Ângelo Mário Amorim
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 32888
Henrique Souza Barros de Oliveira ◽  
Fernanda Fenner ◽  
Maria Elisa Gonzalez Manso

AIM: This study aims to assess the life quality of a group of elderly people linked to a health plan in the city of São Paulo and to verify which variables affect this construct. METHODS: This is an exploratory cross-sectional study carried out in 2017 with a group of elderly people over 60 years of age and without cognitive deficits, linked to a health plan operator, all residents of the city of São Paulo, SP. The WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-Old self-filled questionnaires were applied and the elderly participants also answered questionnaires relating to sociodemographic, morbidities and the usage of services developed by the researchers.  RESULTS: The research group evaluates their quality of life as good and is satisfied with their health, but some points stand out. For said group, living by themselves, having cardiocirculatory diseases or having more than one chronic disease influenced negatively their quality of life, whereas being in a stable unionship and having access to consultations with intervals below six months interfered positively. It was observed that the group was concerned about issues related to independence, communication capacity, social life, and death. The environment and intimacy were shown as highlights for this group. CONCLUSIONS: It was verified in this group of elderly people that the best quality of life performance was obtained in the Environment and Social Relations domains and in the Intimacy and Past, Present and Future aspects. In addition, sociodemographic, morbidity and health service use variables significantly affected this construct. The characteristics of the research group do not allow us to generalize the findings, but it is hoped to have contributed with the look on a group as diverse as the Brazilian elderly.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Dimitri Wuo Pereria ◽  
Renan Oliveira De Paula ◽  
André Batista Da Silva ◽  
Camila Bianca Galindo ◽  
Vinicius Sampaio Feitoza Dos Santos

A observação de pessoas procurando praças, ruas, paredes de escalada, bancos, muros e rampas pela cidade, para se divertir e se exercitar representa um novo contexto de prática esportiva que esta pesquisa busca revelar. O objetivo deste estudo foi reconhecer os locais e atores das práticas de skate, escalada e slakline e suas motivações para a busca destas modalidades. Utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória com 46 sujeitos, sendo 16 escaladores, 20 skatistas e 10 slakliners, da cidade de São Paulo, que responderam um questionário desenvolvido especificamente para essas atividades. Os resultados apontaram que: Há predominância do sexo masculino entre os participantes, revelando um preconceito que ainda perdura na prática esportiva. Os escaladores têm média de idade maior do que os demais, talvez devido à necessidade de equipamentos mais caros, dos maiores riscos da prática e da necessidade de cursos para aprendizagem. Os skatistas em média praticam há mais tempo, provavelmente porque a cultura do skate é mais antiga e consolidada em São Paulo. Observa-se que no slakline todos praticam a menos de três anos mostrando que é uma modalidade ainda recente no cenário nacional. Os participantes da pesquisa afirmam ter aprendido sozinhos, ou com amigos e familiares, evidenciando-se nesse aspecto que a Educação Física não é considerada como iniciação. Os sujeitos apontam o ganho de benefícios físicos, mentais e sociais nas suas vidas e sua intenção de continuar a prática pela qualidade de vida, diversão, evolução física e psicológica. Apenas 10,8% afirmam competir, o que mostra que os esportes radicais são considerados na perspectiva da participação voluntária. Conclui-se que os esportes radicais estão sendo incorporados à rotina das pessoas, acrescentando novo contorno à cultura corporal, numa busca de superação, de enfrentamento de desafios, do controle do risco, do prazer, e da qualidade de vida. Fica evidente que há uma distância entre a formação dos profissionais de Educação Física e estas novas práticas.ABSTRACT.  Extreme sports through urban environment in the São Paulo City.  The observation of people looking for squares, streets, climbing walls, benches, walls and ramps around the city to have fun and exercise represents a new context of sports practice that this research seeks to reveal. The objective of this study was to recognize the places and actors of skateboarding, climbing and slakline practices and their motivations for the search of these sports. Exploratory descriptive research was used with 46 subjects, 16 climbers, 20 skaters and 10 slakliners, from the city of São Paulo, who answered a questionnaire developed specifically for these activities. The results showed that: There is predominance of males among the participants, showing a prejudice that still persists in sports practice. Climbers have a higher average age than others, perhaps due to the need for more expensive equipment, greater risks of practice and the need for courses to learn. Skaters on average have been practicing for more time, probably because the skate culture is older and consolidated in São Paulo. It is observed that in slakline all practice less than three years showing that it is a modality still recent in the national scenario. The participants of the research affirm to have learned alone, or with friends and family, evidencing in this aspect that the Physical Education is not considered like initiation. The subjects point out the gain of physical, mental and social benefits in their lives and their intention to continue the practice by quality of life, fun, physical and psychological evolution. Only 10.8% claim to compete, which shows that Extreme Sports are considered from the perspective of voluntary participation. It is concluded that Extreme Sports are being incorporated into the routine of the people, adding a new contour to the body culture, in a search for overcoming, facing challenges, control of risk, pleasure, and quality of life. There is evidence that there is a gap between the graduation in Physical Education professionals and these new practices.

