exact position
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Minrui Jia ◽  
Zhenkai Wan

Carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn sensors were embedded in 3D braided composites in the form of arrays to detect the internal damage of specimens and study the internal damage monitoring of the 3D braided composites. The signals collected by the sensor array of CNT yarn were preprocessed using the dynamic wavelet threshold algorithm. The exact position of the damage was calculated based on the main features of the resistance signal matrix, which was calculated using the quadratic matrix singular value. The results show that the internal damage localization of the specimens was consistent with the actual damage. The localizations in this study can provide a basis for enhancing the structural health monitoring of smart 3D braided composites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Bergita P. Pricelia Lejo

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kerentanan perempuan terhadap Kekerasan Gender Berbasis Online (KGBO) di dalam ruang digital. Studi ini menggunakan konsep kapitalisme pengawasan/surveillance capitalism dan symbolic violence sebagai dasar untuk memahami logika ekonomi dan juga kekerasan yang berlangsung dalam ruang digital. Ruang digital sebagai alat ekonomi tidak hanya menghasilkan “behavioral surplus” sebagai material baru tetapi juga menjadi ruang bagi terbentuknya “dominant habitus” tentang siapa itu perempuan dan bagaimana seharusnya perempuan merepresentasikan dirinya. Dominant habitus yang senantiasa direproduksi mampu menciptakan kebutuhan ekonomi bagi perempuan melalui komodifikasi dan bahkan eksploitasi terhadap tubuh perempuan yang terepresentasi dalam teks gambar, dan video di dalam platform digital. Melalui proses-proses ini, perempuan mengalami kekerasan simbolik yang terus-menerus direproduksi dalam dominant habitus. Dengan demikian, bekerjanya surveillance capitalism dan menguatnya dominant habitus di dalamnya menjadi kondisi yang membuka ruang bagi berlangsungya KGBO terhadap perempuan. Dengan menggunakan perspektif kritis dalam memandang KGBO tulisan ini hendak mendalami proses-proses yang mengkondisikan kerentanan perempuan di dalam ranah digital. Pemahaman akan hal-hal tersebut menjadi basis penting untuk memikirkan secara tepat posisi perempuan di dalam ruang digital yang saat ini secara luas diterima sebagai condition sine qua non yang di dalamnya berbagai bentuk relasi berlangsung. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini memberikan pijakan dasar untuk mendorong dan merumuskan beberapa agenda perubahan. === This paper aims to analyze women's vulnerability to Online-Based Gender Violence (KGBO) in the digital platform. This study uses the concept of surveillance capitalism and symbolic violence as a basis for understanding the economic logic and violence that takes place in today's digital platform. Digital platform as an economic tool not only produces a "behavioral surplus" as a new material, but also becomes a space for the formation of a "dominant habitus"; who is women are and how women should represent themselves. Dominant habitus which is always reproduced is able to create economic needs for women through commodification and even exploitation of women's bodies which are represented in text, images and videos on digital platforms. Throughout these processes, mostly women suffer from symbolic violence which persistently reproduced by the dominant habitus. It obviously reflects the vulnerability of woman as the victim of KGBO. By using a critical perspective in looking at KGBO, this paper intends to explore the process that put women’s vulnerability in the digital arena. Understanding of these matters becomes an important basis for thinking about the exact position of women in the digital space which is currently widely accepted as a condition sine qua non in which various forms of relations take place. Thus, this paper provides a basic basis for encouraging and formulating several agendas for change.

2021 ◽  
Alexander A. Solodovnikov ◽  
Sergey A. Lavrov

In(1)wm4 was known for decades as a classic example of position effect variegation-causing rearrangement and was mentioned in hundreds of publications. Nevertheless, the euchromatin breakpoint position of the rearrangement was not precisely localized. We performed nanopore sequencing of DNA from In(1)wm4 homozygous flies and determined the exact position of euchromatic (chrX:2767875) and heterochromatic breakpoints of the rearrangement.

2021 ◽  
Khaled M. Matar ◽  
Abdullah B. Al-Mutairi ◽  
Nakul Khandelwal ◽  
Sapna Chawla ◽  
Mohammad Alkreebani ◽  

