1983 ◽  
Vol 1983 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-153
Thomas D. Sleeter ◽  
Anthony H. Knap ◽  
I. Walwyn Hughes

ABSTRACT A complete oil spill contingency plan has been developed together with environmental sensitivity maps, a damage risk assessment, and a scientific support coordination plan. The contingency plan details the notification and mobilization of key personnel and equipment during the initial phases of a marine pollution incident. It sets out a pre-planned course of action and, depending on the magnitude of the incident, calls for the orderly involvement of communication networks and various governmental agencies including marine police, marine ports, fisheries, the police, fire department and the regiment, all of which are coordinated by the on-scene coordinator and his command team. Environmental sensitivity maps have been developed to streamline decision making by the command team by identifying priority areas that require maximum effort for protection, cleanup, and conservation. The system ranks 15 coastal environments on a sensitivity scale of 1 to 10 with respect to the expected persistence of hazardous material spills (such as oil) along the coastline. The index is based on the geomorphology of the area, coastal processes, and the amount of physical energy to which the coastline is subjected. The maps also identify pertinent political and socioeconomic resources and areas of ecological significance. Water depths, current velocities, and distances across inlets are indicated for deployment of containment booms. In addition, under a Scientific Support Response Plan all scientific activity during the pollution incident is coordinated and documented. The plan sets up the orderly flow of scientific information to the command team and coordinates an organized sampling protocol including documentation and proper “chain of custody” of environmental samples. This system, coupled with an analytical detection unit, has resulted in convictions for more than 22 minor oil pollution incidents in Bermuda.

Ko Ko Naing ◽  
Khant Thu ◽  
Dave Davidson

ABSTRACT Myanmar became signatory to the OPRC 1990 in December 2016 and hence requires applicable vessels, ports and offshore facility operators to develop and maintain oil spill contingency plans coordinated with the National Contingency Plan. At about the same time, a super tanker terminal was constructed at Kyaukpyu deep-seaport on the west coast of Myanmar. This project made Myanmar an oil receiver country thus raising the risk of significant oil pollution incidents. To mitigate the risk, Myanmar developed its National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution (NCP) in order to establish a coordinated oil spill preparedness and response policy and to align with the Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan (ROSCP) developed under the ASEAN MOU for Joint Oil Spill Preparedness and Response (ASEAN, 2014). Even with the NCP, Myanmar is still encountering a number of challenges to be fully prepared for severe and disastrous pollution incidents. Chief among these is the establishment of a proper spill response capability including trained personnel and a stockpile of appropriate response equipment. Many options are being considered: government funding; establishing a mutual aid program led by industry; contract bases; or some combination of these. This paper looks at the actions Myanmar is taking to develop a state of the art NCP that is appropriate for Myanmar and the Region. The paper also discusses some of the key challenges Myanmar is facing, including transboundary issues and the solutions being considered and/or adopted to address such challenges.

2006 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 65-70
John Tychsen ◽  
Ole Geertz-Hansen ◽  
Jesper Kofoed

The Kenya coastline extends 600 km from the border of Tanzania in the south to the border of Somalia in the north (Fig. 1). The Kenyan coast features a diverse marine environment, including estuaries, mangroves, sea grass beds and intertidal reef platforms and coral reefs, which are vital for the reproduction of marine organisms. These coastal ecosystems are regarded as some of the most valuable in Kenya but face serious threats from the ever increasing human pressure of tourism, industrial pollution, destructive fishing, mangrove logging and other unsustainable uses of marine resources. Another serious threat is the maritime transportation activities along the coast and at the ports. It is estimated that at any given time more than 50 ships operate in the major shipping lanes off the Kenyan coast, of which about nine are oil tankers with capacities ranging from 50 000 to 250 000 tonnes. Furthermore, the harbour of Mombasa serves as the major port for countries in East Africa. In recognition of the risks posed by oil pollution the government of Kenya and the commercial petroleum industry agreed to develop a National Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan (NOSRCP) with the purpose of enabling a speedy and effective response to any oil spill within the territorial waters of Kenya. An important element of this plan was the mapping of the coastal resources and the development of an environmental sensitivity atlas showing the vulnerability of the coast to marine oil spills. In 2004, the Government of Kenya approached the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Kenya for financial support to develop an environmental sensitivity atlas. The project was approved and forwarded for funding by the Danish Consultancy Trust Fund administrated by United Nations Operational Program (UNOPS) in Copenhagen. The project was announced in Denmark, and the KenSea group headed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) was awarded the contract. The project comprises four phases: (1) data compilation and development of the KenSea database, (2) development of a coastal classification for Kenya, (3) development of the sensitivity index jointly with a group of stakeholders, and (4) compilation of the KenSea environmental sensitivity atlas (Tychsen 2006).

