scholarly journals Sources of Growth and Spatial Concentration of Coconut Crop in the State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Paulo Silvano Magno Fróes Júnior ◽  
William Lee Carrera de Aviz ◽  
Fabrício Khoury Rebello ◽  
Marcos Antônio Souza dos Santos

The State of Pará contributes to approximately 10.10% of the Brazilian production of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). It is an important center of production for the crop, mainly due to some factors such as its edaphoclimatic conditions that are favorable for the plant development, the availability of rural credit and the presence of business groups with expertise on the activity and agro industrial processing. This survey used data from Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) (2018) to make an analysis of the activity in the state between 1974 and 2016, evaluating by the Shift-Share Analysis the sources of production growth, harvested area and productivity. Furthermore, the study also analyses the evolution of coconut prices, concentration and specialization of some micro regions of the State in coconut crop production using the Locational Gini Coefficient and Location Quotient. The main results show an expressive increase in coconut production in the state of Pará economy since the 1980s, showing that between 1974 and 2016 the production increased by 9.41% per year, the harvested area 7.88% p.a. and productivity 1.42% p.a. It is also possible to observe an expressive concentration and specialization of the activity in the Micro region of Tomé-Açu, responsible for 57.40% of the state production.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4664 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-114

Chrysomydas Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989 (Diptera, Mydidae, Mydinae, Stratiomydina), is a poorly known monotypic genus, with the type-species, C. nitidulus (Olivier, 1811), recorded from Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname. The present work aims to provide an updated diagnosis for the genus and type-species, C. nitidulus, along with the description of C. phoenix Calhau & Lamas sp. nov. from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, based on a male imago and associated pupal exuviae. Additionally, the first bionomic data for the genus are reported, with the rearing of adult C. nitidulus in the laboratory from larvae collected under the decaying trunk of a coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The new species is easily distinguished from C. nitidulus by the predominantly black tergal and scutal setulae, which are golden in the type-species. They also differ by the male genitalia and shape of the proboscis. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-90 ◽  
A. S. J. C. Ramos ◽  
A. L. B. G. Peronti ◽  
T. Kondo ◽  
R. N. S. Lemos

Abstract Crypticerya zeteki (Cockerell, 1914) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Monophlebidae) is recorded for the first time from Brazil and Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) is recorded for the first time from the state of Maranhão, Brazil. Both species were collected from branches, leaves and fruits of various fruit trees in the municipalities of São José de Ribamar, São Luís and Paço do Lumiar, Maranhão, Brazil. Crypticerya zeteki was collected on Citrus spp. (Rutaceae), Cocos nucifera (L.) (Arecaceae), Cycas revoluta L. (Cycadaceae), Malpighia punicifolia L. (Malpighiaceae), Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae), Musa paradisiaca L. (Musaceae) and Theobroma grandiflorum Schum (Malvaceae), all first records for this species. Maconellicoccus hirsutus was collected on Spondias tuberosa Arruda (Anacardiaceae) and M. punicifolia L. (Malpighiaceae), both new records for this species.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
Rudi Hartawan ◽  
Arif Sarjono

AbstractThe growing environment plays an important role in the plant's phenotype. The suitability of the environment will bring up the genetic potential mainly on coconut production. The expected output of this research is to know the adaptation level of coconut crops different land ecology. The research was carried out in January to August 2016 at: 1) tidal lands in Lagan Ulu village of Geragai Sub-district of  Tanjung Jabung Timur with altitude 0-10 m above sea level, 2) in the lowland Ramin village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi regency with a height of 10-100 m above sea level, 3) Moderate land in Wanareja village of Rimbo Ulu Subdistrict Tebo regency with an altitude of 100-500 m above sea level and 4) Highland in Seberang village Sungai Penuh subdistrick Sungai Penuh City, with an altitude 500 m above sea level. Laboratory analysis conducted in July 2016 in  laboratorium dasar University Batanghari. Research conducted by survey methods in community gardens and arranged in environment randomized block design namely tidal areas, lowland, moderate land, and highland. Each altitude of land was three farmers. Porposifly as a block of design. The parameters are the palnt physical, reproduction age, agronomy, action estimation of production potential, soil acidity and daily temperatures. Data of research are analyzed by description method such as tabulated data form and anova test (α=5%) was used of inferential analysis. The result of this research showed that there was a significantly effect of land altitude on production potential and phisical characteristic of coconut trees. The coconut trees showed optimally growth and production in moderate land (100-500m above sea level). Keywords: coconut, cultivation, crop production. AbstrakLingkungan tumbuh berperan penting dalam produksi tanaman Kelapa Dalam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat adaptasi tanaman Kelapa Dalam pada berbagai ekologi lahan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai Agustus 2016 di: 1) lahan pasang surut di Desa Lagan Ulu, Kecamatan Geragai, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur dengan ketinggian 0-10 m dpl, 2) dataran rendah di Desa Ramin, Kecamatan Kumpeh Ulu, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dengan ketinggian 10-100 m dpl, 3) dataran sedang di Desa Wanareja, Kecamatan Rimbo Ulu, Kabupaten Tebo dengan ketinggian 100-500 m dpl dan 4) dataran tinggi di Desa Seberang, Kecamatan Sungai Penuh, Kota Sungai Penuh, dengan ketinggian >500 m dpl. Analisis laboratorium dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2016 di Laboratorium Dasar Universitas Batanghari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey di kebun-kebun masyarakat dan disusun dalam rancangan lingkungan acak kelompok dengan rancangan perlakuan ekologi lahan yaitu daerah pasang surut, dataran rendah, dateran sedang dan dataran tinggi. Tiap-tiap ekologi lahan diambil tiga petani sampel secara sengaja yang dijadikan blok dalam rancangan. Peubah yang diamati adalah fisik tanaman, umur berproduksi, tindakan agronomi, estimasi potensi produksi, kemasaman tanah dan suhu harian. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan metode deskripsi dalam bentuk tabulasi dan inferensi dilakukan dengan uji anova taraf α 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Ekologi lahan berpengaruh nyata terhadap potensi produksi dan karakteristik fisik tanaman Kelapa Dalam. Tanaman Kelapa Dalam dapat tumbuh, berkembang dan berproduksi dengan baik di daerah dataran sedang dengan ketinggian 100-500 m dpl. Kata kunci: Kelapa Dalam, budidaya, produksi tanaman