Abstract Drilling a multilateral well is generally recommended for several reasons such as achieving higher productivity indices and improving recovery in tight, low-permeable zones. While the many benefits of multilateral wells are attractive, they also have drawbacks which make these wells challenging. A key challenge is how to effectively stimulate all the laterals after they have been drilled. This paper presents the application of a unique intervention technique in a multilateral well to stimulate several laterals in a single run. To increase reservoir contact area the operator drilled a multilateral well composed of 4 legs. This was carried out despite the absence of proven ways to stimulate each lateral individually. This intervention would also present the following challenges: Well displacement and stimulation would require multiple re-entries into each lateral, all conducted from a drilling rig. All the laterals were known to branch off from the low side of the bore, so individual lateral and main-bore selection would be complex. Extended reach laterals require accurate friction lockup modelling and mitigations. The unique solution presented in this paper includes the use of real-time Hybrid cable coiled tubing (RTHCT) technology. This incorporates a hybrid cable installed in the coiled tubing (CT) string and a modular sensing bottom-hole assembly (MSBHA). Electrically controlled indexing tool, inclination sensor, tool-face sensor, and hydraulic knuckle joint were used as part of the BHA to enable real-time diagnostics and dynamic controls from surface to successfully enter the lateral legs. The MSBHA enabled the orientation of the BHA electrically to any position required using software to determine and control the exact position of the BHA. This paper presents a solution to all the above-mentioned challenges. It discusses the successful implementation of the RTHCT to displace and stimulate all the 4 laterals in a single CT trip in less than seven days, pumping over 7,000 bbls of various chemical systems and covering an open-hole length of 11,176 ft. Unlike other technologies, the RTHCT technology confirmed entries into the laterals without the need to tag the bottom of the lateral, saving substantial time. Enabling re-entry in these 4 laterals represented a world record translating into major efficiency improvements and cost savings for the project. This intervention also represented the first time in Kuwait that more than 2 laterals have been accessed in a CT run.

Yuri Cavecchi ◽  
Alessandro Patruno

Abstract Accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars (AMXPs) show burst oscillations during thermonuclear explosions of the accreted plasma which are markedly different from those observed in non-pulsating low mass X-ray binaries. The AMXP XTE J1814–338 is known for having burst oscillations that are phase locked (constant phase difference) and coincident with the accretion powered pulsations during all its thermonuclear bursts but the last one. In this work we use a coherent timing analysis to investigate this phenomenon in more detail and with higher time resolution than was done in the past. We confirm that the burst oscillation phases are, on average, phase locked to the accretion powered pulsations. However, they also display moderate (≲ 0.1 cycles) drifts during each individual burst, showing a repeating pattern that is consistently observed according to the thermonuclear burst phase (rise, peak, tail). Despite the existence of these drifting patterns, the burst oscillation phases somehow are able to average out at almost the exact position of the accretion powered pulsations. We provide a kinematic description of the phenomenon and review the existing models in the literature. The phenomenon remains without a clear explanation, but we can place important constraints on the thermonuclear burst mechanism. In particular, the observations imply that the ignition point of the thermonuclear burst occurs close to the foot of the accretion column. We speculate that the burning fluid expands in a backward tilted accretion column trapped by the magnetic field, while at the same time the burning flame covers the surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
V. Elizabeth Jesi ◽  
Shabnam Mohamed Aslam ◽  
G. Ramkumar ◽  
A. Sabarivani ◽  
A. K. Gnanasekar ◽  

Glaucoma is a major threatening cause, in which it affects the optical nerve to lead to a permanent blindness to individuals. The major causes of Glaucoma are high pressure to eyes, family history, irregular sleeping habits, and so on. These kinds of causes lead to Glaucoma easily, and the effect of such disease leads to heavy damage to the internal optic nervous system and the affected person will get permanent blindness within few months. The major problem with this disease is that it is incurable; however, the affection stages can be reduced and the same level of effect as that for the long period can be maintained but this is possible only in the earlier stages of identification. This Glaucoma causes structural effect to the eye ball and it is complex to estimate the cause during regular diagnosis. In medical terms, the Cup to Disc Ratio (CDR) is minimized to the Glaucoma patients suddenly and leads to harmful damage to one’s eye in severe manner. The general way to identify the Glaucoma is to take Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) test, in which it captures the uncovered portion of eye ball (backside) and it is an efficient way to visualize diverse portions of eyes with optical nerve visibility shown clearly. The OCT images are mainly used to identify the diseases like Glaucoma with proper and robust accuracy levels. In this work, a new methodology is introduced to identify the Glaucoma in earlier stages, called Depth Optimized Machine Learning Strategy (DOMLS), in which it adapts the new optimization logic called Modified K-Means Optimization Logic (MkMOL) to provide best accuracy in results, and the proposed approach assures the accuracy level of more than 96.2% with least error rate of 0.002%. This paper focuses on the identification of early stage of Glaucoma and provides an efficient solution to people in case of effect by such disease using OCT images. The exact position pointed out is handled by using Region of Interest- (ROI-) based optical region selection, in which it is easy to point the optical cup (OC) and optical disc (OD). The proposed algorithm of DOMLS proves the accuracy levels in estimation of Glaucoma and the practical proofs are shown in the Result and Discussions section in a clear manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Le Ma ◽  
Yiming Yan ◽  
Zhiwei Li ◽  
Jie Liu

