film analysis
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2022 ◽  
pp. 6-21
Fatma Edemen

Michael Rothberg introduced the concept of multidirectional memory in Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization (2009). Later, many other scholars used his idea to analyze works of art, including films. Although multidirectional memory generally focuses on the possibility of establishing solidarity between memories/traumas that are geographically or culturally distant from each other, in this article it will be argued that this concept is also crucial within coexisting multicultural and multitraumatic societies. The concept of multidirectional memory, and subsequently concepts such as travelling memory and postmemory, will be examined through the analysis of an independent production from Turkey, Özcan Alper’s film Future Lasts Forever (Gelecek Uzun Sürer, 2011). With the help of critical film analysis, the multidirectional memory of Turkey’s traumatic past will be discussed as an opportunity to practice solidarity.


Cuatreros (2017) de Albertina Carri parte de la historia de Isidro Velázquez, del que su padre escribió un libro, y sobre la que se realizó una película, Los Velázquez, que la dictadura argentina destruyó. A partir de ahí la directora narra su historia personal con el trasfondo del secuestro y asesinato de sus padres y la huella que ese hecho dejó en ella. La directora reflexiona sobre la implicación de ese personaje en lo personal, lo que nos lleva a la postmemoria, y lo colectivo, lo que enlaza con el acto afiliativo. Planteamos tres objetivos: situar el ensayo fílmico en la obra de la directora y el papel que juega el found footage y la polivisión o multipantalla; indicar las características que tiene como obra del yo (autobiografía y retrato autobiográfico), especialmente el uso de la voz off-screen; y realizar un análisis fílmico para comprobar las estrategias y mecanismos enunciativos. Abstract: Albertina Carri’s Cuatreros (2017) takes as a starting point the story of Isidro Velázquez, about whom her father wrote a book, about which a film was made (Los Velázquez), which in turn the Argentine dictatorship destroyed. From there, the director tells her personal story against the background of the kidnapping and murder of her parents and the imprint that that fact left on her. The director reflects on the involvement of this character personally, which leads us to post-memory, and the collective, which links with the affiliative act. This article has three goals: place the filmic essay in the director’s oeuvre and the role played by the use of found footage and multivision or multiscreen; indicate the characteristics it has as a work of the self (autobiography and autobiographical portrait), especially the use of the off-screen voice; and carry out a film analysis to check the strategies and enunciative mechanisms.

Lars Oberhaus ◽  
Mareile Oetken

Artikelbeginn:[English title and abstract below] Musik und Klang können auf unterschiedliche Weise Eingang in ein Bilderbuch finden. Aus methodischer Sicht lassen sich auf der einen Seite außermusikalische Inhalte (v. a. Texte und Bilder) musikalisch darstellen (Verklanglichung, Vertonung), und auf der anderen Seite besteht die Möglichkeit, Musik in andere Medien zu transformieren (Bild und Visualisierung, Bewegung und Verkörperung, Text und Versprachlichung). Diese Interdependenzen finden sich auch in Gattungen und Kompositionstechniken, wie z. B. Oper und Programmmusik, in denen sich Handlung, Text und Musik wechselseitig beeinflussen und überlagern.   The Picture Book as a Sound MediumAesthetic, Scientific and Artistic Perspectives This article is an overview of the relevance of sound and music in picturebooks. Various possible relationships between images, words and sounds are shown, and different formats and historical developments are discussed. A focus is placed on the dimensions of the narrative context and the relevance of different types of media. Traditionally, the relation between music, words and images included setting picturebooks to music. In the last few years, electronic book media such as e-books, enhanced books and picturebook apps, which offer a combined, multimedial listening, reading and viewing experience, present new perspectives for intermedial picturebook research. The article details strategies for analysing the picturebook as a sound medium, using methods and concepts from film analysis, aesthetic transformation and the concept of aurality to show how the medium of sound is an open, ambiguous aesthetic quality that enriches picturebooks with its contingent possibilities for symbolic representation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 689-694
X. Gong ◽  
Y. Geng ◽  
Y. Ma ◽  
X. Chen

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (112) ◽  
Nildes Raimunda Pitombo Leite ◽  
Fábio Pitombo Leite ◽  
Augusto Takerissa Nishimura ◽  
Marco Antonio Batista da Silva ◽  
Emerson Gomes dos Santos

Despite many recent peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals, broad understanding of the production of observational studies using film analysis seems to be lacking. This article reviews the increasing use of film analysis as a qualitative tool in studies in the field of management studies, with particular attention paid to why and how to use it. Hence, this review addresses questions such as: What are these studies? What are the factors that should be considered for them to continue being produced? What are the possibilities of locus? How is scientific rigor contemplated? As a result, enhanced qualitative, descriptive, inductive, interpretive, and reflective understanding of its methodological aspects is expected. Its contribution can support researchers interested in producing observational studies in film analysis, paying attention to the rigor of this research approach, applied in the specific step by step of each study and considering the chosen locus and object of study. Keywords: Film Analysis. Qualitative Research.  Observational Studies.

Film Matters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-49
Emma Cieslik

Both released during the 1930s, Fritz Lang’s film Fury (1936) and James Whale’s film Frankenstein (1931) shed light on the threat of mob violence during a decade shaken by economic depression and social turmoil. Considered together in this film analysis, Lang’s Fury and Whale’s Frankenstein reveal the ways lynch violence infiltrated American cultural output during the 1930s. In turn, both directors can be seen as shedding a much-needed light on the social scourges of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia in the 1930s America by including scenes with mobs attempting to kill an innocent who is nevertheless presumed guilty without due process.

Zixiang Xi ◽  

The cinema industry has always presented female figures from a patriarchal perspective, propagandizing the men’s authority over women. The typical character “female fatale” with fatal sexual attraction in the genre film noir has already been the focus of many feminist scholars. The essay focuses on the issue of the representation of women in Chinese film noir through examining the female figures in The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful (2017) by close textual analysis. Three heroines, the mom Madame Tang, the daughters Tang Ning and Tang Zhen, as the embodiment of “female fatale” drive the film’s plot and articulate their agency of resisting the masculine power. However, the study will prove that the Chinese female fatale conventionally cannot escape from the fatal tragedy and pessimism in their unsolvable dilemma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-378
Ignasi Méndez ◽  
Juan José Rovira-Escutia ◽  
Bozidar Casar

Abstract Background Radiochromic films have many applications in radiology and radiation therapy. Generally, the dosimetry system for radiochromic film dosimetry is composed of radiochromic films, flatbed scanner, and film analysis software. The purpose of this work is to present the effectiveness of a protocol for accurate radiochromic film dosimetry using as software for film analysis. Materials and methods Procedures for image acquisition, lot calibration, and dose calculation are explained and analyzed. enables state-of-the-art models and corrections for radiochromic film dosimetry, such as the Multigaussian model for multichannel film dosimetry, and lateral, inter-scan, and re-calibration corrections of the response. Results The protocol presented here provides accurate dose results by mitigating the sources of uncertainty that affect radiochromic film dosimetry. Conclusions Appropriate procedures for film and scanner handling in combination with as software for film analysis make easy and accurate radiochromic film dosimetry feasible.

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