scholarly journals Parasitological quality of Pescada Branca in the south of Espírito Santo State coast

Thais Silva Guimarães ◽  
Marcus de Freitas Ferreira ◽  
Dirlei Molinari Donatele ◽  
Mariane Bazzarella Lucindo
Thais Silva Guimarães ◽  
Marcus de Freitas Ferreira ◽  
Dirlei Molinari Donatele ◽  
Mariane Bazzarella Lucindo

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4948 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-286

Two new species of the genus Styela are described, with very rare characteristics in this genus: both are shallow-water and tropical, with more than two gonads in each side of the body. Styela panamensis sp. nov. is described from specimens collected in Bocas del Toro, Atlantic coast of Panama, and Styela multicarpa sp. nov. from specimens collected in Espírito Santo, Brazil and Margarita Island, Venezuela. They are probably native to the south Caribbean and S. multicarpa sp. nov. is introduced in Brazil. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 745
Sandro Dan Tatagiba ◽  
Talita Miranda Teixeira Xavier ◽  
Herbert Torres ◽  
José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane ◽  
Roberto Avelino Cecílio ◽  

A escassez de informações referentes ao consumo hídrico de mudas de espécies florestais freqüentemente dificulta o planejamento da irrigação em viveiros comerciais, levando muitas vezes, a adoção de medidas ineficientes de manejo, provocando perda no padrão de qualidade das mudas. Dessa forma, procurou-se neste trabalho investigar a máxima capacidade de retenção de água (MCRA) no substrato em que as mudas de eucalipto podem ser submetidas e determinar o coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) para o clone híbrido de E. urophylla x E. grandis. O estudo foi realizado em casa de vegetação, localizada na área experimental do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais vinculado ao Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES) no município de Alegre, ES, montado num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos de disponibilidade hídrica no substrato (90, 80, 70, 60 e 50% da MCRA), com quatro repetições. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a disponibilidade hídrica no substrato de 70% da MCRA pode ser utilizada para a produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto, sem afetar o crescimento e o padrão de qualidade. O Kc estimado para as mudas de eucalipto em condições de viveiro foi de 1,25. AbstractDetermination of maximum capacity of water retention in substrate for production plants in Eucalyptus nursery. The scarcity of information regarding water consumption of seedlings of forest species often complicates the planning of irrigation in commercial nurseries, often leading the adoption of inefficient management measures, causing loss in the quality of seedlings. Thus, this study sought to investigate the capacity of water retention in the substrate in which the eucalyptus seedlings can be submitted and determine the crop coefficient (Kc) for the hybrid clone of E. urophylla x E . grandis. The study was conducted in a greenhouse located in the experimental area of the Post-Graduation of Forest Sciences bound to the Center for Agrarian Sciences, Federal University of Espírito Santo in the city of Alegre, ES, built in a completely randomized design with five treatments of water availability in the substrate (90, 80, 70, 60 and 50% of MCRA) and four replications. According to the results, it was found that water availability in the substrate MCRA of the 70% can be used for the production of minicutting, without affecting standards of growth and quality. The Kc for eucalyptus seedlings in nursery conditions was 1.25.Keywords: Coefficient of cultivation; irrigation management; Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (29) ◽  
pp. 387 ◽  
Ursola Sabino ◽  
Rodrigo Morais ◽  
Charles Duca

Studies about diet of birds in Atlantic Forest are scarce. In this study, we characterized the diet of Passeriformes from the south coast of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, classifying them into trophic guilds. From 26 species a total of 94 samples were obtained by regurgitation using tartar emetic method. The 855 items found were separated into two different categories: Insects (includes other terrestrial arthropods, such as spiders and opiliones) and Fruits/Seeds. The most frequent food item was Coleopterans, and the most abundant was Hymenoptera.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Robson Prucoli Posse ◽  
Ramon Tavares de Oliveira Andrade ◽  
Francielly Valani ◽  
Vinicius de Souza Oliveira ◽  
Élio José dos Santos ◽  

Talles de Oliveira Santos ◽  
Monique Moreira Moulin ◽  
Leandro Heitor Rangel ◽  
Raíssa Olmo Lacerda Pirovani ◽  
Fernanda Vargas Valadares ◽  

