sound channel
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-80
V. I. Pinakov

The process of cumulonimbus cloud Cb calvus formation in the middle latitudes of real atmosphere is analyzed in this work. Its transformation from initial lifecycle stage to “maturity” undergoes due to the formation of the waveguide called “aerial acoustic channel” in the troposphere near the level of temperature minimum that is close to 2 km altitude. This “aerial acoustic channel” can be considered as analog of “deep sound channel” that corresponds to the minimal sound speed level. Tropospheric “channel” related to the thermal inversion zone is almost unlimited horizontally. Synchronous generation of two compression waves (ascending one above Cb and descending one inside Cb) is caused by Cb calvus dome ascension. The first one can provoke the aerodynamic draft previously unexplained. The second one results in the growth of its “storm nose” and in the axial and peripheral descending mechanisms in Cb. The penetration of Cb into stratosphere results in the destruction of dynamic balance around Cb top and hence in its unloading in the descending decompression wave. Here the air cools down to the “dew point” in the place of conjugation with parental cloud – due to Snellius law it results in the formation of aerosol “vortex” as condensation front; this “vortex” has calculated value of its generatrix against vertical. Due to D. Snow’s criterion, this vortex forms either “supercell” vortex or tornado vortex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
Hyun-Sik Jeong ◽  
Keun-Young Kim ◽  
Ya-Wen Sun

Abstract We investigate the properties of pole-skipping of the sound channel in which the translational symmetry is broken explicitly or spontaneously. For this purpose, we analyze, in detail, not only the holographic axion model, but also the magnetically charged black holes with two methods: the near-horizon analysis and quasi-normal mode computations. We find that the pole-skipping points are related with the chaotic properties, Lyapunov exponent (λL) and butterfly velocity (vB), independently of the symmetry breaking patterns. We show that the diffusion constant (D) is bounded by $$ D\ge {v}_B^2/{\lambda}_L $$ D ≥ v B 2 / λ L , where D is the energy diffusion (crystal diffusion) bound for explicit (spontaneous) symmetry breaking. We confirm that the lower bound is obtained by the pole-skipping analysis in the low temperature limit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Karunava Sil

Abstract Recently, a direct signature of chaos in many body system has been realized from the energy density retarded Green’s function using the phenomenon of ‘pole skipping’. Moreover, special locations in the complex frequency and momentum plane are found, known as the pole skipping points such that the retarded Green’s function can not be defined uniquely there. In this paper, we compute the correction/shift to the pole skipping points due to a spatial anisotropy in a holographic system by performing near horizon analysis of EOMs involving different bulk field perturbations, namely the scalar, the axion and the metric field. For vector and scalar modes of metric perturbations we construct the gauge invariant variable in order to obtain the master equation. Two separate cases for every bulk field EOMs is considered with the fluctuation propagating parallel and perpendicular to the direction of anisotropy. We compute the dispersion relation for momentum diffusion along the transverse direction in the shear channel and show that it passes through the first three successive pole skipping points. The pole skipping phenomenon in the sound channel is found to occur in the upper half plane such that the parameters Lyapunov exponent λL and the butterfly velocity vB are explicitly obtained thus establishing the connection with many body chaos.

2021 ◽  
Alex Vladimirovich Smirnov ◽  
Alexander Igorevich Malekhanov ◽  
Maria Sergeevna Labutina

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-119
Dominic Ricky Fernandez ◽  
Suganth Balaji ◽  
T. Pradeep Kumar ◽  
K. V. Sanilkumar

To commemorate the contributions made by Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kistna during the first International Indian ocean expedition programme a scientific cruise was planned in the Bay of Bengal during November 2017 onboard INS Sagardhwani. The objective was to study the thermohaline properties along 10 °N in the Bay of Bengal and understand the sound channel characteristics in the region. A fresh water cap of ~20 m thickness is noticed in the top layers of the Bay of Bengal occupying the region extending from 83 °E – 93 °E. A prominent anti-cyclonic eddy was noticed around 10 °N centered between 90 °E and 93 °E, a negative sea level (west of 90 °E) co-exists with a positive sea level anomaly to its east along the observational tracks along 10 °N. The climatological temperature and salinity sections also shows the same features as observed along the transect. The study also sheds light on the deep sound channel characteristics along the 10 °N channel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 145 (3) ◽  
pp. 1804-1805
Mukunda Acharya ◽  
Likun Zhang

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