scholarly journals Electric solar wind sail mass budget model

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-95 ◽  
P. Janhunen ◽  
A. A. Quarta ◽  
G. Mengali

Abstract. The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a new type of propellantless propulsion system for Solar System transportation, which uses the natural solar wind to produce spacecraft propulsion. The E-sail consists of thin centrifugally stretched tethers that are kept charged by an onboard electron gun and, as such, experience Coulomb drag through the high-speed solar wind plasma stream. This paper discusses a mass breakdown and a performance model for an E-sail spacecraft that hosts a mission-specific payload of prescribed mass. In particular, the model is able to estimate the total spacecraft mass and its propulsive acceleration as a function of various design parameters such as the number of tethers and their length. A number of subsystem masses are calculated assuming existing or near-term E-sail technology. In light of the obtained performance estimates, an E-sail represents a promising propulsion system for a variety of transportation needs in the Solar System.

P. Janhunen ◽  
A. A. Quarta ◽  
G. Mengali

Abstract. The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a new type of propellantless propulsion system for Solar System transportation, which uses the natural solar wind for producing spacecraft propulsion. This paper discusses a mass breakdown and a performance model for an E-sail spacecraft that hosts a scientific payload of prescribed mass. In particular, the model is able to estimate the total spacecraft mass and its propulsive acceleration as a function of various design parameters such as the tethers number and their length. A number of subsystem masses are calculated assuming existing or near-term E-sail technology. In light of the obtained performance estimates, an E-sail represents a promising propulsion system for a variety of transportation needs in the Solar System.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (8) ◽  
pp. 3089-3100 ◽  
P. Janhunen

Abstract. An electric solar wind sail is a recently introduced propellantless space propulsion method whose technical development has also started. The electric sail consists of a set of long, thin, centrifugally stretched and conducting tethers which are charged positively and kept in a high positive potential of order 20 kV by an onboard electron gun. The positively charged tethers deflect solar wind protons, thus tapping momentum from the solar wind stream and producing thrust. The amount of obtained propulsive thrust depends on how many electrons are trapped by the potential structures of the tethers, because the trapped electrons tend to shield the charged tether and reduce its effect on the solar wind. Here we present physical arguments and test particle calculations indicating that in a realistic three-dimensional electric sail spacecraft there exist a natural mechanism which tends to remove the trapped electrons by chaotising their orbits and causing them to eventually collide with the conducting tethers. We present calculations which indicate that if these mechanisms were able to remove trapped electrons nearly completely, the electric sail performance could be about five times higher than previously estimated, about 500 nN/m, corresponding to 1 N thrust for a baseline construction with 2000 km total tether length.

2021 ◽  
Vol 648 ◽  
pp. A35
E. Samara ◽  
R. F. Pinto ◽  
J. Magdalenić ◽  
N. Wijsen ◽  
V. Jerčić ◽  

Context. In this study, we focus on improving EUHFORIA (European Heliospheric Forecasting Information Asset), a recently developed 3D magnetohydrodynamics space weather prediction tool. The EUHFORIA model consists of two parts covering two spatial domains: the solar corona and the inner heliosphere. For the first part, the semiempirical Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) model is used by default; this model employs the potential field source surface and Schatten current sheet models to provide the necessary solar wind plasma and magnetic conditions above the solar surface, at 0.1 AU, which serve as boundary conditions for the inner heliospheric part. Herein, we present the first results of the implementation of an alternative coronal model in EUHFORIA, the so-called MULTI-VP model. Aims. After we replace the default EUHFORIA coronal setup with the MULTI-VP model, we compare their outputs both at 0.1 AU and 1 AU, for test cases involving high speed wind streams (HSSs). We select two distinct cases in which the standard EUHFORIA setup failed to reproduce the HSS plasma and magnetic signatures at Earth to test the performance of MULTI-VP coupled with EUHFORIA-heliosphere. Methods. To understand the quality of modeling with MULTI-VP in comparison with the default coronal model in EUHFORIA, we considered one HSS case during a period of low solar activity and another one during a period of high solar activity. Moreover, the modeling of the two HSSs was performed by employing magnetograms from different providers: one from the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and the second from the Wilcox Space Observatory (WSO). This way, we were able to distinguish differences arising not only because of the different models but also because of different magnetograms. Results. The results indicate that when employing a GONG magnetogram, the combination MULTI-VP+EUHFORIA-heliosphere reproduces the majority of HSS plasma and magnetic signatures measured at L1. On the contrary, the standard WSA+EUHFORIA-heliosphere combination does not capture the arrival of the HSS cases at L1. When employing WSO magnetograms, MULTI-VP+EUHFORIA-heliosphere reproduces the HSS that occurred during the period of high solar activity. However, it is unclear if it models the HSS during the period of low solar activity. For the same magnetogram and periods of time, WSA+EUHFORIA-heliosphere is not able to capture the HSSs of interest. Conclusions. The results show that the accuracy of the simulation output at Earth depends on the choice of both the coronal model and input magnetogram. Nevertheless, a more extensive statistical analysis is necessary to determine how precisely these choices affect the quality of the solar wind predictions.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 1439-1447 ◽  
P. Janhunen