Maria Elisa Gonzalez Manso ◽  
Leandro Tadeu Prazeres Maresti ◽  
Henrique Souza Barros de Oliveira

Abstract Objective: To measure the Quality of Life (QoL) and associated factors in a group of elderly persons receiving care through a health plan operator in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 169 elderly persons enrolled in a health plan and who were participants in a program to promote health and prevent risks and diseases. The Bref and Old versions of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) instruments were adopted for the evaluation of the QoL of the elderly. After descriptive analysis, a comparative analysis was performed through the Student’s t-tests and ANOVA. The Brown-Forsythe test was applied for situations in which no homogeneity was found and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons was applied. Results: The highest mean QoL values were found in the Psychological [72.1 (±14.3)] and Environment [68 (±15.4)] and Intimacy [72.5 (±20.8)] domains, while the worst results were found in the Physical [64.3 (±18)] domain and in the Death and Dying facet [61.2 (±23.2)]. In this group, factors such as obesity, neoplasia and previous hospitalizations were negatively associated with QoL, whereas young elderly, female, widows, carriers of chronic non-communicable diseases and those limited to two morbidities, who practiced physical activity and had clinical care provided by a reference physician had a positive influence. Conclusion: The findings of this research showed high levels of satisfaction with health and QoL, in addition to raising relevant discussions about predictors that influence the QoL of the elderly receiving care from the supplementary sector. It also emphasizes the need for new strategies of action to ensure improvements in the health care of the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 405-413
Francisco Naildo Cardoso Leitão ◽  
Carlos Roberto Teixeira Ferreira ◽  
Katiuscia Larsen de Abreu ◽  
Maura Bianca Barbary de Deus ◽  
Hugo Macedo Junior ◽  

Introduction: COVID-19 is a highly transmissible virus that is causing very serious problems in the health of the world, generating major political and financial problems. There are numerous risk factors related to this disease, ranging from morbidities to social and family issues. Objective: to evaluate the effects of the social isolation generated by Covid-19 on the quality of life in the population of two Brazilian cities. Methods: cross-sectional study. The research was carried out in two different cities of the Brazilian confederation. One in Santo André, São Paulo and the other in Rio Branco, Acre, both in Brazil. This is a survey with an online platform, using the drive’s Google Forms tool to assess the population’s quality of life through the SF-36 protocol. The selection was carried out randomly in both groups (Acre and São Paulo), having respectively 109 and 62 participants in this first moment. Results: regarding gender, women are in greater numbers participating in the city of Santo André, São Paulo than in Rio Branco, Acre, both in Brazil, with (80.6% and 48.6%), respectively. Likewise, in relation to the age group Santo André has an average age younger than in Rio Branco. When we compared the dimensions between the two states, performing a Mann-Whitney statistical analysis, statistical differences appeared in three dimensions, which were functional capacity, pain, and vitality, with better quality of life in these three domains for the city of Rio Branco. Conclusion: the city of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, has a positive score when compared to the city of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, in most of the domains analyzed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Larissa Giovanna Cazella ◽  
Letícia Yamawaka De Almeida ◽  
Jaqueline Lemos De Oliveira ◽  
Ana Carolina Guidorizzi Zanetti ◽  
Jacqueline De Souza

