scholarly journals A donzela estereotipada: um estudo de recepção do Grupo Iron Maiden nos portais G1 e R7

Fábio Cruz ◽  
Estevan Garcia ◽  
Roberto Ramos

Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo de recepção acerca de duas reportagens exibidas pelos portais de notícia G1e R7 sobre o grupo inglês de rock Iron Maiden. Lançando mão de uma postura crítica, histórica e dialética, adotamos como marcos teórico-metodológicos os pressupostos de Guillermo Orozco Gómez (2000; 2003), Stuart Hall (2003), Douglas Kellner (2001), Roland Barthes (1993) e John Thompson (1995). O corpus analítico cobre a vinda da banda ao Brasil, em março de 2016, para realizar shows de lançamento do seu mais novo trabalho, The book of souls, lançado em setembro de 2015.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-272
Rikha Ayu Minda Kharisma ◽  
Rahmawati Zulfiningrum

AbstrakMasyarakat  cyber merupakan  salah satu bentuk penciptaan  budaya baru yang disebabkan  oleh perkembangan  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Teknologi saat ini memiliki banyak manfaat untuk membantu masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan  aktivitas  rutinnya,  dimana  digitalisasi  telah  terjadi  di  berbagai bidang dan menjadi kebiasaan baru masyarakat. Searching, salah satu film yang diproduksi tahun 2018 ini mengisahkan fenomena teknologi. Film tersebut menggambarkan bahwa menemukan orang hilang dengan rekam jejak digital adalah mungkin dan bisa menjadi jalan keluarnya. Lebih jauh, film ini tidak hanya menampilkan dampak positif dari teknologi tetapi juga menyuguhkan sisi negatifnya.  Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui representasi  masyarakat cyber dalam film Searching. Peneliti menggunakan  metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan  Teori Representasi  Stuart  Hall. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima representasi  dari masyarakat cyber. Pertama,  komunikasi yang menggunakan  media aplikasi. Kedua, menciptakan  identitas baru di dunia maya.   Ketiga,   menggunakan  website   untuk   mencari   informasi.   Keempat, kebebasan berpendapat di dunia maya, dan yang terakhir adalah kecanduan internet. Masyarakat  perlu meningkatkan  kesadaran  akan dampak penggunaan teknologi agar bisa hidup bijak di era digital.  Kata kunci: Film searching, Masyarakat cyber, Representasi, Semiotika, Teknologi AbstractThe cyber society is a form of creating a new culture caused by the development of information and communication technology. Nowadays, technology bring the advantages to help people accomplished  their routine activities, where digitalization  has  occurred  in  various  fields  and  has  become a new  habit  for society. Searching, one of the movies that produce in 2018 is portray the phenomenon  of technology.  The film described  that finding the missing people with a digital track record is possible and could be the way out. Furthermore, this film not only show the positive impact of technology but also state the negative side. This study aims to determine the representations of cyber society in film title Searching. The researcher uses qualitative descriptive method research with semiotics of Roland  Barthes  analysis  model.  The theory  in  this  study uses the theory  representation  of  Stuart  Hall.  The  results  showed  that  there  are  five representations of cyber society. First, communication  using media applications. Second,  creating  a new  identity  in cyberspace.  Third,  use  the  website  to  find information.  Fourth,  freedom  of speech  in cyberspace,  and the last is internet addiction.   The  public  needs  to  increase  the  awareness  for  the  impacts  of technology uses in order to live wisely in the digital era.Keywords: Cyber society, Representation, Searching movie, Semiotic, Technology

Estrella Martínez-Rodrigo ◽  
Pura Raya González

Este artículo pretende aplicar la teoría de Stuart Hall ‘Encoding and Decoding’ (apoyándose también en la semiótica de Charles S. Peirce, Roland Barthes y Umberto Eco) a una propuesta educativa para alumnos de cuarto curso de las licenciaturas de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual. El objetivo es que estos estudiantes no sólo construyan un mensaje textual y audiovisual y a continuación analicen qué mecanismos de codificación se han llevado a cabo en dicho proceso, sino que, en un papel de consumidores, desgranen los elementos de descodificación utilizados durante el tiempo de recepción. Con ello se persigue despertar en el alumnado una actitud crítica y dotarlo de útiles herramientas que le permitan llevar a cabo un consumo más racional y reflexivo de los Medios de comunicación de masas y ejercer su profesión con mayor eficiencia y rigor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Afifah Faizah

Black Bazar merupakan salah satu novel karya penulis frankofon yang berasal dari Republik Kongo, yaitu Alain Mabanckou. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan tokoh Fessologue di Paris sebagai seorang pria imigran kulit hitam yang berasal dari Republik Kongo. Lingkungan sosial yang baru membuatnya harus meniru perilaku orang Prancis agar dapat berintegrasi di sana. Artikel ini membahas pencarian identitas Fessologue melalui peniruan yang menyebabkan keadaan ambivalen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan kajian naratologi Gérard Genette dan analisis struktur naratif Roland Barthes dengan diperdalam menggunakan teori representasi dan identitas Stuart Hall, serta teori hibriditas budaya Homi K. Bhabha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penokohan dan latar cerita menggambarkan ambivalensi identitas budaya tokoh Fessologue. Peniruan-peniruan yang dilakukan Fessologue tercermin dalam gaya berpakaian, gaya hidup, dan cara berpikirnya agar sama dengan orang Prancis. Proses peniruannya tersebut tidak terus berlanjut sehingga timbul ambivalensi dalam dirinya karena berada di antara dua budaya, yaitu budaya Prancis dan Kongo. Keadaan ambivalen menyadarkannya bahwa tidak ada budaya yang murni sehingga tidak perlu mengagungkan kemurnian suatu identitas budaya.