Abstract. An electric solar wind sail is a recently introduced propellantless space propulsion method whose technical development has also started. In its original version, the electric sail consists of a set of long, thin, centrifugally stretched and conducting tethers which are charged positively and kept in a high positive potential of 20 kV by an onboard electron gun. The positively charged tethers deflect solar wind protons, thus tapping momentum from the solar wind stream and producing thrust. Here we consider a variant of the idea with negatively charged tethers. The negative polarity electric sail seems to be more complex to implement than the positive polarity variant since it needs an ion gun instead of an electron gun as well as a more complex tether structure to keep the electron field emission current in check with the tether surface. However, since this first study of the negative polarity electric sail does not reveal any fundamental issues, more detailed studies would be warranted.

2020 ◽  
Alexander Khokhlachev ◽  
Maria Riazantseva ◽  
Liudmila Rakhmanova ◽  
Yuri Yermolaev ◽  
Irina Lodkina ◽  

<p>The boundaries between large-scale solar wind streams are often accompanied by sharp changes in helium abundance.  Wherein the high value of relative helium abundance is known as a sign of some large-scale solar wind structures ( for example magnetic clouds). Unlike the steady slow solar wind where the helium abundance is rather stable and equals ~5%, in magnetic clouds its value can grow significantly up to 20% and more, and at the same time helium component becomes more variable.  In this paper we analyze the small-scale variations of solar wind plasma parameters, including the helium abundance variations in different large-scale solar wind streams, especially in magnetic clouds and Sheath regions before them. We use rather long intervals of simultaneous measurements at Spektr-R (spectrometer BMSW) and Wind (spectrometer 3DP) spacecrafts.  We choose the intervals with rather high correlation  level of plasma parameters as a whole to be sure that we are deal with the same plasma stream.  The intervals associated with different large scale-solar wind structures are selected by using of our catalog For selected intervals we examine cross-correlation function for Spektr-R and Wind measurements  to reveal the local spatial inhomogeneities by helium abundance which can be observed only at one of spacecrafts, and we determine properties of ones. Such inhomogeneities can be generate by turbulence, which is typically getting more intense in the considered disturbed intervals in the solar wind. The work is supported by Russian Science Foundation grant 16-12-10062.</p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 755-767 ◽  
P. Janhunen ◽  
A. Sandroos

Abstract. One possibility for propellantless propulsion in space is to use the momentum flux of the solar wind. A way to set up a solar wind sail is to have a set of thin long wires which are kept at high positive potential by an onboard electron gun so that the wires repel and deflect incident solar wind protons. The efficiency of this so-called electric sail depends on how large force a given solar wind exerts on a wire segment and how large electron current the wire segment draws from the solar wind plasma when kept at a given potential. We use 1-D and 2-D electrostatic plasma simulations to calculate the force and present a semitheoretical formula which captures the simulation results. We find that under average solar wind conditions at 1 AU the force per unit length is (5±1×10−8 N/m for 15 kV potential and that the electron current is accurately given by the well-known orbital motion limited (OML) theory cylindrical Langmuir probe formula. Although the force may appear small, an analysis shows that because of the very low weight of a thin wire per unit length, quite high final speeds (over 50 km/s) could be achieved by an electric sailing spacecraft using today's flight-proved components. It is possible that artificial electron heating of the plasma in the interaction region could increase the propulsive effect even further.

