sports journalism
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 24
Fernando Firmino da Silva ◽  
Iago Sarinho de Oliveira

A utilização do Live Streaming no Jornalismo Esportivo durante a Pandemia da Covid-19, no caso do Portal Voz da Torcida. Estudo com abordagem quali-quantitativa com observação direta e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados indicam tendência na aceleração da migração da cobertura esportiva para o Live Streaming tornando-se estratégia fundamental para o veículo em meio à pandemia em um indicativo que pode sugerir uma tendência dentro do nicho esportivo no ambiente digital. Conclui-se que o formato pode se consolidar como modelo de negócios para cobertura esportiva.Live streaming journalism and sports coverage at covid-19 pandemic: or the case of Portal Voz da Torcida in ParaíbaAbstractThe use of Live Streaming in Sports Journalism during the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the case of Portal Voz da Torcida. Study with a quali-quantitative approach with direct observation and semi-structured interviews. The results indicate a trend in the acceleration of the migration of sports coverage to Live Streaming journalism, becoming a fundamental strategy for the journalist organizations in the midst of the pandemic, in an indication that may suggest a trend within the sports niche in the digital environment. We conclude that the format can be consolidated as a business model for sports coverage.Keywords: live-streaming journalism; mobility; sports journalism; pandemic; voz da torcida.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-89
Martin Hurcombe

FR. Publié entre 1885 et 1897, Le Véloce-Sport de Bordeaux faisait figure de chef de proue parmi les revues vélocipédiques françaises de la fin du XIXe siècle. En tant que la voix de l’Union Vélocipédique Française (UVF), cet hebdomadaire en devint par la suite son organe national officiel. Alors que certaines analyses de l’histoire du sport en France se sont penchées sur ce rapport avec l’UVF pour mieux comprendre l’évolution de cette dernière, on a plutôt négligé l’analyse des pratiques journalistiques chez Le Véloce-Sport. Une lecture plus attentive de ce dernier offre le spectacle d’une culture sportive en voie de développement et illustre donc le rôle fondamental du journalisme sportif, ainsi que celui de ses lecteurs, dans la construction de cette culture. Notre analyse se portera sur la rubrique « À travers route » et sur les articles publiés sous celle-ci entre 1885 et 1889. À la différence de la plupart d’autres rubriques, « À travers route » encourage le lecteur-cycliste de devenir cycliste-écrivain en lui invitant de raconter ses périples à vélo ; elle permet donc de mieux comprendre la contribution du cycliste-écrivain à la conceptualisation et à la représentation de la vélocipédie ainsi qu’à une culture cycliste nationale en voie de développement. Notre analyse se portera sur deux aspects de ce phénomène qu’on trouve dans les récits des écrivains-cyclistes : la représentation du temps et de l’espace traversés à vélo et l’élaboration du personnage qui les traverse (le véloceman). Écrire le cyclisme devient ainsi une façon d’afficher son appartenance à cette culture cycliste émergeante en France de l’époque tout en contribuant à sa construction et à son élaboration. *** EN. Published between 1885 and 1897, the Bordeaux-based Le Véloce-Sport was a leading figure amongst French cycling reviews of the late nineteenth century. As the voice of the Union Vélocipédique Française (UVF), this weekly subsequently became its official national publication. While some sport historians have highlighted its relationship with the UVF in order to better understand the latter’s development, scholars have largely failed to analyse the journalistic practices of Le Véloce-Sport itself. A closer reading of the latter offers the spectacle of a developing sports culture and therefore illustrates the fundamental role of sports journalism, as well as the part played by its readers, in the construction of this culture. This study will focus on one section from the review (« À travers route » [Along the road]) and the articles published in it between 1885 and 1889. Unlike most other sections of Le Véloce-Sport, « À travers route » encourages the cyclist-reader to become a cyclist-writer by inviting the latter to recount his cycling adventures. It thus allows us to better understand the contribution of a broad range of cycling-writers to the conceptualisation and representation of cycling and to a developing national cycling culture. Our analysis will focus on two aspects of this phenomenon through the examination of the submissions by the readers of Le Véloce-Sport: the representation of time and space traversed whilst cycling and the elaboration of the character who traverses these (the véloceman). Writing about cycling thus becomes a means of signalling one’s adherence to the emerging cycling culture of the time whilst helping to build and elaborate it. *** PT. Publicada entre 1885 e 1897, Le Véloce-Sport de Bordeaux impôs-se como a principal revista velocipédica francesa do final do século XIX. Enquanto voz da União Velocipédica Francesa (UVF), o hebdomadário viria a se tornar, mais tarde, seu órgão nacional oficial. Enquanto alguns estudos da história do esporte na França se concentraram nessa relação com a UVF para apreender sua evolução, a análise das próprias práticas jornalísticas na Le Véloce-Sport tem sido negligenciada. Uma leitura mais atenta dessa revista revela o espetáculo de uma cultura esportiva em desenvolvimento, ilustrando o papel fundamental do jornalismo esportivo, e de seus leitores, na construção dessa cultura. Analisamos aqui a coluna “À travers route” e os artigos nela publicados entre 1885 e 1889. Ao contrário da maioria das outras colunas, “À travers route” incentiva o leitor-ciclista a se tornar um ciclista-escritor, convidando-o a contar suas aventuras de bicicleta, proporcionando uma melhor compreensão da contribuição do ciclista-escritor para a conceituação e representação da velocipédica e para uma cultura ciclística francesa em desenvolvimento. Nossa análise foca mais especificamente em dois aspectos desse fenômeno nas narrativas dos escritores-escritores: a representação do tempo e do espaço percorridos de bicicleta; e a elaboração do personagem que os atravessa (o véloceman ou “homem-velocidade”). Escrever sobre ciclismo torna-se assim uma forma de assumir e de manifestar seu pertencimento à cultura do ciclismo emergente na França da época, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para sua construção e seu desenvolvimento. ***

