inverse fourier transform
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Andrew Leung

This paper considers the solution of the equations for ruin probabilities in infinite continuous time. Using the Fourier Transform and certain results from the theory of complex functions, these solutions are obtained as com- plex integrals in a form which may be evaluated numerically by means of the inverse Fourier Transform. In addition the relationship between the re- sults obtained for the continuous time cases, and those in the literature, are compared. Closed form ruin probabilities for the heavy tailed distributions: mixed exponential; Gamma (including Erlang); Lognormal; Weillbull; and Pareto, are derived as a result (or computed to any degree of accuracy, and without the use of simulations).

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Shaojun Lu ◽  
Ehab Abozinadah ◽  
Elif Erkec

Abstract As one of the main directions of applied mathematics research, inverse Fourier transform (FT) has been widely used in image speech analysis and other fields in recent decades of development. FT is the basic content of digital image processing technology. In practical analysis, image design and interaction can be realised by using time-space domain and frequency domain, which can accurately obtain image information characteristics and achieve the expected application goals. In this paper, based on the understanding of FT and inverse transform, an improved algorithm is used to lay the foundation for the realisation of image design and interactive technology.

Alireza Jamali

After proposing a natural metric for the space in which particles spin which implements the principle of maximum frequency, E=hf is generalised and its inverse Fourier transform is calculated. As a necessary result, a metric is found for the space in which quantum particles spin, hence the possibility of explanation of correlation of spacelike-separated particles is opened up.

В.В. Макарова ◽  
В.М. Набока ◽  
Ю.П. Потехин

В статье рассматривается возможность применения имеющихся в настоящее время решений задачи о влиянии динамического переливания жидкости в аварийных отсеках 2-й категории или успокоительных цистернах на качку судна в системах имитационного моделирования динамики плавания аварийных судов. Существующие решения получены в интересах исследования качки в частотной области и формально могут быть перенесены во временну́ю область, отвечающую существованию имитационных моделей, посредством обратного преобразования Фурье, что связано с определенными затруднениями. В работе показано, что при определенной формулировке гидродинамической задачи о колебаниях жидкости в отсеке или цистерне во временно́й области могут быть использованы непосредственно исходные уравнения. Выполнены расчеты, подтверждающие корректность такого подхода с позиций обеспечения устойчивости решения задачи и физической адекватности результатов реально наблюдаемым процессам. The article discusses the possibility of using the currently available solutions to the problem of the effect of dynamic fluid overflow in emergency compartments of the 2nd category or damping tanks on the pitching of a ship in systems for simulation of the dynamics of navigation of damaged ships. The existing solutions were obtained in the interests of studying the pitching in the frequency domain and can formally be transferred to the time domain corresponding to the existence of simulation models by means of the inverse Fourier transform, which is associated with certain difficulties. It is shown in the work that with a certain formulation of the hydrodynamic problem of fluid oscillations in a compartment or tank in the time domain, the original equations can be used directly. Calculations have been performed that confirm the correctness of this approach from the standpoint of ensuring the stability of the solution to the problem and the physical adequacy of the results to the actually observed processes.

Alireza Jamali

After proposing a natural metric for the space in which particles spin which implements the principle of maximum frequency, E=hf is generalised and its inverse Fourier transform is calculated.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 2532
Shiyu Wang ◽  
Junnan Zhang ◽  
Fada Zhou ◽  
Cunzhen Liang ◽  
Liao He ◽  

