extrastriate areas
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2021 ◽  
Giulia Rampone ◽  
Martyna Adam ◽  
Alexis D.J. Makin ◽  
John Tyson-Carr ◽  
Marco Bertamini

Abstract Extrastriate visual areas are strongly activated by image symmetry. Less is known about symmetry representation at object-, rather than image-, level. Here we investigated electrophysiological responses to symmetry, generated by amodal completion of partially-occluded polygon shapes. We used a similar paradigm in four experiments (N=112). A fully-visible abstract shape (either symmetric or asymmetric) was presented for 250ms (t0). A large rectangle covered it entirely for 250ms (t1) and then moved to one side to reveal half of the shape hidden behind (t2, 1000ms). Note that at t2 no symmetry could be inferred from retinal image information. In half of the trials the shape was the same as previously presented, in the other trials it was replaced by a novel shape. Participants matched shapes similarity (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2), or their colour (Exp. 3) or the orientation of a triangle superimposed to the shapes (Exp. 4). The fully-visible shapes (t0-t1) elicited automatic symmetry-specific ERP responses in all experiments. Importantly, there was an exposure-dependent symmetry-response to the occluded shapes that were recognised as previously seen (t2). Exp. 2 and Exp.4 confirmed this second ERP (t2) did not reflect a reinforcement of a residual carry-over response from t0. We conclude that the extrastriate symmetry-network can achieve amodal representation of symmetry from occluded objects that have been previously experienced as wholes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 68-75
Marco Bertamini ◽  
Giulia Rampone ◽  
John Tyson-Carr ◽  
Alexis D.J. Makin

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Reza Abbas Farishta ◽  
Denis Boire ◽  
Christian Casanova

Abstract Signals from lower cortical visual areas travel to higher-order areas for further processing through cortico-cortical projections, organized in a hierarchical manner. These signals can also be transferred between cortical areas via alternative cortical transthalamic routes involving higher-order thalamic nuclei like the pulvinar. It is unknown whether the organization of transthalamic pathways may reflect the cortical hierarchy. Two axon terminal types have been identified in corticothalamic (CT) pathways: the types I (modulators) and II (drivers) characterized by thin axons with small terminals and by thick axons and large terminals, respectively. In cats, projections from V1 to the pulvinar complex comprise mainly type II terminals, whereas those from extrastriate areas include a combination of both terminals suggesting that the nature of CT terminals varies with the hierarchical order of visual areas. To test this hypothesis, distribution of CT terminals from area 21a was charted and compared with 3 other visual areas located at different hierarchical levels. Results demonstrate that the proportion of modulatory CT inputs increases along the hierarchical level of cortical areas. This organization of transthalamic pathways reflecting cortical hierarchy provides new and fundamental insights for the establishment of more accurate models of cortical signal processing along transthalamic cortical pathways.

Vision ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Kathleen S. Rockland

Pulvino-cortical (PC) projections are a major source of extrinsic input to early visual areas in the macaque. From bulk injections of anterograde tracers, these are known to terminate in layer 1 of V1 and densely in the middle cortical layers of extrastriate areas. Finer, single axon analysis, as reviewed here for projections from the lateral pulvinar (PL) in two macaque monkeys (n = 25 axons), demonstrates that PL axons have multiple arbors in V2 and V4, and that these are spatially separate and offset in different layers. In contrast, feedforward cortical axons, another major source of extrinsic input to extrastriate areas, are less spatially divergent and more typically terminate in layer 4. Functional implications are briefly discussed, including comparisons with the better investigated rodent brain.

2019 ◽  
Joana Carvalho ◽  
Remco J. Renken ◽  
Frans W. Cornelissen

AbstractThe human visual system masks the perceptual consequences of retinal or cortical lesion-induced scotomas by predicting what is missing from nearby regions of the visual field. To reveal the neural mechanisms underlying this remarkable capacity, known as predictive masking, we used fMRI and neural modeling to track changes in cortical population receptive fields (pRFs) and connectivity in response to the introduction of an artificial scotoma (AS). Consistent with predictive masking, we found that extrastriate areas increased their sampling of the V1 region outside the AS projection zone. Moreover, throughout the visual field and hierarchy, pRFs shifted their preferred position towards the AS border. A gain field model, centered at this border, accounted for these shifts, especially for extrastriate areas. This suggests that a system-wide reconfiguration of neural populations in response to a change in visual input is guided by extrastriate signals and underlies the predictive masking of scotomas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Marco Bertamini ◽  
Giulia Rampone ◽  
Jennifer Oulton ◽  
Semir Tatlidil ◽  
Alexis D. J. Makin

2018 ◽  
Karoline Hovde ◽  
Michele Gianatti ◽  
Menno P. Witter ◽  
Jonathan R. Whitlock

ABSTRACTThe posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is a multifaceted region of cortex, contributing to several cognitive processes including sensorimotor integration and spatial navigation. Although recent years have seen a considerable rise in the use of rodents, particularly mice, to investigate PPC and related networks, a coherent anatomical definition of PPC in the mouse is still lacking. To address this, we delineated the mouse PPC using cyto- and chemoarchitectural markers from Nissl-, parvalbumin- and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2-staining. Additionally, we performed bilateral triple anterograde tracer injections in primary visual cortex (V1) and prepared flattened tangential sections from one hemisphere and coronal sections from the other, allowing us to co-register the cytoarchitectural features of PPC with V1 projections. In charting the location of extrastriate areas and the architectural features of PPC in the context of each other, we reconcile different, widely used conventions for demarcating PPC in the mouse. Furthermore, triple anterograde tracer injections in PPC showed strong projections to associative thalamic nuclei as well as higher visual areas, orbitofrontal, cingulate and secondary motor cortices. Retrograde circuit mapping with rabies virus further showed that all cortical connections were reciprocal. These combined approaches provide a coherent definition of mouse PPC that incorporates laminar architecture, extrastriate projections, thalamic, and cortico-cortical connections.

eLife ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Sina Tafazoli ◽  
Houman Safaai ◽  
Gioia De Franceschi ◽  
Federica Bianca Rosselli ◽  
Walter Vanzella ◽  

Rodents are emerging as increasingly popular models of visual functions. Yet, evidence that rodent visual cortex is capable of advanced visual processing, such as object recognition, is limited. Here we investigate how neurons located along the progression of extrastriate areas that, in the rat brain, run laterally to primary visual cortex, encode object information. We found a progressive functional specialization of neural responses along these areas, with: (1) a sharp reduction of the amount of low-level, energy-related visual information encoded by neuronal firing; and (2) a substantial increase in the ability of both single neurons and neuronal populations to support discrimination of visual objects under identity-preserving transformations (e.g., position and size changes). These findings strongly argue for the existence of a rat object-processing pathway, and point to the rodents as promising models to dissect the neuronal circuitry underlying transformation-tolerant recognition of visual objects.

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