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Nataliia Sova ◽  
Kristina Khudaiberdiieva ◽  
Nataliia Kovalenko ◽  
Ilona Mykhnenko

Flour confectionery products occupy an important place in the diet of the population of our country, and the world and are in great demand. A significant disadvantage of this group of products is the low content of vital essential substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., and the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. Demand for these products necessitates the need to adjust the chemical composition of these foods. One of the most famous representatives of flour confectionery is cupcakes. In the recipes of cupcakes, the largest share occupies such types of refined raw materials like wheat flour, granulated sugar, fats, which cause an imbalance in their chemical composition, low nutritional value, and high caloric content. As biologically active additives of plant origin, flour from the seeds of various niche crops (flax, hemp, sesame, amaranth, etc.) can be added to the cupcake recipe. After all, this type of raw material is valuable for its composition (the content of proteins, fats, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and health properties. The recipe for cupcakes enriched with flour from the seeds of niche crops has been developed. The prototype for the study was chosen recipe for the cake “Stolychnyi”. Hemp, flax, pumpkin, and sesame flour were chosen as raw materials. Organoleptic, physicochemical quality indicators, nutritional, and energy value of finished products are determined. Based on the results of the organoleptic evaluation of cupcake samples, determination of their physicochemical quality indicators, comparison with the production sample, we recommended the introduction of a cupcake enriched with low-fat hemp flour. The protein content in this sample was 8.85 g/100 g, fat – 17.83 g/100 g, carbohydrates – 51.8 g/100 g, energy value – 396.85 kCal / 100 g of product. Due to the functional properties of hemp flour, the resulting product can be attributed to health products.

2021 ◽  
pp. 16-21
Владимир Алексеевич Дегтярев ◽  
Владимир Владимирович Литвяк ◽  
Анастасия Владимировна Семенова ◽  
Лидия Борисовна Кузина ◽  
Анастасия Александровна Морозова

Подробно описана технология получения цеппелинов быстрозамороженных, состоящая из приемки и мойки картофеля, инспекции I и очистки (механической или паровой) картофеля, доочистки и инспекции II картофеля, промывки очищенного картофеля, измельчения клубней картофеля, подготовки натурального картофельного пюре, подготовки компонентов (сухих компонентов, лука, риса), подготовки массы для оболочки цеппелинов, подготовка начинки, формования и замораживания цеппелинов, упаковки и маркировки цеппелинов замороженных, а также транспортирования цеппелинов замороженных потребителю или на склад готовой продукции для хранения. Показано, что цеппелины с мясом свинины содержат белки (3,1 %), жиры (6,9 %), углеводы (14,8 %), органические кислоты (0,2 %), пищевые волокна (1,3 %), золу (1,04 %) и воду (70,4 %), витамины (А, В, В, В, В, В, В, В, Е, D, H, K, PP и др.), макроэлементы (К, Са, Mg, Na, S, P, Cl), микроэлементы, свободные аминокислоты (незаменимые и заменимые), свободные жирные кислоты (насыщенные, мононенасыщенные и полиненасыщенные) и другие вещества, калорийность 133,94 кКал. Технология получения цеппелинов замороженных перспективна для картофелеперерабатывающей отрасли России. The technology for obtaining quick-frozen zeppelin is described in detail, consisting of: acceptance and washing of potatoes, inspection I and cleaning (mechanical or steam) potatoes, additional cleaning and inspection of II potatoes, washing peeled potatoes, grinding potato tubers, preparing natural mashed potatoes, preparing components (dry components, onion, rice), preparation of mass for the shell of zeppelin, preparation of filling, molding and freezing of zeppelin, packaging and labeling of frozen zeppelin, as well as transportation of frozen zeppelin to the consumer or to a finished product warehouse for storage. It has been shown that zeppelins with pork meat contain proteins (3,1 %), fats (6,9 %), carbohydrates (14,8 %), organic acids (0,2 %), dietary fiber (1,3 %), ash (1,04 %) and water (70,4 %), vitamins (A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, E, D, H, K, PP, etc.), macronutrients ( K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, P, Cl), trace elements, free amino acids (essential and nonessential), free fatty acids (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and other substances, caloric content - 133,94 kcal. The technology for obtaining frozen zeppelin is promising for the potato processing industry in Russia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-26
Владимир Владимирович Литвяк ◽  
Владимир Алексеевич Дегтярев ◽  
Анастасия Владимировна Семенова ◽  
Лидия Борисовна Кузина ◽  
Евгений Алексеевич Симаков