Objetivo: analisar as características sociodemográficas associadas à percepção da qualidade de vida de mulheres atendidas na atenção primária. Metodologia: estudo transversal, quantitativo, desenvolvido com 113 mulheres em uma unidade de saúde do interior de São Paulo. Utilizou-se um questionário sociodemográfico e a versão abreviada do instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida. Para análise dos dados, foram empreendidos testes de associação. Resultados: a maioria das participantes era de classes sociais menos favorecidas e apresentava boa percepção de qualidade de vida e saúde. Os fatores renda, escolaridade e idade foram os mais relevantes na associação com a qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Apesar de mencionarem boa qualidade de vida e saúde, foram identificados piores resultados nos domínios físicos, psicológicos e meio ambiente.  Os achados reforçam a necessidade de que as ações de saúde estejam contextualizadas aos aspectos sociais/territoriais e vinculadas a políticas mais amplas de redução da vulnerabilidade social. WOMEN'S QUALITY OF LIFE AND ASSOCIATED SOCIO DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICSObjective: to analyze the sociodemographic characteristics associated to the perception of the quality of life of the women attended in the Primary Health Care. Methodology: this cross-sectional quantitative study was carried out with 113 women aged 20 to 65 years in a health unit in the interior of São Paulo. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-bref quality of life assessment instrument were used. For data analysis, association tests were undertaken. Results: the majority of participants were from less favored social classes and had a good perception of quality of life and health. The factors income, schooling and age were the most relevant in the association with quality of life. Conclusion: in view of the sociodemographic characteristics associated with quality of life in the present study, it is emphasized that health actions should be linked to broader policies to reduce social vulnerability, enabling empowerment strategies and, above all, increasing women's access to education and income.Descriptors: Quality of Life; Health Centers; Social Vulnerability; Women; Primary Health Care.CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS MUJERES Y LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS SOCIODEMOGRÁFICAS ASSOCIADASObjetivo: analizar las características sociodemográficas asociadas a la percepción de la calidad de vida de mujeres que acuden a atención primaria. Métodos: este estudio cuantitativo transversal se realizó con 113 mujeres de 20 a 65 años en una unidad de salud en el interior de São Paulo. Se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la versión abreviada del instrumento de evaluación de calidad de vida WHOQOL-bref. Para el análisis de los datos, se realizaron pruebas de asociación. Resultados: la mayoría de los participantes provenían de clases sociales más bajas y tenían una buena percepción de la calidad de vida y la salud. Los factores ingresos, educación y edad fueron los más relevantes en asociación con la calidad de vida. Conclusión: en vista de las características sociodemográficas asociadas con la calidad de vida en el presente estudio, se enfatiza que las acciones de salud están vinculadas a políticas más amplias para reducir la vulnerabilidad social, permitiendo estrategias de empoderamiento y, sobre todo, aumentando el acceso de las mujeres a educación e ingresos.Descriptores: Calidad de Vida; Centros de Salud; Vulnerabilidad Social; Mujeres; Atención Primaria de Salud.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 224
Bianca Hikari Kumagai ◽  
Igor Polezi Munhoz ◽  
Alessandra Cristina Santos Akkari

O agronegócio possui grande representação no setor econômico brasileiro com significativa participação no PIB. Contudo, trata-se de um dos segmentos com o maior número de acidentes ocupacionais e alta prevalência de riscos ergonômicos. Logo, esse artigo objetivou diagnosticar, sob enfoque da ergonomia e da qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), a realidade de trabalhadores rurais, utilizando como modelo de estudo uma empresa familiar agrícola no estado de São Paulo. A partir de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, aplicou-se o método observacional assistemático e coletou-se dados por meio do Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares (QNSO) e do Questionário World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-bref), seguindo-se de tratamento estatístico descritivo e inferencial. Os principais pontos de dores identificados referiram-se ao quadril/membros inferiores (40%) e região dorsal (40%), associando-se esses relatos às atividades repetitivas, alta incidência de trabalho estático, movimentação manual de carga e má postura observadas in loco. Estatisticamente, verificou-se que as dores na região dorsal estão relacionadas ao tempo de trabalho na função (p = 0,009), bem como há relação com os desconfortos da região cervical (p = 0,001). Ainda, os trabalhadores apresentaram elevada QTV (3,9 ± 0,7), apontando como única fragilidade a influência do sono no trabalho (2,7 ± 1,1). Constatou-se que manifestações de dores e desconfortos deve-se à falta de alinhamento das atividades laborais com os preceitos ergonômicos, porém sem impacto direto na QVT na amostra estudada. Esse artigo contribui para discussões gerenciais sobre planos e práticas que prezem pela saúde e bem-estar do trabalhador agrícola para otimizar indicadores sociais e econômicos no agronegócio brasileiro.  

