passing grade
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-258
Ika Hidayanti ◽  
Alfan Zuhairi ◽  
Kurniasih Kurniasih

ABSTRACTMeasuring students’ English ability in most universities would be counted from their passing grade on the Test of English as A Foreign Language (TOEFL). Listening to natives is considered a complicated section to answer among the three sections. Thus, EFL learners should focus on attainment strategies to answer the TOEFL preparation test. The current study examines students’ profile of attainment strategy use and how usage of this strategy differs by gender. The sixth English semester students, faculty of education at Universitas Islam Malang, were required to fill out the questionnaire of strategies used to answer the TOEFL. Utilizing the descriptive and independent t-test, the findings reveal that students deployed the strategies at a moderate level. Further, female students used all the strategies more often and significantly differently than their counterparts. This implies that the use of strategies could ease them in obtaining good scores in listening.ABSTRAKMengukur ketrampilan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa di sebagian besar universitas akan dihitung dari nilai kelulusan mereka pada tes TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Diantara ketiga bagian pada tes TOEFL, tes pada bagian I (Listening) dianggap sebagai tes yang sulit untuk dijawab. Sehingga, mahasiswa diharapkan bisa fokus dan bisa menggunakan strategi tepat ketika menjawab tes TOEFL. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil penggunaan strategi menjawab tes TOEFL dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan penggunaaan oleh mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Mahasiswa semester enam jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Malang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini dan mereka diminta mengisi kuesioner strategi menjawab tes TOEFL.  Dengan menggunakan analisis dan Uji T-tes, temuan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menggunakan strategi dalam kategori sedang. Hasil selanjutnya mengindikasikan bahwa mahasiswa perempuan sering menggunakan strategi dan berbeda secara signifikan dari mahasiswa laki-laki. Hal ini berarti bahwa penggunaan strategi dapat memudahkan mahasiswa tersebut untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-302
Dida Daniarsyah ◽  
Fionera Santuna Indah

This article discusses how to design the passing grade of field competency selection (SKB)   for the needs of the recruitment process for prospective Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK) who will fill the formation of Functional Positions at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). The absence of government guidelines in designing the passing grade value for PPPK candidates triggers Ministries/Institution to design the passing grade value SKB as a necessity in the recruitment process. Research through empirical studies designed the passing grade value SKB for the KKP Functional Position using the Ebel method approach, the Trial Method, and the Judgment Method. The results of the study reveal that the technique of designing the the passing grade value SKB is very dependent on the technical policy of preparing questions so that it is easier, more precise in considering the standard setting method approach or determining the method approach to designing the passing grade value SKB.The  passing grade value SKB for the Functional Position of the KKP Guiding Agency based on the three methods obtained results that have close values ​​or differences that are not too significant. The range of values ​​between the interval 45 – 55 absolute numbers. This data indicates that between the technical policy of problem formulation and determining the Ebel method as an approach to the standard setting method in designing the passing grade  value is correct and inline.  Keywords: PPPK, Passing Grade  Value, Methods Approach

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Retno Dwigustini ◽  
Baiatun Nisa ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Uung Hodijah

The research aimed at improving students’ speaking skill using picture-cued technique. Classroom action research with 3 cycles was employed.  The research subject consisted of 20 students of tenth grade. The technique of data collection consisted of observation, test and interview. The finding signified that the students’ speaking skill is improved. In cycle I, only 70% of students passed the passing grade. In cycle 2, 90% passed the grade and in cycle 3, 100% passed the grade. The significant of this research did not only explore about picture-cued technique but also identified students’ response of the application of picture-cued technique in English speaking learning. The result of the research showed students’ positive responses to the use of the technique. This further means that the implementation of picture-cued is successful in enhancing students’ speaking skill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Mutiara Alma Umairoh

This study aims to increase the self-confident attitude of grade III students of SD Negeri Grindang by applying the PBL learning model. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) using the Kemmis and McTaggart model which includes the empanas of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The study included two cycle. Subject and subject data in this study were students of class III SD Negeri Grindang. This research uses collection and teaching techniques through observation, questionnaires and documentation. The data validity used source triangulation and data method triangulation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model. In pre-cycle, resulting in a percentage of 28,5% reaches the passing grade. The first cycle resulting in a percentage of 42,85% reaches the passing grade in classical terms, the second cycle resulting a percentage of 85% reaches the passing grade in classical terms. The conclusion in this study is the PBL learning model which can increase self-confidence in grade III students of SD Negeri Grindang for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Salecha Gunansyah