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-33
Daniel Leal ◽  
Giovana Borges Mesquita

PT. Este trabalho busca trazer uma reflexão acerca da importância da Placar para a construção do jornalismo esportivo no Brasil, fazendo uma sistematização das diferentes fases e seus distintos momentos. Mais longeva revista esportiva brasileira em circulação, o periódico completou, apesar da quase intermitente luta pela sobrevivência, meio século de vida em 2020. Como parte da mídia, também foi ao longo dos anos, de certo modo, um catalisador dos anseios e câmbios sociais e, por isso, esteve sempre em processo de mutação, descrevendo-os e, paralelamente, sendo influenciada pelos contextos das diferentes épocas. Tratamentos sexistas ao futebol de mulheres, como os de “musas” e “gostosas”, por exemplo, atravessaram fases históricas da revista, como as versões Placar Mais (1984), Placar Todos os Esportes (1988) e Futebol, Sexo & Rock and Roll (1995 a 1999). Com o advento do feminismo, esses termos não apenas ficaram para trás como a revista chegou a publicar em 2019 um pedido de desculpas pelo passado misógino e machista. O entrelaçamento histórico também pôde-se observar quando a revista deu voz a jogadores que não se furtavam a declarar seu posicionamento político (no contexto de efervescência em torno da redemocratização do país, nas chamadas “Diretas Já”) ou de discussões em torno da profissionalização do futebol nacional ou denúncias sobre corrupção no esporte. Neste estudo, evidencia-se a existência de uma linha tênue entre a história da sociedade brasileira e a história do futebol no país. Assim, a partir de entrevistas com sete jornalistas que fizeram parte de diferentes fases da revista (Celso Unzelte, Marcelo Duarte, Maurício Barros, Paulo Vinícius Coelho, Ricardo Corrêa, Sérgio Xavier Filho e o mais longínquo editor, Juca Kfouri), este artigo busca contribuir para a construção histórica de um capítulo relevante do entrelaçamento da cultura esportiva com a cultura social no Brasil através da Placar, uma peça fundamental da história do jornalismo esportivo nacional que se mantém viva. *** EN. This article discusses the importance of Placar magazine in the construction of sports journalism in Brazil. It is based on the systematization of different phases of the magazine and the great moments of its history. Placar is the oldest Brazilian sports magazine published and celebrated its jubilee in 2020, after fifty years of a continuous struggle to ensure its existence.As an actor of the media sphere in Brazil, it has also been a catalyst of social yearnings and changes over the years. Therefore, it has always been in a process of mutation, describing them and, in parallel, being influenced by the social and political contexts. Sexism towards women in soccer, expressed by the use of terms such as "muses" or "hotties", is a part of the magazine’s history, more specifically during the time of Placar Mais (1984), Placar Todos os Esportes (1988) and Futebol, Sexo & Rock and Roll (1995 to 1999). With the rise of feminist movements, these terms were discarded, and the magazine took a stand in 2019 by apologizing for the misogynistic and sexist content published in the past. Content imbued with historical momentums also appears at times when the magazine features players who voice political opinions (for instance during