scholarly journals Islamic Critical Evaluation and Perspective on Fallacy of Argumentum ad Hominem

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-75
Mohammad Manzoor Malik

Critical thinking is of very high importance in our information age. Knowledge of logical fallacies and their detection in discourses is one of the significant end results of it. Islamic and Western critical thinking have many common shared characteristics, yet there are some essential differences between them. These differences are because of the differing understanding and perception of ontology, epistemology, and ethics. This research paper explains the Western stand of critical thinking on Argumentum ad Hominem (Argument Directed at the Person) and then provides its critical evaluation from Islamic perspective. According to the Western critical thinking, knowledge cannot be rejected by attacking the personality of the person who claims it, doing so amounts to the fallacy of Argumentum ad Hominem. However, according to Islamic perspective as it has roots in the original sources of Islam and in its historical scholarly tradition there are some distinctions that are necessary to be made regarding the issue. In brief, knowledge in Islam could be divided into transmitted knowledge (al-ulum al-naqliyah) and rational knowledge (al-ulum al-aqliyah). The fallacy of Argumentum ad Hominem in Islamic tradition is irrelevant to transmitted knowledge (al-ulum al-naqliyah), when historical reports and narrations are rejected because of the unreliability and known vices of their reporter as being liars, untrustworthy, having a sectarian bias, dishonest, etc. The fallacy of Argumentum ad Hominem is relevant to rational knowledge.

2017 ◽  
Mohammad Manzoor Malik

This research is aimed at providing critical appraisal of some informal logical fallacies from the Quran and Sunnah. The fallacies are defined adequately, analyzed logically, understood conceptually, and then criticized from Islamic perspective based on the Quran and Sunnah. First some fallacies of relevance are undertaken. Argumentum ad Hominem (Argument Directed at the Person) according to Islamic perspective is valid in respect to transmitted knowledge (uloom naqliah); on the other hand, this fallacy is invalid in respect to rational knowledge (uloom aqliyah) in inclusion of empirical knowledge (uloom tajribiyah). Argumentum ad Populum (Appeal to the People) fallacy according to Islamic perspective is accepted as a valid fallacy if what someone, elite, or majority hold is against the evidences and facts. However, in terms of keeping law and order in a society, Islam encourages the concept of Shura (consultation and group decision) and jamaah (unity and group) to make it possible that among many good options, Muslims would be able to follow any one with majority agreement to get over any disagreement or conflict. Among fallacies of presumption, some fallacies were undertaken as follows. Secundum quid (Fallacy of Hasty Generalization) is accepted fallacy according to Islamic perspective. The Islamic spirit is against hasty generalizations. Argumentum ad Verecundiam (Argument from Authority) is an accepted fallacy according to Islamic perspective. Islam emphasizes on evidence and proof in accepting or negating any fact. This is primary. However, proper authorities should be consulted on matters, this is what the Quran and Sunnah encourages.

2017 ◽  
Mohammad Manzoor Malik

This work is aimed at providing an Islamic perspective on few selected informal logical fallacies. It serves an introduction to the theme and opens ways of reflecting on it, which is the main portion of critical thinking as a subject. Informal logical fallacies are numerous innumber and for the sake of convenience they are very often categorized under three classifications: relevance, presumption, and ambiguity. This work follows the same categories and discusses few, selected informal fallacies under each category.

2017 ◽  
Mohammad Manzoor Malik

slamic approach to critical thinking is based on the sources of belief and knowledge in Islam and the scholarly attitude of Muslims throughout history in the major subjects of inquiry in Islamic studies and the subjects which come under the humanities, social sciences, and pure sciences. To be a critical thinker especially when informal logical fallacies are addressed a person should be aware about what could be classified as knowledge and the reliable means of knowledge. In the following sections of the chapter the sources of knowledge in Islam are discussed. Furthermore, it has been shown how the Quran treats critical thinking and why there is a need of having an Islamic perspective on informal logical fallacies.

