electronic technology
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Pengmasku ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Toni Toni ◽  
Muh. Wildan ◽  
Sabdo Purnomo ◽  
Johan Wahyudi ◽  
Oka Fatra

Changing times require people to be able to keep up with technological developments. One of technologies that plays a big role in changing people’s patterns and lifestyles are electronic technology. The development of electronic technology requires human resources who have competencies that are in accordance with the needs of society and industry. Based on observation survey had been done to Rancagong people, they haven’t understand about electronic too much. So that it’s worth to be done the community service at the location. Several subject matters are soldering practice, LED assembly: Seri and Parallel, LED Blinking Assembly, Assembly of Lighting Sensors Automatically and Amplifier Assembly. Implementation of community service involve lecturers/intructors as embodiment in college obligations. In addition, this activity also involves students in order to get experiences and lesson learned directly. Perubahan zaman menuntut masyarakat untuk dapat lebih mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. Salah satu teknologi yang memegang peranan sangat besar dalam mengubah pola dan gaya hidup masyarakat adalah teknologi elektronika. Berkembangnya teknologi elektronika tentunya membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan industri. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan terhadap masyarakat Desa Rancagong, belum banyak masyarakat yang mengerti di bidang elektronika sehingga layak untuk dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di lokasi tersebut. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan beberapa hal yang akan menjadi solusi permasalahan yang ada di Desa Rancagong guna membuka peluang kewirausahaan, diantaranya pelatihan praktek penyolderan, perakitan rangkaian LED seri dan pararel, perakitan rangkaian blinking LED, perakitan rangkaian sensor cahaya otomatis dan merakit amplifier. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini melibatkan dosen/instruktur sebagai wujud dharma perguruan tinggi. Selain itu kegiatan ini juga melibatkan taruna/taruni sebagai pengalaman lapangan dan media pembelajaran secara langsung.

Гасан Абакарович Мустафаев ◽  
Арслан Гасанович Мустафаев ◽  
Наталья Васильевна Черкесова

Полупроводниковые МДП (металл - диэлектрик - полупроводник) структуры являются ключевыми элементами современной электронной техники, в том числе устройств работающих в условиях воздействия проникающих излучений. Одним из возможных подходов к уменьшению радиационных эффектов в МДП структурах является использование диэлектриков, которые уменьшают генерацию и накопление избыточного пространственного заряда в объеме диэлектрика. В работе исследована система диэлектриков AlO - SiO. Исследование показывает пригодность использования МДП структур, на основе системы диэлектриков, для формирования приборов с высокой радиационной стойкостью. Нанесение слоя AlO поверх слоя SiO улучшает рабочие характеристики МДП структур за счет повышения однородности параметров. Основной эффект влияния слоя AlO на параметры структур заключается в уменьшении механических напряжений на границе SiO-подложка. Захват ловушками электронов в AlO, компенсирует заряд захваченных дырок в AlO, и снижает паразитный ток через AlO. Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures are key elements of modern electronic technology, including devices operating under conditions of exposure to penetrating radiation. One of the possible approaches to reducing radiation effects in MIS structures is the use of dielectrics, which reduce the generation and accumulation of excess space charge in the bulk of the dielectric. We investigated the system of dielectrics AlO - SiO. The study shows the suitability of using MIS structures based on a system of dielectrics for formation of devices with high radiation resistance. Applying a AlO layer on top of the SiO layer improves the performance of MIS structures by increasing the uniformity of parameters. The main effect of the influence of the AlO layer on the parameters of the structures is to reduce the mechanical stresses at the interface SiO -substrate. The trapping of electrons in AlO, compensates for the charge of the trapped holes in SiO, and reduces the parasitic current through AlO.

V.M. Antropov

First attempts to use technical guard means were triggered by the need to prevent property encroachment. The easiest way to detect and locate lawbreakers was to place various objects in their way that would signal of their movements. With the advance of electronic technology special security breach devices appeared, as well as security alarm systems. Wide use of technical means allows to remove or minimize the adverse impact of a man — the most unreliable and invincible link in any security system. Since its formation in 1952, the Extradepartmental Guards has been employing technical means for facility protection based on such elements of electronic technology as diodes and transistors, followed by automated systems of central surveillance. Starting from the 2000s, microtechnology and cellular-based radio-communication guard systems have been used by the Extradepartmental Guards for facility protection. Extradepartmental Guards units run by the internal affairs authorities in the Altai Territory have been employing technical means since the end of the 1950s. Back then, when their use was launched, only some major departments had central surveillance systems operating. Later on technical means started to be used in all departments. Their use significantly increases the reliability of property protection and helps to reduce the number of thefts from facilities guarded by Extradepartmental Guards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 589-599
Jiří Maxa ◽  
Pavla Šabacká ◽  
Robert Bayer

As part of the research in the field of vacuum chamber pumping in the Environmental Electron Microscope, research on supersonic flow through apertures is being carried out at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology of Brno University of Technology in cooperation with the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. This paper deals with the influence of reflected shock waves on the resulting flow in the pumped part of the Experimental Chamber.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 601-608
Robert Bayer ◽  
Anna Maxová

As a part of the research in the field of pumping vacuum chambers in the Environmental Electron Microscope, a research on supersonic flow through the Appertures is being carried out at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology of the Brno University of Technology in cooperation with the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Science. This paper deals with the possibility of investigating shock waves using the Shlieren optical method, which allows to observe pressure gradients as the first derivation of pressure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 627-635
Pavla Šabacká ◽  
Jiří Maxa ◽  
Anna Maxová

As part of the research in the field of pumping vacuum chambers in the Environmental Electron Microscope, research on supersonic flow through apertures is being carried out at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology of the Brno University of Technology in cooperation with the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. This paper deals with the influence of the shape of the static probe cone design for static pressure measurements in the supersonic flow regime in the Experimental Chamber. The cone of the probe has an effect on the shape of the shock wave, which significantly influences the detected static pressure value.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-45
H. Damchaasuren

The development of information technology has given an important impetus to the development of many sectors of development, including education. One of the conditions for improving learning outcomes in terms of new approaches and requirements is the introduction of information technology. The 21st century is called informational (knowledge-based, information technology, etc.). At this time of increasing information flow and rapid technological development, there is a need for cooperation and exchange of information and knowledge. In 2019, Mongolia was ranked 14th in Asia in the ICT Development Index in a keynote speech at the Mongolia International Digital User Conference. The use of active teaching methods improves the knowledge and skills of students. Active learning is learning that engages learners in the learning process and allows them to think about what they are doing and find ways to do it. Active learning is about helping students learn for themselves, not teaching them. Since the development of computer technology and the emergence of the Internet, scientists and educators in developed and developing countries of the world have conducted a wide range of experimental studies on the use of electronic technology and electronic materials in the learning process. Depending on the type of information technology used in training, it is divided into: e-learning, mobile learning, u-learning, blended learning, and more. The study mentioned in the article is a blended form of study, and in recent years, it has become commonplace in the best universities in the world to combine full-time education with online education at the same level. The study of methods and ways of introducing electronic technology in education are of practical importance. In this article, we present the results of some studies carried out on the example of teaching the subject of engineering graphics at MGUNT.

2021 ◽  
pp. 314-322
Fan Li ◽  
Guoxiu Qin ◽  
Wenping Zhou ◽  
Weizhe Li

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