Nonylphenol (NP) and bisphenol A (BPA) are two typical endocrine disrupter chemicals (EDCs) in reclaimed water. In this study, the adsorptions of NP, a branched NP (NP7) and BPA on reclaimed water-irrigated soils were studied by isothermal experiments, and the different environmental factors on their adsorptions were investigated. The results showed that the adsorptions of NP and NP7 on soils conformed to the Linear model, and the adsorption of BPA conformed to the Freundlich model. The adsorptions of NP, NP7 and BPA on soils decreased with increasing temperatures and pHs. Adsorption equilibrium constant (Kd or Kf) were maximum at pH = 3, temperature 25 °C and As(III)-soil, respectively. The adsorption capacity of NP, NP7 and BPA to soils under different cation valence were as follows: neutrally > divalent cations > mono-cations. Kd of NP7 on soil was less than that of NP under different pH and temperatures, while under different cation concentrations it was the inverse. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) analysis showed alkyl chains of NP and BPA seemed to form van der Waals interactions with the cavity of soil. Results of this study will provide further comprehensive fundamental data for human health risk assessment of NP and BPA in soil.

Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 353 ◽  
Boris A. Malomed

The article produces a brief review of some recent results which predict stable propagation of solitons and solitary vortices in models based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) including fractional one-dimensional or two-dimensional diffraction and cubic or cubic-quintic nonlinear terms, as well as linear potentials. The fractional diffraction is represented by fractional-order spatial derivatives of the Riesz type, defined in terms of the direct and inverse Fourier transform. In this form, it can be realized by spatial-domain light propagation in optical setups with a specially devised combination of mirrors, lenses, and phase masks. The results presented in the article were chiefly obtained in a numerical form. Some analytical findings are included too, in particular, for fast moving solitons and the results produced by the variational approximation. Moreover, dissipative solitons are briefly considered, which are governed by the fractional complex Ginzburg–Landau equation.

Yeansu Kim ◽  
Loren Spice ◽  
Sandeep Varma

Abstract Let ${\text G}$ be a reductive group over a $p$-adic field $F$ of characteristic zero, with $p \gg 0$, and let $G={\text G}(F)$. In [ 15], J.-L. Kim studied an equivalence relation called weak associativity on the set of unrefined minimal $K$-types for ${\text G}$ in the sense of A. Moy and G. Prasad. Following [ 15], we attach to the set $\overline{\mathfrak{s}}$ of good $K$-types in a weak associate class of positive-depth unrefined minimal $K$-types a ${G}$-invariant open and closed subset $\mathfrak{g}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g} = {\operatorname{Lie}}({\text G})(F)$, and a subset $\tilde{{G}}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ of the admissible dual $\tilde{{G}}$ of ${G}$ consisting of those representations containing an unrefined minimal $K$-type that belongs to $\overline{\mathfrak{s}}$. Then $\tilde{{G}}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ is the union of finitely many Bernstein components of ${G}$, so that we can consider the Bernstein projector $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ that it determines. We show that $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ vanishes outside the Moy–Prasad ${G}$-domain ${G}_r \subset{G}$, and reformulate a result of Kim as saying that the restriction of $E_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$ to ${G}_r\,$, pushed forward via the logarithm to the Moy–Prasad ${G}$-domain $\mathfrak{g}_r \subset \mathfrak{g}$, agrees on $\mathfrak{g}_r$ with the inverse Fourier transform of the characteristic function of $\mathfrak{g}_{\overline{\mathfrak{s}}}$. This is a variant of one of the descriptions given by R. Bezrukavnikov, D. Kazhdan, and Y. Varshavsky in [8] for the depth-$r$ Bernstein projector.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Stanislav Zienko ◽  
Vera Zhbanova

The purpose of this paper is to research the frequency and time characteristics of the photo-detector using the direct and inverse Fourier transform. The spectral characteristics of the matrix photodetector were selected as the object of research. For the channels of the trans-ducer it was found that the frequency spectrum consists of two elementary bands in the form of Gaussian curves. It was revealed that the spectra have super-broadband properties. The impulse (time) characteristic of the spectra is described by the equation in an analytical form, which is in good agreement with the calculation. The rise time of the transient response is 1.8–2.9 fs. The process of absorption of light is significantly influenced by dielectric relaxa-tion of the charge. The results obtained provide important information on the properties of the photodetector in the frequency and time domain.

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