thematic analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This paper investigates consumers' response to conditional promotions (CP) offered in an offline retail store. Using qualitative research inquiry, we decipher the consumer decision-making process by finding the linkages between 'pre-cart' and the 'post-cart' add-on purchases. Thematic analysis of qualitative data (focus groups and personal interviews) resulted in four themes, i.e. 'Criticality of Product Utility,' 'Mode of Payments,' 'Loss Aversion by Consumers,' and 'Inability to Think Out-of-Box by the Consumers.' We add value to the existing marketing literature by finding the relationship between products purchased in 'pre-cart', i.e., without the knowledge of CP and 'post-cart', defined as add-on products added to the cart to avail the CP offer while purchasing in an offline retail store. Further, we find that consumers' willingness to avail CP varies with different relative distances from the target purchase cart value (high vs. low) and mode of payments (cash vs. digital). We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the research.

Edoardo Manarini

The third part of the research proposes the diachronic reconstruction of the evolution of powers and awareness of the relations of kinship through a thematic analysis. The seventh chapter aims at defining the aspects that characterized the kinship group as a whole, such as self-awareness and memory through onomastic choices and monastic foundations. It shows that, in the Hucpolding case, the patrimonial possessions came to be the main cohesive feature of the group only in the years spanning the tenth to eleventh centuries. Only at that time did the switch from cognatic to agnatic structures occur.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Jan Becker ◽  
Chase Becker ◽  
Florin Oprescu ◽  
Chiung-Jung Wu ◽  
James Moir ◽  

Abstract Background In Tanzania, birth asphyxia is a leading cause of neonatal death. The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence successful neonatal resuscitation to inform clinical practice and reduce the incidence of very early neonatal death (death within 24 h of delivery). Methods This was a qualitative narrative inquiry study utilizing the 32 consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ). Audio-recorded, semistructured, individual interviews with midwives were conducted. Thematic analysis was applied to identify themes. Results Thematic analysis of the midwives’ responses revealed three factors that influence successful resuscitation: 1. Hands-on training (“HOT”) with clinical support during live emergency neonatal resuscitation events, which decreases fear and enables the transfer of clinical skills; 2. Unequivocal commitment to the Golden Minute® and the mindset of the midwife; and. 3. Strategies that reduce barriers. Immediately after birth, live resuscitation can commence at the mother’s bedside, with actively guided clinical instruction. Confidence and mastery of resuscitation competencies are reinforced as the physiological changes in neonates are immediately visible with bag and mask ventilation. The proclivity to perform suction initially delays ventilation, and suction is rarely clinically indicated. Keeping skilled midwives in labor wards is important and impacts clinical practice. The midwives interviewed articulated a mindset of unequivocal commitment to the baby for one Golden Minute®. Heavy workload, frequent staff rotation and lack of clean working equipment were other barriers identified that are worthy of future research. Conclusions Training in resuscitation skills in a simulated environment alone is not enough to change clinical practice. Active guidance of “HOT” real-life emergency resuscitation events builds confidence, as the visible signs of successful resuscitation impact the midwife’s beliefs and behaviors. Furthermore, a focused commitment by midwives working together to reduce birth asphyxia-related deaths builds hope and collective self-efficacy.

Metamorphosis ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 097262252110662
Siddhi Mehrotra ◽  
Akanksha Khanna

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used very pervasively with the ever-evolving and competitive business world and has become the 21st-century buzzword. Countless innovations in technology have pushed businesses to make their value creation processes more effective and customer friendly. Digitization has played a significant role in reshaping the different human resource functions and processes. This study aims to elucidate the acceptance of automation in human resource management by employers and the degree to which recruiters can use AI to hire people. The study incorporates a thematic analysis approach, and the data is collected from primary sources by conducting semi-structured interviews with four experts working in IT organizations. This research would be useful for recruiters and HR managers to consider the fields of AI implementation and management to take advantage of cost-cutting technical developments.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ashleigh N. Shields ◽  
Elise Taylor ◽  
Jessica R. Welch

