telecommunications law
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2021 ◽  
pp. 577-594
Thomas Wingfield ◽  
Harry Wingo

This chapter describes the role of international law in cyberspace and in addressing the legality of cyber-related actions taken by countries, companies, associations, and citizens on the world stage. Cyberspace has been described as a new ‘domain’ that is radically different from the land and sea upon which international law developed, but such law either covers or is evolving to cover issues that have been under development for hundreds of years. Such coverage includes the international law principles of sovereignty, due diligence, jurisdiction, and state responsibility. International law also covers numerous specialized regimes: human rights, diplomatic and consular law, law of the sea, air law, space law, and international telecommunications law. Another developing area of international law and cyberspace concerns international peace and security with respect to cyber activities, but those issues lead right up to the threshold of conflict. The once theoretical and purely academic literature of cybercrime, cyber espionage, and, especially, cyberwar must now be applied to real-world cases, and law and policy for the future of cybersecurity must be formulated with an understanding of these broadly accepted international norms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Kukuh Dwi Kurniawan ◽  
Dwi Ratna Indri Hapsari

Perkembangan teknologi elektronik sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya kejahatan, dari kejahatan secara konvensional menjadi kejahatan yang memanfaatkan keahlian dibidang teknologi elektronik untuk kepentingan sendiri atau orang lain. Penelitian ini untuk menelaah lebih mendalam mengenai perlindungan hukum kepada konsumen sektor perbankan atas suatu bentuk kejahatan cyber di Indonesia. Jenis kejahatan dunia maya pada sektor perbankan diantaranya adalah skimming, malware dan hacking. Seringnya kejahatan tersebut merugikan pihak bank dan nasabah secara finansial. Bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah atas kejahatan dunia maya telah diatur melalui UUPK, UU Perbankan, UU ITE, UU Telekomunikasi serta secara teknis termuat dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis yang mendeskripsikan regulasi terkait perlindungan nasabah bank atas kejahatan tindak pidana cybercrime.  Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan secara preventif regulasi dalam hukum positif saat ini memberikan kewajiban kepada bank sebagai badan usaha untuk selalu menjaga dan melindungi nasabah dari kejahatan dunia maya. Secara represif apabila nasabah mengalami kerugian finansial atas kejahatan dunia maya maka Langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan jalan non-litigasi dan litigasi. Abstract. The development of electronic technology is in line with the increasing number of crimes, from conventional crimes to crimes that use expertise in the field of electronic technology for their own or other people's interests. This study aims to examine more deeply the legal protection for consumers in the banking sector for a form of cybercrime in Indonesia. Types of cybercrime in the banking sector include skimming, malware and hacking. Often these crimes harm the bank and customers financially. Forms of legal protection for customers against cybercrimes have been regulated through the UUPK, the Banking Law, the ITE Law, the Telecommunications Law and are technically contained in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulations. The study uses a juridical approach that describes regulations related to the protection of bank customers against cybercrime crimes. The results of this study indicate that preventively, regulations in positive law currently provide an obligation to banks as business entities to always maintain and protect customers from cybercrimes. Repressively, if customers experience financial losses due to cybercrimes, the steps that can be taken are non-litigation and litigation.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin Blum

Modern human resources management ("people analytics") requires the use of complex algorithms and the evaluation of a vast amount of data. In this context, companies easily get into conflict with the applicable data protection regulations. The author presents the relevant provisions on data, industrial constitution and telecommunications law and uses practical case studies to show which pitfalls must be considered. In this context, he designs legally compliant solutions for the use of automated decisions, Big Data and IoT in companies. A sample works agreement on possible use scenarios is also drafted for the target group of lawyers, works councils and companies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 193-197
Safet Krasniqi

The era of globalization and digitalization have become a necessary process for the legal and legal regulation of human rights. This is taken into account by the fact that technological-technological advances have increased fears of human rights violations. This is especially noteworthy in communication tools, the internet and so on. With the intent, protection of personal data and privacy In the international sphere, the EU has made the coding of the protection of personal data through Directive no. 95/96 EC, which entered into force on 24 October 1995, then the ECHR, the European Commission proposal, January 2012, on the reform of the European Data Protection Regulations, which was formulated in the Regulation which came into force on 24 May, 2016 and the General Directive, which entered into force on May 5, 2016. However, according to surveys made with EU citizens, credibility for the protection of personal data from EU institutions and those of member states is below the minimum. The protection of privacy in Kosovo is being done through the legislation and the establishment of the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data even though Kosovo does not have sufficient technical and material resources for the minimal protection of personal data and privacy in general. This topic addresses the issue of providing information, the confidentiality of the data subject and the security of proceedings and the supervisory authority. Also, the instructions contained in the regulations, the sanctioning of these rights under the penal code necessarily make the approval of the telecommunications law in Kosovo.


