church leader
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Encyclopedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Čedomila Marinković

Queen Helen Nemanjić (?–Brnjaci near Zubin Potok, February 8, 1314) was a Serbian medieval queen and consort of King Stefan Uroš I (r. 1243–1276), the fifth ruler of the Serbian Nemanide dynasty. She was the mother of the kings Stefan Dragutin and Stefan Uroš II Milutin. Today, she is known as Helen of Anjou (Jelena Anžujska in Serbian) although her real name was most probably Heleni Angelina (Ελένη Aγγελίνα). She was the founder of the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Gradac as well as four Franciscan abbeys in Kotor, Bar, Ulcinj, and Shkodër. Together with her sons, Kings Stefan Dragutin and Stefan Uroš II Milutin she helpedrenovation of Benedictine abbey of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus near Shkodër on Boyana river in present-day Albania. After the death of her husband, she ruled Zeta and Travunija until 1306. She was known for her religious tolerance and charitable and educational endeavors. She was elevated to sainthood by the Serbian Orthodox Church. Along with Empress Helen, the wife of Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, Queen Helen was the most frequently painted woman of Serbian medieval art. Six of her portraits can be found in the monumental painting ensembles of the Serbian medieval monasteries of Sopoćani, Gradac, Arilje, Đurđevi Stupovi (Pillars of St. George), and Gračanica, as well as on two icons and one seal. Queen Helen is also the only female Serbian medieval ruler whose vita was included in the famous collection of the “Lives of Serbian Kings and Archbishops” by Archbishop Danilo II, a prominent church leader, warrior, and writer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-254
Anfranklin Lumbanraja ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rudolf Weindra Sagala

This essay aims to find a correlation between the life example of the head of the household who acts also as a leader of the congregation and the growth of the Church. The author uses the statement in 1 Timothy 3:5 as the basic text, as well as the main inspiration for this description. The methodology used by the author in this research is a literature study. The author develops the topic of discussion by reviewing books, scientific articles, and other literature that discussed the same topic. Based on the analysis of the text of 1 Tim 3:5 the author emphasizes the importance of a church leader who is proven to be responsible for household affairs, namely being able to manage his own house and meet the needs of family members. The reputation of the Church in the development of the congregation will depend on the example of the church leader in managing his own household and his congregation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-111
Esther Chung-Kim

Although Ulrich Zwingli started the Swiss Reformation in Zürich, his successor Heinrich Bullinger was the main stabilizer for the reform movement during his forty-plus years as chief minister from 1532 to 1575. Bullinger’s advocacy through his sermons and speeches (Fürträge) before the city council regularly reminded the politicians of their duty to care for the poor. Although the Zurich council circumscribed the role of ministers to spiritual matters, Bullinger believed that ensuring a proper poor relief system was an important part of the pastors’ ministry to the people. Because church funds were in secular control, Bullinger’s involvement in poor relief emerged from his development as a church leader in which he justified his social-political critiques against the lack of effective poor relief based on Scripture, church history, Christian ethics, and socioeconomic needs. His persistence urged the Zürich council to reconsider and revise its poor relief policies to include poverty prevention.

2021 ◽  
Pitriani Padatu

Abstract:This writing shows that in a leadership culture, there is a need for hospitality to reveal God. Hospitality is needed by a leader, because to make someone feel comfortable. In the life of christians, hospitality is very important and becomes a value in itself. The importance of a hospitality attitude for that needs to be implemented by leaders in carrying out their duties. Things like this need to be applied in a cultural context, especially in a chrurch and society. With the hospitality possessed by leader, either church leader or community leader, it is easy to attract all members or the community to be close to him. If hospitality ha been implemented in a community or church, it is easy to open up space for people who are still closed and who still attach importance to worldly things. Leaders will encourage reletionships to want to join in building a better society.Keywords: christian hospitality, a leader in building society.Abstrak:Penulisan ini memperlihatkan bahwa dalam budaya kepemimpinan perlu adanya hospitalitas untuk menyatakan Allah. hospitalitas perluh di miliki oleh seorang pemimpin, karena untuk membuat seseorang merasa nyaman. Dalam kehidupan orang kristen hospitalitas sangatlah penting dan menjadi nilai tersendiri. Pentingnya sikap hospitalitas untuk itu perlu di implemetasikan oleh pemimpin dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Hal seperti ini perlu di terapkan dalam konteks budaya khususnya dalam sebuah gereja dan masyarakat. Dengan adanya hospitalitas yang di miliki oleh seorang pemimpin baik dalam pemimpin gereja atau pemimpin masyarakat maka mudah untuk menarik semua anggota atau masyarakat untuk dekat kepadanya. Jika hospitalitas sudah di terapkan dalam sebuah masyarakat ataupun gereja maka mudah untuk membuka ruang untuk orang-orang yang masih tertutup dan yang masih mementingkan hal duniawi. pemimpin akan mendorong relasi untuk mau bergabung dalam membangun sebuah masyarakat yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci : Hospitalitas kristen, pemimpin dalam membangun masyarakat.