The present work aimed to characterize and evaluate Capsicum peppers in the South of the State of Espírito Santo, in order to estimate the variability among the accessions for the Germplasm Bank implementation. For this, 33 genotypes were collected through donations in four municipalities in the region. The genotypes were characterized based on nine quantitative descriptors: number of seeds per fruit (NS), number of fruit locules (NL), number of fruits per plant (NFR), plant height (PH), leaf width (LW), leaf length (LL), fruit length (FRL) and fruit diameter (FRD). Analysis of variance and means grouping by the Scott-Knott test was performed (P=.01). To estimate the diversity, the Tocher method was realized. The GT Biplot analysis was performed with using RStudio program to estimate discrimination, representativeness and correlation of characteristics. It was found a great diversity among the studied genotypes, being able to emphasize the accession Ifes 01 and Ifes 03 as the most divergent ones. The Tocher grouping allowed the formation of seven groups. The biplot analysis presented the formation of three groups of characteristics. The access Ifes 01 stood out for the group of characteristics FRL, NS and FRD. The Ifes 32 accession was highlighted for the PH and DC characteristics group, and the Ifes 20 accession was highlighted for the group formed by the NFR characteristic. It was observed that the characteristics that contributed the most to the divergence of accessions were PH and DC, and the most representative characteristic was DC. So, it’s concluded that there is great variability among the genotypes collected, presenting great phenotypic variation for the nine characters studied. In addition, some accesses were promising for plant breeding programs, pointing to gains in the various segments of the peppers market, which shows the importance of the collections of the producers in the South of Espírito Santo.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Nilton César Fiedler ◽  
Ronie Silva Juvanhol ◽  
Elizabeth Neire da Silva Oliveira Paula ◽  
Saulo Boldrini Gonçalves ◽  
Flavio Cipriano de Assis Carmo ◽  

Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a carga de trabalho físico em atividades de implantação florestal em áreas declivosas no sul do Espírito Santo e propor uma reorganização ergonômica para melhoria dos níveis de saúde, bem-estar e satisfação dos trabalhadores. A carga de trabalho físico foi avaliada por intermédio do levantamento da frequência cardíaca, com o uso de monitores de frequência cardíaca nas atividades de construção de cercas, roçada manual, capina química, marcação de covas, coroamento, coveamento manual, enchimento de covas, adubação pré-plantio e plantio. A maior exigência física no trabalho foi verificada na atividade de coveamento manual (125 bpm), sendo esta classificada como moderadamente pesada. A menor exigência física no trabalho foi observada na atividade de adubação pré-plantio, com frequência cardíaca média de 87 bpm, sendo classificada como atividade leve. Foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre as atividades de implantação (médias da carga cardiovascular) pelo teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5%, e a necessidade de reorganizar o ambiente de trabalho com inserção de pausas orientadas.Palavras-chave:  Ergonomia florestal; frequência cardíaca; plantio florestal; fisiologia do trabalho florestal. AbstractAnalysis of the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation insteepareas.This research had the objective to evaluate the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation in steep areas in the south of the Espírito Santo, Brazil and to propose an ergonomic reorganization for improvement of the levels of health, well-being and satisfaction of the workers. The load of physical work was evaluated by the survey of the cardiac frequency with the use of monitors of cardiac frequency in the activities of construction of fencing, manual mowing, weeding chemical, marking of graves, weeding, manual pit, filling of pits, adubation pre-planting and planting. The biggest physical requirement in the work was verified in the activity of manual pit (125 bpm), being classified as moderately heavy activity. The lower physical demands at work were observed in adubation pre-planting, frequently average cardiopath of 87 bpm, being classified as light activity. Significant differences had been verified enter the averages of the cardiovascular load and necessity to reorganize the environment of work with insertion of target pauses.Keywords: Forestry ergonomics; cardiac frequency; forestry activities; physiology of forest work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 593-604
Otto Herbert Schuhmacher Dietrich ◽  
Márcia Adriana Carvalho dos Santos ◽  
Vinicius Rodrigues Ferreira ◽  
Sávio Da Silva Berilli ◽  
Ana Paula Cãndido Grabriel Berilli

