organoleptic evaluation
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2022 ◽  
Zhanna Victorovna Novikova ◽  
Sophie Mikhailovna Sergeeva ◽  
Dmitry Sergeevich Lavrinovich ◽  
Anton Alexeyevich Maksimkin

This research examined the scientific basis for an integrated approach to broadening bread and flour products. The effect of chia seeds on the organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators of the ”sweet bun” (brioche) was studied to substantiate the use of plant raw materials in the technology of bread and flour product preparation.Chia seeds contain essential amino acids, vitamins (mainly B), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc) and antioxidants, so it is possible to use chia seeds to obtain a product that combines high organoleptic properties and is also enriched with essential substances. The findings from the organoleptic evaluation of the test specimens indicated that the added ingredients significantly affected the appearance, crust color and crumb condition;however,there was no change in the taste and smell of the pastry. The effect of chia seeds on the quality of the products during storage was assessed. It was found that when using chia seeds in the amount of 10% of the mass of flour, after 24 hours the decline in taste, smell,crumb elasticity and friabilitywas less noticeable. In addition, the analysis of the chemical composition of the brioche bun showed thatthe products with chia seeds were highly nutritious. Thus, the content of dietary fiber in the model specimen wastwo times higher than the values of the control specimen (10% of the daily requirement); the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was equivalent to 87.9% and 19.2% of the daily requirement, respectively. The use of chia seeds in a butter bun recipe (brioche) therefore enables theexpansion of the range of food products enriched with essential ingredients. Keywords: bread and flour products, sweet bun, brioche, chia seeds

2022 ◽  
Valentina Pavlova ◽  
Irina Saenkova ◽  
Yulia Shokina ◽  
Grigoriy Shokin

In this article, the results of the development of the functional fish culinary product “Thorny Skate and Cod Pie” are presented. A traditional recipe was used for making the yeast dough for the pie. The pie filling recipe was designed using Fuzzy Logic in the Matlab software package.Optimized parametersfor the selected sensory evaluation of the pie were calculated. On the basis of a priori information, key components of the filling (including the fraction of the fish components and skate meat) were chosen as the factors of interest. According to the simulation results, the optimal values werea 50/50 percentage for the first and the second factor respectively, and this providedthe maximum organoleptic assessment (five points on a five-point scale). The simulation results were compared with the results of the organoleptic evaluation of the pie made according to the optimized recipe, and their sufficient convergence was shown. The indicators of mass fraction of amine nitrogen and nitrogen of volatile bases was studied, as well as the microbiological safety indicators of flour fish culinary products, in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union 040/2016 ”On the safety of fish products”. The results showed a high efficiency of the shock freezing of the semi-finished product, brought to semi-readiness, for long-term storage (120 days at a temperature no higher than minus 18 ∘C), without reducing the quality or safety of the pie. The product had a cholesterol content from 220 to 260 mg%, which allowed it to be classified as functional. The nutritional values of the product (mass fraction of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and amino acid composition) are presented. Keywords: thornyskate, functional product, pie with thornyskate and cod, shock freezing


Objective: Ginger is one of the Indonesian plants that has been used as traditional medicine. The flavonoids and phenols compounds contained high antioxidant activity. This study aimed to formulate effervescent granules (EG) from red ginger (RG) extract and evaluate its antioxidant activity. Methods: The formulation of EG from RG extract was prepared by the wet granulation method using different concentrations of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Furthermore, the flowability of granules was evaluated, including flow rate, angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density, Carr's index, Hausner ratio, and effervescent time. The physical stability of granules such as organoleptic evaluation, effervescent time, and pH measurement was also evaluated after 28 d of storage, and the antioxidant activity of EG from RG extract was determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Results: The result showed that the EG of RG extract was successfully prepared by wet granulation with a concentration of 15%. In addition, the flowability study showed that all formulas of EG from RG extract have good flow properties, and the granules showed excellent flow properties based on Carr′s index results. The effervescent time of granules remained within the acceptable range according to USP, and the physical stability did not change even after 28 d of storage. The IC50 of EG from RG extract was 283.28±3.6 ppm and has moderate in free radicals scavenging activity. Conclusion: EG from RG extract can be used as food supplements to protect the human body from free radicals and inhibit oxidases.

