What Should Comprise the Subject Matter of the Arithmetic in the Elementary Schools and in What Grades Should Formal Arithmetic be Taught?

1912 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 162-172
H. J. Wightman

The Lord, the school and society are responsible for the type of individuals that gets into the high schools, and after the Lord and society have done all that we can expect them to do for some time to come, there is left a much larger problem than simply to find the G.C.D. or the L.C.M. The child is an active thinking individual, if we do not suppress his activity and mechanize his thinking and convert him into a jumping-jack which responds only as the teacher pulls the strings and then apparently in a way that suggests need of lubrication. I have nothing but pity for the child who is allowed to think only through the ruts made by the juggernaut of mechanical teaching. Formal mental discipline, as interpreted by the Gradgrind martinet with its memoriter and rule-stuffing accompaniment, has been the fetish which has blocked the road for the development of childhood in mathematics for a long time.

1910 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Ernest R. Von Nardroff

For a long time mathematics has enjoyed the position of first place in the elementary schools, and in the high schools the time devoted to the subject is nearly as great as that for any other subject. Almost daily for ten years, reaching from the first primary grade up to the conclusion of the second year in the high school, a pupil is required to bend his best energies toward the mastery of mathematics. What are the results? It is needless to state that the average graduate going into business or into any of the learned professions, except engineering, fails to put his mathematics to any use whatsoever. Beyond the requirements of keeping one’s accounts and calculating interest and taxes, the ordinary citizen has no need of formal mathematics. The result is that practically everything in this subject learned in the high school is promptly forgotten.

1926 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-230 ◽  
F. H. Worsfold

From the Marine Parade, Tankerton, Whitstable, looking East, one obtains a capital view of Tankerton Bay, Swalecliffe, in which my discoveries have been made which are to form the subject matter of this paper. The grassy cliff at Priest and Sow corner at the end of the road stands at 55 O.D. This height gradually declining round the arc of the bay, to die out entirely in the Long Rock occupying the middle distance and through which the Swalecliffe Brook discharges into the sea. Just beyond, a little to the right, are the disused Swalecliffe Brick Works, with Stud Hill and Hampton lying further back. To the left and edging the horizon, Herne Bay Pier is clearly discernable. The accompanying copy of (Plate I.) the 25-in. Ordnance map of this Tankerton Bay section gives the exact position of the 650 yards from the Parish Boundary Stone eastwards indicated thereon with a X in which are found the gravels and brick-earths which have proved so rich in archaeological treasure trove. The whole of this south-easterly directioned well-drained gently sloping ground, from the Priest and Sow corner to the Swalecliffe brook, forms an ideal camping site. Last April a paper was read by me before the Geological Association, at University College, London, entitled “An Examination of the Contents of the Brick Earths and Gravels of Tankerton Bay, Swalecliffe, Kent,” in which the geological aspect of this section was fairly exhaustively treated, so that in this particular it will be unnecessary for me to do more than give a brief summary of the results of that examination as to the relative age and stratigraphical sequence of the Drift material found here overlying the London Clay.

1967 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
J. K. Newman

These revolutionary conceptions of metre which were encountered in Ennius by his first audience served in the Annales, his most influential work of all, to elevate to a new plane the history of Rome. The word ‘history’ here is important. It is difficult to say in what precise sense the ordinary Greek accepted Homer as history. Certainly Thucydides discusses the Iliad as history, but that is only half of Homer, and even accepting the Iliad with all its gods and goddesses as a literal account of what took place at Troy the listener would be conscious that it was all a very long time ago. But the subject-matter of the Annales was far from being all a very long time ago. Scholars have pointed out that there was precedent in Hellenistic epic for the treatment of historical events in verse, but this is not a subject on which easy generalization is permissible.

1936 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-122
Martha Hildebrandt

One hears so much about changing the curriculum; about introducing into our high schools new courses, in some of which the subject matter is embarrassingly vague; about tests and measuremepts and laboratories to help the pupil adjust himself…. I hesitate, unable to choose a word for that to which the pupil must adjust himself and not at all certain just what the pupil has to adjust. One reads about differentiated courses and incidentally also about integrating courses. Is it not possible that each new fashion in education is just another attempt to improve the teaching in the schools of the respective states from which you and I come.

1934 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 257-264
Alma M. Fabricius

Ever since the explosion of the theory that the faculty of thinking could be developed and strengthened by exercise in thinking regardless of the nature of the subject matter involved, geometry as a universally required subject in the high schools of America has been on the defensive. And, when we consider the large number of failures in the subject, in the light of the educational theory that a child learns only through the encouragement of success, it becomes seriously doubtful whether geometry should be retained as a compulsory subject in the high school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Lailatul Rofiah

The main actor in education is a teacher. the task of the teacher is not only to enter the class, convey the subject matter, give assignments, then finish, but the teacher has the task of how the students who have diverse characteristics can be active and have creative thinking. Before transmitting their creativity to students, the teacher as an educator must know the creative potential that must be possessed. Teacher creativity can arise if the teacher is active in activities / training conducted at school or outside the school such as active activities in the MGMP, active in MGMP can arise if the teacher has high work motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of teacher's work motivation on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout the city of Malang, (2) the effect of MGMP activeness on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang, (3) the influence of teacher's work motivation and activeness in MGMP, towards the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang. The results of this study are teacher work motivation and activeness in MGMP together have a significant effect on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang City. Related to this research, it is suggested that: the teacher develops his abilities and skills to prepare, implement and evaluate learning that is more creative and innovative again by following trainings carried out at school and outside the school.

