microplane model
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CivilEng ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 692-711
Boglárka Bokor ◽  
Akanshu Sharma

Anchorages of non-rectangular configuration, though not covered by current design codes, are often used in practice due to functional or architectural needs. Frequently, such anchor groups are placed close to a concrete edge and are subjected to shear loads. The design of such anchorages requires engineering judgement and no clear rules are given in the codes and standards. In this work, numerical investigations using a nonlinear 3D FE analysis code are carried out on anchor groups with triangular and hexagonal anchor patterns to understand their behavior under shear loads. A microplane model with relaxed kinematic constraint is utilized as the constitutive law for concrete. Two different orientations are considered for both triangular and hexagonal anchor groups while no hole clearance is considered in the analysis. Two loading scenarios are investigated: (i) shear loading applied perpendicular and towards the edge; and (ii) shear loading applied parallel to the edge. The results of the analyses are evaluated in terms of the load-displacement behavior and failure modes. A comparison is made between the results of the numerical simulations and the analytical calculations according to the current approaches. It is found that, similar to the rectangular anchorages, and also for such non-rectangular anchorages without hole clearance, it may be reasonable to calculate the concrete edge breakout capacity by assuming a failure crack from the back anchor row. Furthermore, the failure load of the investigated groups loaded in shear parallel to the edge may be considered as twice the failure load of the corresponding groups loaded in shear perpendicular to the edge.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 5165
Bobby Rio Indriyantho ◽  
Imadeddin Zreid ◽  
Robert Fleischhauer ◽  
Michael Kaliske

Concrete is known as a quasi-brittle material and the microplane model has been proven to be a powerful method to describe its constitutive features. For some dynamic cases, however, numerous microplane models used successfully at small strains are not sufficient to predict the nonlinear behaviour of damaged concrete due to large deformations. In this contribution at hand, a combined plasticity-damage microplane model extended to the finite strain framework is formulated and regularised using implicit gradient enhancement to achieve mesh insensitivity and to obtain more stable finite element solutions. A modified smooth three surface Drucker–Prager yield function with caps is introduced within the compression-tension split. Moreover, a viscoplastic consistency formulation is implemented to deliver rate dependency at dynamic cases. In case of penetration into concrete materials, the proposed model is equipped with an element erosion procedure to yield a better approximation of crack patterns. Numerical examples on impact cases are performed to challenge the capability of the newly proposed model to existing experimental data.

2020 ◽  
pp. 136943322096903
Ahmet Abdullah Dönmez

This study aimed to reveal the existence of size effect on the shear connectors used in the steel-concrete composite beams and slabs. The experimental study contains the monotonic tests of nine pushout specimens with the headed studs. Three-dimensional scaling was used for geometrically similar specimens of three sizes. High strength concrete slabs were used on both sides of the steel I-beam. The failure modes of the specimens include both concrete crushing and stud yielding. Finite element (FE) verification of the specimens was conducted using a realistic concrete damage constitutive model, Microplane Model M7. It is shown that there may be a non-negligible size effect based on the fracture patterns of the composite member. Bažant’s size effect law (SEL) can fit the size effect behavior of the shear connectors. The design equations which do not include a size effect term have high correction factors that overestimate the tested specimens. A new design equation can be drawn using the size effect factor for strength reduction of shear connectors.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 3944 ◽  
Alexander Fuchs ◽  
Iurie Curosu ◽  
Michael Kaliske

This contribution presents a framework for Numerical Material Testing (NMT) of textile reinforced concrete based on the mesomechanical analysis of a Representative Volume Element (RVE). Hence, the focus of this work is on the construction of a proper RVE representing the dominant mechanical characteristics of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC). For this purpose, the RVE geometry is derived from the periodic mesostructure. Furthermore, sufficient constitutive models for the individual composite constituents as well as their interfacial interactions are considered, accounting for the particular mechanical properties. The textile yarns are modeled as elastic transversal isotropic unidirectional layers. For the concrete matrix, an advanced gradient enhanced microplane model is utilized considering the complex plasticity and damage behavior at multiaxial loading conditions. The mechanical interactions of the constituents are modeled by an interface formulation considering debonding and friction as well as contact. These individual constitutive models are calibrated by corresponding experimental results. Finally, the damage mechanisms as well as the load bearing behavior of the constructed TRC-RVE are analyzed within an NMT procedure based on a first-order homogenization approach. Moreover, the effective constitutive characteristics of the composite at macroscale are derived. The numerical results are discussed and compared to experimental results.

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