Подробно рассмотрена современная технология производства гарнирного картофеля быстрозамороженного, предусматривающая предварительную подготовку картофеля, мойку, инспекцию, очистку клубней картофеля, инспекцию и дочистку, резку, инспекцию резаного картофеля, бланширование, отделение влаги, дозирование, замораживание, упаковку, маркировку, транспортирование потребителю или на склад готовой продукции для хранения. Показано, что гарнирный картофель имеет калорийность 75,6 ккал и содержит белки - 1,988 %, жиры - 0,406 %, углеводы - 15,849 %, органические кислоты - 0,186 %, пищевые волокна - 1,406 %, воду - 78 %, а также витамины: А, бета-каротин, В, В, В, В, В, С, Е, Н, РР, макроэлементы: К, Са, Mg, Na, S, P, Cl и микроэлементы: B, V, Fe, I, Co, Mn, Cu, Mo, Se, F, Cr, Zn. Технология производства гарнирного картофеля быстрозамороженного перспективна для внедрения на российских предприятиях картофелеперерабатывающей отрасли. The modern technology for the production of quick-frozen garnish potatoes is considered in detail, which provides for: preliminary preparation of potatoes, washing potato tubers, inspection of potato tubers, peeling potato tubers, inspection and cleaning of potato tubers, cutting potato tubers, inspection of cut potatoes, blanching, moisture separation, dosing, freezing, packaging, labeling, transportation to the consumer or to the warehouse of finished products for storage. It has been shown that garnished potatoes have a caloric content of 75,6 kcal and consist of proteins - 1,988 %, fats - 0,406 %, carbohydrates - 15,849 %, organic acids - 0,186 %, dietary fiber - 1,406 %, water - 78 %, as well as vitamins: A, beta-carotene, В, В, В, В, В, C, E, H, PP, macroelements: K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, P, Cl and microelements: B, V, Fe, I, Co, Mn, Cu, Mo, Se, F, Cr, Zn. The technology for the production of frozen garnish potatoes is promising for implementation at Russian enterprises of the potato processing industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
V. Z. Trokhymenko ◽  
M. I. Didukh ◽  
T. I. Kovalchuk ◽  
V. M. Bidenko ◽  
V. V. Zakharin

Lactose-free dairy products play a significant role in the diet of people with lactose intolerance, as they are a source of prombiotics and highly nutrients that are readily available, are in balanced proportions and do not contain milk sugar (lactose). In the manufacture of lactose-free dairy products in the technological scheme provides for the extraction of milk sugar (lactose), which can lead to deterioration of their sensory and physicochemical properties. The aim of this work was to study the comparative aspect of biotechnological features of yogurts made by traditional and lactose-free technologies and to evaluate their organoleptic and physicochemical properties. The object of the study were organic drinking yogurt with "blueberry" filler (with probiotic) 2.5 % and lactose-free organic yogurt (with probiotic) 2.5 %. According to the results of research, organic drinking yogurt with "blueberry" filler (with probiotic) 2.5 % in taste was sour milk, without foreign tastes and odors moderately sweet, with a pronounced taste of "blueberry" filler, consistency - homogeneous, tender, dense, without gas formation, with particles of fresh blueberries, which are distributed throughout the mass of yogurt, color - with a shade that is characteristic of blueberries. Organic lactose-free yogurt (with probiotic) 2.5 % had a sour taste, sour milk, without foreign tastes and odors, color - white. According to the results of physico-chemical studies of experimental samples of organic drinking yogurt with "blueberry" filler and lactose-free organic yogurt, the titratable acidity was 80 and 85 oT, active acidity 4.7 and 4.5, respectively. The mass fraction of carbohydrates in drinking yogurt with "blueberry" filler was 9.8 g / 100 g at 4.4 g / 100 g in lactose-free yogurt, including sugar 5.8 and 0 g / 100 g, respectively. Energy value and caloric content was higher in the sample of yogurt with "blueberry" filling. The conditional viscosity of the test samples was 1 min 30 sec. and 59 sec. in accordance. The degree of syneresis in the experimental samples of organic drinking yogurt with the filler "blueberry" and lactose-free organic yogurt was 55 and 45 % moisture content - 44.07 and 39.49 %, respectively.