Maria Erna ◽  
R. Usman Rery ◽  
Wiji Astuti ◽  

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada mata pelajaran Termokimia melalui penerapan strategi Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) (POGIL) di kelas 11 SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan One Group Pretest-Posttest Design yang diadakan di SMAN 8 Pekanbaru pada tahun akademik 2017/2018. Objek penelitian adalah XI MIA 1 yang terdiri dari 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data siswa menggunakan teknik tes pretest dan posttest. Keberhasilan pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan kriteria berpikir kritis dari hasil pretest dan posttest yang menganalisis persentase skor berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Siswa mengalami peningkatan dari kategori berpikir kritis sangat rendah ke kategori sangat tinggi dengan persentase 15,625%, dari kategori rendah ke kategori sangat tinggi adalah 40,625%, dari kategori rata-rata ke kategori sangat tinggi adalah 9,375%, dari kategori sangat rendah hingga kategori tinggi adalah 12,5%, dan dari kategori rendah ke kategori tinggi adalah 21,875%. Berdasarkan analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada mata pelajaran Termokimia di SMAN 8 Pekanbaru.   The research was held to determine the improvement of student’s critical thinking ability on Thermochemistry subject through implementation of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) strategy at 11th Grade of SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. This research used One Group Pretest-Posttest Design which held in SMAN 8 Pekanbaru at academic year of 2017/2018. The object of research is XI MIA 1 that consist of 32 students. The data collection of students used test technique which are pretest and posttest. The success of learning in improvement of student’s critical thinking ability is showed by improvement of criteria of critical thinking from pretest and posttest results that analyzed the score percentage of critical thinking. The result of research showed that there was an improvement of student’s critical thinking ability. The students have an increase from the very low category of critical thinking to very high category with percentage of 15,625%, from low category to very high category is 40,625%, from average category to very high category is 9,375%, from very low category to high category is 12,5%, and from low category to high category is 21,875%. Based on data analyze, it can be concluded that implementation of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) strategy is able to improve student’s critical thinking ability on Thermochemistry subject at SMAN 8 Pekanbaru.

Afif Alfa Robi ◽  
Hobri . ◽  
Dafik .

This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills of P21 students in solving Arithmetic Two Dimensional problems through the application of Guided Discovery Learning. GDL is a learning process that occurs when students are not presented  with material in final form but learners are expected to organize their own material with guidance from educators if needed. Implementation of GDL in learning process is expected to improve students' thinking ability, especially critical thinking ability version P21. According to P21, in the 21st century, every individual is required to have 4C's skills in order to compete globally and one of 4C's skills is critical thinking. By having these skills, learners are expected to achieve success in life and work. The subjects of this study are discrete mathematics class students, as many as 64 students. Research steps are by providing initial knowledge of Two Dimensional Arithmetic materials through GDL method and Student Worksheet (LKM) then at the end of student learning work on Test Mastery of Teaching Materials (TPBA). The test results are then analyzed using the P21 critical thinking indicator that is reasoned effectively, using a system of thinking, making judgments and decisions. From the analysis result of Teaching Material Mastery Test obtained data about critical thinking level of students, in class A there are 25 students being in very high category (level 4), 10 students are in high category (level 3) and 9 students are in medium category (level 2). While in class C there are 22 students being in very high category (level 4), 4 students are in high category (level 3) and 4 students are in medium category (level 2). The study also produced a two dimensional arithmetic monograph. From the results of this study can be concluded that the application of GDL has a positive effect in developing students' critical thinking skills in solving two-dimensional arithmetic problems.

