scholarly journals A new pleurodire turtle (Chelonii) from Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group), Upper Cretaceous of Brazil

Edio-Ernst Kischlat

Background. A new podocnemidid taxon from the Adamantina Formation (Campanian to Maastrichtian), Bauru Group - Paraná Basin (southeastern Brazil) is presented. Some multifragmented specimens were discovered near 30 years ago, in the region of Álvarez Machado (State of São Paulo) on the farm of Mr. Yoshitoshi Myzobuchi (a.k.a "Myzobuchi Site"), and they were mounted piece by piece of a huge puzzle. The remains comprise two incomplete carapace, 4 fragmented plastra, some cervical vertebrae, scapular and pelvic girdles, and limb bones of at least 4 specimens. The sauropod Gondwanatitan faustoi was described from this same site that also provided some crocodile remains. Methods. This new Adamantina taxon was codified according Gabriel S. Ferreira’s pleurodire dataset (unpublished MSc thesis) which comprises an extensive taxonomic sampling (85 taxa, 226 characters, some multistate), including fossil and recent taxa from all pleurodiran lineages. Three software packages (PAUP*, WinClada and TNT) were used to evaluate its phylogenetic position. Results. All searches resulted on most parsimonious trees of same lenght (1011 steps), and similar strict consensus topology. The new Adamantina taxon is in Bairdemys-Stereogenys lineage, after the Podocnemis split and sequentially between the eocenic Egyptian fossil Neochelys fajumensis and the recent South American Peltocephalus dumerilianus. Discussion. The plastral bones of this new taxon are relatively thick and the most striking feature is the ankylosed suture between the pubis and the xiphiplastron. In any other pleurodire the articular faces between the pubis and the xiphiplastron have several osseous lamellae but in the new taxon this ankylosed articulation is simply broken (to the contrary, the articular faces between the ischium and xiphisplastron are preserved and have these lamellae). This apparently is also the case for Podocnemis harrisi Pacheco, 1910, which is considered a nomen dubium by several authors. It also has a thick xiphiplastron, which is the only holotypic bone preserved (but lost long time ago) and shows the pubic articular face apparently with no lamellae, but the ischiadic one clearly showing them, as illustrated in Pacheco (1910). It also shows some minor differences in the morphology with an intumescence mainly in the region of the pubic articular face which is absent in the present specimens. Podocnemis harrisi is also from Adamantina Formation, but from the City of Colina away 300 km NE from the City of Álvarez Machado, and the ankylosed puboxiphiplastral suture suggest a close phylogenetic relationship between both that is here expressed as a new combination with the Álvarez Machado new nominative genus.

2015 ◽  
Edio-Ernst Kischlat

Background. A new podocnemidid taxon from the Adamantina Formation (Campanian to Maastrichtian), Bauru Group - Paraná Basin (southeastern Brazil) is presented. Some multifragmented specimens were discovered near 30 years ago, in the region of Álvarez Machado (State of São Paulo) on the farm of Mr. Yoshitoshi Myzobuchi (a.k.a "Myzobuchi Site"), and they were mounted piece by piece of a huge puzzle. The remains comprise two incomplete carapace, 4 fragmented plastra, some cervical vertebrae, scapular and pelvic girdles, and limb bones of at least 4 specimens. The sauropod Gondwanatitan faustoi was described from this same site that also provided some crocodile remains. Methods. This new Adamantina taxon was codified according Gabriel S. Ferreira’s pleurodire dataset (unpublished MSc thesis) which comprises an extensive taxonomic sampling (85 taxa, 226 characters, some multistate), including fossil and recent taxa from all pleurodiran lineages. Three software packages (PAUP*, WinClada and TNT) were used to evaluate its phylogenetic position. Results. All searches resulted on most parsimonious trees of same lenght (1011 steps), and similar strict consensus topology. The new Adamantina taxon is in Bairdemys-Stereogenys lineage, after the Podocnemis split and sequentially between the eocenic Egyptian fossil Neochelys fajumensis and the recent South American Peltocephalus dumerilianus. Discussion. The plastral bones of this new taxon are relatively thick and the most striking feature is the ankylosed suture between the pubis and the xiphiplastron. In any other pleurodire the articular faces between the pubis and the xiphiplastron have several osseous lamellae but in the new taxon this ankylosed articulation is simply broken (to the contrary, the articular faces between the ischium and xiphisplastron are preserved and have these lamellae). This apparently is also the case for Podocnemis harrisi Pacheco, 1910, which is considered a nomen dubium by several authors. It also has a thick xiphiplastron, which is the only holotypic bone preserved (but lost long time ago) and shows the pubic articular face apparently with no lamellae, but the ischiadic one clearly showing them, as illustrated in Pacheco (1910). It also shows some minor differences in the morphology with an intumescence mainly in the region of the pubic articular face which is absent in the present specimens. Podocnemis harrisi is also from Adamantina Formation, but from the City of Colina away 300 km NE from the City of Álvarez Machado, and the ankylosed puboxiphiplastral suture suggest a close phylogenetic relationship between both that is here expressed as a new combination with the Álvarez Machado new nominative genus.