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
Z Mahyiddin ◽  
Indani ◽  
L Suhairi ◽  
Z Ulya ◽  
Z Munanda

Abstract The sources of aroma can be varied according to the food’s type and it is part of the ingredients that has an important role to increase people interest in certain foods. However, the most popular source of aroma is rum which is not halal for Muslim community. In this research, the researcher wanted to see the effect of adding essential oil from nutmeg seeds to the addition of the aroma of cookies made from durian seed flour to see the acceptance of customers of the product innovation using nutmeg essential oil to increase the aroma of cookies or food products that usually using rum or non-halal products and seeing the long-term impact that could possibly create sustainability advantages by occupying the waste of durian seed in to flour to substitute wheat flour. This study uses an organoleptic test. The science that uses the human senses to measure the texture, appearance, aroma, and taste of a food product is called sensory or organoleptic evaluation. Assessment of appearance, taste, and texture describes consumer acceptance of a product. The results show that consumers acceptance for this product innovation well so that the control prescription that can be given for this product innovation can be continued. The second experiment got the highest response compared to the first and third experiments.

Kaustav Mukherjee

Abstract: The present study entitled “Development of protein rich flavoured bar” was conducted with the objective to develop protein rich flavoured bar using different ingredients, to assess the sensory accessibility, determine the nutritional composition and cost of developed protein bar. Protein rich flavoured bar were prepared by using three treatments i.e. T1 (dates 50g, oats 10g, flaxseeds 5g, sesame seeds 5g, pumpkin seeds 5g, peanut powder 10g, honey 5g, cocoa powder 10g), T2 (dates 45g, oats 8g, flaxseeds 5g, sesame seeds 5g, pumpkin seeds 5g, peanut powder 10g, honey 12g, guava flavour 10g) and T3 (dates 40g, oats 13g, flaxseeds 5g, sesame seeds 5g, pumpkin seeds 5g, peanut powder 10g, honey 12g, orange flavour 10g). Organoleptic evaluation of the prepared product in relation to sensory attributes was carried out using the nine point hedonic scale score card by Srilaksmi (2015). The nutrient content of the value added food products were calculated with the help of food composition table given by Gopalan et al., (2011). The cost of individual raw ingredients used in the preparation of the food product as the prevailing market price. All treatments were replicated four times and the data obtained during investigation were statistically analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and critical difference (C.D.) techniques. On the basis of sensory acceptability it was found that T1 was scored highest in terms of colour and appearance, body and texture, flavour and taste and overall acceptability. As well as T1 shows significantly high in the nutritive value among all treatments regarding energy, protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, calcium and iron. The cost of the protein rich flavoured bar per 100g of dry ingredients at the prevailing cost of the raw materials was highest in T1 (Rs. 29.33) followed by T2 (Rs. 20.69) and T3 (Rs. 20.34). Dates are very good source of fibre, carbohydrate, protein and act as natural sweetener with no fat. As the bar is rich in protein, iron and other macronutrients, so it is majorly recommended for Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), athletes and anemic patient. Daily 100g of dates intake helps to get all essential nutrients. Strictly restricted for Type-1 diabetic patients. Keywords: Protein, Nutrient content, organoleptic evaluation, nutrition bar, cost.

Nataliia Sova ◽  
Kristina Khudaiberdiieva ◽  
Nataliia Kovalenko ◽  
Ilona Mykhnenko

Flour confectionery products occupy an important place in the diet of the population of our country, and the world and are in great demand. A significant disadvantage of this group of products is the low content of vital essential substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., and the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. Demand for these products necessitates the need to adjust the chemical composition of these foods. One of the most famous representatives of flour confectionery is cupcakes. In the recipes of cupcakes, the largest share occupies such types of refined raw materials like wheat flour, granulated sugar, fats, which cause an imbalance in their chemical composition, low nutritional value, and high caloric content. As biologically active additives of plant origin, flour from the seeds of various niche crops (flax, hemp, sesame, amaranth, etc.) can be added to the cupcake recipe. After all, this type of raw material is valuable for its composition (the content of proteins, fats, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and health properties. The recipe for cupcakes enriched with flour from the seeds of niche crops has been developed. The prototype for the study was chosen recipe for the cake “Stolychnyi”. Hemp, flax, pumpkin, and sesame flour were chosen as raw materials. Organoleptic, physicochemical quality indicators, nutritional, and energy value of finished products are determined. Based on the results of the organoleptic evaluation of cupcake samples, determination of their physicochemical quality indicators, comparison with the production sample, we recommended the introduction of a cupcake enriched with low-fat hemp flour. The protein content in this sample was 8.85 g/100 g, fat – 17.83 g/100 g, carbohydrates – 51.8 g/100 g, energy value – 396.85 kCal / 100 g of product. Due to the functional properties of hemp flour, the resulting product can be attributed to health products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Ebunoluwa Stanley Apata ◽  
Oluseyi Omoniyi Eniolorunda ◽  
Andrew Babatunde Omojola ◽  
Elizabeth Omokoshi Joel

Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-440
A. A. Tumashov ◽  
A. S. Gavrilov ◽  
O. V. Chugunova ◽  
O. Yu. Bulygina

