complex network theory
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Agostino Torti ◽  
Marika Arena ◽  
Giovanni Azzone ◽  
Piercesare Secchi ◽  
Simone Vantini

AbstractThis paper introduces a methodology to evaluate the socio-economic impacts of closure for maintenance of one or more infrastructures of a large and complex road network. Motivated by a collaboration with Regione Lombardia, we focus on a subset of bridges in the region, although we aim at developing a method scalable to all road infrastructures of the regional network, consisting of more than 10,000 tunnels, bridges and overpasses. The final aim of the endeavor is to help decision-makers in prioritizing their interventions for maintaining and repairing infrastructure segments. We develop two different levels of impact assessment, both providing a unique global score for each bridge closure and investigating its spatio-temporal effects on mobility. We take advantage of a functional data analysis approach enhanced by a complex network theory perspective, thus modelling the roads of Lombardy as a network in which weights attributed to the edges are functional data. Results reveal the most critical bridges of Lombardy; moreover, for each bridge closure, the most impactful hours of the day and the most impacted municipalities of the region are identified. The proposed approach develops a flexible and scalable method for monitoring infrastructures of large and complex road networks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yanli Zou ◽  
Haoqian Li

Based on the community discovery method in complex network theory, a power grid partition method considering generator nodes and network weightings is proposed. Firstly, the weighted network model of a power system is established, an improved Fast-Newman hierarchical algorithm and a weighted modular Q function index are introduced, and the partitioning algorithm process is practically improved combined with the characteristics of the actual power grid. Then, the partition results of several IEEE test systems with the improved algorithm and with the Fast-Newman algorithm are compared to demonstrate its effectiveness and correctness. Subsequently, on the basis of subnet partition, two kinds of network attack strategies are proposed. One is attacking the maximum degree node of each subnet, and the other is attacking the maximum betweenness node of each subnet. Meanwhile, considering the two traditional intentional attack strategies, that is, attacking the maximum degree nodes or attacking the maximum betweenness nodes of the whole network, the cascading fault survivability of different types of networks under four attack strategies is simulated and analyzed. It was found that the proposed two attack strategies based on subnet partition are better than the two traditional intentional attack strategies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2160 (1) ◽  
pp. 012042
Dong Mu ◽  
Haonan Ni ◽  
Huanyu Ren

Abstract With the rapid increase in the decommissioning of the EV Li-ion batteries (EV-LIBs), the EV-LIBs recycling industry is growing dramatically. Based on the realistic supply relationship data of major firms in the EV-LIBs recycling industry, this paper uses the complex network theory to construct a global firm-level EV-LIBs recycling supply chain (EV-LIBs-RSC) network and analyze the structural characteristics of the EV-LIBs-RSC network from the network level. Specifically, The degree distribution, average degree, overall density, average shortest path length, and community structure of EV-LIBs-RSC network are systematically analyzed. The relevant results can assist the government in proposing appropriate industrial policies.

IEEE Access ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Filipe Rodrigues de Souza Moreira ◽  
Filipe Alves Neto Verri ◽  
Takashi Yoneyama

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Barbara Attanasio ◽  
Andriy Mazayev ◽  
Shani du Plessis ◽  
Noélia Correia

The sixth generation (6G) of communication networks represents more of a revolution than an evolution of the previous generations, providing new directions and innovative approaches to face the network challenges of the future. A crucial aspect is to make the best use of available resources for the support of an entirely new generation of services. From this viewpoint, the Web of Things (WoT), which enables Things to become Web Things to chain, use and re-use in IoT mashups, allows interoperability among IoT platforms. At the same time, Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) brings computing and data storage to the edge of the network, which creates the so-called distributed and collective edge intelligence. Such intelligence is created in order to deal with the huge amount of data to be collected, analyzed and processed, from real word contexts, such as smart cities, which are evolving into dynamic and networked systems of people and things. To better exploit this architecture, it is crucial to break monolithic applications into modular microservices, which can be executed independently. Here, we propose an approach based on complex network theory and two weighted and interdependent multiplex networks to address the Microservices-compliant Load Balancing (McLB) problem in MEC infrastructure. Our findings show that the multiplex network representation represents an extra dimension of analysis, allowing to capture the complexity in WoT mashup organization and its impact on the organizational aspect of MEC servers. The impact of this extracted knowledge on the cognitive organization of MEC is quantified, through the use of heuristics that are engineered to guarantee load balancing and, consequently, QoS.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2436
Zhongyi Lin ◽  
Yang Cao ◽  
Huasheng Liu ◽  
Jin Li ◽  
Shuzhi Zhao

