scholarly journals What Matters Most in Transportation Demand Model Specifications: A Comparison of Outputs in a Mid-size Network

T. Donna Chen ◽  
Kara Kockelman ◽  
Yong Zhao

This paper examines the impact of travel demand modeling (TDM) disaggregation techniques in the context of medium-sized communities. Specific TDM improvement strategies are evaluated for predictive power and flexibility with case studies based on the Tyler, Texas, network. Results suggest that adding time-of-day disaggregation, particularly in conjunction with multi-class assignment, to a basic TDM framework has the most significant impacts on outputs. Other strategies shown to impact outputs include adding a logit mode choice model and incorporating a congestion feedback loop. For resource-constrained communities, these results show how model output and flexibility vary for different settings and scenarios.BACKGROUND Transportation directly provides for the mobility of people and goods, while influencing land use patterns and economic activity, which in turn affect air quality, social equity, and investment decisions. Driven by the need to forecast future transportation demand and system performance, Manheim (1979) and Florian et al. (1988) introduced a transportation analysis framework for traffic forecasting using aggregated data that provide the basis for what is known as the four-step model: a process involving trip generation, then trip distribution and mode choice, followed by route choice. Aggregating demographic data at the zone level, the four-step model generates trip productions based on socioeconomic data (e.g., household counts by income and size) and trip attractions primarily based on jobs counts. The model then proportionally distributes trips between each origin and destination (OD) zone pair based on competing travel attractions and impedances, under the assumption that OD pairings with higher travel costs draw fewer trips. Trips between each OD pair are split among a variety of transportation modes, allocating trips to private vehicle, transit, or other

Gabriel Wilkes ◽  
Roman Engelhardt ◽  
Lars Briem ◽  
Florian Dandl ◽  
Peter Vortisch ◽  

This paper presents the coupling of a state-of-the-art ride-pooling fleet simulation package with the mobiTopp travel demand modeling framework. The coupling of both models enables a detailed agent- and activity-based demand model, in which travelers have the option to use ride-pooling based on real-time offers of an optimized ride-pooling operation. On the one hand, this approach allows the application of detailed mode-choice models based on agent-level attributes coming from mobiTopp functionalities. On the other hand, existing state-of-the-art ride-pooling optimization can be applied to utilize the full potential of ride-pooling. The introduced interface allows mode choice based on real-time fleet information and thereby does not require multiple iterations per simulated day to achieve a balance of ride-pooling demand and supply. The introduced methodology is applied to a case study of an example model where in total approximately 70,000 trips are performed. Simulations with a simplified mode-choice model with varying fleet size (0–150 vehicles), fares, and further fleet operators’ settings show that (i) ride-pooling can be a very attractive alternative to existing modes and (ii) the fare model can affect the mode shifts to ride-pooling. Depending on the scenario, the mode share of ride-pooling is between 7.6% and 16.8% and the average distance-weighed occupancy of the ride-pooling fleet varies between 0.75 and 1.17.

2002 ◽  
Vol 1817 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-176 ◽  
Guy Rousseau ◽  
Tracy Clymer

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) regional travel demand model is described as it relates to its link-based emissions postprocessor. In addition to conformity determination, an overview of other elements is given. The transit networks include the walk and highway access links. Trip generation addresses trip production, trip attraction, reconciliation of productions and attractions, and special adjustments made for Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport. Trip distribution includes the application of the composite impedance variable. In the mode choice model, home-based work uses a logit function, whereas nonwork uses information from the home-based work to estimate modal shares. Traffic assignment includes preparation of time-of-day assignments. The model assigns single-occupancy vehicles, high-occupancy vehicles, and trucks by using separate trip tables. The procedures can accept or prohibit each of the three types of vehicles from each highway lane. Feedback between the land use model and the traffic model is accounted for via composite impedances generated by the traffic model and is a primary input to the land use model DRAM/EMPAL. The land use model is based on census tract geography, whereas the travel demand model is based on traffic analysis zones that are subareas within census tracts. The ARC model has extended the state of the practice by using the log sum variable from mode choice as the impedance measure rather than the standard highway time. This change means that the model is sensitive not only to highway travel time but also to highway and transit costs.