2020 ◽  
Svitlana Liubartseva ◽  
Ivan Federico ◽  
Giovanni Coppini ◽  
Rita Lecci

<p>The Taranto Sea is a Mediterranean lagoon where alarming pressure is expected to further increase, due to industrialization, heavy ship traffic, and densely populated coasts. The area hosts the Trading Port, Industrial Port, and Container Terminal. There is an important refinery, owned by ENI's Refining&Marketing, with a potential of 6 million tons per year (Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ionio – Porto di Taranto, 2017). A buoyed area in the Mar Grande is used by tankers of up to 300,000 GRT carrying petroleum for the refinery. Being at risk of oil pollution, the Taranto Sea became a pilot site for the development of a universal relocatable platform aimed at the real time management of marine pollution events in the harbors and ports in the framework of the IMPRESSIVE Project.</p><p>According to a Project paradigm, marine pollution forecasting system in harbors includes (1) EO observation technologies (satellite, ASV, UAV); (2) high-resolution hydrodynamic models based on downscaling of CMEMS products, and (3) pollution transport models.</p><p>To implement the system components for the Taranto Sea the Lagrangian oil spill model MEDSIK-II has been coupled to Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian coastal Forecasting System (SANIFS http://sanifs.cmcc.itFederico et al., 2017) and ECMWF atmospheric forecast. To this end, the SANIFS output discretized on the unstructured horizontal grid at a variable resolution of 3–4 km for the open sea and of 50–500 m for the coastal area is interpolated to a regular grid with a resolution of 150 m. For the first time, MEDSLIK-II can use currents and sea surface temperature of such the resolution, which is almost 15 times less than previously exploited horizontal resolution for the Pilot sites in the framework of coupling to the Adriatic Forecasting System (AFS) (Guarnieri et al., 2010).</p><p>The new coupling is planned to run the MEDSLIK-II simulations in stochastic mode in order to evaluate the environmental consequences of possible accidents and malfunctions in the ENI petroleum transport system.</p><p>This work is performed in the framework of the IMPRESSIVE project (#821922) co-funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme.</p><p>References:</p><p>Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ionio – Porto di Taranto, 2017. Three-year operational plan 2017–2019 and Port vision 2030 of the Port of Taranto. http://www.port.taranto.it/index.php/en/</p><p>Federico, I., Pinardi, N., Coppini, G., Oddo, P., Lecci, R., Mossa, M. 2017. Coastal ocean forecasting with an unstructured grid model in the southern Adriatic and northern Ionian seas. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 45–59, doi: 10.5194/nhess-17-45-2017.</p><p>Guarnieri, A., Oddo, P., Pastore, M., Pinardi, N., 2010. The Adriatic Basin Forecasting System new model and system development. Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges, pp. 184–190.</p>

1985 ◽  
Vol 1985 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-188
Dirk-Uwe Spengler

ABSTRACT Motivated by two greater oil spills in 1981 and 1982 with total cleaning costs of about $11 million, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg developed in 1983 a complete oil spill contingency plan with a detailed environmental sensitivity map. This book concerns the Elbe River inside the boundaries of Hamburg and, of course, the harbor region, which covers about 87 km2. The contingency plan is called Ölunfall—Handbuch (Oil Spill Handbook). It starts with general remarks about the physical and chemical characteristics of oil. Especially, there are lists of imported and exported crude oil and oil products in the Hamburg Harbor complete with lists of important parameters for combating the effects of these oils and products. This is followed by chapters dealing with the behavior and characteristics of oil after a spill, and the classification and identification of oil. Some analytic methods for in situ measurements are listed. Safety measures during combating actions are followed by a general discussion of combating methods such as various booms, skimmers, pumps, chemicals, and interim depots. Simulations and experiments were carried out to get better knowledge of the hydraulic conditions and to enable predictions, especially in the streamed harbor basins. The contingency plan details the notification and mobilization of the command team of the government environmental agency, the mainly scientific support teams, and the private action team. Environmental sensitivity maps have been developed to help the command team identify priority areas for maximum effort for combating actions. The system includes 18 general profiles, which describe the location of beaches and quays in Hamburg with a sensitivity scale from 2 to 10 with respect to the cleanup possibilities in oil spills. The maps also show if combating has to be done only from the water side, where there are ramps and cranes for loading ships with equipment, and prepared places for OSC containers. Most important are the areas of ecological significance marked by symbols of the types of birds, plants, fish and benthos with symbols for the time of year they will be there. Finally, 162 points are designated for which special recommendations are given for combating actions, including remarks about needed facilities, staff, and times to arrive.