В.Н. ПОПОВ ◽  

Cнижение в кондитерских изделиях сахароемкости и калорийности путем замены белого сахара на альтернативные сахаросодержащие ингредиенты является актуальной задачей кондитерской отрасли. Исследована перспектива замены белого сахара в рецептуре зефира на агаре сухим сывороточным пермеатом (ССП) – сопутствующим продуктом производства концентратов сывороточных белков. В задачи исследования входило определение показателей качества и функциональных свойств ССП, разработка технологии с полной заменой в рецептуре зефира белого сахара пермеатом; определение влияния температуры на вязкостные свойства и дисперсность пузырьков воздуха зефирных масс различных составов; оценка качества изделий из разработанной зефирной массы. Контрольным образцом была зефирная масса на агаро-сахаро-паточном сиропе. Определено, что калорийность, кариогенность, гликемический и инсулиновый индексы ССП ниже, чем у других широко востребованных в кондитерской отрасли углеводсодержащих продуктов – белого сахара, лактозы, патоки. Разработанная рецептура зефира на агаре без сахара с использованием пермеата и высокоосахаренной патоки (при их соотношении соответственно 1 : 3) включала концентрированный сок (яблочный, клубничный или тыквенный) с массовой долей сухих веществ 68–70% в количестве 10,5% общей массы, что позволило исключить из рецептуры искусственные красители и ароматизаторы, повысить пищевую ценность продукта. Установлено, что при увеличении температуры взбивания с 70 до 85°С в зефирной массе на пермеате по сравнению с зефирной массой без замены сахара уменьшение эффективной вязкости происходит в большей степени, что способствует увеличению объема пены и размера пузырьков воздуха. Органолептические показатели качества зефира – вкус и запах, вид в изломе, консистенция, цвет, изготовленного из разработанной зефирной массы с заменой сахара пермеатом, соответствуют требованиям ГОСТ 5897–90. Разработанный продукт можно рекомендовать для диетического питания людям с избыточной массой тела, а также спортсменам для снижения веса. Reducing sugar intensity and caloric content in confectionery products by replacing white sugar with alternative sugar-containing ingredients is an urgent task of the confectionery industry. The prospect of replacing white sugar in the formulation of zephyr on agar with dry whey permeate (DWP) – a co-product of the production of whey protein concentrates has been investigated. Determination of quality indicators and functional properties of DWP, development of technology with complete replacement of white sugar in the formulation of zephyr with permeate; determination of the effect of temperature on the viscosity properties and dispersion of air bubbles of zephyr masses of various compositions; evaluation of the quality of products from the developed zephyr mass were part of the research objectives. Zephyr mass on agar-sugar-molasses syrup was a control sample. It was determined that the caloric content, karyogenicity, glycemic and insulin indices of DWP are lower than those of other carbohydrate-containing products widely in demand in the confectionery industry – white sugar, lactose, molasses. The developed formulation of zephyr on agar without sugar using permeate and highly sugared molasses (with their ratio respectively 1 : 3) it included concentrated juice (apple, strawberry or pumpkin) with a mass fraction of 68–70% solids in an amount of 10,5% of the total mass, which made it possible to exclude artificial colors and flavors from the formulation, increase the nutritional value of the product. It was found that with an increase in the whipping temperature from 70 to 85°C in the zephyr mass on permeate, compared with the zephyr mass without sugar replacement, the effective viscosity decreases to a greater extent, which contributes to an increase in the volume of foam and the size of air bubbles. Organoleptic quality indicators of zephyr – taste and smell, appearance in a fracture, consistency, color, made from the developed zephyr mass with permeate sugar replacement, meet the requirements of GOST 5897–90. The developed product can be recommended for dietary nutrition for overweight people, as well as athletes for weight loss.