Quentin Noreiga ◽  
Mark McDonald

This paper presents a parsimonious travel demand model (PTDM) derived from a proprietary parent travel demand model developed by Cambridge Systematics (CS) for the California high-speed rail system. The purpose of the PTDM is to reduce computational expense for model simulations, optimization and sensitivity analyses, and other repetitive analyses. The PTDM is used to quantify the significance of parameter uncertainties with the use of mean value first-order second moment methods for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis. The PTDM changes the model resolution of the parent travel demand model from a traffic analysis zone to a county-level analysis. The three-step model contains trip frequency, destination choice, and main mode choice models and is calibrated to match the results of the CS model. The main mode choice model predicts primary mode choice results for car, commercial air, conventional rail, and high-speed rail. The PTDM uses data and models similar to parent models to show how uncertainty in travel demand model predictions can be quantified. This paper does not attempt to assess the reliability of parent model forecasts, and the results should not be used to evaluate uncertainty in the California High-Speed Rail Authority's rider ship and revenue forecasts. However, the uncertainty quantification methodology presented here, when applied to the CS model, can be used to quantify the impact of parameter uncertainty on the forecast results.

Michael Heilig ◽  
Nicolai Mallig ◽  
Tim Hilgert ◽  
Martin Kagerbauer ◽  
Peter Vortisch

The diffusion of new modes of transportation, such as carsharing and electric vehicles, makes it necessary to consider them along with traditional modes in travel demand modeling. However, there are two main challenges for transportation modelers. First, the new modes’ low share of usage leads to a lack of reliable revealed preference data for model estimation. Stated preference survey data are a promising and well-established approach to close this gap. Second, the state-of-the-art model approaches are sometimes stretched to their limits in large-scale applications. This research developed a combined destination and mode choice model to consider these new modes in the agent-based travel demand model mobiTopp. Mixed revealed and stated preference data were used, and new modes (carsharing, bikesharing, and electric bicycles) were added to the mode choice set. This paper presents both challenges of the modeling process, mainly caused by large-scale application, and the results of the new combined model, which are as good as those of the former sequential model although it also takes the new modes into consideration.

Ramin Shabanpour ◽  
Nima Golshani ◽  
Joshua Auld ◽  
Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian

This study explored travelers’ decision behavior in selecting activity start times. The study examined the problem in the context of the Agent-based Dynamic Activity Planning and Travel Simulation (ADAPTS) activity-based travel demand model for the Chicago, Illinois, metropolitan area. A unique feature of the ADAPTS framework is its consideration of planning horizons for various activity attributes. Naturally, the various attributes of an activity—such as start time, duration, location, party involvement, and mode of travel—can be planned in different time horizons. An attribute that is planned affects the choice of other activity attributes. Therefore, developing a true behavioral time-of-day choice model would not be possible unless the planning order of activity attributes and the dynamics of travelers’ decision-making processes are taken into account. Similarly, it can be argued that there should be fundamental differences in the time-of-day decision process when other attributes of the activity are not yet planned but are to be decided at a later time. The presented time-of-day model aims to capture the dynamics of this decision process by considering the planning time horizons of other attributes of the activity, as well as the outcomes of the decisions. The study adopted the discrete choice approach to model activity timing decisions and a hybrid utility maximization and developed a regret minimization model to account for the heterogeneity of decision rules across choice variables. Analysis of the estimation results and parameter elasticities indicates that higher expected travel time, variations in travel time, and schedule occupancy rates for different time choices can significantly increase the regret value of the corresponding choice and therefore affect the time-of-day choice.

Carlos Llorca ◽  
Joseph Molloy ◽  
Joanna Ji ◽  
Rolf Moeckel

Long-distance trips are less frequent than short-distance urban trips, but contribute significantly to the total distance traveled, and thus to congestion and transport-related emissions. This paper develops a long-distance travel demand model for the province of Ontario, Canada. In this paper, long-distance demand includes non-recurrent overnight trips and daytrips longer than 40 km, as defined by the Travel Survey for Residents in Canada (TSRC). We developed a microscopic discrete choice model including trip generation, destination choice, and mode choice. The model was estimated using travel surveys, which did not provide data about destination attractiveness and modal level of service. Therefore, a data collection method was designed to obtain publicly available data from the location-based social network Foursquare and from the online trip planning service Rome2rio. In the first case, Foursquare data characterized land uses and predominant activities of the destination alternatives, by the number of user check-ins at different venue types (i.e., ski areas, outdoor or medical activities, etc.). In the second case, the use of Rome2rio data described the modal alternatives for each observed trip. Combining data from travel surveys, Foursquare, and Rome2rio, coefficients of the model were estimated econometrically. It was found that the Foursquare data on number of check-ins at destinations was statistically significant, especially for leisure trips, and improved the goodness of fit compared with models that only used population and employment. Additionally, Rome2rio mode-specific variables were found to be significant for mode choice selection, making the resulting model sensitive to changes in travel time, transit fares, or service frequencies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-129
Andrew G. Mueller ◽  
Daniel J. Trujillo

This study furthers existing research on the link between the built environment and travel behavior, particularly mode choice (auto, transit, biking, walking). While researchers have studied built environment characteristics and their impact on mode choice, none have attempted to measure the impact of zoning on travel behavior. By testing the impact of land use regulation in the form of zoning restrictions on travel behavior, this study expands the literature by incorporating an additional variable that can be changed through public policy action and may help cities promote sustainable real estate development goals. Using a unique, high-resolution travel survey dataset from Denver, Colorado, we develop a multinomial discrete choice model that addresses unobserved travel preferences by incorporating sociodemographic, built environment, and land use restriction variables. The results suggest that zoning can be tailored by cities to encourage reductions in auto usage, furthering sustainability goals in transportation.