1995 ◽  
Vol 1995 (1) ◽  
pp. 729-732
Pu Baokang ◽  
Zhang Xiuzhi ◽  
Qiao Bing

ABSTRACT Shenzhen is situated near Hong Kong. About ten years ago, two harbors, Shekou and Yantian, located in the west and east of Shenzhen respectively, were under construction. Harbors and facilities have been planned by industries, while environmental concerns have been more or less neglected. A “Report of Research on the Feasibility of a Marine Pollution Prevention System for Seaports in Shenzhen” was discussed in May 1993 in Shenzhen. This paper describes the main elements of that program, including an oil spill monitoring and control system, contingency planning for oil spill response, and cooperation among industries and government in dealing with marine pollution. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how concern for the environment should be established from the beginning in constructing a seaport. Finally, the end of this paper presents lessons learned, concerning the financial support of oil pollution response facilities, management problems and their countermeasures, implementation of international conventions on marine pollution prevention, and the importance of port state control. These lessons may be helpful for developing countries in planning their seaports to achieve better environmental protection.

1999 ◽  
Vol 1999 (1) ◽  
pp. 267-270 ◽  
Wu Jiabin

ABSTRACT Recently Shanghai's economics have been rapidly developed, and the oil shipping is daily on the increase, In order to prevent oil pollution, Shanghai has made great efforts, such as having made several pollution prevention laws and regulations, improving the construction of ships, map out oil spill contingency plan, produce the equipment and materials to handle an accident in case it occurs, etc.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (1) ◽  
pp. 2017108
A J M Gunasekara

The total volume of oil spilled and the number of spills has declined significantly over the past forty years. However, oil spills are no longer considered as an unavoidable. The ship source oil pollution still remains a potentially important risk to the local economies and the marine environment which can cause major economic loss and severe damages to the coastal and marine environment. The international regulatory framework to deal with liability and compensation in the event of ship source oil pollution has evolved over the past three decades. The available international legal regime for oil pollution liability and compensation is playing a great role in governing a discharge of oil into the sea by ensuring liability for polluters and compensation for victims of pollution. Despite the fact that the total cost of the oil spill cannot be compensated through the available international civil liability regime and entire damages caused to the marine environment cannot be compensated or recovered. This paper examined the application and limitations of available liability and compensation mechanism for the protection marine pollution and compare the benefit of the establishment of a funding mechanism for the strengthening of the level of oil spill preparedness and the civil liability regime for the protection of the coastal and marine environment. In addition, this paper reviews the funding mechanism adopted by the countries to the strengthening the level of oil spill preparedness taken into account the polluter pays principle without a putting extra burden for the general taxpayers. The establishment of a system for the funding of oil spill preparedness using the polluter pay principle has immensely helped to improve the oil spill response capabilities and protection of the marine environment of coastal states which adopted a unique funding mechanism by applying the polluter pay principle. This paper recommends the among other thing review the available compensation and liability regime for the protection of the marine environment and recommend to adopt and apply a uniform funding mechanism for the strengthening of the level of oil spill preparedness taken into account the polluter pay principle for the protection of the marine environment and improve the status quo.

The maritime industry relates to the carriage of cargoes activities such as shipping and port operations, including a wide supporting activity offshore oil and gas exploration and production. In addition, the marine industry provides a pillar of national economic growth and prosperity. Generally, most of the enterprises engaged in the maritime business are related to shipping, designing, constructing, acquiring, manufacturing, repairing and maintaining, operating and supplying. However, from the various shipping activities could lead to marine pollution especially an oil spill. This study focuses to analyze the relationship of the contingency plan of oil preparedness and response by government authorities towards the oil spill. 43 respondents from selected oil port and government authorities have participated in the questionnaire survey. The result from the multiple correlations and regression analysis show the contingency plan activity of the preparedness and response are significantly and positively related to the government authority integration towards the oil spill incidents

1991 ◽  
Vol 1991 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-104
Pu Baokang ◽  
Yu Chengguo

ABSTRACT Shanghai, one of the world's biggest cities and seaports, is situated on the Yangtze River estuary and the Huangpu River. Significant oil spill accidents have occurred in recent years in China, and have caused the municipality great anxiety. A contingency plan, probably the first one at the local level in this country, has been developed under the initiatives of the Shanghai Harbour Superintendency Administration, supported by the local Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and other organizations. A governing body dealing with marine pollution has been established on a cooperative basis in the Shanghai Marine Safety Superintendence. The role of the contingency plan and its governing bodies, procedures and arrangements relating to the control of pollution by oil and other harmful substances, monitoring stations along the Huangpu River (one of the busiest waterways in China) pollution response teams and their training, and liability and compensation for pollution are described in this paper. Problems concerning the lack of funding and resources available, technique, and professional staff, which are generally faced by developing countries, as well as the harmonization of cooperating parties are discussed and various difficulties are tried to be overcome.

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