law and order
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Sakshi Dhall ◽  
Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi ◽  
Saibal K. Pal ◽  
Gautam Srivastava

With social media becoming the most frequently used mode of modern-day communications, the propagation of fake or vicious news through such modes of communication has emerged as a serious problem. The scope of the problem of fake or vicious news may range from rumour-mongering, with intent to defame someone, to manufacturing false opinions/trends impacting elections and stock exchanges to much more alarming and mala fide repercussions of inciting violence by bad actors, especially in sensitive law-and-order situations. Therefore, curbing fake or vicious news and identifying the source of such news to ensure strict accountability is the need of the hour. Researchers have been working in the area of using text analysis, labelling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques for detecting fake news, but identifying the source or originator of such news for accountability is still a big challenge for which no concrete approach exists as of today. Also, there is another common problematic trend on social media whereby targeted vicious content goes viral to mobilize or instigate people with malicious intent to destabilize normalcy in society. In the proposed solution, we treat both problems of fake news and vicious news together. We propose a blockchain and keyed watermarking-based framework for social media/messaging platforms that will allow the integrity of the posted content as well as ensure accountability on the owner/user of the post. Intrinsic properties of blockchain-like transparency and immutability are advantageous for curbing fake or vicious news. After identification of fake or vicious news, its spread will be immediately curbed through backtracking as well as forward tracking. Also, observing transactions on the blockchain, the density and rate of forwarding of a particular original message going beyond a threshold can easily be checked, which could be identified as a possible malicious attempt to spread objectionable content. If the content is deemed dangerous or inappropriate, its spread will be curbed immediately. The use of the Raft consensus algorithm and bloXroute servers is proposed to enhance throughput and network scalability, respectively. Thus, the framework offers a proactive as well as reactive, practically feasible, and effective solution for curtailment of fake or vicious news on social media/messaging platforms. The proposed work is a framework for solving fake or vicious news spread problems on social media; the complete design specifications are beyond scope of the current work and will be addressed in the future.

D. Shcherbik

The article examines the relationship between traditional culture and the genesis of the state and legal system. The author describes myths about the origin of power, sources of law and order, which were widespread among the inhabitants of ancient Belarus, their influence on the state and legal reality of the East Slavic principalities and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-51
Seungbong Yang

The Republic of Korea Reserve Forces (ROKRF), established in 1968, continue to function through continuous changes such as improving laws and systems and optimizing organizations while complying with social and policy changes. However, the reduction of standing forces, changes in the operating environment, and the reduction of reserve forces required to carry out operations require the re-establishment of the concept of operation of regional reserve forces. In this study, we aimed to diagnose the phenomenon of regional reserve groups and derive an optimized operation plan for regional reserve groups in consideration of changes in the future security environment, operation support system, and law and order system. The operating system presented the mission of establishing local reserve forces suitable for the operating environment, organization, and organization maintenance for the future as well as maintenance and development of combat power through education and training. Finally, in the law and order system section, a plan to revise laws was proposed in consideration of the task of operating and constructing regional reserve forces and re-establishing them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-319
Athar Rashid ◽  
Inamullah Jan ◽  
Munib Ahmed

The persistence of massive corruption, a lack of accountability, departmental clashes, constitutional crisis, and a deteriorating law and order situation, particularly in the police department, are ample indicators of the country's poor governance. Pakistan has been engulfed by opinionated volatility and turbulence, resulting in the formation of a dark crevice in the country's economic growth and development. Good governance cannot be respected while there is opinionated disarray, a politician's appetite for power, and an unreformed Police Department. The current police system in Pakistan was designed by the British in 1861 to address a more diverse set of social, administrative, and political realities than the country currently portrays. Numerous national and international experts have concluded that colonial architecture is unsuitable for Pakistan. Pakistan requires comprehensive police reforms as a necessary component of the national framework, regardless of which party is in power. The public interest in reclaiming law enforcement's value has never been greater than it is today. There is growing recognition that the assignment requires concentrated effort. There can be no expectation of momentous police reforms without a continuing corporation and partnership edifice among the major players involved. A progressive and unwavering political leadership, a towering altitude of public support, and an enthused and well-led general public that demands higher standards of police performance are all necessary components of change and good governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-216
Mohammad Nur Ullah ◽  
Muhammad Sayadur Rahman

The inclusive philosophy of good governance is almost indispensable for the progress of state democracy in Bangladesh. However, the Bangladesh government is fighting a malicious virus in the governance structure that is visible in all sectors of the state. Against this backdrop, an attempt has been made to comprehend the general state of good governance in Bangladesh according to World Governance Indicators (WGI) of the World Bank. This study is based on mixed approach containing quantitative data from World Bank website (world and qualitative data from existing literatures. The collected data have also been analyzed through table, chart and text. This paper found, the current situation in Bangladesh is appalling and detrimental to the socio-economic development of the country. This situation is crisscrossed by overpopulation, politicization, bureaucratization, corruption, poverty, broken law and order, and the narrow game of politics. This paper then outlines some of the policy guidelines needed to define good governance principles in Bangladesh. The results of this study are expected to be useful for policymakers in devising appropriate strategies to ensure good governance at all levels of government.

