Flour confectionery products occupy an important place in the diet of the population of our country, and the world and are in great demand. A significant disadvantage of this group of products is the low content of vital essential substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., and the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. Demand for these products necessitates the need to adjust the chemical composition of these foods. One of the most famous representatives of flour confectionery is cupcakes. In the recipes of cupcakes, the largest share occupies such types of refined raw materials like wheat flour, granulated sugar, fats, which cause an imbalance in their chemical composition, low nutritional value, and high caloric content. As biologically active additives of plant origin, flour from the seeds of various niche crops (flax, hemp, sesame, amaranth, etc.) can be added to the cupcake recipe. After all, this type of raw material is valuable for its composition (the content of proteins, fats, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and health properties. The recipe for cupcakes enriched with flour from the seeds of niche crops has been developed. The prototype for the study was chosen recipe for the cake “Stolychnyi”. Hemp, flax, pumpkin, and sesame flour were chosen as raw materials. Organoleptic, physicochemical quality indicators, nutritional, and energy value of finished products are determined. Based on the results of the organoleptic evaluation of cupcake samples, determination of their physicochemical quality indicators, comparison with the production sample, we recommended the introduction of a cupcake enriched with low-fat hemp flour. The protein content in this sample was 8.85 g/100 g, fat – 17.83 g/100 g, carbohydrates – 51.8 g/100 g, energy value – 396.85 kCal / 100 g of product. Due to the functional properties of hemp flour, the resulting product can be attributed to health products.