A 1997-1998 Whitbread Sail Program- Lessons Learned

1999 ◽  
Robert C. Ranzenbach ◽  
Per Andersson ◽  
David Flynn

There are many factors critical to the success of a Whitbread Round The World Race™ campaign. One of the most significant is the design, construction, and selection of an individual leg inventory of offwind sails. As a result of the technical challenges to the experimental and computational analysis of offwind sails, shape development for this class of sails has historically relied upon empirical efforts. An added element for any advanced, state-of-the-art, sail development program is the extensive reliance upon wind tunnel results to guide sail shape improvement and leg inventory selection of offwind sails. Lessons regarding improved offwind sail shapes, construction techniques, use of exotic materials, and sail trim learned or reinforced during the 1997-98 Whitbread Round the World Race sail development program for Swedish Match, are described with particular emphasis placed on the role of wind tunnel testing.

Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard

Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard addresses the role of sound in the creation of presence in virtual and actual worlds. He argues that imagination is a central part of the generation and selection of perceptual hypotheses—models of the world in which we can act—that emerge from what Grimshaw-Aagaard calls the “exo-environment” (the sensory input) and the “endo-environment” (the cognitive input). Grimshaw-Aagaard further divides the exo-environment into a primarily auditory and a primarily visual dimension and he deals with the actual world of his own apartment and the virtual world of first-person-shooter computer games in order to exemplify how we perceptually construct an environment that allows for the creation of presence.

Bartosz Siedziako ◽  
Ole Øiseth

<p>This paper presents an overview of the lessons learned and results from the extensive wind tunnel testing of the Hardanger bridge using a new experimental setup. Special attention is given to the reliability of wind tunnel results, the validity of the superposition principle, the presence of higher- order effects, and the importance of horizontal motion.</p>

2016 ◽  
Srinivas Vasista ◽  
Johannes Riemenschneider ◽  
Bram van de Kamp ◽  
Hans Peter Monner ◽  
Ronald C. M. Cheung ◽  

Suwithida Charungkaittikul ◽  
John A. Henschke

Today, the world is changing, re-establishing the role of education to have a developed society. This article aims to explore the practical application of Andragogy as a key element for creating a sustainable lifelong learning society, to propose strategies for developing a lifelong learning society using andragogical concepts, to enhance ‘andragogy' as a scientific academic discipline and to expand on the horizon of andragogical assumptions and processes put forth by Malcolm Knowles. The literature on andragogy demonstrates the need to consider the future of andragogy, which may strengthen the theory and allow for the assumptions and processes to further guide this aspect of adult education. While the journey towards a lifelong learning society will continue to evolve, the lessons learned may help to identify key facilitating factors as well as pitfalls to be avoided in formulating more comprehensive lifelong learning society development strategies in the future.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 501-513 ◽  
F. Tamburini ◽  
K. B. Föllmi

Abstract. The role of nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), and their impact on primary productivity and the fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 over glacial-interglacial periods are intensely debated. Suggestions as to the importance of P evolved from an earlier proposal that P actively participated in changing productivity rates and therefore climate change, to most recent ones that changes in the glacial ocean inventory of phosphorus were important but not influential if compared to other macronutrients, such as nitrate. Using new data coming from a selection of ODP sites, we analyzed the distribution of oceanic P sedimentary phases and calculate reactive P burial fluxes, and we show how P burial fluxes changed over the last glacial-interglacial period at these sites. Concentrations of reactive P are generally lower during glacial times, while mass accumulation rates (MAR) of reactive P show higher variability. If we extrapolate for the analyzed sites, we may assume that in general glacial burial fluxes of reactive P are lower than those during interglacial periods by about 8%, because the lack of burial of reactive P on the glacial shelf reduced in size, was apparently not compensated by burial in other regions of the ocean. Using the calculated changes in P burial, we evaluate their possible impact on the phosphate inventory in the world oceans. Using a simple mathematical approach, we find that these changes alone could have increased the phosphate inventory of glacial ocean waters by 17–40% compared to interglacial stages. Variations in the distribution of sedimentary P phases at the investigated sites seem to indicate that at the onset of interglacial stages, shallower sites experienced an increase in reactive P concentrations, which seems to point to P-richer waters at glacial terminations. All these findings would support the Shelf-Nutrient Hypothesis, which assumes that during glacial low stands nutrients are transferred from shallow sites to deep sea with possible feedback on the carbon cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Agus Mauluddin ◽  
Novianti Novianti