Nikolay G. ZVERKOV ◽  
Dmitry V. GRIGORIEV ◽  
Andrzej S. WOLNIEWICZ ◽  

ABSTRACT The first ichthyosaurian specimens discovered from the Upper Triassic of the Russian Arctic (Kotelny Island, New Siberian Islands) are described herein. They include the remains of large- to small-bodied ichthyosaurians originating from six stratigraphic levels spanning the lower Carnian to middle Norian. The material is mostly represented by isolated vertebrae and ribs, which are not possible to accurately diagnose, but also includes specimens comprising associated vertebrae and a fragmentary skeleton that preserves cranial remains (parabasisphenoid, fragmentary quadrate, partial mandible and hyoids). Based on vertebral and rib morphology, we identify the specimens as representatives of the following taxonomic groups: large-bodied shastasaurids, medium-sized indeterminate ichthyosaurians with a single rib facet in the presacral centra, and small euichthyosaurians with double rib facets present throughout the presacral vertebrae that likely represent toretocnemids and/or basal parvipelvians. In addition, the cranial and mandibular remains preserved in one of the specimens, ZIN PH 5/250, were studied using micro-computed tomography. Its mandible is highly similar to that of toretocnemids, whereas the parabasisphenoid demonstrates a peculiar combination of both plesiomorphic and derived character states, providing the first detailed data on this cranial element in a Late Triassic ichthyosaurian. Furthermore, the specimen also demonstrates a distinctive condition of rib articulation in the anteriormost presacral (cervical) vertebrae, which together with other features allows for the erection of a new taxon – Auroroborealia incognita gen. et sp. nov. Although the phylogenetic position of this taxon is uncertain due to its fragmentary nature, its anatomy, indicating toretocnemid or parvipelvian affinities, further supports the previously hypothesised sister-group relationships between these two clades. The morphology of the parabasisphenoid and vertebral column of the new taxon is discussed in broader contexts of the patterns of evolution of these skeletal regions in ichthyosaurs.

2011 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
pp. 317-327 ◽  
Diogenes A. Campos ◽  
Gustavo R. Oliveira ◽  
Rodrigo G. Figueiredo ◽  
Douglas Riff ◽  
Sergio A.K. Azevedo ◽  

A new crocodyliform from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Presidente Prudente Formation of the Bauru Group is described based on two almost complete skulls and mandibles. The material comes from the "Tartaruguito" site, situated at an old railroad between the cities of Pirapozinho and Presidente Prudente, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The new species, Pepesuchus deiseae gen. et sp. nov., is classified in the clade Peirosauridae on the basis of three synapomorphies: the presence of five premaxillary teeth, the anterior two premaxillary alveoli nearly confluent, and the oval cross-section of the jugal along the lower temporal bar. The new taxon increases the outstanding crocodyliform diversity of the Bauru Group, particularly of the Peirosauridae, which might turn out to be one of the most representative clades of gondwanan mesoeucrocodylians.

