались спутниковые данные температурных профилей полученные EOS MLS (Aura). После выделения и вычитания вклада гравитационной составляющей из температурных профилей EOS MLS для области над станцией Маймага заметно отличие в зимней стратопаузе сезона 2014-2015. В этот сезон в зимний период, с учетом вычета вклада флуктуаций температуры обусловленных ВГВ, наблюдается отсутствие резких потеплений в районе стратопаузы в отличие от остальных сезонов. Измерение параметров планетарных волн в течение периода 2015-2018 гг. совместных наблюдений на станциях Маймага и Тикси показали, что фазы наблюдаемых на обеих станциях волн совпадают, а амплитуды на станции Тикси несколько (12 К) превышают амплитуды на станции Маймага. The temperature data of the mesopause region obtained for the period 2013-2018 at the station Maimaga (63.04 N, 129.51 E) and for the period 2015-2018 at the station Tiksi (71.58 N, 128.77 E) was investigated. During the winter period of the 20142015 observation season, the characteristic of the internal gravity waves (IGW) activity sgw has lower values than in other seasons, and the average night temperature of the mesopause region, on the contrary, exceeds corresponding values in other seasons. For comparison, satellite data of temperature profiles obtained by EOS MLS (Aura) are given. After isolating and subtracting the contribution of the gravitaty waves from the EOS MLS temperature profiles for the region above the st. Maimaga, the difference in the winter stratopause of the 2014-2015 season is noticeable. In this season in winter there is a lack of sharp warming in the stratopause region, in contrast to other seasons, taking into account the deduction of the contribution of temperature fluctuations due to IGW. Measurement of the parameters of planetary waves during the period 2015-2018 of joint observations at Maimaga and Tiksi stations showed that the phases of the waves observed at both stations coincide, and the amplitudes at Tiksi station are several (1-2 K) higher than the amplitudes at Maimaga station.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (10) ◽  
pp. 3601-3618
B. Quinn ◽  
C. Eden ◽  
D. Olbers

AbstractThe model Internal Wave Dissipation, Energy and Mixing (IDEMIX) presents a novel way of parameterizing internal gravity waves in the atmosphere. IDEMIX is based on the spectral energy balance of the wave field and has previously been successfully developed as a model for diapycnal diffusivity, induced by internal gravity wave breaking in oceans. Applied here for the first time to atmospheric gravity waves, integration of the energy balance equation for a continuous wave field of a given spectrum, results in prognostic equations for the energy density of eastward and westward gravity waves. It includes their interaction with the mean flow, allowing for an evolving and local description of momentum flux and gravity wave drag. A saturation mechanism maintains the wave field within convective stability limits, and a closure for critical-layer effects controls how much wave flux propagates from the troposphere into the middle atmosphere. Offline comparisons to a traditional parameterization reveal increases in the wave momentum flux in the middle atmosphere due to the mean-flow interaction, resulting in a greater gravity wave drag at lower altitudes. Preliminary validation against observational data show good agreement with momentum fluxes.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (8) ◽  
pp. 1759-1779 ◽  
Dirk Olbers ◽  
Carsten Eden

Abstract An energetically consistent model for the diapycnal diffusivity induced by breaking of internal gravity waves is proposed and tested in local and global settings. The model [Internal Wave Dissipation, Energy and Mixing (IDEMIX)] is based on the spectral radiation balance of the wave field, reduced by integration over the wavenumber space, which yields a set of balances for energy density variables in physical space. A further simplification results in a single partial differential equation for the total energy density of the wave field. The flux of energy to high vertical wavenumbers is parameterized by a functional derived from the wave–wave scattering integral of resonant wave triad interactions, which also forms the basis for estimates of dissipation rates and related diffusivities of ADCP and hydrography fine-structure data. In the current version of IDEMIX, the wave energy is forced by wind-driven near-inertial motions and baroclinic tides, radiating waves from the respective boundary layers at the surface and the bottom into the ocean interior. The model predicts plausible magnitudes and three-dimensional structures of internal wave energy, dissipation rates, and diapycnal diffusivities in rough agreement to observational estimates. IDEMIX is ready for use as a mixing module in ocean circulation models and can be extended with more spectral components.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 4123-4132 ◽  
P. Šácha ◽  
U. Foelsche ◽  
P. Pišoft