2021 ◽  
Aliaksandr Malokin ◽  
Giovanni Circella ◽  
Patricia L. Mokhtarian

AbstractMillennials, the demographic cohort born in the last two decades of the twentieth century, are reported to adopt information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their everyday lives, including travel, to a greater extent than older generations. As ICT-driven travel-based multitasking influences travelers’ experience and satisfaction in various ways, millennials are expected to be affected at a greater scale. Still, to our knowledge, no previous studies have specifically focused on the impact of travel multitasking on travel behavior and the value of travel time (VOTT) of young adults. To address this gap, we use an original dataset collected among Northern California commuters (N = 2216) to analyze the magnitude and significance of individual and household-level factors affecting commute mode choice. We estimate a revealed-preference mode choice model and investigate the differences between millennials and older adults in the sample. Additionally, we conduct a sensitivity analysis to explore how incorporation of explanatory factors such as attitudes and propensity to multitask while traveling in mode choice models affects coefficient estimates, VOTT, and willingness to pay to use a laptop on the commute. Compared to non-millennials, the mode choice of millennials is found to be less affected by socio-economic characteristics and more strongly influenced by the activities performed while traveling. Young adults are found to have lower VOTT than older adults for both in-vehicle (15.0% less) and out-of-vehicle travel time (15.7% less), and higher willingness to pay (in time or money) to use a laptop, even after controlling for demographic traits, personal attitudes, and the propensity to multitask. This study contributes to better understanding the commuting behavior of millennials, and the factors affecting it, a topic of interest to transportation researchers, planners, and practitioners.

Alex van Dulmen ◽  
Martin Fellendorf

In cases where budgets and space are limited, the realization of new bicycle infrastructure is often hard, as an evaluation of the existing network or the benefits of new investments is rarely possible. Travel demand models can offer a tool to support decision makers, but because of limited data availability for cycling, the validity of the demand estimation and trip assignment are often questionable. This paper presents a quantitative method to evaluate a bicycle network and plan strategic improvements, despite limited data sources for cycling. The proposed method is based on a multimodal aggregate travel demand model. Instead of evaluating the effects of network improvements on the modal split as well as link and flow volumes, this method works the other way around. A desired modal share for cycling is set, and the resulting link and flow volumes are the basis for a hypothetical bicycle network that is able to satisfy this demand. The current bicycle network is compared with the hypothetical network, resulting in preferable actions and a ranking based on the importance and potentials to improve the modal share for cycling. Necessary accompanying measures for other transport modes can also be derived using this method. For example, our test case, a city in Austria with 300,000 inhabitants, showed that a shift of short trips in the inner city toward cycling would, without countermeasures, provide capacity for new longer car trips. The proposed method can be applied to existing travel models that already contain a mode choice model.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-119 ◽  
Chuan Ding ◽  
Chao Liu ◽  
Yaoyu Lin ◽  
Yaowu Wang

Reducing car trips and promoting green commuting modes are generally considered important solutions to reduce the increase of energy consumption and transportation CO2 emissions. One potential solution for alleviating transportation CO2 emissions has been to identify a role for the employer through green commuter programs. This paper offers an approach to assess the effects of employer attitudes towards green commuting plans on commuter mode choice and the intermediary role car ownership plays in the mode choice decision process. A mixed method which extends the traditional discrete choice model by incorporating latent variables and mediating variables with a structure equation model was used to better understand the commuter mode choice behaviour. The empirical data were selected from Washington-Baltimore Regional Household Travel Survey in 2007-2008, including all the trips from home to workplace during the morning hours. The model parameters were estimated using the simultaneous estimation approach and the integrated model turns out to be superior to the traditional multinomial logit (MNL) model accounting for the impact of employer attitudes towards green commuting. The direct and indirect effects of socio-demographic attributes and employer attitudes towards green commuting were estimated. Through the structural equation modelling with mediating variable, this approach confirmed the intermediary nature of car ownership in the choice process. The results found in this paper provide helpful information for transportation and planning policymakers to test the transportation and planning policies effects and encourage green commuting reducing transportation CO2 emissions.

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