E. A. Ponomareva ◽  
N. I. Tatarkina

Beef productivity of animals such indicators as breed, age of the animal at slaughter, pre-slaughter weight, and after slaughter – yield of carcass, slaughter weight and slaughter yield, morphological composition and the nature of fat deposition are characterized by. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of the pre-slaughter weight of steers of Aubrac breed on their beef traits. In order to carry out the research, three groups of animals have been formed per 15 animals in each. The 1st group included animals whose pre-slaughter weight was in the range of 425–440 kg, the 2nd group – 455–460 kg and the 3rd – 475–500 kg. The conditions of feeding and housing the animals were the same. The animals were housed in arched-type barns with free access to exercising areas. The results of the investigation of the beef productivity and quality of the Musculus longissimus in steers of Aubrac breed depending on the pre-slaughter live weight have been presented in the article. It has been found that animals with the pre-slaughter weight of more than 455 kg were characterized by higher beef traits. Steers with the pre-slaughter weight from 475 to 500 kg were characterized by higher slaughter and beef traits, in the samples of the Musculus longissimus they had a higher content of fat and amino acids. Samples of the Musculus longissimus of steers at slaughter of 455–460 kg were characterized by the higher caloric content, protein-quality indicator. It has been proposed according to the results of the research that the optimal slaughter for steers of Aubrac breed with the pre-slaughter weight is more than 455 kg.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 01-12
Caroline Gagnon ◽  
Simon Grondin ◽  
Marilou Côté ◽  
Marie-Ève Labonté

Objective: The aim of the current study was to improve the understanding of emotions evoked by food pictures in women with an eating disorder (ED), by distinguishing anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) diagnoses, while taking into account the caloric content of food and the influence of participants’ nutritional knowledge. Methods: Thirteen AN, 9 BN and 22 healthy controls (HC) women participated in the study. In a laboratory setting, participants first completed self-report questionnaires regarding their affective state. Then, an emotional rating task of food and non-food pictures was performed in order to examine participants’ emotional reactions to these pictures, depending on the caloric value of the food depicted and controlling for internal state. Finally, an energy density ranking task of food pictures was completed to investigate participants’ nutritional knowledge and its influence on their reactions to food. Results: Compared to HC, ED participants experienced more fear towards food, which was neither due to their internal state nor to their nutritional knowledge. In AN, fear occurred towards all food, whereas in BN, fear was observed for high-calorie products only. Conclusion: The key role of food-induced fear in ED was highlighted, particularly in AN.

Garland R. Dahlke ◽  
John Goeser

Fermentedfeedstuffs contain a number of volatile compounds such as organic acids, alcohols,ammonia and others that are lost in the oven dry-down process used to estimatefeed dry matter.  By not accounting forthese components, errors in the estimation of moisture, caloric content andcrude protein content of the feed will occur. This paper addresses the volatile components of major concern. 