The search for equivalent flavoring sugar substitutes of a non-sugar nature is an urgent direction in the development of the technology of flour confectionery products. In the course of research, a gingerbread recipe has been developed with a partial replacement of the prescription sugar with a 15 % solution of sucralose in glycerin, which most closely correspond to the organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, texture) of traditional flour confectionery products. The results of the organoleptic evaluation of coded prototypes of gingerbread with the involvement of experts have shown that a decrease in sugar concentration by 25 % does not lead to a statistically significant change in organoleptic parameters in comparison with control samples. Substitution of more than 30 % sugar leads to an increase in the plasticity of the dough complicating the operation of the dosing mechanisms; at the same time, the taste of the products changes (these changes are noted during the tasting assessment); their consistency becomes denser. In the process of research, the stability of the quantitative and qualitative properties of gingerbread during storage has been proved. Experimental samples of gingerbread with 25 % reduced sugar content retain all the indicators established by GOST for their storage for 90 days without statistically significant changes. The decomposition of sucralose in the manufacture of the dough is 0.1 %, in the baking process - 2.6 %, during storage for 120 days - 6.7 % (of the loaded product). The developed recipe allows enterprises to expand the range of confectionery products with reduced sugar content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 34-34
Victoria Evsyukova ◽  
Svetlana Stepanova ◽  
Denis Ivanov ◽  
Semyon Popov ◽  
Marat Zalyalov

This article discusses the results of a study of the quality of honey from different apiaries of the Central agroecological zone of Yakutia. The data of organoleptic evaluation of honey samples are given. The mass fractions of water, mass fractions of recoding sugars, sucrose and insoluble substances in both samples comply with the standards. The diastase number in honey samples is higher than standard indicators, which with the above organoleptic and other physico-chemical indicators confirm the quality and high biological activity. Keywords: BEE COLONIES, APIARY, AGROECOLOGICAL ZONE, HONEY, HONEY PRODUCTIVITY, ORGANOLEPTIC INDICATORS, PHYSICOCHEMICAL INDICATORS, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-344
Victor Guts ◽  
Olga Koval ◽  
Svitlana Bondar

Topicality. In modern conditions, the society feels a growing demand in products made from natural ingredients of high nutritional value. Such products include meat pastes, the quality of which depends on their recipe, technological processes, equipment, and modes of its operation. With the implementation of innovative technological regimes and new equipment, there is a necessity to determine and prognosticate the quality of food products at all stages of their production and sale. According to the mentioned above, as well as economic feasibility of using automated systems for technological processes management, there is a need to elaborate a new mathematical and analytical approach to assessing and prognosticating changes in the quality of meat paste with various additives. Aim and research methods. The aim of this research is to elaborate a method for modeling the material system state, based on differential equations of kinetics of biochemical processes, assessment, and prognostication of food quality. Research methods. The method of mathematical and analytical evaluation of the paste products quality is grounded on modified mathematical models, differential equations, visualisation of research results in the form of 3D graphs, obtained by using symbolic computer mathematics. The quality of new meat paste products is compared with the quality of the paste, which is assumed to be relatively optimal according to the main organoleptic parameters of sensory quality assessment and control sample. The control sample of the paste is cooked according to the classical technology, and the recipe (GSTU 4424:2005). The prototype samples are cooked according to the innovative technology, which involves adding mechanically deboned poultry meat to the main raw material. Results. New results of analytical and experimental studies of the quality of meat paste products, cooked according to the classic recipe with the use of mechanically deboned poultry meat, are offered. The method for determining the coefficients, included in the mathematical model for assessing the meat paste products quality, their analytical relation with the optimization parameter, is elaborated. The expediency of using modern methods of symbolic computer mathematics for solving and analysing differential equations, presenting results in 3D graphs, is proved. The conducted research makes it possible to prognosticate the quality of food products, to control possible changes in their recipe while using various additives, to carry out elaborating new paste products. Conclusions and discussion. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, a new mathematical model for estimating the quality of meat paste products in the form of the first-order differential equation, is offered. Its analogue is the equations, recommended for modeling the processes of biochemical kinetics. It is proved that the computer programme of mathematical and analytical research and prognostication the foodstuff quality (Goots et al., 2018) is universal. The offered mathematical model makes it possible to envision the quality of meat paste products, based on organoleptic evaluation. With its help, it becomes possible to determine the vector of possible changes in product quality and its optimisation, while elaborating the 3D graph. Mathematical and analytical assessment of the new paste products quality highlights that the partial replacement of the main meat raw by mechanically deboned poultry meat, and in pastes, made according to classical technology and the GSTU recipe (4424:2005), does not really reduce the parameters of organoleptic evaluation. In some cases, they are even higher than in the control paste samples, and very close to optimal ones. This new mathematical and analytical approach to assessing the paste products quality is promising in new culinary products elaboration in the restaurant business.

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