Napoleon's Waterloo Wasn't Mathematics

1989 ◽  
Vol 82 (8) ◽  
pp. 648-654
Jacquelyn Maynard

When students think of Napoleon Bonaparte, they probably think of a famous military leader who met his defeat at Waterloo, or maybe they remember the portraits of the general with his hand in his jacket. But it's almost certain that students don't think of Napoleon in connection with mathematics. This article will acquaint you with Napoleon's interest and involvement in mathematics and education.

Lars Öhrström

On my way to Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, one late November I realized that I had not packed any winter clothes. It turns out that I was not the first to make this blunder. None of the half a million or so Germans, French, Swiss, Poles, Italians, and other nationalities who passed through the town or in its vicinity in June 1812 had packed any winter clothes, something many of them were to later regret. They were on their way, although they did not know it at the time, to Moscow. What they also did not know was that they were going to make what was arguably the world’s worst aller-retour journey ever: Vilna to Moscow and back (at that time the town was known under its Polish name and had recently been acquired by the Russians in the process of the annihilation of the Polish state). It was June, and they were in a good mood, as the Russian Tsar had recently fled Vilna followed by his quarrelling generals, and they were under the command of possibly the most competent military leader since Alexander the Great: Napoleon Bonaparte. The lack of warm clothing was not going to bother me, however. By the morning the snow had melted, and luckily I was not on my way to Moscow on foot. I was in Vilnius to search for some buttons, preferably made of tin. The story of Napoleon’s buttons and their allegedly fateful role in the disastrous 1812 campaign is widespread among scientists and science teachers. This is partly due to the popular book with the same name by the chemists Penny LeCouteur and Jay Burreson, and I wanted to find out whether there could be any truth in it, or whether it was just another of the legends and rumours that has formed around this war. Briefly, the story goes like this: metallic tin is a dense material (lots of atoms per cubic centimetre) and was supposedly the material used for many of the buttons of what was known as la Grande Armée. Unfortunately, metallic tin has a nasty Mr Hyde variation, known as grey tin.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Zakia Sultana

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d’état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804. Shrewd, ambitious and a skilled military strategist, Napoleon successfully waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his empire. However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon abdicated the throne two years later and was exiled to the island of Elba. In 1815, he briefly returned to power in his Hundred Days campaign. After a crushing defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he abdicated once again and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died at 51.Napoleon was responsible for spreading the values of the French Revolution to other countries, especially in legal reform and the abolition of serfdom. After the fall of Napoleon, not only was the Napoleonic Code retained by conquered countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy and Germany, but has been used as the basis of certain parts of law outside Europe including the Dominican Republic, the US state of Louisiana and the Canadian province of Quebec. The memory of Napoleon in Poland is favorable, for his support for independence and opposition to Russia, his legal code, the abolition of serfdom, and the introduction of modern middle class bureaucracies. The social structure of France changed little under the First Empire. It remained roughly what the Revolution had made it: a great mass of peasants comprising three-fourths of the population—about half of them works owners of their farms or sharecroppers and the other half with too little land for their own subsistence and hiring themselves out as laborers. Industry, stimulated by the war and the blockade of English goods, made remarkable progress in northern and eastern France, whence exports could be sent to central Europe; but it declined in the south and west because of the closing of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The great migrations from rural areas toward industry in the towns began only after 1815. The nobility would probably have declined more swiftly if Napoleon had not restored it, but it could never recover its former privileges. Finally we can say that many of the territories occupied by Napoleon during his Empire began to feel a new sense of nationalism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 153-171 ◽  
Therese Heltberg

Denne artikel omhandler optegninger af følelser i det militære ledelsesrum. Gennem en iagttagelse af tre udvalgte, empiriske case-temaer viser artiklen en udspænding imellem fordringer om at besidde og anvende emotionelle kompetencer i det militære ledelsesvirke og muligheder for at unddrage sig disse fordringer. Artiklen undersøger blandt andet, hvordan udvalgte ledelsesteknologier indgår i og bidrager til optegningerne. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Therese Heltberg: Emotions in Military Leadership This article considers enactments of emotions in military leadership and command. It is based on three cases. The article points to some of the emotional demands on the military leader. It also demonstrates how military doctrines and procedures may enable a contextual suspension of these emotional demands. Keywords: military leadership, emotion work, feeling rules, emotional intelligence, management technologies.