the effervescence of the context of redemocratization, at the time of the first direct elections after the fall of the military dictatorship, the so-called "Diretas Já") or share opinions on the professionalization of Brazilian soccer and the corruption operating within the sport’s institutions. The study highlights how fine is the line between the history of Brazilian society and the history of Brazilian soccer. Based on interviews with seven journalists who contributed to the magazine during different phases of its existence (Celso Unzelte, Marcelo Duarte, Maurício Barros, Paulo Vinícius Coelho, Ricardo Corrêa, Sérgio Xavier Filho and the veteran editor, Juca Kfouri), the article contributes to the historical construction of an important testimony of the intertwining of sports and social history in Brazil. This relationship is illustrated through the history of Placar, shown as a contemporary and central player in the history of Brazilian sports journalism. *** FR. Cet article propose une réflexion sur l'importance du magazine Placar dans la construction du journalisme sportif au Brésil, à partir d’une systématisation de ses différentes phases et des grands moments de son histoire. Premier magazine sportif brésilien, Placar a fêté son jubilé en 2020, après cinquante années marquées par un combat continuel pour assurer son existence. En tant qu’acteur du monde médiatique brésilien durant toutes ces années, il représente un catalyseur des aspirations et des changements sociaux. Si, d’un côté, il décrit les contextes des différentes époques du pays, il en subit simultanément l’influence, ce qui explique ses constantes mutations. Le sexisme à l’égard du football féminin, énoncé par des termes tels que « muses » ou « bombasses », a ainsi marqué l’histoire du magazine, dans ses versions Placar Mais (1984), Placar Todos os Esportes (1988) et Futebol, Sexo & Rock and Roll (1995 à 1999). Avec l'avènement du féminisme, ces termes ont non seulement été écartés, mais le magazine a été jusqu’à publier, en 2019, des excuses pour son passé misogyne et sexiste. Cette imbrication historique s’observe également lorsque le magazine donne la parole à des joueurs qui n’hésitent pas à donner leurs opinions, qu’elles soient politiques (dans le contexte effervescent de la redémocratisation du pays, au moment des premières élections directes après la dictature militaire, les « Diretas Já ») ou dans le cadre des discussions autour de la professionnalisation du football brésilien et de la corruption dans le sport. Cette étude montre que seule une frontière ténue sépare l'histoire de la société brésilienne de celle de son football. À partir d'entretiens avec sept journalistes qui ont marqué les différentes phases du magazine (Celso Unzelte, Marcelo Duarte, Maurício Barros, Paulo Vinícius Coelho, Ricardo Corrêa, Sérgio Xavier Filho et le vétéran des rédacteurs, Juca Kfouri), cet article contribue à la construction historique d'un chapitre important de l'entrelacement de la culture sportive et sociale au Brésil. Cette relation est ici mise en perspective à partir du magazine sportif Placar, personnage toujours vivant et fondamental de l'histoire du journalisme sportif brésilien. ***

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Paul Aron ◽  
Laurence Rosier ◽  
Ruadhán Cooke ◽  
Marie-Ève Thérenty ◽  
Ruben Arnoldo Gonzalez

