delonix regia
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Samsudeen AZEEZ ◽  
Ismaila SAHEED ◽  
Folahan ADEKOLA ◽  
Akeem JIMOH ◽  

Heliyon ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. e08724
E.O. Achukwu ◽  
J.O. Odey ◽  
M.M. Owen ◽  
N. Lawal ◽  
G.A. Oyilagu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-270
Emanuel M. Y. Hanoe

Pengelolaan terhadap sumberdaya alam menjadi point penting terutama dalam menjaga manfaat, kesinambungan dan berkelanjutan sumber alam. Potensi sumberdaya alam yang tersedia dengan pengelolaan yang baik dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Potensi sumberdaya alam dapat menjadi daya tarik masyarakat dan dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat wisata. Kawasan Tanjung Bastian merupakan salah satu kawasan wisata yang berada di Kab. TTU. yang identik dengan pantai serta juga arena pacuan kuda dan pemandangan alam. Dalam pengelolaannya upaya mempertahankan kondisi ekologi di wisata Tanjung Bastian seperti kegiatan penanaman vegetasi diareal kawasan wisata sebagai upaya konservasi lahan sebagai regerasi vegetasi. Kelangsungan hidup vegetasi dapat tumbuh pada kondisi pertumbuhan yang stabil dan mampu bersaing dengan kondisi fisik lingkungan dan iklim yang ekstrim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan vegetasi dan faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan pertumbuhan vegetasi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi tanaman yang berhasil hidup sebanyak 53 tanaman yang terdiri dari 6 spesies, dengan jumlah yang hidup terbanyak terdapat pada spesies Delonix regia sebanyak 15 tanaman, dan spesies yang paling sedikit ialah spesies Senna siamea dengan jumlah 3 tanaman. Klasifikasi kriteria penilaian keberhasilan vegetasi bahwa tingkat keberhasilan vetegasi di kawasan tanjung bastian termasuk dalam kategori agak rusak dengan nilai 57,3%.ABSTRACTResources management nature becoming point to important especially in maintaining benefits, continuity and sustainable natural source.Natural resource potential available with proper management would be of avail for human life. Natural resource potential can be attraction the community and can be used as tourist destinations. The area of tanjung bastian is one of the area who was in District North Central Timor are identical to the beach and also the racetrack and natural scenery. In its management efforts to maintain ecological conditions in Tanjung Bastian tourism such as planting tourism areas as an effort to conserve land as vegetation regeneration. The survival of vegetation can grow in stable growth conditions and be able to compete with extreme environmental and climatic conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the success rate of vegetation and the factors causing damage to vegetation growth. Based on the results of observation plants who succeeded life 53 a plant consisting of 6 species with the numbers of life most there are to a species Delonix regia as many as 15 plants and the least species is Senna siamea with 3 plants. The classification of the assessment criteria vegetation that the level of success of success in the vetegasi tanjung bastian included in a category in quite poor repair the % 57,3. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-63
Ana Paula De Freitas ◽  
Frederico Fregolente Faracco Mazziero ◽  
Natália Arias Galastri

As praças são um importante componente das áreas urbanas, trazendo diversos benefícios à população e à fauna. Além disso, são locais que permitem maior liberdade na implantação de projetos de arborização urbana que, se bem realizados, não acarretam em problemas e gastos futuros. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o inventário arbóreo das três praças da região central do Município de Dois Córregos. Nas três praças inventariadas foram registrados 322 indivíduos arbóreos pertencentes a 48 espécies distribuídas em 24 famílias e 45 gêneros. As famílias Fabaceae (9 spp. – 18,7%), Bignoniaceae (5 spp. – 10,4%), Arecaceae e Moraceae (4 spp. – 8,3% cada) foram as mais representativas. A espécie Cenostigma pluviosum (sibipiruna) apresentou a maior frequência, correspondendo a 16,1% do total de indivíduos amostrados. No entanto, 40 espécies apresentaram frequência inferior a 2,2% e foram consideradas raras.  Apenas oito espécies foram encontradas em todas as praças: Bauhinia variegata (pata-de-vaca), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Dypsis lutescens (areca-bambu), Eugenia uniflora (pitangueira), Handroanthus heptaphyllus (ipê-roxo), Ligustrum lucidum (alfeneiro), Nectandra megapotamica (canelinha) e Cenostigma pluviosum (sibipiruna). Constatou-se que 60,4% das espécies são exóticas do Brasil. Portanto, fica evidente que apesar de uma riqueza de espécies considerável, o alto número de espécies exóticas aliado à alta frequência de algumas espécies podem trazer problemas no futuro.

Agustín Olmedo-Juárez ◽  
Edgar Jesús Delgado-Núñez ◽  
Anayely Bahena-Vicencio ◽  
Abel Villa-Mancera ◽  
Alejandro Zamilpa ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-272
Taiwo Olabanji

This research aims at evaluating the effectiveness of Delonix regia as a natural coagulant in treating low turbid water. The active ingredient of the coagulant was extracted using Soxhlet Apparatus with Hexane as the solvent. The water sample was obtained from the famous Ala river in Akure, Ondo state. The water from this river is oftentimes used by the residents without treatment because it appears clean to them, this river had a turbidity of 18.4NTU which is above the standard (5NTU) required by the World Health Organization (WHO) for safe usage. After treating with different doses (0.03g/L to 0.4g/L) of the coagulant, an optimum value of 6.12NTU at an optimum dose of 0.03g/L and a turbidity reduction of was obtained 66.74%, alongside an improvement in other water parameters such as Conductivity, dissolved oxygen and total dissolved solids. This result proves the effectiveness of Delonix regia as a natural coagulant in treating low turbid water. However, treatment with Delonix regia is not sufficient to improve the quality of low turbid water to WHO acceptable limits for potable water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 19-27
Ahmed Hamed Algharib ◽  
Ahmed Abd El Hakim ◽  
Haitham El-Khamissi ◽  
Sam El-Hamamsy

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-154
Saviour Isonguyoh Umanah ◽  
Gift Samuel David

Delonix regia is commonly called Flamboyant or flame of the forest. The seeds were fermented, boiled, sundried and then ground into powdered meal. 40% crude protein based test diets containing Delonix regia seed meal D0 = 0%; D15 = 15%; D20 = 20% and D25 = 25% inclusion levels respectively were prepared. Red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings of 6 weeks old were acclimatized for two weeks and then stocked in 12 hapas at 15 fish per hapa measuring 0.6 m × 1.2 m × 0.7 m placed in a concrete tank. Each diet was assigned to fish in a separate hapa in triplicate and administered at 3% fish body weight per day for 16 weeks. Fish weight and length were taken initially, bi-weekly and terminally. Water quality was monitored weekly. Number of fish at the end was recorded and survival rate, growth, feed utilization, fillet yield and blood parameters were determined. The data were subjected to the analysis of variance and mean separation (P= 0.05). Survival rate was highest in fish raised on D20 and least in D25 without any significant difference across the range. Mean growth performances, feed utilization indices and fillet yield were generally congruent between D20 and D25 with varying degrees of significant difference to other feeds. Results of blood assay did not depict harmful effects of the test diets indicating that the fish enjoyed some good measures of health. The gross performance of fish on D20 was optimal. It was therefore concluded that 20% dietary inclusion level of fermented, cooked and dried flamboyant seed was the best for the red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) post fingerlings.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100064
Lakshminarayana Kudinalli Gopalakrishna Bhatta ◽  
Krishna Venkatesh ◽  
KiranN ◽  
Susheel Kumar Gundanna ◽  
Umananda Manjunatha Bhatta

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