А. А. Mukhamedzhanova ◽  
E. M. Yeralina ◽  
K. S. Mukhambedyarova

The purpose of this article is to reveal the perspectives of development of the region in the post COVID period, demonstrating the existing trends and the potential of advanced industries. The hypothesis is that Nur-Sultan has the opportunity to move to a qualitatively new level of socio-economic development through the implementation of the innovative potential of the city. The relevance of this issue is emphasized by the recovery of society and the world economy from the shocks of the pandemic, one of the tasks of this period is not to miss the opportunity to instill useful changes in society in its daily life and to increase the effectiveness. The ending year for all residents of Kazakhstan has become a time of severe trials. Due to the extraordinary situation, the attention was directed primarily at the capital, but everyone was looking for a way out. Many regions of the republic have demonstrated the ability to take a blow and seek internal reserves. The coronavirus has forced a full-scale reassessment of values. Basically, the pandemic just once again reminded of the long-known and somewhere banal things: food security, medical sovereignty, organizational resource, law and order. But things are banal because they have been tested from generation to generation. World Bank experts call 2020 and 2021 the most difficult years for the economy of Kazakhstan over the past two decades. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic were more devastating to the economy than the crises of 2008 and 2015.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-50
Dmitriy Lobach

The article examines the political and legal aspects of the possible qualification of cyberattacks as acts of aggression and international terrorism. It is noted that cyber threats, which in the modern conditions of the development of the information and digital environment are considered in many national security doctrines as new challenges that threaten not only national interests, but also international law and order. It is concluded that modern trends in the development of international relations, taking into account the current state of scientific and technological progress, demonstrate the possibility of qualifying cyberattacks as acts constituting a crime of aggression or international terrorism.

Надежда Владимировна Романова

В статье автором изучен такой общественно опасный феномен как коррупция, в частности, коррупционные правонарушения сотрудников УИС, вызывающие наибольший резонанс и создающие реальную угрозу не только пенитенциарной, но и национальной безопасности государства, поскольку именно сотрудники УИС должны являться гарантом обеспечения законности, правопорядка и справедливого исполнения наказаний. Показывается, что в борьбе с данным негативным явлением одним из эффективных средств является правовое просвещение и воспитание, поскольку причиной многих коррупционных правонарушений, совершаемых в УИС, является правовая безграмотность сотрудников. На основе проведенного анкетирования были изучены содержание, формы и методы работы сотрудниками УИС по правовому просвещению в рамках профилактической деятельности в борьбе с коррупцией в УИС. Автор приходит к выводу, что достижение реальных результатов в деле формирования атмосферы нетерпимости к коррупционным проявлениям, подрывающим авторитет государственной службы в Российской Федерации, возможно только путем консолидации всех усилий, а проводимый комплекс информационно-пропагандистских и просветительских мероприятий дает положительные результаты. In the article the author studied such socially dangerous phenomenon as corruption, in particular - corruption offenses of CES employees, causing the greatest resonance and creating a real threat not only to penitentiary, but also to national security of the state, since it is the CES employees should be the guarantor of legality, law and order and fair execution of punishment. It is shown that one of the effective means to combat this negative phenomenon is legal enlightenment and education, since the cause of many corruption offenses committed in the CES is the legal illiteracy of employees. The content, forms and methods of work on legal education as part of preventive anti-corruption work with employees of prisons have been studied on the basis of the questionnaire. The author concludes that the achievement of real results in the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance to corrupt practices that undermine the authority of public service in the Russian Federation is possible only through the consolidation of all efforts, and the ongoing set of outreach and educational activities gives positive results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Elena L. Saraeva

The article gives an interpretation of the ideas of the liberal politician Vasily Maklakov on the Basic State Laws of 1906. He assessed these laws as the Russian Constitution of 1906. Vasily Maklakov gave an interpretation of the relationship between the Constitutional Democrats and the government in connection with the restriction of the rights of the State Duma. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the perception by the Constitutional Democrats of the Basic Russian Laws as amended on April 23, 1906. Sources on the topic include the texts of the leaders of the K-D Party – the memoirs of Vasily Maklakov and Pavel Milyukov, Maxim Vinaver, as well as the Basic State Laws of 1906, materials of the III Congress of the K-D Party. The article reveals the political views of Vasily Maklakov, characterises his communicative culture, the views of the lawyer about the reasons for the illegal actions of the Constitutional Democrats in the First State Duma, the origins of their conflict with the government. An analysis of Vasily Maklakov's ideas about the degree of constitutionality of the government's steps towards the Duma in 1906 is given, his judgements about autocracy, law and order, the need to form a parliamentary culture of deputies are revealed. It is proved that Vasily Maklakov criticised the tactics of the Constitutional Democrats s in the First State Duma in the context of the idea of legality. He saw the main mistake of his fellow party members in their ignoring of a number of legal norms prescribed in the Basic Laws.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147737082110637
Jakub Drápal

Penal populism has repeatedly been described as influencing penal policies, with harsh penal practices presented as evidence of its influence. However, little attention has yet been paid to its role in the development of penal policies in post-authoritarian countries, which generally have large prison populations. Some minimal research has suggested that Central European countries were driven by penal nationalism following the 1989 revolutions. I examine this claim for the Czech Republic, using Garland (2013) 's framework of the five dimensions of a penal state. My analysis of political manifestoes shows that Czech politicians did not employ “law and order” rhetoric. The country's penal reforms were led by lenient penal elites. Nevertheless, a lack of analysis, coordination and sufficient funding resulted in a failure to properly identify or tackle the causes of the country's high imprisonment rate. Even though it gradually became more difficult to impose prison sentences, insufficient attention was paid to the length of the sentences Czech prisoners were serving. The large Czech prison population thus seems to be the result of state actors’ negligence, but not of penal populism nor of penal nationalism.

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