Abstract Background Current research has found dramatic changes in the lives of those with eating disorders (EDs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. We build on existing research to investigate the long-term effects and adaptations that people with EDs have faced due to COVID-19 related changes. Method We collected 234 posts from three separate time periods from the subreddit r/EatingDisorders and analyzed them using thematic analysis. The posts were examined for initial patterns, and then those concepts were grouped into themes to reveal the authentic experiences of people living with EDs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results Initially, we found “lack of control” and “familial influences (loved ones seeking support)” emerge as themes within our broader data set throughout all three timeframes. There were additional themes that were present in only one or two of the collection periods. These themes consisted of “symptom stress,” “technical stresses and concerns,” and “silver linings.” Conclusions Our analysis shows that people with EDs have fought significantly during the pandemic. Initially, the (lack of) control and routine in their lives has caused symptoms to become more challenging, while being forced to move back home also caused significant stress. However, concerns transformed as the pandemic progressed, resulting in new pressures causing people to exhibit novel ED symptoms or relapse altogether. Also notable is the relatively few COVID-specific posts as the pandemic progressed, suggesting that people have accepted COVID as their “new normal” and begun to build resilience to the challenges associated. These are vital factors for clinicians to consider as they begin taking existing and new patients, particularly as face-to-face treatment options become a possibility again. Plain English Summary Existing research shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the lives of people who live with eating disorders in various ways. First, the pandemic has placed barriers on the path to recovery by limiting coping mechanism (and sometimes removing them altogether) and changing their relationships with food and the people in their lives. Second, the pandemic has forced treatment options to change since ED patients can no longer seek treatment face-to-face. Finally, there have been unexpected benefits to the pandemic, such as allowing individuals time to slow down and focus on their mental health. Previous studies examined individuals in clinical contexts rather than in their natural environments. We explored an online forum for people with eating disorders for the various themes that were discussed at three points over the period of March 2020-December 2020 and found that many people with EDs report worsening symptoms or relapse. However, we also noted that, compared to the beginning of the pandemic, people seemed to be less frequently asking for support during the third data collection period, implying an adaptation to the “new normal” of life in a pandemic. We conclude with a discussion of the findings.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (GROUP) ◽  
pp. 1-33
Fayika Farhat Nova ◽  
Amanda Coupe ◽  
Elizabeth D. Mynatt ◽  
Shion Guha ◽  
Jessica A. Pater

A growing body of HCI research has sought to understand how online networks are utilized in the adoption and maintenance of disordered activities and behaviors associated with mental illness, including eating habits. However, individual-level influences over discrete online eating disorder (ED) communities are not yet well understood. This study reports results from a comprehensive network and content analysis (combining computational topic modeling and qualitative thematic analysis) of over 32,000 public tweets collected using popular ED-related hashtags during May 2020. Our findings indicate that this ED network in Twitter consists of multiple smaller ED communities where a majority of the nodes are exposed to unhealthy ED contents through retweeting certain influential central nodes. The emergence of novel linguistic indicators and trends (e.g., "#meanspo") also demonstrates the evolving nature of the ED network. This paper contextualizes ED influence in online communities through node-level participation and engagement, as well as relates emerging ED contents with established online behaviors, such as self-harassment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (GROUP) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Robert P. Gauthier ◽  
James R. Wallace

As online communities have grown, Computational Social Science has rapidly developed new techniques to study them. However, these techniques require researchers to become experts in a wide variety of tools in addition to qualitative and computational research methods. Studying online communities also requires researchers to constantly navigate highly contextual ethical and transparency considerations when engaging with data, such as respecting their members' privacy when discussing sensitive or stigmatized topics. To overcome these challenges, we developed the Computational Thematic Analysis Toolkit, a modular software package that supports analysis of online communities by combining aspects of reflexive thematic analysis with computational techniques. Our toolkit demonstrates how common analysis tasks like data collection, cleaning and filtering, modelling and sampling, and coding can be implemented within a single visual interface, and how that interface can encourage researchers to manage ethical and transparency considerations throughout their research process.

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