World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
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Published By GSC Online Press


2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 250-254
Maftuhatur Rizkiyah Putri ◽  
Almira Disya Salsabil ◽  
I Made Agus Dwipayana ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed various fields, and people's activities cannot run as usual. Prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 is very important to be applied in everyday life. Washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer is easy and inexpensive prevention to do, but there are still many people who are wrong in practicing it. This needs to be done more counseling and education to the community in order to increase public knowledge about handwashing and hand sanitizer. Method: This research is an analytic study with a research design using a one-group pretest-posttest design. Using 31 respondents from Taro villagers who attended the counseling. Data analysis using Paired Sample T-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normality Test. Result: The average value of knowledge before counseling is 53.8710 while the value after counseling is 82.9677. Paired Sample T-test and obtained a significance value of 0.000 so that a significant difference was found (<0.005) between the values before and after counseling. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge before and after handwashing and hand sanitizer counseling.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 317-321
Adidémè Monique EZIN

Alagille syndrome is an inherited multisystem disorder of autosomal dominant transmission. Its prevalence is estimated at 1 per 70,000 to 100,000 live births. We report the case of a young patient suffering from Alagille syndrome who consulted the center of diagnosis and dental treatment of Rabat - MOROCCO (CCTD). The general manifestations are facial dysmorphia, hepatic, cardiac, and ocular disorders. Hepatic cholestasis causes oral repercussions such as a yellow oral mucosa, hypomineralization of the teeth, and a high tendency to dental caries. The management of such a patient requires the knowledge of the general health of the patient, therefore collaboration with the attending physicians, the establishment of rigorous oral hygiene, personalized prophylaxis with a consequent contribution of fluorine.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 273-279
Deandra Maharani Widiatmaja ◽  
Alyaa Ulaa Dhiya Ul Haq ◽  
Dinda Dwi Purwati ◽  
Arifa Mustika

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence keeps increasing worldwide and being particular concern due to its morbidity and mortality. However, current CKD therapy are known to be economically costly and not necessarily provide better outcomes. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the substances that widely studied as perspective therapeutic agents of CKD due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and enhancing mitochondrial function ability. However, the use of EGCG is limited to low bioavailability and poor pharmacokinetic profile. Encapsulation of EGCG with PLGA is expected to increase the efficacy of EGCG especially for its use as the kidney protective agent and optimize therapy of CKD. Thus, this study aims to analyze the potency of PLGA-encapsulated EGCG as the adjuvant therapy for CKD. This study was a narrative review summarizes studies related to current adjuvant therapy of CKD. EGCG has beneficial effects in reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines among chronic kidney disease. EGCG also can increase scavenging of free radicals to decrease reactive oxygen species. EGCG is known to enhance mitochondrial function and increase mitochondrial protection to prevent apoptosis in various kidney diseases. Combination of PLGA encapsulation with EGCG has a beneficial effect in improving the delivery, bioavailability, stability, and the pharmacokinetic profile of EGCG. PLGA-encapsulated EGCG also provides a better therapeutic effect on preventing and decreasing progression of kidney damage. Finally, this study concluded that combination of PLGA-encapsulated EGCG has a potency as the adjuvant therapy of CKD.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 255-260
Nadya Meta Harlinda ◽  
Bahar Khusni ◽  
Reido Dafa Annafis ◽  
Rayhan Muhammad Basyarahil ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus 2), an outbreak in the world in 2019 until now. High cholesterol levels correlate with increasing disease severity in SARS-CoV-2 infection because there is a surge of cases in Gianyar Regency, a district of Taro Village. This study aimed to examine the relationship between age and gender to cholesterol levels which are expected to become information for the people of Taro Village as a basis for health screening to prevent comorbid diseases that increase mortality in SARS-CoV-2 infection and increase awareness of the people of Taro Village to maintain health and implement a healthy lifestyle. Method: Capillary blood was taken and then checked for cholesterol levels using a standardized tool on 44 respondents. The cholesterol check was conducted in Gianyar Regency, precisely in Taro Village, Tegalalang District, and Bali. The data obtained will be analyzed using univariate analysis followed by bivariate analysis using the Spearman correlation test for variables of age and cholesterol levels. In contrast, for variables gender and cholesterol levels, the Mann-Whitney test is performed. Results: A total of 44 individual respondents in this study, the distribution of data, namely the age of the repondent is more in the 41-50 year age group, the number of female respondents is 33 or 75.0% of the total respondent, and 70.5% of the respondent or 31 have normal cholesterol levels. The results of the Spearman test on the variables of age and cholesterol levels obtained a P value>0, 05, and the results of the Mann Withney test on the variables gender and cholesterol levels obtained a P value>0, 05. Conclusion: Most taro villagers have normal cholesterol levels obtained as many as 31 people, or 70.5% of the total respondent. It may be influenced by the work factor of taro villagers who work a lot in the agriculture and plantation sectors. Based on the study results, there is also no significant relationship between age and gender with the cholesterol levels of Taro Villagers. However, high cholesterol levels were only found in females as many as five people.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-114
Chisowa DM ◽  
Mpofu, I DT ◽  
Daura MT ◽  
Syampaku EM

