yuan dynasty
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Eka Asih Putrina Taim

Kutai Lama merupakan salah satu kota lama yang terdapat di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Salah satu bukti hubungan antara Kutai Lama dengan dunia luar adalah banyaknya sebaran pecahan keramik asing, terutama dari Cina, yang padat di sepanjang tepian sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami keberadaan keramik kuno di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Adapun sasaran penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan variasi keramik, sehingga diketahuifungsi serta peranan keramik Cina pada masa itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada penelitian terdahulu yang mengulas tentang besarnya pengaruh eksistensi keramik Cina dalam perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Kutai Lama. Situs Kutai Lama merupakan kawasan penting bagi rekonstruksi sejarah awal perkembangan Islam di Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif, dan perbandingan-perbandingan berdasarkan literatur keramik Cina. Hasil analisis morfologi dan kronologi menunjukkan bahwa keramik Dinasti Song-Yuan mendominasi populasi temuan keramik di Kutai Lama. Hal ini menjadi indikasi komoditi dagang tersebut dihargai sebagai suatu hadiah, sehingga menjadi barang berharga yang dimiliki oleh kalangan tertentu atau tokoh masyarakat. Kutai Lama is one of the old towns located in the Mahakam River catchment. One of the items of evidence of the relationship between Kutai Lama and the outside world is a large number of fragments of foreign ceramic, especially from China, which was densely found along the banks of the river. The objective of this study was to understand the existence of old ceramics in the Mahakam River catchment. The target of this research was the form and variation of ceramics, thus providing information on the purpose and role of Chinese ceramics then. This research was conducted because there were no previous studies that reviewed the magnitude of the influence of the existence of Chinese ceramics in the cultural development in the Kutai Lama region. The Kutai Lama site is an important area for the reconstruction of the early history of Islamic development in Kutai Kartanegara. The research method used was qualitative-descriptive, and comparative based on Chinese ceramics literature. The results of the morphological and chronological analyses showed that the Song-Yuan Dynasty ceramics dominate the population of ceramic findings in Kutai Lama. This is an indication that such trade commodity was also valued as gifts, therefore, it became valuable items owned by certain groups or community leaders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1145-1165
Ilia S. Kolnin

This article is the first in the series of planned publications with translations of separate chapters from a Chinese historical-geographical description of foreign lands Daoyi zhilüe (“A Brief Description of Island Barbarians”, 1349/1350) written during the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368). The first four chapters of the treatise which describe policies on the eastern sea route from China are included in this work. The article offers the first translation of these chapters into Russian, accompanied by detailed historical commentary. Apart from that, in the research part of the article the author has briefly analyzed the order of the chapters in the treatise and compared it with the previous sources of similar nature. The translations are an important source for studying various aspects of the history of the Penghu islands, Taiwan and the Philippines in the 14th century AD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-340
Wang Shih-Pe ◽  
Erxin Wang

Abstract Through detailed analysis of several case studies, this essay investigates a special form of sanqu 散曲 song, namely, songs that embed references to dramas (quzhong daixi 曲中帶戲). A long song suite (changtao 長套) by Yuan author Sun Jichang 孫季昌 (fl. 14th century) is the best-known example of a pastiche of zaju play titles and dramatic protagonists intended to stimulate and guide readers' imagination. When late Ming dramatist Shen Jing 沈璟 (1553–1610) imitated Sun's pastiche song suite, he painstakingly sought to disrupt the obvious association between lyric and invoked play in an appeal to the literati aesthetic of lyrical indirection. Another, shorter song suite from the Ming, this one by an anonymous author, incorporates chuanqi play titles with little literary embellishment, catering to popular tastes. Finally, set to the tunes “Pipo yu” 劈破玉 and “Gua zhen'er” 掛真兒, popular songs featuring chuanqi play titles appear in three late Ming miscellanies. As these songs describe their source play's main protagonists and plot elements, they may be seen as expressing the voice of commoners and at the same time promoting ethical values. Taken together, these examples illustrate that it was not unusual for sanqu songs to incorporate dramatic references. This blending of song and drama can be traced to the arbitrary Yuan dynasty definition of yuefu 樂府 (literally, “Music Bureau songs”) and its relationship with sanqu songs. Thus the heterogeneous and inclusive nature characteristic of sanqu songs can be viewed in a new light.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 635-661
Sergey V. Sidorovich

From the jural point of view, the Yuan era (1271–1368) can be considered as one of the most interesting in the history of Eastern Asia. This is partly because at that time the Chinese tradition was enriched by a foreign influence. However, very few sources on the Yuan legal system have survived, and even those which did survive are usually far from being complete. The article introduces the recently discovered part of the Zhi-zheng tiao-ge code published in 1346 at the very end of the Yuan Empire. The author lists the testimonia, which mention this document. He also offers the analysis of legal documents mentioned there following the time of their issue. The introduced source is compared with legal codes of the previous years and suggests ways of their reconstruction. The final part of the article contains a brief description of the surviving chapters of the monument. The results of the analysis allow us to see in the Zhi-zheng tiao-ge code an important source on the legislation not only of the late Yuan but also on the Yuan dynasty as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 506-519
Eduard V. Kaziev ◽  

Research objectives: To ascertain the time and circumstances of the As people’s incorporation into the service of the Great Mongol Qa’ans. Research materials: Biographies of the As military commanders presented in the official History of the Yüan dynasty (the main source), the narratives of John of Plano Carpini and William of Rubruck, the chronicles of Vardan Areveltsi, Kirakos Gandzaketsi, and Grigor Aknertsi, Rashid al-Din’s Compendium of Chronicles, the Hypatian Codex, notes of Chinese officials Peng Da-ya and Xu Ting on the Mongols. Results and novelty of the research: The paper clarifies one aspect of the author’s previous research of the problem under consideration. It partially refutes a prior conclusion that the As entried into the Mongols’ military service only during the Western campaign. On the contrary, this paper substantiates the traditional assertion that the As joined Mongol service during the reign of Möngke Qa’an. Besides, it indicates that this argument finds its substantiation in the information found in the As military commanders’ biographies in the History of Yuan which are usually overlooked on this issue. The assumption is also put forward and argued that the enthronement of the rulers of Alania took place in the Caucasus, and they did not need to go to the capital of the Mongol Empire for this purpose. In addition, it is noted that in the related sources, analyzed by the author in both papers on this topic, there is no information that would allow for asserting or suggesting the possibility of the arrival of the As to serve in Mongolia and China after the beginning of the process of the actual division of the Empire into independent uluses following the death of Möngke Qa’an in 1259.