<p><em>The purpose of this </em><em>research</em><em> is to improve student learning achievement in online distance learning. The variable that is the target of the change is the learning outcomes of students in the mathematics content of the Time Measurement material in Standard Units, while the action variable used is the use of the Zoom Cloud Meeting application. The form of this research is </em><em>Classroom</em><em> </em><em>A</em><em>ction </em><em>R</em><em>esearch</em><em> (CAR)</em><em> using a cycle model consisting of two cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of the research were the 2th students of SD Negeri 1 Karangpucung, totaling 32 children. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses a qualitative analysis model, which includes 3 components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and verification.</em><em> </em><em>Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an increase in learning outcomes for the Mathematics content of the Time Measurement material in Standard Units after classroom actions are carried out by applying the Zoom Cloud Meeting application. Before the action the percentage of students who reached the </em><em>passing grade</em><em> was 37%. In the first cycle the percentage of students who reached the </em><em>passing grade</em><em> was 57%. In the second cycle the percentage of students who reached the </em><em>passing grade</em><em> was 93%.</em></p>

I Made Suarsana

Mathematics learning objectives for deaf students are not different from normal students, but their learning approach is not the same. Learning materials for deaf students should be made simple and equipped with multi representation. With the development of ICT, multi representation has become easy and inexpensive. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an interactive digital book with a multi representation approach for deaf students. This study was carried out using 3 initial stages of 4-D research and development design (define, design, develop, and disseminate). Media feasibility is determined based on the results of expert validation, practicality test, and a passing grade. The average score of book validation by the material expert was 2.92 (97.3%), learning design expert was 2.97 (99%), media expert was 2.99 (99.7%), and language expert was 2.78 (92.7%), so it can be said that the book met the validity criteria. The average score of the practicality test by students was 4.24 (84.8%) and teachers were 4.35 (87%), so it can be said that the book met the practicality criteria. The average passing grade was 83.34%, so the book met the effectiveness criteria. By meeting validity, practicality, and effectiveness criteria, it can be concluded that the digital book met the feasibility criteria as mathematical learning materials for VII-grade deaf students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 322
Tawali Tawali

This research aimed at finding out whether Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy improves students’ reading comprehension or not. The research was a classroom action research. The data collected through quantitative and qualitative approach. Quantitative data was gained from the result of pre-test and post-test from reading test. Meanwhile, qualitative data was gained from the result of observation sheets toward students’ and teachers’ activity. The instruments used by the researcher were test and observation sheet. The finding of the research showed that the strategy Listen-Read-Discuss improve the students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text. The improvement can be seen from the mean score of students from pre-test, post-test one, and post-test two. The mean score of pre-tests was 64.46 (50%), there were eight students who passed the minimum passing grade, in the post-test one, 75.35 (67%), twelve students passed the minimum passing grade and in the post-test two, 82.14 (89%), twenty-five students passed the minimum passing grade (KKM).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Yusuf Hadi Yudha ◽  
Rustono Farady Marta ◽  
Hana Panggabean