N. M. Viall ◽  
C. E. DeForest ◽  
L. Kepko

Structures in the solar wind result from two basic mechanisms: structures injected or imposed directly by the Sun, and structures formed through processing en route as the solar wind advects outward and fills the heliosphere. On the largest scales, solar structures directly impose heliospheric structures, such as coronal holes imposing high speed streams of solar wind. Transient solar processes can inject large-scale structure directly into the heliosphere as well, such as coronal mass ejections. At the smallest, kinetic scales, the solar wind plasma continually evolves, converting energy into heat, and all structure at these scales is formed en route. “Mesoscale” structures, with scales at 1 AU in the approximate spatial range of 5–10,000 Mm and temporal range of 10 s–7 h, lie in the orders of magnitude gap between the two size-scale extremes. Structures of this size regime are created through both mechanisms. Competition between the imposed and injected structures with turbulent and other evolution leads to complex structuring and dynamics. The goal is to understand this interplay and to determine which type of mesoscale structures dominate the solar wind under which conditions. However, the mesoscale regime is also the region of observation space that is grossly under-sampled. The sparse in situ measurements that currently exist are only able to measure individual instances of discrete structures, and are not capable of following their evolution or spatial extent. Remote imaging has captured global and large scale features and their evolution, but does not yet have the sensitivity to measure most mesoscale structures and their evolution. Similarly, simulations cannot model the global system while simultaneously resolving kinetic effects. It is important to understand the source and evolution of solar wind mesoscale structures because they contain information on how the Sun forms the solar wind, and constrains the physics of turbulent processes. Mesoscale structures also comprise the ground state of space weather, continually buffeting planetary magnetospheres. In this paper we describe the current understanding of the formation and evolution mechanisms of mesoscale structures in the solar wind, their characteristics, implications, and future steps for research progress on this topic.

2000 ◽  
Vol 18 (8) ◽  
pp. 845-851 ◽  
P. Alexander

Abstract. This work performs a search of phase-steepened Alfvén waves under a priori ideal conditions: a high-speed solar wind stream observed in one of the closest approaches to the Sun by any spacecraft (Helios 2). Five potential candidates were initially found following procedures established in earlier work. The observed cases exhibited arc-like or elliptical polarizations, and the rotational discontinuities that formed the abrupt wave edges were found at either the leading or the trailing part. The consideration of some additional specific parameters (mainly related to the relative orientation between mean magnetic field, wave and discontinuity) has been suggested here for an ultimate and proper identification of this kind of phenomenon. After the inclusion of these calculations in our analysis, even fewer cases than the five originals remain. It is suggested that optimum conditions for the detection rather than just for the existence of these events have to be reconsidered.Key words: Interplanetary physics (discontinuities; MHD waves and turbulence; solar wind plasma)

2015 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 845-855 ◽  
M. Myllys ◽  
E. Kilpua ◽  
T. Pulkkinen

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to quantify how solar-wind conditions affect the energy and plasma transport in the geomagnetic tail and its large-scale configuration. To identify the role of various effects, the magnetospheric data were sorted according to different solar-wind plasma and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters: speed, dynamic pressure, IMF north–south component, epsilon parameter, Auroral Electrojet (AE) index and IMF ultra low-frequency (ULF) fluctuation power. We study variations in the average flow speed pattern and the occurrence rate of fast flow bursts in the magnetotail during different solar-wind conditions using magnetospheric data from five Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission spacecraft and solar-wind data from NASA's OMNIWeb. The time interval covers the years from 2008 to 2011 during the deep solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24 and the relatively quiet rising phase of cycle 24. Hence, we investigate magnetospheric processes and solar-wind–magnetospheric coupling during a relatively quiet state of the magnetosphere. We show that the occurrence rate of the fast (|Vtail| > 100 km s−1) sunward flows varies under different solar-wind conditions more than the occurrence of the fast tailward flows. The occurrence frequency of the fast tailward flows does not change much with the solar-wind conditions. We also note that the sign of the IMF BZ has the most visible effect on the occurrence rate and pattern of the fast sunward flows. High-speed flow bursts are more common during the slow than fast solar-wind conditions.

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