Timothy L Collins ◽  
Jeremy J Bruhl ◽  
Alexander N Schmidt-Lebuhn ◽  
Ian R H Telford ◽  
Rose L Andrew

Abstract Golden everlasting paper daisies (Xerochrysum, Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) were some of the earliest Australian native plants to be cultivated in Europe. Reputedly a favourite of Napoléon Bonaparte and Empress Joséphine, X. bracteatum is thought to have been introduced to the island of St Helena in the South Atlantic during Napoléon’s exile there. Colourful cultivars were developed in the 1850s, and there is a widely held view that these were produced by crossing Xerochrysum with African or Asian Helichrysum spp. Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses and subtribal classification of Gnaphalieae cast doubt on this idea. Using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data, we looked for evidence of gene flow between modern cultivars, naturalized paper daisies from St Helena and four Xerochrysum spp. recorded in Europe in the 1800s. There was strong support for gene flow between cultivars and X. macranthum. Paper daisies from St Helena were genotypically congruent with X. bracteatum and showed no indications of ancestry from other species or from the cultivars, consistent with the continuous occurrence of naturalized paper daisies introduced by Joséphine and Napoléon. We also present new evidence for the origin of colourful Xerochrysum cultivars and hybridization of congeners in Europe from Australian collections.

2012 ◽  
Antonio Grilli

Das Buch befasst sich mit dem Export des französischen „Modells“ des Rechts und der Justiz, zuerst in den Jahren nach der Revolution und dann während der Napoleonischen Zeit, als breite Teile Europas direkt als neue Départements unter die Herrschaft Frankreichs fielen und ab 1804 das in Europa hegemoniale Empire unter Kaiser Napoleon Bonaparte bildeten (1794–1814). Frankreich verfolgte das Ziel einer vollkommenen Assimilation: Nichts sollte wie vor der Eroberung sein und die Einwohner der eroberten Gebiete „französische Bürger“ schlechthin werden. In der Welt des Rechts und der Justiz sollten die langen Traditionen, Stile und Denkweisen den neuen, anscheinend „modernen“ Gesetzbüchern und Verfahren weichen. Europa fand sich somit, erstmals in seiner Geschichte, mit dem Versuch einer vollkommenen Globalisierung konfrontiert. Der Kontinent, wo früher Partikularismus und Lokalmentalitäten geherrscht hatten, sollte jetzt, unter dem Zepter Napoleons, einig werden. Anhand einer breiten Zusammenstellung von Quellen weist der Autor nach, dass die von Paris energisch verfolgte Vernichtung jeglichen Partikularismus und jeglicher Tradition im Bereich des Rechts und der Justiz versagte: In den Gerichtssälen sowie in der Praxis konnte das „alte“ Recht überleben und Elemente der „einheimischen“ Justiz blieben erhalten. Allem Anschein zum Trotz blieb das Europa des Rechts und der Justiz nach wie vor partikulär und geteilt.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7 (105)) ◽  
pp. 0
Alexandre Tchoudinov

The article is devoted to the problem of cross-cultural interaction between the French and the Arabs during the Egyptian expedition of Napoleon Bonaparte 1798—1801. Using a comparative analysis of a wide range of French sources and Arab chronicles, the author comes to the conclusion that Bonaparte's attempt at an inter-civilizational dialogue with the Muslim population of Egypt ended in complete failure. Based on the stereotypical ideas about the Orient, common in the French literature of the Enlightenment, Napoleon tried to play in Egypt the same role that, according to the French philosophers, the Prophet Muhammad allegedly played in his time, namely, to take advantage of the “credulity” and “superstition” of the local population to subordinate it to his power. However, the Egyptians were very skeptical concerning Bonaparte's claims about the French army's commitment to Islam and his attempts to present himself as the Mahdi, the prophet of the last times. The daily practices of the occupiers, which openly contradicted the culture of Islam, completely alienated the Muslims from the French, which resulted not only in their mutual misunderstanding, but also in real hatred for each other.

1869 ◽  
Vol s4-IV (99) ◽  
pp. 435-435
G. M.

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