Расширение ассортимента изделий пониженной сахароемкости, калорийности, себестоимости и повышенной пищевой ценности является приоритетным и актуальным направлением. Основным компонентом в традиционных рецептурах мармелада является сахар, употребление которого в значительных количествах ведет к развитию различных заболеваний. Патока крахмальная является универсальным сахаросодержащим продуктом, который по сравнению с сахаром имеет ряд конкурентных преимуществ, повышающих эффективность производственного процесса. Выбирая тот или иной вид патоки, можно заранее прогнозировать свойства и качество готового продукта. Высокоосахаренная патока обладает наибольшей сладостью и наименьшей энергетической ценностью, низкоосахаренная – содержит наибольшее количество декстринов и имеет повышенную калорийность. При получении мармеладных масс на патоке различных видов процесс уваривания необходимо проводить на 1–3 мин дольше. Конечное содержание редуцирующих веществ – глюкозы и мальтозы в уваренных мармеладных массах на патоке больше, чем в контрольном образце на сахаре, что обусловлено изначально большим их содержанием в рецептурной смеси до уваривания. Наибольшую вязкость имеет образец на низкоосахаренной патоке, что объясняется высоким содержанием в ней полисахаридов, которые придают массе высокие вязкостные свойства. Анализ цветности показал, что наибольшую насыщенность окраски имел образец мармелада на основе карамельной патоки. Опытные образцы полученных мармеладных масс имеют прочность больше допустимого значения и обладают удовлетворительной студнеобразующей способностью. Разработанные образцы мармелада из-за большего – в 1,5–3 раза содержания полисахаридов и меньшего легкоусвояемых углеводов можно отнести к продуктам пониженной сахароемкости и диетической направленности. Новая продукция конкурентоспособна по качественным и экономическим характеристикам. Expansion of the assortment of products of reduced sugar content, calorie content, cost price, increased nutritional value is a priority and an urgent trend. The main recipe ingredient in the traditional formulations of marmalade is sugar, the use of which in significant amounts leads to the development of various diseases. The starch kernel is a universal sugar-containing product, which, in comparison with sugar, has a number of competitive advantages that increase the efficiency of the production process. Choosing this or that kind of treacle, you can predict the properties and quality of the finished product in advance. The highest sweetness and the lowest energy value are highly sugared molasses, low-sugar content contains the greatest amount of dextrins and has an increased caloric content. When obtaining marmalade mass on molasses of various species, the process of boiling should be carried out longer for 1–3 min. The final content of reducing substances (glucose and maltose) in the fried marmalade masses on molasses is higher than in the control sample on sugar, which is due to the initially large content in the formula before boiling. The sample has the highest viscosity on low-saccharified molasses, which is explained by the high content of polysaccharides in it, which impart high viscous properties to the mass. Analysis of color samples showed that the highest intensity of color and saturation had a sample of marmalade based on caramel molasses. The experimental samples of the marmalade mass obtained have a strength greater than the allowable value and have a satisfactory gel-forming ability. The developed samples of marmalade because of the greater content of polysaccharides – 1,5–3 times and less easily digestible carbohydrates, can be attributed to products of reduced sugar content and dietary orientation. The new products are competitive both in terms of quality characteristics and economic efficiency.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258836
Cody C. Gale ◽  
Pierre Lesne ◽  
Caroline Wilson ◽  
Anjel M. Helms ◽  
Charles P-C. Suh ◽  

Cultivated cotton, such as Gossypium hirsutum L., produces extrafloral (EF) nectar on leaves (foliar) and reproductive structures (bracteal) as an indirect anti-herbivore defense. In exchange for this carbohydrate-rich substance, predatory insects such as ants protect the plant against herbivorous insects. Some EF nectar-bearing plants respond to herbivory by increasing EF nectar production. For instance, herbivore-free G. hirsutum produces more bracteal than foliar EF nectar, but increases its foliar EF nectar production in response to herbivory. This study is the first to test for systemically induced changes to the carbohydrate composition of bracteal EF nectar in response to foliar herbivory on G. hirsutum. We found that foliar herbivory significantly increased the sucrose content of bracteal EF nectar while glucose and fructose remained unchanged. Sucrose content is known to influence ant foraging behavior and previous studies of an herbivore-induced increase to EF nectar caloric content found that it led to increased ant activity on the plant. As a follow-up to our finding, ant recruitment to mock EF nectar solutions that varied in sucrose content was tested in the field. The ants did not exhibit any preference for either solution, potentially because sucrose is a minor carbohydrate component in G. hirsutum EF nectar: total sugar content was not significantly affected by the increase in sucrose. Nonetheless, our findings raise new questions about cotton’s inducible EF nectar responses to herbivory. Further research is needed to determine whether an herbivore-induced increase in sucrose content is typical of Gossypium spp., and whether it constitutes a corollary of systemic sucrose induction, or a potentially adaptive mechanism which enhances ant attraction to the plant

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