2005 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 489-498 ◽  
Alexandre C. Ribeiro ◽  
Murilo Carvalho ◽  
Alex L. A. Melo

Otothyropsis marapoama, a new genus and species, is described based on specimens recently collected in a headwater stream of the middle stretch of the rio Tietê, a river from the upper rio Paraná basin in southeastern Brazil. The new taxon belongs to a clade also encompassing the genera Schizolecis, Otothyris and Pseudotothyris. Otothyropsis marapoama is hypothesized to be the sister-group of Pseudotothyris and Otothyris based mainly on the presence of several derived characters of the swimbladder capsule and associated bones. Several paedomorphic characters shared by Pseudotothyris and Otothyris and their significance for the phylogenetic position of the new genus are discussed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4527 (1) ◽  
pp. 124

The South American genus Cardioscarta Melichar, 1932 includes seven species of colorful sharpshooters. Here we describe and illustrate an additional species, C. aurantia sp. nov., from the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil (state of Rio de Janeiro). The new taxon can be distinguished by the dark brown to black forewing with two large orange areas, one from basal portion of corium to distal portions of discal cells and another covering most of clavus, or with single large orange area on basal two-thirds. A key to species of Cardioscarta is provided and the new species is compared with the other ones of the genus. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2012 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-68 ◽  

Three enigmatic skinks, Mabuya nigropalmata Andersson, 1918, Tiliqua maculata Gray, 1839, and Trachylepis (Xystrolepis) punctata, Tschudi, 1845, have been reported from widely separated localities on the South American mainland. They remain the three rarest and most poorly known South American skinks and were known only from type material until recently. In this paper, we comment on recent rediscoveries of M. nigropalmata in the western Amazon of Peru and Bolivia. Using cytochrome b and 12S DNA sequences, we resolve this species’s phylogenetic position within Mabuya sensu stricto and demonstrate its specific distinctiveness, especially from the superficially similar species M. frenata. In addition, we show that neither Trachylepis (Xystrolepis) punctata nor Tiliqua maculata can be placed within Mabuya. A suite of morphological characteristics requires the transfer of these two species to the mostly Afro-Malagasy genus Trachylepis. To correct the secondary homonymy of Tschudi’s name, we propose a replacement name for T. punctata. We designate NRM 23258A as the lectotype of Mabuya nigropalmata Andersson and MNHN 2932 as the lectotype of Trachylepis maculata (Gray) new combination. Finally, we propose an identification key to Mabuya of the Amazon basin and adjacent regions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-145
İsmail Güllü

