characteristic zero
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Daniyar Kozybaev ◽  
Ualbai Umirbaev ◽  
Viktor Zhelyabin

Locally finiteness of some varieties of nonassociative coalgebras is studied and the Gelfand-Dorfman construction for Novikov coalgebras and the Kantor construction for Jordan super-coalgebras are given. We give examples of a non-locally finite differential coalgebra, Novikov coalgebra, Lie coalgebra, Jordan super-coalgebra, and right-alternative coalgebra. The dual algebra of each of these examples satisfies very strong additional identities. We also constructed examples of an infinite dimensional simple differential coalgebra, Novikov coalgebra, Lie coalgebra, and Jordan super-coalgebra over a field of characteristic zero.

Tobias Boege

AbstractThe gaussoid axioms are conditional independence inference rules which characterize regular Gaussian CI structures over a three-element ground set. It is known that no finite set of inference rules completely describes regular Gaussian CI as the ground set grows. In this article we show that the gaussoid axioms logically imply every inference rule of at most two antecedents which is valid for regular Gaussians over any ground set. The proof is accomplished by exhibiting for each inclusion-minimal gaussoid extension of at most two CI statements a regular Gaussian realization. Moreover we prove that all those gaussoids have rational positive-definite realizations inside every ε-ball around the identity matrix. For the proof we introduce the concept of algebraic Gaussians over arbitrary fields and of positive Gaussians over ordered fields and obtain the same two-antecedental completeness of the gaussoid axioms for algebraic and positive Gaussians over all fields of characteristic zero as a byproduct.

D. C. L. Bessades ◽  
R. B. dos Santos ◽  
A. C. Vieira

Let [Formula: see text] be a field of characteristic zero and [Formula: see text] the algebra of [Formula: see text] matrices over [Formula: see text]. By the classical Amitsur–Levitzki theorem, it is well known that [Formula: see text] is the smallest degree of a standard polynomial identity of [Formula: see text]. A theorem due to Rowen shows that when the symplectic involution [Formula: see text] is considered, the standard polynomial of degree [Formula: see text] in symmetric variables is an identity of [Formula: see text]. This means that when only certain kinds of matrices are considered in the substitutions, the minimal degree of a standard identity may not remain being the same. In this paper, we present some results about the minimal degree of standard identities in skew or symmetric variables of odd degree of [Formula: see text] in the symplectic graded involution case. Along the way, we also present the minimal total degree of a double Capelli polynomial identity in symmetric variables of [Formula: see text] with transpose involution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Shuang Lang ◽  
Jizhu Nan ◽  
Wende Liu

In this paper, we classify all the finite-dimensional nilpotent Lie superalgebras of multiplier-rank less than or equal to 6 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We also determine the covers of all the nilpotent Lie superalgebras mentioned above.

Rohit Nagpal

Abstract We classify all irreducible generic VI {\mathrm{VI}} -modules in non-describing characteristic. Our result degenerates to yield a classification of irreducible generic FI {\mathrm{FI}} -modules in arbitrary characteristic. Equivalently, we provide a complete classification of irreducibles of admissible 𝐆𝐋 ∞ ⁢ ( 𝔽 q ) {\mathbf{GL}_{\infty}(\mathbb{F}_{q})} -representations in non-describing characteristic, which is new even in characteristic zero. This result degenerates to provide a complete classification of irreducibles of admissible S ∞ {S_{\infty}} -representations in arbitrary characteristic, which is new away from characteristic zero.

Z. Bácskai ◽  
D. L. Flannery ◽  
E. A. O’Brien

Let [Formula: see text] be a prime and let [Formula: see text] be the complex field. We explicitly classify the finite solvable irreducible monomial subgroups of [Formula: see text] up to conjugacy. That is, we give a complete and irredundant list of [Formula: see text]-conjugacy class representatives as generating sets of monomial matrices. Copious structural information about non-solvable finite irreducible monomial subgroups of [Formula: see text] is also proved, enabling a classification of all such groups bar one family. We explain the obstacles in that exceptional case. For [Formula: see text], we classify all finite irreducible subgroups of [Formula: see text]. Our classifications are available publicly in Magma.

Daniele Faenzi ◽  
Simone Marchesi

Abstract We prove stability of logarithmic tangent sheaves of singular hypersurfaces $D$ of the projective space with constraints on the dimension and degree of the singularities of $D$. As the main application, we prove that determinants and symmetric determinants have simple (in characteristic zero, stable) logarithmic tangent sheaves and we describe an open dense piece of the associated moduli space.

A.V. Tushev

We develop some tecniques whish allow us to apply the methods of commutative algebra for studing the representations of nilpotent groups. Using these methods, in particular, we show that any irreducible representation of a finitely generated nilpotent group G over a finitely generated field of characteristic zero is induced from a primitive representation of some subgroup of G.

Yeansu Kim ◽  
Loren Spice ◽  
Sandeep Varma

Abstract Let ${\text G}$ be a reductive group over a $p$-adic field $F$ of characteristic zero, with $p \gg 0$, and let $G={\text G}(F)$. In [ 15], J.-L. Kim studied an equivalence relation called weak associativity on the set of unrefined minimal $K$-types for ${\text G}$ in the sense of A. Moy and G. Prasad. Following [ 15], we attach to the set $\overline{\mathfrak{s}}$ of good $K$-types in a weak associate class of positive-depth unrefined minimal $K$-types a ${G}$-invariant open and closed subset $\mathfrak{g}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g} = {\operatorname{Lie}}({\text G})(F)$, and a subset $\tilde{{G}}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ of the admissible dual $\tilde{{G}}$ of ${G}$ consisting of those representations containing an unrefined minimal $K$-type that belongs to $\overline{\mathfrak{s}}$. Then $\tilde{{G}}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ is the union of finitely many Bernstein components of ${G}$, so that we can consider the Bernstein projector $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ that it determines. We show that $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ vanishes outside the Moy–Prasad ${G}$-domain ${G}_r \subset{G}$, and reformulate a result of Kim as saying that the restriction of $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ to ${G}_r\,$, pushed forward via the logarithm to the Moy–Prasad ${G}$-domain $\mathfrak{g}_r \subset \mathfrak{g}$, agrees on $\mathfrak{g}_r$ with the inverse Fourier transform of the characteristic function of $\mathfrak{g}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$. This is a variant of one of the descriptions given by R. Bezrukavnikov, D. Kazhdan, and Y. Varshavsky in [8] for the depth-$r$ Bernstein projector.

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