Abstract. GPS radio occultation (RO) data have proved to be a great tool for atmospheric monitoring and studies. In the past decade, they were frequently used for analyses of the internal gravity waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region. Atmospheric density is the first quantity of state gained in the retrieval process and is not burdened by additional assumptions. However, there are no studies elaborating in detail the utilization of GPS RO density profiles for gravity wave analyses. In this paper, we introduce a method for density background separation and a methodology for internal gravity wave analysis using the density profiles. Various background choices are discussed and the correspondence between analytical forms of the density and temperature background profiles is examined. In the stratosphere, a comparison between the power spectrum of normalized density and normalized dry temperature fluctuations confirms the suitability of the density profiles' utilization. In the height range of 8–40 km, results of the continuous wavelet transform are presented and discussed. Finally, the limits of our approach are discussed and the advantages of the density usage are listed.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 4105-4124 ◽  
I. P. Chunchuzov

Abstract. The nonlinear mechanism of shaping of a high vertical wave number spectral tail in the field of a few discrete internal gravity waves in the atmosphere is studied in this paper. The effects of advection of fluid parcels by interacting gravity waves are taken strictly into account by calculating wave field in Lagrangian variables, and performing a variable transformation from Lagrangian to Eulerian frame. The vertical profiles and vertical wave number spectra of the Eulerian displacement field are obtained for both the case of resonant and non-resonant wave-wave interactions. The evolution of these spectra with growing parameter of nonlinearity of the internal wave field is studied and compared to that of a broad band spectrum of gravity waves with randomly independent amplitudes and phases. The calculated vertical wave number spectra of the vertical displacements or relative temperature fluctuations are found to be consistent with the observed spectra in the middle atmosphere.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 8311-8338
P. Šácha ◽  
U. Foelsche ◽  
P. Pišoft

Abstract. GPS (Global Positioning System) radio occultation (RO) data proved to be a great tool for atmospheric monitoring and studies. In the recent decade, they were frequently used for analyses of the internal gravity waves in the upper troposphere lower stratosphere region. Atmospheric density is the first quantity of state gained in the retrieval process and is not burdened by any additional assumptions. However, there are no studies elaborating in details the utilization of GPS RO density profiles for gravity waves analyses. In the presented paper, we introduce a method for the density background separation and a methodology for internal gravity waves analysis using the density profiles. Various background choices are discussed and the correspondence between analytical forms of the density and temperature background profiles is examined. In the stratosphere, the comparison between the power spectrum of normalized density and normalized dry temperature fluctuations confirms the suitability of the density profiles utilization. In the height range of 8–40 km, results of the continuous wavelet transform are presented and discussed. Finally, the limits of our approach are discussed and the advantages of the density usage are listed.

1976 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 789-823 ◽  
Peter Mtfller

The interaction between short internal gravity waves and a larger-scale mean flow in the ocean is analysed in the Wkbj approximation. The wave field determines the radiation-stress term in the momentum equation of the mean flow and a similar term in the buoyancy equation. The mean flow affects the propagation characteristics of the wave field. This cross-coupling is treated as a small perturbation. When relaxation effects within the wave field are considered, the mean flow induces a modulation of the wave field which is a linear functional of the spatial gradients of the mean current velocity. The effect that this modulation itself has on the mean flow can be reduced to the addition of diffusion terms to the equations for the mass and momentum balance of the mean flow. However, there is no vertical diffusion of mass and other passive properties. The diffusion coefficients depend on the frequency spectrum and the relaxation time of the internal-wave field and can be evaluated analytically. The vertical viscosity coefficient is found to be vv [ape ] 4 x 103cm2/s and exceeds values typically used in models of the general circulation by at least two orders of magnitude.

2014 ◽  
Vol 57 (5) ◽  
Rosario Quirino Iannone ◽  
Stefano Casadio ◽  
Bojan Bojkov

<p>This article proposes a new validation method for GOMOS HRTP atmospheric temperature and density profiles, with the aim of detecting and removing 0.2 to 5 km scale vertical structures in order to minimise the impact of atmospheric artefacts in the comparison exercises. The proposed approach is based on the use of the “Morlet” Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT), for the characterisation and removal of non-stationary and localised vertical structures, in order to produce wave-free profiles of atmospheric temperature and density. Comparison of wave-free temperature/density profiles and wavy structures profiles with those estimated from a limited number of collocated SHADOZ soundings for the years of 2003, 2004 and 2008, is discussed in detail. First results suggest that the proposed approach could lead to a significantly improved HRTP validation scheme, in terms of reduced uncertainties in the estimated biases. Furthermore, this method may be adopted for the study of the vertical component of gravity waves from high spatial/temporal resolution data.</p>

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