Technological advances and rapid development of the internet, has pushed YouTube to become one of the new communication media by communicating information through audio and video. This information affects the personality of individuals who have a specific purpose in their efforts to communicate. With YouTube, anyone can freely watch whatever information is presented, and create various content without any permits or censors. This condition made some of content creators leaking a number of psychological tests that should be confidential, by making discussions, as well as tips and tricks on how to get a high score on these tests. This study aims to show how a civil servant candidate openly communicates to the public by creating video content on YouTube about tips and tricks for giving deceptive responses (faking) on the Personal Characteristics Test (TKP) used in civil servant selection test (CPNS) in order to get high score in this test. Analysis of the video using Critical Discourse Analysis from Theo van Leeuwen found that, in order to surpass the predetermined TKP passing grade, test takers were required to play the role of being an ideal figure of a civil servant. As in CPNS selection context, the video also reveals that by faking the test answer, it can increase the chances of participants to get high scores in the test. The self-reporting test format, also helped test takers easily fake the test by selecting answers according to the ideal profile of a civil servant, not answering according to his true state, as is expected in psychological tests in general. Kemajuan teknologi dan berkembang pesatnya penggunaan internet, mendorong YouTube menjadi salah satu bentuk media komunikasi baru untuk menyampaikan informasi melalui tayangan-tayangan berupa audio dan video. Informasi tersebut mempengaruhi kepribadian individu yang memiliki tujuan tertentu dalam upayanya berkomunikasi.Pada kanalYouTube, siapapun dapat dengan bebas menonton dan mengakses informasi apa saja yang disajikan, serta berkreasi membuat berbagai konten tanpa ada batasan perizinan ataupun sensor. Hal ini membuat sejumlah pembuat konten yang tidak bertanggung jawab membocorkan sejumlah tes psikologi yang seharusnya rahasia, dengan membuat pembahasan, serta tips dan trik bagaimana mendapatkan skor tinggi dalam tes tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peserta seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) dan pemberian respon pengelabuan pada pengerjaan Tes Karakteristik Pribadi (TKP) ditampilkan dalam diskursus, khususnya dalam video YouTube berjudul “TIPS DAN TRIK MENJAWAB SOAL TKP CPNS 2019”.Analisis terhadap video menggunakanAnalisis Wacana Kritisdari Theo van Leeuwen menemukan bahwa, agar dapat melampaui passing grade yang telah ditetapkan,peserta tes dituntut berperan menjadi sosok ideal seorang PNS. Dalam konteks seleksi CPNS, video tersebut mengungkapkan pula bahwa dengan melakukan pengelabuan,dapat meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapatkan skor tinggi dalam tes tersebut. Desain tes yang berupa pelaporan diri, turut membuat peserta tes dapat dengan mudah melakukan faking dengan memberikan jawaban sesuai profil ideal seorang PNS, dan bukan menjawab sesuai dengan keadaan dirinya yang sebenarnya, sebagaimana layaknya yang diharapkan dalam tes psikologi pada umumnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-39
Suma NIng Sih

The preliminary study in teaching speaking at MTs AlMuna Samarinda was not satisfied; the students were reluctant to speak English, were shy and not confident to express ideas orally, and were afraid of being ridiculed by their friends. Their speaking skills' average score was 63.06, and it was below the minimum passing grade, that is, 70. This study tried to improve the students' ability to speak through role-play. The action research was carried out in two stages. The instruments of the study are observation, documentation, and speaking test. The findings of the study show that role-play could improve the students' speaking ability. It was proven by improving their speaking skill, from 63.06 in the preliminary study up to 76.6 in cycle II.

2021 ◽  
Devi Nurtiyasari ◽  
Agus Indra Gunawan ◽  
Nidya Ferry Wulandari

Lulus CPNS membutuhkan perjuangan, kita tidak bisa mengandalkan keberuntungan semata. Selain banyak berdo‘a tentu teman-teman harus usaha yang maksimal. Usaha ini dapat dilakukan dengan banyak mengerjakan latihan soal, seperti soal-soal yang disusun dalam buku ini. Target buku ini membantu teman-teman lulus seleksi CPNS 2021 dengan skor/nilai maksimal baik Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) maupun Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB). Agar lulus CPNS 2021, skor SKD tidak cukup dengan lulus passing grade saja, teman-teman harus mendapatkan skor maksimal agar masuk perangkingan 2x formasi. Selain mempersiapkan diri menghadapi SKD, agar lulus CPNS 2021 teman-teman juga harus mempersiapkan diri mengikuti seleksi tahap 2 yaitu SKB. Selain materi dan Latihan soal CPNS, buku ini juga dilengkapi materi seleksi PPPK. Buku ini disusun secara urut berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokarsi Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2019 (Permenpan RB No. 23 Tahun 2019) Tentang Kriteria Penetapan Kebutuhan Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan Pelaksanaan Seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tahun 2019 dan Peraturan BKN No 1 Tahun 2019 tentang Teknis Pengadaan PPPK. Buku ini memberikan tips dan trik mengikuti tes seleksi CPNS dan PPPK 2021. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman pejuang CPNS dan PPPK 2021.

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