AbstractThis paper proposes a fully-actuated control method for a novel aerial manipulation system (AMS). A customized carbon frame structure supports the servo actuators, on which eight propellers group into pairs located. We present kinematics and dynamics modeling of the AMS based on Craig parameter method and recursive Newton–Euler equation, respectively. Then, an Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC)—Backstepping—Compensation controller is designed to control the exact position and orientation of the manipulator in the Cartesian space. Finally, the performance of the system is demonstrated through simulations and virtual experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1203 (3) ◽  
pp. 032111
Norbert Jendzelovsky ◽  
Roland Antal

Abstract At present, there are increasingly encountering the use of lamellar structures, for example on the roofs of buildings, which, in addition to their visual function, also fulfil the function of reducing the flow of wind into the roof space. These structures are often designed as long and subtle structures and therefore their very common problem is unwanted vibration. In this article, the main focus is to show the methodology of the determination of the effects of wind on the lamella of the shape of an irregular pentagon. A real-size model made of steel with a total length of 2 m and a weight of 7.4 kg was used. Its size and shape were influenced by several factors which are specified in more detail in the paper. In the wind tunnel experiment, it was very important to ensure the exact position of the model and also to secure both ends of the model against shifting (to replicate fixed ends). Dynamic response of the structure in two directions together with wind speed were measured simultaneously. To investigate the wind effects by numerical analysis, fluid-structure interaction software simulation (FSI) on a full-size model was used. The main pitfall of the software solution was to get as close as possible to the conditions of the wind tunnel. The actual wind speed measured under laboratory conditions was used as the input wind speed for FSI simulation. The material of the model and the shape of the model was set in software simulation to be as close as possible to the real structure. Subsequently, other boundary conditions were set and the solution process was executed. The biggest problem, especially in terms of comparing the results of both approaches which greatly affected the results, was the very high stiffness of the model. Due to the extent and interconnectedness of results, findings are presented in more detail in the conclusions of the paper. The methodology of setting up a relatively complex FSI simulation, its results, as well as new findings that we came up with if the measurement of the dynamic effects of wind is the matter of interest are presented in this paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2115 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
Manikumar ◽  
V R Balaji ◽  
Nirmala Paramanandham ◽  
M Murugan

Abstract Nowadays women are facing many problems; the most common problems are mental and physical harassment. In order to secure women from such harassments, we propose a novel device Guardian Device for women. The device works with a trigger, microcontroller, GSM module, GPS module, IoT module, Neuro Stimulator, Buzzer, Vibrating Sensor, Pulse sensor, Solar charging battery and a button sized camera. The women can switch ON the trigger whenever they feel danger. The device will activate the global positioning system (GPS), which obviously will track the exact position of the device. The device sends an emergency message to the registered mobile number and nearby police station. The button sized camera captures the image of an attacker and sends the copy to the police stations nearby. Neuro stimulator will give unethical shock to the attacker and a buzzer gives an alarm which alerts the people surrounding the victim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 113302
Angelo Giorgio Cavaliere ◽  
Thibault Lesieur ◽  
Federico Ricci-Tersenghi

Abstract Random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) can exhibit a phase where the number of constraints per variable α makes the system solvable in theory on the one hand, but also makes the search for a solution hard, meaning that common algorithms such as Monte Carlo (MC) method fail to find a solution. The onset of this hardness is deeply linked to the appearance of a dynamical phase transition where the phase space of the problem breaks into an exponential number of clusters. The exact position of this dynamical phase transition is not universal with respect to the details of the Hamiltonian one chooses to represent a given problem. In this paper, we develop some theoretical tools in order to find a systematic way to build a Hamiltonian that maximizes the dynamic α d threshold. To illustrate our techniques, we will concentrate on the problem of continuous coloring, where one tries to set an angle x i ∈ [0; 2π] on each node of a network in such a way that no adjacent nodes are closer than some threshold angle θ, that is cos(x i − x j )⩽ cos θ. This problem can be both seen as a continuous version of the discrete graph coloring problem or as a one-dimensional version of the Mari–Krzakala–Kurchan model. The relevance of this model stems from the fact that continuous CSPs on sparse random graphs remain largely unexplored in statistical physics. We show that for sufficiently small angle θ this model presents a random first order transition and compute the dynamical, condensation and Kesten–Stigum transitions; we also compare the analytical predictions with MC simulations for values of θ = 2π/q, q ∈ N . Choosing such values of q allows us to easily compare our results with the renowned problem of discrete coloring.

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