1982 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 683-694
Leonard Zusne

The subject matter of anomalistic psychology is human behavior and experiences for which paranormal or occult causation is claimed and which appear to violate some of the basic principles on which nature is known to operate. The ambivalence and skepticism of American psychologists concerning paranormal and occult matters are examined historically, as is the relationship between academic psychology, psychical research and parapsychology, and anomalistic psychology. The difference between parapsychology and anomalistic psychology in terms of two contrasting orientations is stressed. The reasons for the persistence of beliefs in ESP and related phenomena are examined, and the need for psychology to come to grips with them is stated.

2020 ◽  

This autobiography, published for the first time, describes the life and work of Helmut Simon (1922–2013), former constitutional judge and President of the Kirchentag, who described himself as an “outsider” and “lateral thinker”. Helmut Simon has recorded what he experienced against the background of contemporary history, put his impressions and experiences in order, given an account of his life and work, and drawn up a personal balance sheet while self-critically reviewing previous positions. The descriptions are interrupted by a series of – in part very personal – digressions and a selection of striking texts, the subject matter of which has occupied the author for several periods. The work is preceded by a detailed foreword by the authorised editors Dr. Peter Becker, a long-time companion, and Heide Simon, the second wife of Helmut Simon.

Лариса Батоевна Бадмаева

В статье впервые рассматриваются тематика и особенности языка текстов песен шэнэхэнских бурят в авторском переводе на русский язык. Уникальность шэнэхэнских бурят, проживающих в течение 100 лет в Китае, в том, что им удалось сохранить свою аутентичную культуру: язык, традиционное монгольское письмо, национальный костюм, традиции, обычаи и народные песни. Долгое время тема о бурятской эмиграции находилась под запретом. В статье также освещены причины и история эмиграции агинских бурят в местность Шэнэхэн АРВМ КНР, с опорой на работу Бодонгут Абиды (1983), написанной на старомонгольской письменности. Природа миграции бурятской диаспоры в Баргу носила этнозащитный характер и связана с политическими событиями в России в начале XX в. Наличие жанра одических песен (магтаал) в песенной традиции бурят свидетельствует об их развитой системе письменной культуры, различении письменных и устных текстов, стилистической дифференциации языка текстов песен. Выявлено, что лексика гимнических песен (магтаалов) выдержана в высоком стиле с ориентацией на нормы старописьменного монгольского языка. Анализ полевых материалов свидетельствует о мастерстве стихосложения безымянных поэтов, строго соблюдающих начальную аллитерацию в строфах, использующих различные фигуры речи, весь арсенал грамматических форм для передачи оттенков семантики лексической единицы. Это позволяет утверждать, что песенные тексты бурят создавались и передавались не только в устной форме, но и в письменной еще задолго до революции 1917 г. Abstract. For the first time, the article discusses the subject matter, features of the language of the songs of the Shenehen Buryats in the author's translation into Russian. The uniqueness of the Shenehen Buryats, who have been living in China for about 100 years, is that they have preserved their authentic culture: language, traditional Old Mongolian script, national costume, traditions, customs and folk songs. For a long time, the topic about Buryat emigration was banned. The article also highlights the reasons and history of the emigration of the Aga Buryats to the Shenehen locality of the China, based on the work of Bodongut Abida (1983), written in Old Mongolian script. The migration of the Buryat diaspora to Bargu was ethnically protective in nature and was associated with political events in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The presence of the genre of odic songs (magtaal) in the song tradition testifies to their developed system of written culture, the distinction between written and oral texts, and the stylistic differentiation of the language of the lyrics. It has been revealed that the vocabulary of the Magtaals is sustained in a high style with an orientation towards the norms of the Old Mongolian language. An analysis of the field materials testifies to the mastery of versification of nameless poets, strictly observing the initial alliteration in strophes, using various figures of speech, the entire arsenal of grammatical forms to convey shades of semantics of the lexical unit. This allows us to argue that the lyrics are created and transmitted not only verbally, but also in writing long before the 1917 revolution.

2018 ◽  
pp. 67
Abraham Usman

This study analyzes Islamic relations and traditions in the Pilgrimage ritual debate. The subject matter of the study emphasizes the aspects of timing and place of pilgrimage as important in the zairah procession. Through qualitative research, with the setting of the Tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran, data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. This study succeeded in revealing the grave pilgrimage debate in the contestation of traditional and modernist Islam. On the other hand, the community believes that the right time and day are important elements in the success of the pilgrimage. Making a pilgrimage in the middle of the night, especially on Tuesday and Friday nights becomes a determinant in the pilgrimage ritual. They feel fear, admiration, love, joy. These religious feelings are important things that make them miss, so they always want to come back again and again. The tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran is believed to be a holy place, the place of prayer for pilgrims is granted, and is considered sacred and mystical as a religious narrative of the community.

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