Exchange ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-76
Wouter Theodoor van Veelen

Abstract This article attempts to investigate the contribution of the African evangelical theologian and church leader Byang H. Kato (1936–1975) to the salvation debate in the early 1970s. Due to his radical standpoint and at times uncompromising tone, Kato’s soteriological proposals have been characterized as a reproduction of western theology. This article aims to demonstrate that, rather than reiterating a specific American or western concept of theology, Kato’s soteriology should be read as a contextual evangelical response to the ongoing theological debates of his time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-131
Yohosua Ohodo ◽  
Roberth Ruland Marini

Paul has laid out clear qualifications regarding the things a church leader should have. Paul believes that the quality of church leaders who are developed seriously and responsibly in a person is something important and becomes a solid foundation for church leadership. The need for qualified church leaders is also felt to be very important for the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia in the East Keerom region, Papua. Therefore, a study is needed to determine the qualifications of church leaders according to 1 Timothy 3: 1-7. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study found that the pastors of the Pentecostal Church congregations in Indonesia in the East Keerom region, Papua have a good understanding of personality qualifications, qualifications for life in society, qualifications for spiritual life and ministry, but still do not understand well about life qualifications. in the middle of the family for a church leader. AbstrakPaulus meletakkan kualifikasi yang jelas dan tegas mengenai hal-hal yang perlu dimiliki oleh seorang pemimpin jemaat. Paulus percaya bahwa kualitas pemimpin jemaat yang dibangun dengan serius dan bertanggung jawab dalam diri seseorang merupakan sesuatu yang penting dan menjadi pondasi kokoh bagi kepemimpinan gereja. Kebutuhan untuk pemimpin jemaat yang berkualitas dirasakan pula sebagai hal yang sangat penting bagi Gereja Pentakosta di Indonesia yang ada di wilayah Keerom Timur, Papua. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan kajian untuk mengetahui kualifikasi pemimpin jemaat menurut 1 Timotius 3:1-7. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapati para gembala sidang Gereja Pentakosta di Indonesia yang ada di wilayah Keerom Timur, Papua memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai kualifikasi kepribadian, kualifikasi kehidupan di tengah masyarakat, serta kualifi-kasi kehidupan rohani dan pelayanan, namun masih belum memahami dengan baik mengenai kualifikasi kehidupan di tengah keluarga bagi seorang pemimpin jemaat.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-74
Chris Frost

SUMMARYThis essay discusses biblical, historic and business principles on the issue of the remuneration of church ministers in England. The biblical principles for remuneration analysed are the need for church leaders to exhibit little concern for their own remuneration, sacrificial generosity, godly contentment and the need for congregations to remunerate church leaders with contextual generosity. Three historic examples illustrate the failure of the churches to put these biblical principles in practice during the last three centuries. The modern business practice of recognising intrinsic church leader benefits is affirmed, but the danger and the counter- productive nature of using remuneration to hire outstanding leaders is highlighted. Current rigid denominational remuneration structures are shown to express a lack of contextual generosity and the more informal remuneration structures are shown to display exaggerated disparities between contexts. The article ends with some recommendations.ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDieser Aufsatz vergleicht biblische und historische Grundsätze sowie Prinzipien im Geschäftsleben mit der gegenwärtigen Praxis der Zahlung von Gemeindeleitern in Groß Britannien. Wenn man die biblischen Prinzipien für Entlohnung analysiert, zeigt sich einerseits das Erfordernis, dass Gemeindeleiter sich wenig um ihre eigenen Entlohnung kümmern, dass sie eine aufopfernde Großzügigkeit sowie eine fromme Genügsamkeit an den Tag legen. Andererseits ist klar, dass Gemeinden ihre Leiter mit einer den Umständen entsprechenden Großzügigkeit entlohnen sollen. Drei historische Beispiele illustrieren das Scheitern der Gemeinden in den letzten drei Jahrhunderten, diese biblischen Prinzipien in die Praxis umzusetzen. Der Aufsatz bekräftigt die moderne Praxis im Geschäftsleben, die intrinsischen Vorteile von Gemeindeleitern anzuerkennen. Dabei hebt er hervor, dass es gefährlich und kontraproduktiv sein kann, Entlohnung als Anreiz bei der Ernennung fähiger Leiter zu verwenden. Er zeigt einerseits gegenwärtige starre Vergütungsstrukturen in den Kirchen auf, welche einen Mangel an kontextueller Großzügigkeit zum Ausdruck bringen. Andererseits deckt er auf, dass manche informelle Vergütungsstrukturen übertriebene Unterschiede zwischen den jeweiligen Kontexten aufweisen. Der Artikel endet mit einigen Empfehlungen.RÉSUMÉCet article compare les principes bibliques, historiques et ceux du monde des affaires à la pratique actuelle concernant la rémunération des responsables d’Église au Royaume-Uni. Les principes bibliques qu’il dégage sont les suivants : les responsables d’Église devraient peu se préoccuper de leur rémunération et faire preuve de générosité, de sacrifice et de contentement de ce qu’ils ont, tandis que les Églises devraient rémunérer leurs responsables avec générosité en fonction du contexte dans lequel elles se trouvent. Trois exemples historiques viennent illustrer le manquement des Églises quant à l’application des principes bibliques au cours des trois derniers siècles. L’auteur affirme que les Églises devraient suivre la pratique moderne du monde des affaires en reconnaissant les bénéfices intrinsèques que leur apportent leurs responsables et il met en évidence le danger et le caractère contre-productif de la pratique qui consiste à faire de la rémunération un moyen d’embaucher les responsables sortant du lot. Il montre que les structures rigides de rémunération adoptées par les unions d’Églises manifestent actuellement un manque de générosité et de prise en compte des contextes, et que les politiques de rémunération plus informelles engendrent des disparités excessives entre des contextes différents. L’article se termine par quelques recommandations.

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