islamic perspective
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The fictional world John Osborne builds up in Luther (1961) dramatizes Martin Luther’s spiritual journey from rooted Catholicism to emerging Protestantism. Throughout the journey, Martin’s religious tendency varies according to the belief he adheres to. This paper examines if the aspects of the Christian doctrine Martin is fed with at first and the initiatives he undertakes later on can be reinterpreted through the lens of Islam. The study tries to prove that drama can be used as a platform that enhances religious and multicultural proximity rather than distance between the western world and the Muslim community. It analyzes the Christian tenets in Luther to demonstrate how the religious values embedded in Osborne’s representation can be brought close to the principles of the Islamic doctrine. Hence, another endeavour for boosting human fraternity is presented based on picking up a modern English drama that was written sixty years ago and analyzing some of its aspects from an Islamic perspective.

Mamoon Yousef Salem Mamoon Yousef Salem

This research aims to clarify the synergy (bond/integration) between the Capital and the Intelligence in light of the Qura’an and Sunnah from sutainable developmental perspective, in the other way its attentively enlightens the meanings of versus of Quran and Sunnah in sustainable way; The research methodology was based ubon Tracking the Holy Quraan & Sunnah to reveal/explain the link/connection between capital and Intelligance mentioned in it, the researcher reaches that there is strong integration between the types (Capital& Intelligence) in examples (Role Models/leaders) from Quran and Sunnah in order to achieve peace, prosperity and sustainability to the community, and it reveals that Quran and true sunnah has a biggest influence in supporting this Coalition by setting such these examples and with the guidance of Allah and its prophet Mohammed (ppuh) reactions (sayings, doing and approval), taken in consideration not to twist the versus of Quran or hadith to comply/ match with the subject of the research; and the results of this study that there is a strong sustainable relationship between all types of capital and intelligence supported by Quran and reinforced by Sunnah, in fact there is a solid bond between intelligence and capital shown in Quran and Sunnah for the sake of humanity, also Quran and Sunnah encourages transparency and positivity in all ways of life (relationships, thoughts, communications,..) in sustainable moral frame to achieve Eternity in this life and at the judgment day; And the recommendations is that It’s Important for Islamic Institutes to support like these researches effectively to enhance the sustainable human development in the society, further more It’s crucial to implement the intelligence types by Institutes in Islamic perspective in all ways of life (educational, cultural, social,..) to build a generation proud of his Islam and ready to work for it.

Al Tijarah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Mahmudur Rahman ◽  
Muhammad Faizul Haque ◽  
Naeem Osmani ◽  
Idris Ali ◽  
Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Mamoon Yousef Salem Mamoon Yousef Salem

This research aims to clarify the synergy (bond/integration) between the Capital and the Intelligence in light of the Qura’an and Sunnah from sutainable developmental perspective, in the other way its attentively enlightens the meanings of versus of Quran and Sunnah in sustainable way; The research methodology was based ubon Tracking the Holy Quraan & Sunnah to reveal/explain the link/connection between capital and Intelligance mentioned in it, the researcher reaches that there is strong integration between the types (Capital& Intelligence) in examples (Role Models/leaders) from Quran and Sunnah in order to achieve peace, prosperity and sustainability to the community, and it reveals that Quran and true sunnah has a biggest influence in supporting this Coalition by setting such these examples and with the guidance of Allah and its prophet Mohammed (ppuh) reactions (sayings, doing and approval), taken in consideration not to twist the versus of Quran or hadith to comply/ match with the subject of the research; and the results of this study that there is a strong sustainable relationship between all types of capital and intelligence supported by Quran and reinforced by Sunnah, in fact there is a solid bond between intelligence and capital shown in Quran and Sunnah for the sake of humanity, also Quran and Sunnah encourages transparency and positivity in all ways of life (relationships, thoughts, communications,..) in sustainable moral frame to achieve Eternity in this life and at the judgment day; And the recommendations is that It’s Important for Islamic Institutes to support like these researches effectively to enhance the sustainable human development in the society, further more It’s crucial to implement the intelligence types by Institutes in Islamic perspective in all ways of life (educational, cultural, social,..) to build a generation proud of his Islam and ready to work for it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 552
Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar ◽  
Salasiah Hanin Hamjah ◽  
Ahmad Dzaky Hasan ◽  
Nang Naemah Nik Dahlan

Parents are leaders of the family who should play the role of building family well-being. Family well-being very much depends on the way of nurturing or raising and managing the family. In order to build a prosperous or happy family, the first and foremost matter which needs to be emphasised is parenting knowledge. Neglecting this parenting aspect will result in parents’ failure to effectively manage the family toward well-being, even causing suffering to children and is associated with bad behaviour such as committing murder, physical or sexual abuse, and neglecting their education. Hence, this research is conducted to study parenting skills according to the Islamic perspective, by using content analysis method. Research findings based on the views of Muslim scholars conclude that in the Islamic perspective, the parenting skills which parents need to master to become excellent parents are parenting knowledge, maintaining their relationship with Allah SWT, relationship with their children and relationship with fellow human beings,  encompassing spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social aspects. The implications of this research can help parents know the basic parenting skills according to the Islamic perspective, to build a prosperous family. This research also contributes knowledge to the authorities responsible for managing family development so that knowledge, skills and programs relating to parenting can be disseminated and practised in Muslim family life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 316
Muh. Akib D ◽  
Ridwan Idris