Stunting is a common issue in the global network. Stunting is one of the fundamental problems that hinder the development of toddlers in the world today and has received great international attention, at least in the last decade. In 2017, for example, around 150.8 million (22.2%) children in the world were stunted. The stunting prevalence data collected by WHO (2005-2017) puts Indonesia in third position, the country with the highest prevalence in the Southeast Asia region (36.4%). Basic health research data in 2018 shows the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is around 30.8% and is still below the world standard (WHO), which is a maximum of 20%. Many interventions have been carried out to reduce the prevalence of stunting, especially from a (specific) health aspect. However, interventions that only target specific interventions are still ineffective, hence the need for interventions that involve various sectors or stakeholders. The argument from this study is the need for stunting prevention interventions that involve multi-sectors, not only specific ones (health), but also sensitive interventions (Population, Family Planning, and Family Development programs). Strengthened by the latest research shows the focus of studies on multi-sector stunting prevention. Recent studies also prove that it is important to pay attention to a family-based approach (family development) in the prevention of stunting, especially in regards to birth interval management which has an effect on reducing the prevalence of stunting.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Yeni Sri Lestari

This article discusses the importance of the role of the right government system within a country. One of the determinants of the good governance system is based on the accuracy in the selection of government bureaucracy system. Therefore, to provide a more detailed understanding, this article will discuss about the bureaucratic system. This review will examine two bureaucratic systems currently dominantly applied by most countries in the world, namely Orwell Bureaucracy (Orwellization) and Parkinson's Bureaucracy (Parkinsonization). This article is divided into four studies, first on the backgrounds of Orwell and Parkinson, the two studies on the concept of Orwellization and Parkinsonization framework, the three analyzing the application of both concepts within a country, and the fourth is criticism given by experts to the concept of Orwellization and Parkinsonization. In this study it is found that the concept of Orwellization and Parkinsonization is still relevant in studying the problems of bureaucratic systems in some countries, the concept of Orwellisasi can create a strong state but weaken the issue of Human Rights (HAM), while the concept of Parkinsonization contributed considerably in the development effort but weaken the system of recruitment of public officials. However, there are some experts who give criticism to the concept of  ureaucracy Orwellisasi and Parkinsonisasi this, this is not apart from weakness owned by each bureaucracy concept. Keywords: bureaucracy, Orwellisasi, dan Parkinsonisasi 

<em>Abstract.</em>—Aquaculture development in the United States continues its expansion from freshwater into coastal and nearshore oceanic environments. As it does so, the selection of species to culture and the location of culture operations are generating much debate about the role of government entities, especially agriculture and conservation agencies, in the management of this development. Many in the industry argue that regulations are already too onerous, subsidies are too few, governmental encouragement is too little, and that the best way to correct these problems is to place all control over the development in governmental agriculture agencies. Others argue that the potential environmental impacts of aquaculture could be so adverse, or at least so uncertain that conservation agencies need to impose even more controls. This debate occurred in Texas in the 1980s as private aquaculture sought to increase the culture of nonindigenous species, in both private and public waters. The potential effects on native species in public waters led to legislation that attempted to balance economic development with environmental safeguards. However, only Texas was affected by the statute and subsequent regulations. Since the potential environmental affects of aquaculture development will undoubtedly cross local, state, and tribal boundaries, it is now felt by many that the regulation of the species cultured and sites selected should be a federal issue. The same questions about who within the federal government should have responsibility for managing aquaculture development require resolution. This paper will examine lessons learned from the Texas experience for possible application in the federal arena.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-61
Evinc Dogan ◽  
Ibrahim Sirkeci

In this special issue of Transnational Marketing Journal, we brought together a selection of articles drawn from presentations at the Taste of City Conference 2016: Food and Place Marketing which was held at the University of Belgrade, Serbia on 1st September 2016. We have supported the event along with Transnational Press London. We thank to Goran Petkovic, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade, and Goran’s volunteer students team who helped with the conference organisation. Mobilities are often addressed within social sciences varying across a wide range of disciplines including geography, migration studies, cultural studies, tourism, sociology and anthropology. Food mobilities capture eating, tasting, producing and consuming practices as well as traveling and transferring. Food and tastes are carried around the world, along the routes of mobility through out the history. As people take their own culture to the places, they take their food too. Food meets and mingles with other cultures on the way. Fusion food is born when food transcends the borders and mix with different ingredients from different culinary traditions. Although certain places are associated and branded with food, it is a challenging job to understand the role of food and taste in forming and reformulating the identity of places. 

2004 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-339 ◽  
Knut Leipold ◽  
Jason Klemow ◽  
Francine Holloway ◽  
Kishor Vaidya

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