scholarly journals Security in Cloud Computing Using Hash Algorithm: A Neural Cloud Data Security Model

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 143 ◽  
Osama Harfoushi ◽  
Ruba Obiedat

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources over the Internet. Examples include, among others, servers, storage, big data, databases, networking, software, and analytics. Institutes that provide cloud computing services are called providers. Cloud computing services were primarily developed to help IT professionals through application development, big data storage and recovery, website hosting, on-demand software delivery, and analysis of significant data patterns that could compromise a system’s security. Given the widespread availability of cloud computing, many companies have begun to implement the system because it is cost-efficient, reliable, scalable, and can be accessed from anywhere at any time. The most demanding feature of a cloud computing system is its security platform, which uses cryptographic algorithm levels to enhance protection of unauthorized access, modification, and denial of services. For the most part, cloud security uses algorithms to ensure the preservation of big data stored on remote servers. This study proposes a methodology to reduce concerns about data privacy by using cloud computing cryptography algorithms to improve the security of various platforms and to ensure customer satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 3521-3525

Water is critical part of the human life. In most of the developing nation, water pollution is one of the bigger mess. These issues can be handled strictly by the Government organization, by implementing tougher action rules to the industries, were the water are released without any proper treatment. Where each industries (or) smart cities, should take up self-initiative responsibility for proper treatment of the polluted out flow water. In our research paper, we are not focusing on the wider area of the water pollution; our focus is limited within the smart cities vehicle washing garages. In very smart cities, were a regular multiple vehicles washing is done in the garage, our research paper will focus on the out flow of the populated water from these vehicle washing garages. Our design and implantation process is simpler and straightforward approach. Were we will monitor of the water quality; and how much level of the water is populated, and it requires at what level of the treatment. These process can be easily automated using the multiple IOT (internet of things) based sensors, the data can be streamed into the Big Data lake (or) it can be directly pushed into the cloud computing services for generating the real time graphs and analyses report instantly. These data collected in the Big Data lake (or) cloud computing services, can be used for detail analyses for research purpose. We will incorporate the block chain concept to keep track of the smart garage location address and the detail information of the number of garage in the smart cities details in the form of the blocks.

Marcus Tanque ◽  
Harry J Foxwell

Big data and cloud computing are transforming information technology. These comparable technologies are the result of dramatic developments in computational power, virtualization, network bandwidth, availability, storage capability, and cyber-physical systems. The crossroads of these two areas, involves the use of cloud computing services and infrastructure, to support large-scale data analytics research, providing relevant solutions or future possibilities for supply chain management. This chapter broadens the current posture of cloud computing and big data, as associate with the supply chain solutions. This chapter focuses on areas of significant technology and scientific advancements, which are likely to enhance supply chain systems. This evaluation emphasizes the security challenges and mega-trends affecting cloud computing and big data analytics pertaining to supply chain management.

Malay Kumar ◽  
Manu Vardhan

The growth of the cloud computing services and its proliferation in business and academia has triggered enormous opportunities for computation in third-party data management settings. This computing model allows the client to outsource their large computations to cloud data centers, where the cloud server conducts the computation on their behalf. But data privacy and computational integrity are the biggest concern for the client. In this article, the authors attempt to present an algorithm for secure outsourcing of a covariance matrix, which is the basic building block for many automatic classification systems. The algorithm first performs some efficient transformation to protect the privacy and verify the computed result produced by the cloud server. Further, an analytical and experimental analysis shows that the algorithm is simultaneously meeting the design goals of privacy, verifiability and efficiency. Also, found that the proposed algorithm is about 7.8276 times more efficient than the direct implementation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-25 ◽  
Malay Kumar ◽  
Manu Vardhan

The growth of the cloud computing services and its proliferation in business and academia has triggered enormous opportunities for computation in third-party data management settings. This computing model allows the client to outsource their large computations to cloud data centers, where the cloud server conducts the computation on their behalf. But data privacy and computational integrity are the biggest concern for the client. In this article, the authors attempt to present an algorithm for secure outsourcing of a covariance matrix, which is the basic building block for many automatic classification systems. The algorithm first performs some efficient transformation to protect the privacy and verify the computed result produced by the cloud server. Further, an analytical and experimental analysis shows that the algorithm is simultaneously meeting the design goals of privacy, verifiability and efficiency. Also, found that the proposed algorithm is about 7.8276 times more efficient than the direct implementation.

2021 ◽  
Kevin McGillivray

In Government Cloud Procurement, Kevin McGillivray explores the question of whether governments can adopt cloud computing services and still meet their legal requirements and other obligations to citizens. The book focuses on the interplay between the technical properties of cloud computing services and the complex legal requirements applicable to cloud adoption and use. The legal issues evaluated include data privacy law (GDPR and the US regime), jurisdictional issues, contracts, and transnational private law approaches to addressing legal requirements. McGillivray also addresses the unique position of governments when they outsource core aspects of their information and communications technology to cloud service providers. His analysis is supported by extensive research examining actual cloud contracts obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests. With the demand for cloud computing on the rise, this study fills a gap in legal literature and offers guidance to organizations considering cloud computing.

2014 ◽  
Vol 556-562 ◽  
pp. 6302-6306 ◽  
Chun Mei Duan

In allusion to limitations of traditional data processing technology in big data processing, big data processing system architecture based on hadoop is designed, using the characteristics of quantification, unstructured and dynamic of cloud computing.It uses HDFS be responsible for big data storage, and uses MapReduce be responsible for big data calculation and uses Hbase as unstructured data storage database, at the same time a system of storage and cloud computing security model are designed, in order to implement efficient storage, management, and retrieval of data,thus it can save construction cost, and guarantee system stability, reliability and security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2083 (4) ◽  
pp. 042077
Tongtong Xu ◽  
Lei Shi

Abstract Cloud computing is a new way of computing and storage. Users do not need to master professional skills, but can enjoy convenient network services as long as they pay according to their own needs. When we use cloud services, we need to upload data to cloud servers. As the cloud is an open environment, it is easy for attackers to use cloud computing to conduct excessive computational analysis on big data, which is bound to infringe on others’ privacy. In this process, we inevitably face the challenge of data security. How to ensure data privacy security in the cloud environment has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper studies the big data security privacy protection based on cloud computing platform. This paper starts from two aspects: implicit security mechanism and display security mechanism (encryption mechanism), so as to protect the security privacy of cloud big data platform in data storage and data computing processing.

Y. Kiran Kumar ◽  
R. Mahammad Shafi

<span lang="EN-US">Cloud Computing is the ability to improve the utility or train new human resources without investing in new infrastructure, or add capabilities to existence without the latest software licensing. It expanded the capabilities of Information Technology (IT). From the past few years, cloud computing has developed from a good business concept in the best rising sectors of the IT industry. But more information on individuals and companies was put in the cloud, and concerns began to think about how secure the cloud environment was. Despite cloud surrounding structures, enterprise users still do not want to expand their business in the cloud. Security reduces the growth of cloud computing and continues to spread the market with complexity with data privacy and data protection. The security of cloud computing has constantly been an significant aspect of improved quality of service from cloud service providers.  Data storage in the cloud has a problem related to data security. However, cloud computing construct many new security challenges which have not been well examine. In order to ensure that the user's data in the cloud is secure, we have proposed an effective mechanism with a distinctive feature of data integrity and privacy. This paper focusing on problems relating to the cloud data storage techniques and security in virtual environment. We recommend a method for providing data storage and security in cloud using public key Cryptosystem, which uses the concept of the modified RSA algorithm to provide better security for the data stored in the cloud. </span>

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