Ф. Я. Майнаєв ◽  
О. І. Майнаєва

Успішність випускника закладу загальної середньої освіти (ЗЗСО), закладу вищої освіти (ЗВО) залежить від його здатності до комунікації. «Заберіть у мене все, чим я володію, але залиште мені мою мову, і скоро я знайду все, що мав», — цей афоризм Даніеля Уебстера, американського політика ХІХ століття, не втратив своєї актуальності в нашому цифровому ХХІ столітті. Стрімкий розвиток інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ), розширив способи й засоби комунікації. Публічні особи й пересічні громадяни для доведення власної думки вдаються до відеобатлів, поширюють меми в мережі Інтернет, висловлюють свою позицію стосовно події (культурної, політичної, соціальної) через малюнок, фото, плакат на сторінці у Facebook, Instagram чи Twitter. Будь-яка інтернет-публікація (відео, текст, графіка) може спричинити спонтанну дискусію, учасники якої нерідко Argumentum ad Hominem (спростовують аргумент, посилаючись на характер, мотив віртуального співрозмовника), із метою отримання перемоги над опонентом намагаються принизити його, уживають образливі вирази, ненормативну лексику. На жаль, у реальному житті ми також можемо стати свідками невдалого завершення комунікації (взаємообрази, бійки). Про це повідомляють заголовки газет і журналів, телевізійні новини, інтернет-публікації. Тому формування, а відтак розвиток інтелектуальної комунікації є одним із нагальних питань, яке має вирішувати освітянська спільнота. Розв’язанню цього важливого завдання можуть сприяти суспільно-гуманітарні науки, що мають потужний розвивальний і виховний потенціал. Роль суспільних і гуманітарних наук у становленні особистості, формуванні й розвитку в неї важливих життєвих компетенцій розглядали такі зарубіжні науковці, як: Н. Анстед, Е. Гібсон, М. Епштейн, К. Райфф, С. Стюарт, Е. Уотсон, Н. Фрай, С. Фуллер, Е. Хазелкорн, Дж. Харфем

Detritus ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 18-33
Ariadne Wilkinson ◽  
Ian D. Williams

Home entertainment (HE) products are particularly rich in metals and plastics and thus have enormous potential as a source of materials from within Distinct Urban Mines (DUMs). Consumers’ end-of-life (EoL) management decisions (i.e. stockpiling, hoarding, reusing, discarding of WEEE) strongly influence the exploitation potential of a DUM. This study aimed to assess the effect of consumer behaviour on the release of HE (W)EEE into the circular economy. A survey was undertaken in Southampton (Hampshire, UK) to assess perceptions and behaviours relating to the EoL management of HE (W)EEE. The study provides previously unavailable data and critical evaluation on the ownership, use and hoarding levels of HE EEE in a typical city DUM, and the reasons behind their hoarding. Results indicated that ownership levels were very high, with an average of 12 home entertainment items owned per household. This makes urban areas extremely plausible as DUMs; we estimate that there are over 1 million HE devices owned and ~440,000 HE devices hoarded in Southampton and >150 million HE EEE owned and ~61 million HE devices hoarded in UK households. Hoarding is common, especially for smaller or older equipment, due to their perceived residual value. HE product lifecycles averaged 4-5 years. The most common EoL routes were donating to relatives, friends or charities; hoarding; recycling; or discarding items in general refuse. To encourage the recovery of EoL HE equipment: i) convenient and accessible WEEE collection points should be established for regular (periodic) harvesting and ii) promoted via awareness campaigns and incentives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Dedy Dwi Setyawan ◽  
Ali Mustadi

The condition of the students’ critical thinking skills in the Kowangbinangun State Elementary School has impacted their learning results. Departing from this situation, a study for improving the students’ critical thinking skills and learning results by using hidrorium as the media should be conducted. Within the conduct of the study, the approach that had been adopted was the classroom action research. Then, the instruments that had been implemented were the test instrument, namely the test items for measuring the achievement of the students’ learning results, and the non-test instrument, namely the assignment assessment rubric for measuring the students’ critical thinking skills level. Furthermore, the data analysis method that had been adopted was the descriptive-comparativee method. Within the first cycle, 4% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category, 14% of the students belonged to the “High” category, and 82% of the students belonged to the “Low” category; as a result, 33% of the students met the passing grade while 67% of the students did not meet the passing grade. The research in the first cycle improved the students’ critical thinking skills and thus 14% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category, 57% of the students belonged to the “High” category, and 29% of the students belonged to the “Low” category. Following up the improvement, the learning results of the students showed that 64% of the students met the passing grade whereas 36% of the students did not meet the passing grade. In the second cycle, the students’ critical thinking skills also improved since 86% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category and 14% of the students belonged to the “High” category. Thus, the students’ learning results improved as well with 82% of the students met the passing grade and 18% of the students did not meet the passing grade.

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