Abstract:The essence of human creation in Islamic perspective refers to the text of the Koran in terms of khalaqa (creating) and ja’ala (making). Both elements can grow through the educational process. This perspective points that humans are naturally pedagogical beings with the potential for education. This paper aims at elaborating the essence of humans as pedagogic creatures, both in Islamic and Western views. This study relied on library research for its findings. The information was gathered from a variety of books and papers on the subject. In the Islamic view, the level of education development, along with the pedagogical process that initiates it, involves informal, formal, and non-formal education. However, in the Western view, there are two categories, namely navitism and behaviorism.Abstrak:Hakekat penciptaan manusia dalam perspektif Islam dengan merujuk pada nash Alquran pada istilah khalaqa (menciptakan) dan  ja’ala (menjadikan). Kedua unsur itu dapat berkembang melalui proses pendidikan. Perspektif ini menyatakan bahwa manusia secara fithrawi disebut sebagai makhluk paedagogiek dengan potensi untuk dapat dididik dan dapat mendidik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hakekat penciptaan manusia sebagai makhluk paedagogiek, baik dalam pandangan Islam maupun Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan. Data pada penelitian ini diambil dari berbagai buku dan artikel yang berkaitan dengan topik tersebut. Dalam pandangan Islam, tingkat perkembangan pendidikan manusia, seiring dengan proses paedagogis yang mengintarinya meliputi pendidikan informal, formal, dan non formal. Sedangkan dalam pandangan Barat, ditemukan dua kategori yaitu paham navitisme dan paham behaviorisme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 64-93
Farahanim Mohd Esa ◽  
Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman ◽  
Norziyana Mohd Akhir ◽  
Afifah Toklubok

This study discusses the social issues that occurred in Malaysia from the Islamic point of view. This study has taken the descriptive analytical approach by describing issues related to the Malaysian society in the references and sources available to the researchers, as well as analysing them from Western, Malaysian and Islamic attitudes. This study will address the following topics: cultural issues such as sexual orientation and gender identity; ethical issues such as freedom of expression, mixing of the sexes and intimacy among the unmarried; and family issues such as developing the roles of spouses and children’s education during the epidemic. This study also aimed to shed light on these selected issues from the Islamic perspective, as well as to give justified opinions of scholars and researchers in them. Thus, this study reached important results and the most significant of which is: revealing the opinions of scholars and experts and exploring their Islamic attitudes towards Malaysia's approach to dealing with these social issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Faizah Majahar ◽  
Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman ◽  
Siti Nurul Afifah Pauzi ◽  
Siti Adibah Aziz

Learning motivation is one of the important elements in helping students reaching their desired educational goals and promoting effective learning. There are many studies on factors that affect learning motivation but most of them focused on the material aspects and neglected the spiritual aspects due to their dependence on Western theories. Therefore, this study is designed to identify the learning motivation from the perspective of Islam among university students, the spiritual aspects in it and to uncover the relationship between them. The results indicated that spiritual aspects play an important role in enhancing students' learning motivation and help them staying away from evil deeds that are not in line with Islamic teachings.

Ida Zilio-Grandi

The present essay relates to a line of enquiry that focuses on the Islamic contribution to the values held in common by different cultural traditions, with the aim of working towards a shared ethical conscience and peaceful coexistence in the cities of a globalised world. The essay emphasises cultural specificities, starting with the terminology currently used to describe environmentalism and sustainability. Drawing on the works of a number of contemporary Arab Muslim intellectuals, my enquiry aims to look at environmental sustainability from an Islamic perspective, and to address it as part of the ethical heritage of Islam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-193
Rabiu Shehu Muhammad ◽  
Aminu Umar

The eruption of Boko Haram and its insurgency in 2009 caused the loss of life and property that is unprecedented in northern Nigeria's history since independence. Various tools and approaches have been used in analyzing a phenomenon with a view to offering solutions to it. People from various walks of life including professionals and experts have expressed their views and opinions about groups, their activities and ways to limit them. Since the group is rightly or wrongly associated and identified with Islam in its activities, experts especially the ulama analyze the group from an Islamic perspective using the Qur'an and Sunnah and the actions of the salaf as their basis for offering solutions. to group problems. With this background, this paper examines the role of Ulama in dealing with the imbroglio of Boko Haram by using the Ulama model of Al Azhar University in particular. The historical method was adopted with data mostly collected from printed materials and the internet. This paper recommends among other things that our scholars should follow some of the approaches used by Al'azhar scholars in eliminating the influence of extremist and rebel groups. .

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