2005 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Maria Christina Barbosa de Almeida ◽  
Paulo Simões de Almeida Pina

Art information providers in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, include libraries, archives, and documentation sections in art museums and cultural centers. In 1998 REDARTE-SP, a network of these services in the city, was created to facilitate discussion of theoretical, technical and organizational issues facing art information services and to formulate collaborative projects. The subsequent exchange of ideas, discussion of successful practices and development of shared projects empowers art information professionals, contributes to improving the quality of art information services and products, provides better use of the available resources and widens the circle of users.

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Maria Lepoldino da Rocha ◽  
Sheila Dos Santos Vieira ◽  
Sheyla De Oliveira Braga ◽  
Vanessa De Brito Poveda ◽  
Elisabeth Hoffman Sanchez

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the perception of the chronic renal patient on quality of life. Method: qualitative study, with patients that started the hemodialysis’ treatment from September 2007 to February 2008, in a hospital from Vale do Paraiba, São Paulo state. It were participated all patients with Chronic Renal Failure and excluding children under 18 and those with difficulty of communication. Data was organized and analyzed based on hermeneutics methodology. Results: 37 patients were studied, most males (23/62%), predominantly in the age of 51 to 60 years. In the subjects examined, 57% reported having received information about the hemodialysis, the first professional guidance through the medical and day-to-day treatment by the nursing staff. The information of the need for dialysis was received with mixed feelings as many, acceptance, concern, sadness, among others. It was observed that patients identify the food as the primary care related to their health. Conclusion: the upheld and reciprocity of health professionals as well as family support are factors that contribute to better adherence to treatment, helping them to live with the conflicting feelings, thus improving their quality of life. Descriptors: chronic renal failure; hemodialysis; quality of life.RESUMOObjetivo: conhecer a percepção do paciente renal crônico sobre qualidade de vida. Métodos: estudo qualitativo, com pacientes que iniciaram o tratamento homodialítico, entre setembro de 2007 a fevereiro de 2008, em um hospital do Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados foi empregado um formulário de entrevista. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes com Insuficiência Renal Crônica, excluindo os menores de 18 anos e os com dificuldade de comunicação. Os dados foram organizados e analisados a luz da hermenêutica. Resultados: dos 37 pacientes estudados, a maioria era do sexo masculino (23/62%), predominantemente na faixa etária dos 51 aos 60 anos. Dos sujeitos analisados 57% relatam ter recebido informações a respeito da hemodiálise e a primeira orientação por meio do profissional médico e no dia-a-dia do tratamento pela equipe de enfermagem. A notícia da necessidade de hemodiálise foi recebida com sentimentos diversos como, aceitação, apreensão, tristeza, entre outros. Observou-se que os pacientes identificam a alimentação como o principal cuidado relacionado com a sua saúde. Conclusão: a acolhida e a reciprocidade dos profissionais da saúde, assim como o apoio familiar são fatores que contribuem para uma melhor adesão ao tratamento ajudando-os a conviver com os sentimentos conflitantes, melhorando assim sua qualidade de vida. Descritores: insuficiência renal crônica; hemodiálise; qualidade de vida. RESUMENObjetivo: conocer la percepción del paciente renal crónico sobre calidad de vida. Métodos: estudio cualitativo, con pacientes que iniciaron el tratamiento de hemodiálisis, entre septiembre de 2007 y febrero de 2008, en un hospital del Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo. Para la colecta de datos fue empleado un formulario de entrevista. Fueron incluidos todos los pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica, excluyendo los menores de 18 años y aquellos con dificultad de comunicación. Los datos fueron organizados y analizados a luz de la hermenéutica. Resultados: de los 37 pacientes estudiados, la mayoría era del sexo masculino (23/62%), predominantemente en la faja de edad de los 51 a los 60 años. De los sujetos analizados 57% relatan haber recibido informaciones a respecto del hemodiálisis y la primera orientación por medio del profesional médico y en el día a día del tratamiento por el equipo de enfermería. La noticia de la necesidad de hemodiálisis fue recibida con sentimientos diversos como, aceptación, aprensión, tristeza, entre otros. Fue observado que los pacientes identifican la alimentación como el principal cuidado relacionado con su salud. Conclusión: la acogida y la reciprocidad de los profesionales de la salud, así como el apoyo familiar son factores que contribuyen para una mejor adhesión al tratamiento ayudándolos a convivir con los sentimientos conflictivos, mejorando así su calidad de vida. Descriptores: insuficiencia renal crónica; hemodiálisis; calidad de vida.

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