simulation training
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BMJ ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. o50
David L Rawaf ◽  
Elliot Street ◽  
Jordan Van Flute

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1119-1123
Yuwono Marta Dinata ◽  
Christian Tanjono ◽  
Rinabi Tanamal ◽  
Evan Tanuwijaya

Business simulation training has been conducted by the School of Information Technology, Information Systems Department, Ciputra University, using MonsoonSIM. The aim of this activity is to introduce the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to students through virtual business simulation game. This training was conducted online, due to to Covid-19 pandemic.  By using MonsoonSIM software, students can manage a virtual company and learn the company's business processes.  Learnings in this training were in the form of material module explanations, simulations, discussions, and evaluations.  This program was attended by students from Junior High School and Senior High School. Participants not only play individually to learn from the game experience, but also in a team to compete to be the best virtual company that can dominate the market within a predetermined period of time. By participating in this training, students can manage the operational processes of a virtual company, understand existing resources, and can make a company planning strategy in order to survive and grow.

2022 ◽  
pp. 100074
Marcus Samuelsson ◽  
Joakim Samuelsson ◽  
Anja Thorsten

2022 ◽  
pp. 1334-1358
Tetiana Shmelova ◽  
Yuliya Sikirda ◽  
Togrul Rauf Oglu Jafarzade

In this chapter, the four layers neural network model for evaluating correctness and timeliness of decision making by the specialist of air traffic services during the pre-simulation training has been presented. The first layer (input) includes exercises that cadet/listener performs to solve a potential conflict situation; the second layer (hidden) depends physiological characteristics of cadet/listener; the third layer (hidden) takes into account the complexity of the exercise depending on the number of potential conflict situations; the fourth layer (output) is assessment of cadet/listener during performance of exercise. Neural network model also has additional inputs (bias) that including restrictions on calculating parameters. The program “Fusion” of visualization of the state of execution of an exercise by a cadet/listener has been developed. Three types of simulation training exercises for CTR (control zone), TMA (terminal control area), and CTA (control area) with different complexity have been analyzed.

Kazumasa Hanada ◽  
Katsuyuki Hoshina ◽  
Shota Tsuyuki ◽  
Kazuhiro Miyahara ◽  
Masamitsu Suhara ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 2001-06
Maimoona Hafeez ◽  
Nudrat Sohail ◽  
S H Waqar

Objective: To explore the perception of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN) postgraduates about the use of simulation in improving their clinical skills. Study Design: Explanatory sequential mixed method design. Place and Duration of Study: Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of Sharif Medical and Dental City (SMDC) Lahore Pakistan, from Jun to Oct 2019. Methodology: By using a homogenous purposive sampling technique eight postgraduate residents from Obstetrics and Gynaecology department were recruited. The study had two phases: In the first phase, quantitative data was collected and analyzed while in the second phase qualitative data were collected by following the quantitative phase and then analyzed. This framework was tracked through the procedure of instrumental delivery with vacuum application in a real-life situation. A survey was conducted before and after the simulation training by using a researcher-developed Likert scale questionnaire. After that in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted. The improvement in clinical performance was evaluated by pairedsample t-test and thematic analysis. Results: Significant performance improvement (p<0.001) after simulation training was reported. The thematic analysis revealed a lack of proficiency in clinical experience before simulation at behavioural and technical levels while enhancement in clinical experience after simulation at both levels. The perceived benefits of simulation with the major trends of simulation as time-friendly, as a source of deliberate practice, and as safe practice in the unthreatened environment were explored. The theme of suggestions was also explored. Conclusion: The participants showed improvement in their clinical skills by describing the optimized benefits of simulation. Few of them are.......

Yu-Ling Chiu ◽  
Theodore P. Cross ◽  
Amy B. Wheeler ◽  
Susan M. Evans ◽  
Betsy P. Goulet

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