The urban public transportation system is an important part of urban transportation, and the rationality of public transportation routes layout plays a vital role in the transportation of the city. Improving the efficiency of public transportation can have a positive impact on the operation of the public transportation system. This paper uses complex network theory and the symmetry of the up and down bus routes and stations to establish an urban public transit network model and calculates the probability of passengers choosing different routes in the public transit network according to passenger travel impedance. Based on passenger travel impedance, travel path probability and passenger travel demand, the links are weighed, and the network efficiency calculation method is improved. Finally, the public transit network optimization model was established with network efficiency as the objective function and solved by the ant colony algorithm. In order to verify the effectiveness of the model and the solution method, this paper selects areas in Nanguan District of Changchun City for example analysis. The result shows that the efficiency of the optimized network is 8.5% higher than that of the original network, which proves the feasibility of the optimized model and solution method.

2021 ◽  
Shengjie Dong ◽  
Chenshu Shi ◽  
Zhiying Jia ◽  
Minye Dong ◽  
Yuyin Xiao ◽  

BACKGROUND Studies have shown that hospitals or physicians with multiple malpractice claims are more likely to be involved in new claims; this finding indicates that medical malpractice may be clustered by institutions. OBJECTIVE We aimed to identify common factors that contribute to developing interventions to reduce future claims and patient harm. METHODS This study implemented a null hypothesis whereby malpractice claims are random events—attributable to bad luck with random frequency. As medical malpractice is a complex issue, thus, this study applied the complex network theory, which provided the methodological support for understanding interactive behavior in medical malpractice. Specifically, this study extracted the semantic network in 6610 medical litigation records (unstructured data) obtained from a public judicial database in China; they represented the most serious cases of malpractice in the country. The medical malpractice network of China (MMNC) was presented as a knowledge graph; it employs the International Classification of Patient Safety from the World Health Organization as a reference. RESULTS We found that the MMNC was a scale-free network: the occurrence of medical malpractice in litigation cases was not random, but traceable. The results of the hub nodes revealed that orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, and emergency department were the three most frequent specialties that incurred malpractice; inadequate informed consent work constituted the most errors. Non-technical errors (e.g. inadequate informed consent) showed a higher centrality than technical errors. CONCLUSIONS Hospitals and medical boards could apply our approach to detect hub nodes that are likely to benefit from interventions; doing so could effectively control medical risks. CLINICALTRIAL Not applicable

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2158
Minghao Zhang ◽  
Li Shi ◽  
Xiangzhi Zhuo ◽  
Yuan Liu

Supplier network collaborative efficiency evaluation is important content in the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing enterprises. Aiming at the shortcomings of existing methods, this paper proposes a new method to evaluate the collaborative efficiency of internal members of a complex supplier network based on complex network theory. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the complex supplier network, from the perspective of the system, the macro supplier network is divided into multiple multi-level supplier micro subsystems with manufacturing enterprises as the core. In order to reasonably quantify the collaboration relationship of members in the subsystem structure model, the collaboration entropy is introduced as a measurement tool, and combined with the hesitation fuzzy scoring function, and the collaborative evaluation model of the complex supplier network is constructed. By quantifying the collaboration relationship among the members in the subsystem and summarizing it step by step and iteratively, the collaborative efficiency evaluation of the complex supplier network from local to overall is realized. Finally, taking a large battery manufacturing enterprise in China as an example, the proposed method is used to calculate the collaboration entropy, collaborative efficiency, and collaboration ratio of members at different supplier network levels. The results verify the effectiveness of the model.

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