Денис Алексеевич Миягашев ◽  
Биликто Александрович Базаров ◽  
Ярослав Витальевич Дикий

В статье представлены результаты анализа спутниковых снимков из свободных источников территории Монголии и Западного Забайкалья. В ходе мониторинга снимков были выявлены новые объекты, которые интерпретируются нами как остатки древних городищ кочевых Империй – хунну, уйгуров, киданей и Монгольской. В работе дана предварительная датировка и описание объектов. ЛИТЕРАТУРААнхбаяр Б. Хуннское поселение в Заан Хошуу // Актуальные вопросы археологии этнологии Центральной Азии: Материалы II Международной научной конференции (г. Улан-Удэ, 4–6 декабря 2017 г.). / Отв. ред. Б.В. Базаров, Н.Н. Крадин. Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, 2017. С. 90−100.Давыдова А.В. Иволгинский археологический комплекс. Т. I. Иволгинское городище. СПб.: Фонд «АзиатИКА», 1995. 286 с.Данилов С.В. Города в кочевых обществах Центральной Азии. Улан-Удэ: БНЦ СО РАН, 2004. 202 с.Данилов С.В., Именохоев Н.В., Нанзатов Б.З., Симухин А.И., Очир А., Эрдэнэболд Л. Города эпохи хунну на востоке Монголии // Известия Иркутского Государственного университета. Серия: Геоархеология. Этнология. Антропология. 2016. №17. С. 74−93.Древнемонгольские города / Отв. ред. С.В. Киселев. М.: Наука, 1965. 372 с.Ивлиев А.Л. Городища киданей // Материалы по древней и средневековой археологии юга Дальнего Востока СССР и смежных территорий / Отв. ред. В.Д. Леньков. Владивосток: ДВНЦ АН СССР, 1983. С. 120−133.Идэрхангай Т. Хүннүгийн хааны зуны ордон Лунчэн буюу луут хот (Лунчэн – город дракона – летняя резиденция шаньюев Хунну). Доклад представлен на International Conference “The Eurasian Ancient Network: Xiongnu and the Han”, г. Пусан, Южная Корея, 2021 30.04.2021.Киселев С.В. Город монгольского Исункэ на р. Хирхира в Забайкалье // СА. 1961. №4. С. 103−127.Крадин Н.Н. Восточная Европа и моногольская глобализация // Stratum plus. 2016. №5. С. 17−25.Крадин Н.Н. Города в средневековых кочевых империях Монгольских степей // Средние века. 2011. Т. 72. № 1−2. С. 330−351.Крадин Н.Н., Ивлиев А.Л. Результаты археологических исследований киданьских городов в Монголии // Вестник ДВО РАН. 2011. №1. С. 111−121.Крадин Н.Н., Ивлиев А.Л., Васютин С.А. Киданьские города конца X – начала XI в. в центральной Монголии и социальные процессы на периферии империи Ляо // Вестник Томского государственного университета. История. 2013. № 2 (22). С. 53−57.Крадин Н.Н., Ивлиев А.Л., Васютин С.А., Харинский А.В., Очир А., Ковычев Е.В., Эрдэнэболд Л. Раскопки городища Тэрэлжийн-Дурвулжин и некоторые итоги изучения хуннской урбанизации // Актуальные вопросы археологии этнологии Центральной Азии: Материалы II Международной научной конференции (г. Улан-Удэ, 4–6 декабря 2017 г.). / Отв. ред. Б.В. Базаров, Н.Н. Крадин. Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, 2017. С. 90−100.Крадин Н.Н., Ивлиев А.Л. История киданьской империи Ляо (907–1125). М.: Наука, 2014. 351 с.Крадин Н.Н., Бакшеева С.Е., Ковычев Е.В., Харинский А.В., Прокопец С.Д. Археология империи Чингис-хана в Монголии и Забайкалье // Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология. 2016. № 6. С. 17–43.Крадин Н.Н., Харинский А.В., Прокопец С.Д., Ивлиев А.Л., Ковычев Е.В., Эрдэнэболд Л. Великая киданьская стена: северо-восточный вал Чингис-хана. М.: Наука, 2019. 168 с.Коновалов П.Б. К исследованию древнего поселения Баян Булаг в Южно-Гобийском аймаке Монголии // Вестник БНЦ СО РАН. 2018. № 1 (29). С. 9−16.Очир А., Одбаатар Ц., Эрдэнболд Л., Анхбаяр Б. Монгол улсын нутаг дахь уйгурчуудын археологийн дурсгал (Археологические памятники уйгуров в Монголии). Улаанбаатар, 2019. 307 c.Очир А., Эрдэнболд Л., Энхтур А. Исследования киданьских городищ и других сооружений в Монголии // Междисциплинарные исследования в археологии. 2015. Вып. 2. Городища и поселения. С. 84−95.Пэрлээ Х. Монгол Ард Улсын эрт, дундад үеийн хот суурины товчоон // Бүтээлийн чуулган. 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