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Novi Nurhayati

The purpose of this study was to determine the type of food crops which is the leading commodity in regency Kotawaringin Barat and rate of growth of food crops and contribute production of food crops against the total value of crop production. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik Kotawaringin Barat Regency. The period of data analyzed in this study were between 2010-2014. The method used is location quotient and analyzed klassen typology. Food crops which is the leading commodity in Kotawaringin Barat Regency is a plant rice, corn and peanuts. The structure of production growth of food crops that include advance and rapidly growing category is the rice plant; which includes fast-growing category is the peanut and soybean, which include forward and slow-growing category is the corn crop; and that includes commodities lagging behind is cassava, sweet potatoes and green beans.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Simone Lopes do Rêgo de Oliveira ◽  
Tatiane Cavalcante Maciel ◽  
Soraya de Oliveira Sancho ◽  
Sueli Rodrigues

1999 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-52 ◽  
Robert H. Stamps ◽  
Michael R. Evans

Abstract A comparison was made of Canadian sphagnum peat (SP) and Philippine coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) coir dust (CD) as growing media components for greenhouse production of Dracaena marginata Bak. and Spathiphyllum Schott ‘Petite’. Three soilless foliage plant growing mixes (Cornell, Hybrid, University of Florida #2 [UF-2]) were prepared using either SP or CD and pine bark (PB), vermiculite (V), and/or perlite (P) in the following ratios (% by vol): Cornell = 50 CD or SP:25 V:25 P, Hybrid = 40 CD or SP:30 V:30 PB, UF-2 = 50 CD or SP: 50 PB. Dracaena root growth was not affected by treatments but there were significant mix × media component interactions that affected plant top growth parameters. In general, the growth and quality of D. marginata were reduced by using CD in Cornell, had no effect in Hybrid, and increased in UF-2. S. ‘Petite’ grew equally well in all growing mixes regardless of whether CD or SP was used; however, plants grew more in Cornell and Hybrid than in UF-2. S. ‘Petite’ roots, which were infested with Cylindrocladium spathiphylli, had higher grades when grown in CD than when the media contained SP.

e-Finanse ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Adam Mateusz Suchecki

AbstractFollowing the completion of the process of decentralisation of public administration in Poland in 2003, a number of tasks implemented previously by the state authorities were transferred to the local level. One of the most significant changes to the financing and management methods of the local authorities was the transfer of tasks related to culture and national heritage to the set of tasks implemented by local governments. As a result of the decentralisation process, the local government units in Poland were given significant autonomy in determining the purposes of their budgetary expenditures on culture. At the same time, they were obliged to cover these expenses from their own revenues.This paper focuses on the analysis of expenditures on culture covered by the voivodship budgets, taking into consideration the structure of cultural institutions by their types, between 2003-2015. The location quotient (LQ) was applied to two selected years (2006 and 2015) to illustrate the diversity of expenditures on culture in individual voivodships.

2013 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-330 ◽  
K. Samsudeen ◽  
M. K. Rajesh ◽  
D. D. Nagwaker ◽  
Raghavan Reshmi ◽  
P. Ajith Kumar ◽  

Olugbemi T. Olaniyan ◽  
Olakunle A. Ojewale ◽  
Ayobami Dare ◽  
Olufemi Adebayo ◽  
Joseph E. Enyojo ◽  

Abstract Objectives Lead primarily affects male reproductive functions via hormonal imbalance and morphological damage to the testicular tissue with significant alteration in sperm profile and oxidative markers. Though, different studies have reported that Cocos nucifera L. oil has a wide range of biological effects, this study aimed at investigating the effect of Cocos nucifera L. oil on lead acetate-induced reproductive toxicity in male Wistar rats. Methods Twenty (20) sexually matured male Wistar rats (55–65 days) were randomly distributed into four groups (n=5). Group I (negative control)—distilled water orally for 56 days, Group II (positive control)—5 mg/kg bwt lead acetate intraperitoneally (i.p.) for 14 days, Group III—6.7 mL/kg bwt Cocos nucifera L. oil orally for 56 days and Group IV—lead acetate intraperitoneally (i.p.) for 14 days and Cocos nucifera L. oil for orally for 56 days. Rats were sacrificed by diethyl ether, after which the serum, testis and epididymis were collected and used for semen analysis, biochemical and histological analysis. Results The lead acetate significantly increases (p<0.05) testicular and epididymal malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, while a significant reduction (p<0.05) in sperm parameters, organ weight, testosterone and luteinizing hormone was observed when compared with the negative control. The coadministration of Cocos nucifera oil with lead acetate significantly increases (p<0.05) testosterone, luteinizing hormone, sperm parameters and organ weight, with a significant decrease (p<0.05) in MDA levels compared with positive control. Histological analysis showed that lead acetate distorts testicular cytoarchitecture and germ cell integrity while this was normalized in the cotreated group. Conclusions Cocos nucifera oil attenuates the deleterious effects of lead acetate in male Wistar rats, which could be attributed to its polyphenol content and antioxidant properties.

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