Maria João Simões

Roland Barthes, dans son œuvre Mythologies, interprète les signes de la société de son temps, surchargée de discours et d’images dont il faut comprendre la signification. Par ce biais, R. Barthes scrute les stéréotypes et les types sociaux. L’étude des stéréotypes se révèle importante pour comprendre la catégorisation stéréotypique étudiée par la Psychologie Sociale et l’Imagologie pour étudier la complexité des représentations littéraires. Cette étude vise à percevoir, dans un premier temps, certains aspects des représentations et des catégorisations culturelles ; dans un deuxième temps, nous noterons la reprise de la théorisation barthésienne par Stuart Hall dans ses réflexions sur les représentations culturelles et leur potentiel symbolique, essentiel au partage culturel. Dans un troisième temps nous examinerons comment la pratique interprétative, déclenchée dans Mythologies, se répercute sur les études imagologiques, en particulier, sur les auto-images nationales (imagèmes) véhiculée dans l’œuvre Nacional e Transmissível d´Eduardo Prado Coelho.

Aji Sulistyo

Television advertisement is an effective medium that aims to market a product or service, because it combines audio and visuals. therefore television advertisement can effectively influence the audience to buy the product or service. Advertisement nowadays does not only convey promotional messages, but can also be a medium for delivering social messages. That is one form of the function of the media, which is to educate the public. The research entitled Representation of Morality in the Teh Botol Sosro Advertisement "Semeja Bersaudara" version analyzed the morality value in a television advertisement from ready-to-drink tea producers, Teh Botol Sosro entitled "Semeja Bersaudara" which began airing in early 2019. In this study researchers used Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotics theory with triangular meaning analysis tools in the form of Signs, Objects and Interpretations. In addition, researchers also use representation theory from Stuart Hall in interpreting messages in advertisements. The results of this study found that the "Semeja Bersaudara" version of Teh Botol Sosro advertisement represented a message in the form of morality. There are nine values of morality that can be taken in this advertisement including, friendly attitude, sharing, empathy, help, not prejudice, no discrimination, harmony, tolerance between religious communities and cross-cultural tolerance. The message conveyed in this advertisement is how the general public can understand how every human action in social life has moral values, so that the public can understand and apply moral values in order to live a better life.

Hilary Radner ◽  
Alistair Fox

In this section of the interview, Bellour describes how he began to engage in film analysis in the 1960s, beginning with a sequence from Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, with the aim of establishing the way it worked as a “text.” He proceeds to describe his personal encounters with major figures like Roland Barthes, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Foucault, and his friendship with Christian Metz, suggesting how his interchanges with them helped to shape his own thinking, and how it diverged from theirs.

Paragraph ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-142 ◽  
Diana Knight

Paragraph ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-227
Matt Phillips

This essay examines the place of love in grief, staging a relation between a mourner and her lover. Taking as its point of departure Freud's observation that mourning leads to a ‘loss of the capacity to love’, it considers the effects bereavement might have on the bereaved's relations with those that love them, and the possibilities, pitfalls and ethics of care in such a context. This is explored largely through a reading of Roland Barthes's late work (both as a writer of grief and a theorist of love), as well as ideas drawn from Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Sara Ahmed, Hamlet and personal observation. Love and care are thought through alongside notions of ‘tact’, ‘benevolence’ and ‘parrying against reduction’ in late Barthes.

Jordan T. Camp

While many analysts have commented on the representation of 1968 campus events and antiwar demonstrations, less attention has been paid to the global significance of the dramatic struggles in industrial Detroit during the period. The meanings of events in the city were intensely fought over. As Stuart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke, and Brian Roberts observed, the events of 1968 were “an act of collective will, the breaks and ruptures stemming from the rapid expansion in the ideology, culture and civil structures of the new capitalism . . . in the form of a ‘crisis of authority.’” In Detroit the crisis of authority was expressed in the form of popular political struggles against racism, state violence, and the contradictions of life in the industrial capitalist city. This article asks and answers the following research questions about the struggle over the meaning of this decisive turning point in US history: What was the relationship between racial ordering, uneven capitalist development, and mass antiracist and class struggles? How did Black working-class organic intellectuals resist and alter hegemonic definitions of the situation? How are the dialectics of insurgency and counterinsurgency to be best theorized during this precise historical conjuncture? 

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