LABURPENA: Telekomunikazioen edo komunikazio elektronikoen sektorea etengabe dabil datuen babesa probatzen; are gehiago, sektoreak oinarrizko eskubide hori edukirik gabe uzten duela ikusiko dugu agian. Sareen interkonexioak, sare-operadoreak edo berehalako mezularitza-sistemak datu pertsonalekin gatazkan sar daitezke, trafikoari buruzko datuekin adibidez. Komunikazioen sekretua edo intimitatea urratzera irits daitezke. Izan ere, Telekomunikazioei buruzko Lege Orokorra, Datuak babesteko Legea, Europar Batasuneko araudia (datuak babesteari buruzko zuzentaraua, e-Privacy zuzentaraua, e-Privacy erregelamendu berri baten proposamena) eta Estatuko nahiz Europako gainerako araudiak saiatu dira sektore horretako datuak babesteko erregimena ezartzen, baina agian ez da erabat lortu. Horregatik aztertu behar da eratu den erregimen juridikoa nahikoa den eta, horrez gain, bateragarria den Datuak Babesteko Erregelamendu Orokorrarekin (DBEO) eta datu pertsonalak babesteari eta eskubide digitalak bermatzeari buruzko abenduaren 5eko 3/2018 Lege Organikoarekin (DPBEDBLO). ABSTRACT: The telecommunications sector (or electronic communications sector) is constantly putting data protection to the test and, it is possible, that we see how this sector empties this fundamental right out. This will be cases such as those of network interconnections, network operators or instant messaging services that may conflict with personal data, such as traffic data, and may even violate the right to respect for communications or for private and family life. Thus, the Spanish General Telecommunications Law, the Data Retention Law or European regulation such as the Data Retention Directive, the e-Privacy Directive, the proposal for a new e-Privacy Regulation (ePR) and other national and European regulations have attempted to build a regime that protects data protection in this sector, but it may not have been achieved at all. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze whether the legal regime built is sufficient and, in addition, if it is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights. RESUMEN: El sector de las telecomunicaciones o comunicaciones electrónicas pone constantemente a prueba la protección de datos y, es posible, que podamos ver cómo este sector vacía de contenido este derecho fundamental. Ello serán casos como los de las interconexiones de redes, operadores de red o sistemas de mensajería instantánea que pueden entrar en conflicto con datos personales, como los datos de tráfico, pudiendo llegar a vulnerar, incluso, el secreto de las comunicaciones o la intimidad. Así, la Ley General de Telecomunicaciones, la Ley de Conservación de Datos o regulación comunitaria como la Directiva sobre Conservación de Datos, la Directiva e-Privacy, la propuesta de un nuevo Reglamento e-Privacy y demás normativa nacional y europea han intentado construir un régimen que proteja la protección de datos en este sector, pero puede que no se haya conseguido del todo. Por ello, es preciso analizar si el régimen jurídico construido es suficiente y si, además, este es compatible con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) y la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales (LOPDGDD).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (54) ◽  
pp. 145
Fabricio B Pasquot POLIDO

RESUMOO artigo sugere uma avaliação da proposta de reforma da Lei Geral de Telecomunicações de 1997 no Brasil, segundo o Projeto de Lei nº 79/2016, atualmente em tramitação no Congresso Nacional, e sua compatibilidade com o Marco Civil da Internet e objetivos da agenda global digital. Dentre esses objetivos destacamse a universalização do acesso à internet por banda larga de qualidade e a afirmação do direito de acesso à internet como direito humano. Um balanço de efetividade da LGT e escrutínio dos interesses que movem a iniciativa reformadora em curso também se revelam necessários, especialmente em função dos imperativos de transparência e debate público, centrais aos processos democráticos, e da relação indissociável entre políticas de inclusão digital e de transformação digital no Brasil. Qualquer oportunidade de reforma da LGT igualmente exige uma abertura para integração normativa com o Marco Civil, conducente com a promoção de políticas industriais, tecnológicas e de inovação, aptas a apoiar o incremento das bases educacionais e científicas no país.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Lei Geral de Telecomunicações; Marco Civil da Internet; Agenda Global Digital; Universalização do acesso à internet; Direitos Humanos; Inclusão Digital.  ABSTRACTThe article suggests an evaluation of the current proposed amendment to Brazilian General Telecommunications Law of 1997 by the Bill No. 79/2016, currently pending for approval by the National Congress, and its compatibility with the 2014 ‘Marco Civil da Internet’ and further objectives of the global digital agenda. These objectives include the universalization of Internet access and the affirmation of right to access to the internet as a human right. One should remark the relevance of both an effectiveness’ evaluation of the 1997 Act and the scrutiny of current stakes and lobbies underlying the ongoing legislative initiative, especially in view of pivotal principles of democratic process, such as in transparency and public debate, the inseparable relationship between digital inclusion and digital transformation policies for Brazil. Any opportunity to amend BGTA equally requires the openness toward the normative interplay with Marco Civil da Internet, which may be supportive to the promotion of industrial, technological and innovation policies aimed at increasing of educational and scientific bases in the country. KEYWORDS: General Telecommunications Act; Marco Civil da Internet; Global digital agenda; Universal Internet Access; Human Right; Digital inclusion.

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