This study evaluated the effect of upgrading the quality of maize stover (MS) on milk nutritive value. The study involved feeding MS improved using urea (U), chopped groundnut stover (cGS), chopped soybean stover (cSS), mineralized groundnut stover solution (mGS) and mineralized soybean stover solution (mSS) to lactating dairy cows. The feeding trial involved twelve (12) dairy cows in their second parity. Effect of supplementation with MS improved with U, cGS, cSS, mGS and mSS on milk quality was evaluated following on-station feeding trials. The study involved 22 factorial experiments within a Completely Randomised Design (CRD). Milk samples were analysed for protein, lactose, fat and solid not fat (SNF). Mean milk protein levels ranged from 3.52mg/ml to 3,73mg/ml (s.e=0.03) for milk from cows fed on MS improved using cGS and mGS respectively. Protein and Lactose were observed to be the least variable (3.64g/ml ±0.12, and 5.24g ±0.24 respectively). Average milk fat content was highest (4.78%, se=0.52) in milk from cows fed on UET treated MS and lowest (3.43%, se=0.52) in milk from cows fed on gGS protein based MS. Within legume type milk fat was higher(4.75%±1.99) in milk from cows fed on MS blended with mGS than that in milk from cows fed on MS improved with cGS (3.43%±1.99). Similar result was observed in milk fat from cows fed on MS improved with the use of soybean. Lactose in milk from cows fed on UET treated MS was highest (5.51g, se=0.061) and lowest (5.10g, se=0.061) in milk from cows fed on MS blended with cGS. Milk from cows fed on MS improved with mGS was higher (9.61p/cwt, se=0.14) in SNF and lowest (8.88p/cwt, se=0.14) in milk from cows fed on MS with cGS. The milk density values ranged from 32.65sg, se=0.53 for milk from cows fed on UET treated MS to 30.42sg, se=0.053 for milk from cows fed on MS blended with cGS. Milk components were higher when cows were fed on MS improved using mineralized legume stover solutions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 322-331
Wolfgang Mastnak