LODO DE CURTUME EM SUBSTRATO COMERCIAL PARA PRODUÇÃO DE MUDAS DE MAMÃO CV. GOLDEN THB   OTTO HERBERT SCHUHMACHER DIETRICH1, MÁRCIA ADRIANA CARVALHO DOS SANTOS2, VINICIUS RODRIGUES FERREIRA3, SÁVIO DA SILVA BERILLI4, ANA PAULA CANDIDO GABRIEL BERILLI5   1 Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Barra de São Francisco, Av. Herculano Fernandes de Jesus, 111, Irmãos Fernandes, CEP: 29800-000, Barra de São Francisco-ES, Brasil. [email protected] 2Embrapa Semiárido, Rodovia BR-428, Km 152, Zona Rural, CEP: 56302-970, Petrolina-PE, Brasil. [email protected] 3Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecologia, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus de Alegre, Rodovia BR-482, Km 40, Rive, CEP: 29500-000, Alegre-ES, Brasil. [email protected] 4Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecologia, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus de Alegre, Rodovia BR-482, Km 40, Rive, CEP: 29500-000, Alegre-ES, Brasil. [email protected] 5Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecologia, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus de Alegre, Rodovia BR-482, Km 40, Rive, CEP: 29500-000, Alegre-ES, Brasil. [email protected]   RESUMO: O aproveitamento de resíduos para produção de mudas pode ser uma solução acessível em áreas produtoras de mamão, como alternativa ao uso de substratos comerciais. Assim, este estudo avaliou o efeito do lodo de curtume na produção de mudas de mamão cv. Golden THB. Foram testadas as proporções 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60% de lodo de curtume em mistura com substrato comercial, avaliando as características de emergência, biométricas, gravimétricas e de qualidade de mudas. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste F e Dunnett (p< 0,05). Os substratos com lodo tiveram desempenho similar ao comercial em todas as características de emergência, mas inferiores para altura da muda, área foliar, matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e raiz e IQD. Para o número de folhas e diâmetro do caule, apenas a proporção de 15% foi semelhante ao substrato comercial. A análise de regressão apontou que o aumento das proporções de lodo de curtume reduziu gradualmente as médias das variáveis analisadas, exceto para percentagem de emergência. Isso pode estar relacionado a salinidade do lodo, além de desequilíbrios nutricionais. Portanto, a mistura de lodo de curtume ao substrato comercial limitou o desenvolvimento e a qualidade das mudas de mamoeiro cv. Golden THB.   Palavras-chaves: propagação, resíduo alternativo, sustentabilidade, redução de custos, Carica papaya.   TANNERY SLUDGE IN COMMERCIAL SUBSTRATE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PAPAYA SEEDLINGS CV. GOLDEN THB   ABSTRACT: The use of residues for the production of papaya seedlings can mention an accessible solution to the producing areas. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the influence of portions of 0 to 60% of tannery sludge in a mixture with a commercial substrate, traditionally used in papaya propagation, to evaluate the emergence, biometric, gravimetric and quality characteristics of papaya seedlings. cv. Golden THB. The emergence characteristics had a similar performance between the proposed and commercial substrates. Overall, there were significant differences between treatments with more than 15% tannery sludge and the commercial substrate. Except for the percentage of emergence, significant results were found for regression, with the answer being the indication that gradually with the increase in the portion of the tannery sludge to the commercial substrate, there was a reduction in the characteristics analyzed. Possibly, the effects of high salinity provided this response pattern, in addition to the nutritional imbalance as a result. Despite the good results of the emergence characteristics, in general, the mixture of tannery sludge to the commercial substrate limited the development and quality of papaya seedlings cv. Golden THB, for use only in proportions up to 15% of sludge.   Keywords: propagation, alternative waste, sustainability, cost reduction, Carica papaya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Aiwny Cássia Jorge Antonino ◽  
Anelise Andrade de Souza ◽  
Marco Antônio Andrade De Souza

 Objective To monitor the frequency of enteroparasites in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and parsley (Petrosolium sativum) samples, marketed in commercial buildings in the municipality of Conceição da Barra, Espírito Santo, Brazil.Materials and Methods Between August 2015 and July 2016, four different popular commercial buildings (fairs, markets and supermarkets) were selected as the largest vegetable suppliers in the municipality of Conceição da Barra, Espírito Santo. A total of 40 samples were analyzed using the modified spontaneous sedimentation method at the Laboratory of Parasitology and Hematology of Centro Universitário Norte do Espirito Santo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.Results The most frequent organism in the study population were the commensal Entamoeba coli and the parasites E. histolytica/E.dispar, hookworm, Balantidium coli, Ascaris sp., Toxocara sp., Taenia sp. and Dipylidium sp.Conclusions The results indicate a high degree of contamination of the vegetables, probably related to the precariousness of production, transportation and handling, making it necessary to adopt measures that guarantee the best quality of food and, consequently, better population health.

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