Yarım aşırı aşan bir geçmişe sahip Almanya’ya göç olgusu beraberinde önemli bir edebi birikimi (Migrantenliteratur) de getirmiştir. Farklı adlandırmalar ile anılan bu edebi birikim, kendi içinde de farklı renkleri de barındıran bir özelliğe sahiptir. Edebi yazını besleyen en önemli kaynaklardan biri toplumdur. Yazarın içinde yaşadığı toplumsal yapı ve problemler üstü kapalı veya açık bir şekilde onun yazılarına yansımaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırma, 50’li yaşlarında Almanya’ya giden ve ömrünün sonuna kadar orada yaşayan, birçok edebi ve düşünsel çalışması ile Türk edebiyatında önemli bir isim olan Fakir Baykurt’un “Koca Ren” ve Yüksek Fırınlar” adlı romanları ile birlikte Duisburg Üçlemesi’nin son kitabı olan “Yarım Ekmek” romanında ele aldığı konu ve roman kahramanları üzerinden din ve gelenek olgusu sosyolojik bir yaklaşımla ele alınmaktadır. Toplumcu-gerçekçi çizgide yer alan yazarın, uzun yıllar yaşadığı Türkiye’deki siyasi ve ideolojik geçmişi bu romanda kullandığı dil ve kurguladığı kahramanlarda kendini göstermektedir. Romanda Almanya’nın Duisburg şehrinde yaşayan Türklerin yeni kültürel ortamda yaşadıkları çatışma, kültürel şok, arada kalmışlık, iki kültürlülük temaları ön plandadır. Yazar romanda sadece Almanya’daki Türkleri ele almamakta, aynı zamanda Türkiye ile hatta başka ülkeler ile de ilişkilendirmeler yaparak bireysel ve toplumsal konuları ele almaktadır. Araştırmada, romanda yer alan dini ve geleneksel unsurlar sosyolojik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Genel anlamda bir göç romanı olma özelliği yanında Yarım Ekmek romanında dini, siyasi ve ideolojik birçok yorum ve tartışma söz konusudur. Romandaki bu veriler, inanç, ritüel, siyaset ve toplumsal boyutlarda kategorize edilerek ele alınmıştır.  ENGLISH ABSTRACTReligion and identity reflections in literature of immigrant: Religion and Tradition in Fakir Baykurt’s novel Yarım EkmekThe immigration fact which has nearly half century in Germany have brought a significant literal accumulation (Migrantenliteratur) in its wake. This literal accumulation, which is named as several denominations, has a feature including different colours in itself. One of the most important source snourishing literature is society. Societal structure and problems that the writer lives inside, directly or indirectly reflect on his/her compositions. In this context, the matter of religion and tradition by way of the issue and fictious characters in the novel of Fakir Baykurt who went to Germany in her 50’s and lived in there till his death and who is a considerable name in Turkish literature with his several literal and intellectual workings; “Yarım Ekmek” which is the third novel of Duisburg Trilogy with “Koca Ren” and “Yüksek Fırınlar” are discussed sociologically in the study. The political and ideological past of the socialist realist lined writer in Turkey where he spent his life for a long time, manifest itself on the speech and fictious characters of novel. In the novel, themes of new Turks’ conflict, cultural shock, being in the middle, bi culturalism in their new cultural nature in Duisburg which is the city they live in. The writer not only deals with Turks in Germany but also personal and social subjects via comparing them to Turkey and even other countries. In the study, religious and traditional elements analyzed sociologically. Besides the speciality of being a migration novel in general, there are a lot of religious, political and ideological interpretations and discussions in the novel. These datum in the novel are examinated in the context of belief, ritual, politics and social categorisation. 

Dachev Veliko Z ◽  
Dachev Veliko Z

The article represents a retrospective review of long time research of genesis and development of the Central beach in the City of Varna which makes possible a forecast of its further development. Both natural and anthropogenic impact on the beach evolution is taken into consideration. It is ascertained that construction of coastal protection structures at the northern part of the beach in 80’s resulted in cessation of natural beach area growth. The strengthen of a breakwater in the main port and illegal building also contributed to considerable coast recession and beach volume reducing. Because of this a recreational potential of the Central beach is gradually decreasing. New method named “cross-shore sediment bypassing” is suggested to reduce the negative trend.

2020 ◽  
Vol 105 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-194
Fernando O. Zuloaga ◽  
Sandra S. Aliscioni ◽  
M. Amalia Scataglini

Generic boundaries of the South American species Panicum longipedicellatum Swallen are explored and compared with allied genera of the tribe Paniceae. On the basis of morphological, anatomical, and molecular characters a new genus, Cnidochloa Zuloaga, is proposed. The phylogenetic position of the new genus within the Paniceae is evaluated.

Dachev Veliko Z ◽  
Dachev Veliko Z

The article represents a retrospective review of long time research of genesis and development of the Central beach in the City of Varna which makes possible a forecast of its further development. Both natural and anthropogenic impact on the beach evolution is taken into consideration. It is ascertained that construction of coastal protection structures at the northern part of the beach in 80’s resulted in cessation of natural beach area growth. The strengthen of a breakwater in the main port and illegal building also contributed to considerable coast recession and beach volume reducing. Because of this a recreational potential of the Central beach is gradually decreasing. New method named “cross-shore sediment bypassing” is suggested to reduce the negative trend.

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