Depression is broadly considered a global epidemic. In China it ranks among the most prevalent mental disorders and is seriously affecting the younger generation (prevalence between 4% and 41%), hence the necessity to foster health education and sustainable resilience. Meta-synthetic construction resulted in a music-based model of educational therapy comprising five principles, beauty, activation, responsiveness, immersion and transformation, hence the name ‘BARIT-model’: (i) referring to anthropological, psychological and neuroscientific aesthetics, the approach benefits from the healing power of aesthetic experience, (ii) behavioural activation is widely regarded as an efficient approach to treat depression. Different from conventional cognitive behavioural therapy, the BARIT-model involves artistic activities such as music improvisation, sound scene improvisation, vocal experiments or creative variations of Chinese martial arts, (iii) responsiveness concerns the qualitative similarity of emotion and music, alongside the patients’ feeling of being ‘understood’ by what they are listening to, (iv) while depressive mood tends to occupy the whole person, music immersion can help to escape that ‘pathological cage’, (v) finally, traumatic roots of depression need therapeutic processing, such as artistic symbolisation, intermodal transformation and relabelling of traumata as potential source of creative performance. The BARIT-model is part of a comprehensive project to improve mental health in Chinese children and adolescents through arts-based methods for classroom education, which encompasses ‒ in addition to depression ‒ attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, oppositional defiant disorders, anxiety disorders, stress-related disorders and burnout syndromes, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or binge eating, as well as disorders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g. developmental syndromes caused by lockdown and social distancing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 266-272
Lila Amila ◽  
Ezrin Syariman bin Roslan ◽  
Nabila ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Birth weight serves as an indicator of a newborn’s health status. It is associated with mortality rate in the first year, developmental problems in childhood and risk of various diseases in adulthood. Even in modern era, it continues to be a health concern globally, especially in developing countries. In Indonesia, the prevalence of low birth weight has increased from 2013 to 2018, swaying further from the national target. Low birth weight is often caused by insufficient nutrients supplied by the mother to the fetus. In Indonesia, chronic energy deficiency status is diagnosed in the first antenatal care visit by measuring maternal middle-upper arm circumference with a cut-off point of 23.5cm. Meanwhile, iron level is measured via assessing hemoglobin level will be measured in the first antenatal care visit and in trimester III. This study aims to describe the factors that may influence neonatal birth weight. It is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach conducted at Sidotopo Wetan Public Health Centre. 97 samples are collected from medical records and analysed using bivariate correlative test. Result shows that maternal age (0.20), chronic energy deficiency status (0.026) and antenatal care visit minimal of 4 times (0.49) increase the risk of low-birth-weight incidence. On the other hand, educational level, maternal parity and anemia status does not acts as risks. In conclusion, maternal age, energy status and visits to antenatal care acts as risk factors in causing low birth weight.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 086-091
Nofita Fachryandini ◽  
Shabrina Nur Imanina ◽  
Ayurveda Zaynabila Heriqbaldi ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Introduction: Taro village has a higher risk of gathering the people since it is one of the most popular tourism sectors in Bali hence increasing the potential to spread coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The level of knowledge plays an important role in determining whether the society is ready to implement the health protocols or not. This community service aims to evaluate the level of knowledge regarding COVID-19 health protocols in the tourism sector in the Taro village. Method: This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design in Taro village, Bali. Respondents filled out the questionnaire before and after counseling. The questionnaire consisted of 10 items of knowledge. The participants were Taro’s residents who met inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 31 respondents were taken. The data were tested for normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and analyzed with paired T-test using the IBM SPSS statistics version 25. Significance was determined at a 5% level (P-value ≤0.05). Results: A total of 31 valid filled-questionnaires were collected. In general, Taro’s residents’ knowledge regarding COVID-19 health protocol in the tourism sector was sufficient, but some topics are still insufficient. The mean score before counseling was 79,03 ± 1,340 while the mean score after counseling was 86,13 ± 1,366. There was a significant difference (p<0,05) on level of knowledge (p=0,000) before and after counseling. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the level of knowledge of Taro village’s residents toward COVID-19 health protocols in the tourism sector before and after counseling.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 065-071
Gayane Kirakosyan ◽  
Alina Frolova

Psychosis is understood as the brightest manifestations of mental illness, in which the patient's mental activity does not correspond to the surrounding reality, the reflection of the real world in consciousness is sharply distorted, which manifests itself in behavioral disorders, abnormal pathological symptoms and syndromes. Psychosis is a combination of biological (genetic, neuroanatomical, neurophysiological), psychological and social factors in various proportions. Psychoses are classified according to their origin (etiology) and reasons (pathogenetic mechanisms of development) into endogenous (including endogenous psychoses include schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, some psychotic forms of affective disorders), organic, somatogenic, psychogenic (reactive, situational), intoxication, withdrawal and post-withdrawal. Most often, psychoses develop in the framework of so-called endogenous disorder. The concepts of psychosis and schizophrenia are often equated, which is incorrect as psychotic disorders can occur in a number of mental illnesses: Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, etc. Other types of psychosis, such as infectious, somatic and intoxication psychoses are quite often find among patients in non-psychiatric practices. This review article is a good educational material for medical and psychological practitioners whose goal is to improve knowledge and diagnostic processes of psychosis and its related disorders.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 019-026
Silé Souam Nguélé ◽  
Haoua Démadji Béléti ◽  
Djidita Hagré Youssouf ◽  
Kanezouné Gongnet ◽  
Ildjima Ousmane Kadallah ◽  

Introduction: Psychomotor development (PMD) reflects the cerebral maturation through sensory, motor and psychological acquisitions of an individual. Its evaluation allows an early diagnosis of delays in order to take care of them. The objective of this study was to determine the profile and explanatory factors of PMD of infants in N'Djamena. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at the “Notre Dame des Apôtres” Hospital in N'Djamena. It involved 428 infants aged 1 to 24 months received in preventive consultation between October 2017 and June 2018. The Denver II scale was used for the assessment of PMD. Data were analyzed with SPSS 21.0 software. Results: the sex ratio was 1.06. The most represented age group was under 3 months (35.5%). The items of gross motor skills were 95% completed, fine motor skills 93.8%, language 84.6% and sociability 68.8% at the 90th percentile. Development was advanced in 56.8% normal in 32.1% and delayed in 2.1%. Statistically significant differences in PMD were observed according to age group (p= 0.000), vaccination status (p= 0.002), feeding mode (p= 0.000), maternal exchange (p= 0.000) and pregnancy follow-up (p= 0.03). Conclusion: The psychomotor development of N'Djamenese infants is similar to that of other African children, although some variations are noted. It is influenced by certain factors related to the infant and the mother.

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