The writing(s) of sports journalism. Introduction

Jesica Kunert ◽  
Sam Duncan

2021 ◽  
Greg Michael Stutchbury

<p>This thesis examined through a political economy framework how New Zealand’s two largest newspaper chains, Fairfax and NZME, have been impacted by the advent of digital technologies and the effects these have had on the practice of sports journalism. Digital technology, falling revenue and increasing pressure from financial owners have all played a part in the restructuring of both Fairfax and NZME’s editorial news operations, especially in the last five years as both companies transitioned to a ‘digital-first’ environment.  Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 senior journalists who had knowledge of the transition from a print to a digital focus. These interviews highlighted the strategies adopted by both companies as they faced a challenging and evolving marketplace. They also underlined the internal tensions within newsrooms between not only journalists and editorial news managers but also the digital and print operations.  Despite the belief that digital technologies would make the print news media more collaborative and provide greater diversity and plurality, the opposite has occurred. Sports reporting remains highly routinised, coverage diversity is shrinking, and greater control is now exerted by editorial managers over the production of journalistic content. Digital technologies have also impacted the forms of content, with decision making on editorial content and resourcing now strongly influenced by data analytics, although there was still strong resistance to greater interactivity with readers. The relationship between sports organisations and print news media organisations, while considered in theory to be a symbiotic one but in reality, is an area of conflict, has also further deteriorated as sports organisations introduce significantly greater control over the media agenda. An element of this control has also heightened tensions with sports organisations moving into the digital space and competing directly with print news media organisations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Greg Michael Stutchbury

<p>This thesis examined through a political economy framework how New Zealand’s two largest newspaper chains, Fairfax and NZME, have been impacted by the advent of digital technologies and the effects these have had on the practice of sports journalism. Digital technology, falling revenue and increasing pressure from financial owners have all played a part in the restructuring of both Fairfax and NZME’s editorial news operations, especially in the last five years as both companies transitioned to a ‘digital-first’ environment.  Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 senior journalists who had knowledge of the transition from a print to a digital focus. These interviews highlighted the strategies adopted by both companies as they faced a challenging and evolving marketplace. They also underlined the internal tensions within newsrooms between not only journalists and editorial news managers but also the digital and print operations.  Despite the belief that digital technologies would make the print news media more collaborative and provide greater diversity and plurality, the opposite has occurred. Sports reporting remains highly routinised, coverage diversity is shrinking, and greater control is now exerted by editorial managers over the production of journalistic content. Digital technologies have also impacted the forms of content, with decision making on editorial content and resourcing now strongly influenced by data analytics, although there was still strong resistance to greater interactivity with readers. The relationship between sports organisations and print news media organisations, while considered in theory to be a symbiotic one but in reality, is an area of conflict, has also further deteriorated as sports organisations introduce significantly greater control over the media agenda. An element of this control has also heightened tensions with sports organisations moving into the digital space and competing directly with print news media organisations.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 216747952110410
Keith D. Parry ◽  
Beth G. Clarkson ◽  
Ali Bowes ◽  
Laura Grubb ◽  
David Rowe

This article examines British media coverage of women’s association football during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, to identify how the media framed the women’s game and how these frames could shape the public perceptions of it. Through a database search of British-based news coverage of women’s football, 100 news articles were identified in the first 6 months after the start of the pandemic. A thematic analysis was conducted, and five dominant frames were detected in the context of COVID-19: 1) financial precariousness of women’s football; 2) the commercial prioritisation of men’s football; 3) practical consideration of the sport (e.g., alterations to national and international competitions); 4) debating the future of women’s football and 5) concern for players (e.g., welfare, uncertain working conditions). These frames depart from the past trivialisation and sexualisation of women’s sport, demonstrate the increased visibility of women’s football, and shift the narrative towards the elite stratum of the game. Most of this reporting was by women journalists, while men were shown to write less than women about women’s football. This research advocates continued diversification of the sports journalism workforce to dissolve the hegemonic masculine culture that still largely dominates the industry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 216747952110431
Peter English

The mediatization of sport has created a rise in sports organisations expanding their media presence through digital platforms. However, the often-opposing ambitions of in-house media and sports journalism newsrooms highlight a contest over boundaries. This article examines how the mediatization of sport has impacted on content in in-house and traditional newsrooms and whether it is more aligned with journalism or public relations. The study analyses the coverage of both news and match reporting in six newspaper websites and five national sports organisation websites in Australia. The qualitative analysis is based on a sample of 466 text-based stories and focuses predominantly on elements of critical reporting and cheerleading. The findings outline how mediatization of sport through in-house publications is changing the boundaries of sports media and sports journalism. There were often strong divisions between the coverage in the sports organisations and news publications, with the in-house titles usually the more promotional, positive and less critical.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-68
Simon McEnnis

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